922 research outputs found

    Measuring and Evaluating a Design Complexity Metric for XML Schema Documents

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has been gaining extraordinary acceptance from many diverse enterprise software companies for their object repositories, data interchange, and development tools. Further, many different domains, organizations and content providers have been publishing and exchanging information via internet by the usage of XML and standard schemas. Efficient implementation of XML in these domains requires well designed XML schemas. In this point of view, design of XML schemas plays an extremely important role in software development process and needs to be quantified for ease of maintainability. In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the quality of XML schema documents (XSD) written in W3C XML Schema language. We propose a metric, which measures the complexity due to the internal architecture of XSD components, and due to recursion. This is the single metric, which cover all major factors responsible for complexity of XSD. The metric has been empirically and theoretically validated, demonstrated with examples and supported by comparison with other well known structure metrics applied on XML schema documents

    Entropy as a Measure of Quality of XML Schema Document

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    In this paper, a metric for the assessment of the structural complexity of eXtensible Markup Language schema document is formulated. The present metric ‘Schema Entropy is based on entropy concept and intended to measure the complexity of the schema documents written in W3C XML Schema Language due to diversity in the structures of its elements. The SE is useful in evaluating the efficiency of the design of Schemas. A good design reduces the maintainability efforts. Therefore, our metric provides valuable information about the reliability and maintainability of systems. In this respect, this metric is believed to be a valuable contribution for improving the quality of XML-based systems. It is demonstrated with examples and validated empirically through actual test cases

    Experience in using a typed functional language for the development of a security application

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    In this paper we present our experience in developing a security application using a typed functional language. We describe how the formal grounding of its semantic and compiler have allowed for a trustworthy development and have facilitated the fulfillment of the security specification.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2014, arXiv:1404.578

    A Conceptual Schema Based XML Schema with Integrity Constraints Checking

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    The more popular XML for exchanging and representing information on Web, the more important Flat XML (XML) and intelligent editors become. For data exchanging, an XML Data with an XML Schema and integrity constraints are preferred. We employ an Object-Role Modeling (ORM) for enriching the XML Schema constraints and providing better validation the XML Data. An XML conceptual schema is presented using the ORM conceptual model. Editor Meta Tables are generated from the conceptual schema diagram and are populated. A User XML Schema base on the information in the Editor Meta Tables is generated. However, W3C XML Schema language does not support all of the ORM constraints. Therefore, we propose an Editor XML Schema and an Editor XML Data to cover unsupported the ORM constraints. We propose the algorithms for defining constraint in the User XML Schema and extending validity constraint checking. Finally, XQuery is used for extending validity checking

    Document Type De�nition (DTD) Metrics

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    In this paper, we present two complexity metrics for the assessment of schema quality written in Document Type De�finition (DTD) language. Both "Entropy (E) metric: E(DTD)" and "Distinct Structured Element Repetition Scale (DSERS) metric: DSERS(DTD)" are intended to measure the structural complexity of schemas in DTD language. These metrics exploit a directed graph representation of schema document and consider the complexity of schema due to its similar structured elements and the occurrences of these elements. The empirical and theoretical validations of these metrics prove the robustness of the metrics

    Extending the learning object definition to represent programming problems

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    The present generation of eLearning platforms values the interchange of learning objects standards. Nevertheless, for specialized domains these standards are insufficient to fully describe all the assets, especially when they are used as input for other eLearning services. To address this issue we extended an existing learning objects standard to the particular requirements of a specialized domain, namely the automatic evaluation of programming problems. The focus of this paper is the definition of programming problems as learning objects. We introduce a new schema to represent metadata related to automatic evaluation that cannot be conveniently represented using existing standards, such as: the type of automatic evaluation; the requirements of the evaluation engine; or the roles of different assets - tests cases, program solutions, etc. This new schema is being used in an interoperable repository of learning objects, called crimsonHex.European Comissio

    Schem@Doc: a web-based XML schema visualizer

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    XML Schema is one of the most used specifications for defining types of XML documents. It provides an extensive set of primitive data types, ways to extend and reuse definitions and an XML syntax that simplifies automatic manipulation. However, many features that make XML Schema Definitions (XSD) so interesting also make them rather cumbersome to read. Several tools to visualize and browse schema definitions have been proposed to cope with this issue. The novel approach proposed in this paper is to base XSD visualization and navigation on the XML document itself, using solely the web browser, without requiring a pre-processing step or an intermediate representation. We present the design and implementation of a web-based XML Schema browser called schem@Doc that operates over the XSD file itself. With this approach, XSD visualization is synchronized with the source file and always reflects its current state. This tool fits well in the schema development process and is easy to integrate in web repositories containing large numbers of XSD files.European Commisssio

    MARC zapisi i XML = Marc records and XML

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    This article describes how a MARC record has evolved in the decades since its introduction, i.e. from the ISO 2709 to XML format. The XML format is a general format for presenting MARC records in a simple and understandable way. Tools that work with the XML format are of the open source type and can be used to process XML records without incurring additional costs associated with one's own software development. XML is also the main format for data transfer on the Internet and for Web services. It is evident though that as long as computer systems using old technology exist, MARC records in the ISO 2709 standard format will also survive