73 research outputs found

    Residual Vulnerabilities to Power side channel attacks of lightweight ciphers cryptography competition Finalists

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    The protection of communications between Internet of Things (IoT) devices is of great concern because the information exchanged contains vital sensitive data. Malicious agents seek to exploit those data to extract secret information about the owners or the system. Power side channel attacks are of great concern on these devices because their power consumption unintentionally leaks information correlatable to the device\u27s secret data. Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of authenticated encryption with advanced data, in protecting communications with these devices. A comprehensive evaluation of the seven (out of 10) algorithm finalists of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) IoT lightweight cipher competition that do not integrate built‐in countermeasures is proposed. The study shows that, nonetheless, they still present some residual vulnerabilities to power side channel attacks (SCA). For five ciphers, an attack methodology as well as the leakage function needed to perform correlation power analysis (CPA) is proposed. The authors assert that Ascon, Sparkle, and PHOTON‐Beetle security vulnerability can generally be assessed with the security assumptions “Chosen ciphertext attack and leakage in encryption only, with nonce‐misuse resilience adversary (CCAmL1)” and “Chosen ciphertext attack and leakage in encryption only with nonce‐respecting adversary (CCAL1)”, respectively. However, the security vulnerability of GIFT‐COFB, Grain, Romulus, and TinyJambu can be evaluated more straightforwardly with publicly available leakage models and solvers. They can also be assessed simply by increasing the number of traces collected to launch the attack

    Efficient and Secure Implementations of Lightweight Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives

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    This thesis is devoted to efficient and secure implementations of lightweight symmetric cryptographic primitives for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and actuators that are typically deployed in remote locations. In this setting, cryptographic algorithms must consume few computational resources and withstand a large variety of attacks, including side-channel attacks. The first part of this thesis is concerned with efficient software implementations of lightweight symmetric algorithms on 8, 16, and 32-bit microcontrollers. A first contribution of this part is the development of FELICS, an open-source benchmarking framework that facilitates the extraction of comparative performance figures from implementations of lightweight ciphers. Using FELICS, we conducted a fair evaluation of the implementation properties of 19 lightweight block ciphers in the context of two different usage scenarios, which are representatives for common security services in the Internet of Things (IoT). This study gives new insights into the link between the structure of a cryptographic algorithm and the performance it can achieve on embedded microcontrollers. Then, we present the SPARX family of lightweight ciphers and describe the impact of software efficiency in the process of shaping three instances of the family. Finally, we evaluate the cost of the main building blocks of symmetric algorithms to determine which are the most efficient ones. The contributions of this part are particularly valuable for designers of lightweight ciphers, software and security engineers, as well as standardization organizations. In the second part of this work, we focus on side-channel attacks that exploit the power consumption or the electromagnetic emanations of embedded devices executing unprotected implementations of lightweight algorithms. First, we evaluate different selection functions in the context of Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) to infer which operations are easy to attack. Second, we show that most implementations of the AES present in popular open-source cryptographic libraries are vulnerable to side-channel attacks such as CPA, even in a network protocol scenario where the attacker has limited control of the input. Moreover, we describe an optimal algorithm for recovery of the master key using CPA attacks. Third, we perform the first electromagnetic vulnerability analysis of Thread, a networking stack designed to facilitate secure communication between IoT devices. The third part of this thesis lies in the area of side-channel countermeasures against power and electromagnetic analysis attacks. We study efficient and secure expressions that compute simple bitwise functions on Boolean shares. To this end, we describe an algorithm for efficient search of expressions that have an optimal cost in number of elementary operations. Then, we introduce optimal expressions for first-order Boolean masking of bitwise AND and OR operations. Finally, we analyze the performance of three lightweight block ciphers protected using the optimal expressions

    IPcore implementation susceptibility: A case study of Low latency ciphers

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    Security evaluation of third-party cryptographic IP (Intellectual Property) cores is often ignored due to several reasons including, lack of awareness about its adversity, lack of trust validation methodology otherwise view security as a byproduct. Particularly, the validation of low latency cipher IP core on Internet of Things (IoT) devices is crucial as they may otherwise become vulnerable for information theft. In this paper, we share an (Un)intentional way of cipher implementation as IP core(hard) become susceptible against side channel attack and show how the susceptible implementation can be experimentally exploited to reveal secret key in FPGA using power analysis. In this paper our contributions are: First, we present Look-Up Table (LUT) based unrolled implementation of PRINCE block cipher with place and route constraints in FPGA. Second, using power analysis attack we recover 128-bit key of PRINCE with complexity of 2^9. Finally, we conclude the paper with the experimental results

    Systematic Characterization of Power Side Channel Attacks for Residual and Added Vulnerabilities

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    Power Side Channel Attacks have continued to be a major threat to cryptographic devices. Hence, it will be useful for designers of cryptographic systems to systematically identify which type of power Side Channel Attacks their designs remain vulnerable to after implementation. It’s also useful to determine which additional vulnerabilities they have exposed their devices to, after the implementation of a countermeasure or a feature. The goal of this research is to develop a characterization of power side channel attacks on different encryption algorithms\u27 implementations to create metrics and methods to evaluate their residual vulnerabilities and added vulnerabilities. This research studies the characteristics that influence the power side leakage, classifies them, and identifies both the residual vulnerabilities and the added vulnerabilities. Residual vulnerabilities are defined as the traits that leave the implementation of the algorithm still vulnerable to power Side Channel Attacks (SCA), sometimes despite the attempt at implementing countermeasures by the designers. Added vulnerabilities to power SCA are defined as vulnerabilities created or enhanced by the algorithm implementations and/or modifications. The three buckets in which we categorize the encryption algorithm implementations are: i. Countermeasures against power side channel attacks, ii. IC power delivery network impact to power leakage (including voltage regulators), iii. Lightweight ciphers and applications for the Internet of Things (IoT ) From the characterization of masking countermeasures, an example outcome developed is that masking schemes, when uniformly distributed random masks are used, are still vulnerable to collision power attacks. Another example outcome derived is that masked AES, when glitches occur, is still vulnerable to Differential Power Analysis (DPA). We have developed a characterization of power side-channel attacks on the hardware implementations of different symmetric encryption algorithms to provide a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of state-of-the-art countermeasures against local and remote power side-channel attacks. The characterization is accomplished by studying the attributes that influence power side-channel leaks, classifying them, and identifying both residual vulnerabilities and added vulnerabilities. The evaluated countermeasures include masking, hiding, and power delivery network scrambling. But, vulnerability to DPA depends largely on the quality of the leaked power, which is impacted by the characteristics of the device power delivery network. Countermeasures and deterrents to power side-channel attacks targeting the alteration or scrambling of the power delivery network have been shown to be effective against local attacks where the malicious agent has physical access to the target system. However, remote attacks that capture the leaked information from within the IC power grid are shown herein to be nonetheless effective at uncovering the secret key in the presence of these countermeasures/deterrents. Theoretical studies and experimental analysis are carried out to define and quantify the impact of integrated voltage regulators, voltage noise injection, and integration of on-package decoupling capacitors for both remote and local attacks. An outcome yielded by the studies is that the use of an integrated voltage regulator as a countermeasure is effective for a local attack. However, remote attacks are still effective and hence break the integrated voltage regulator countermeasure. From experimental analysis, it is observed that within the range of designs\u27 practical values, the adoption of on-package decoupling capacitors provides only a 1.3x increase in the minimum number of traces required to discover the secret key. However, the injection of noise in the IC power delivery network yields a 37x increase in the minimum number of traces to discover. Thus, increasing the number of on-package decoupling capacitors or the impedance between the local probing site and the IC power grid should not be relied on as countermeasures to power side-channel attacks, for remote attack schemes. Noise injection should be considered as it is more effective at scrambling the leaked signal to eliminate sensitive identifying information. However, the analysis and experiments carried out herein are applied to regular symmetric ciphers which are not suitable for protecting Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The protection of communications between IoT devices is of great concern because the information exchanged contains vital sensitive data. Malicious agents seek to exploit those data to extract secret information about the owners or the system. Power side channel attacks are of great concern on these devices because their power consumption unintentionally leaks information correlatable to the device\u27s secret data. Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of authenticated encryption with advanced data (AEAD), in protecting communications with these devices. In this research, we have proposed a comprehensive evaluation of the ten algorithm finalists of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) IoT lightweight cipher competition. The study shows that, nonetheless, some still present some residual vulnerabilities to power side channel attacks (SCA). For five ciphers, we propose an attack methodology as well as the leakage function needed to perform correlation power analysis (CPA). We assert that Ascon, Sparkle, and PHOTON-Beetle security vulnerability can generally be assessed with the security assumptions Chosen ciphertext attack and leakage in encryption only, with nonce-misuse resilience adversary (CCAmL1) and Chosen ciphertext attack and leakage in encryption only with nonce-respecting adversary (CCAL1) , respectively. However, the security vulnerability of GIFT-COFB, Grain, Romulus, and TinyJambu can be evaluated more straightforwardly with publicly available leakage models and solvers. They can also be assessed simply by increasing the number of traces collected to launch the attack

    Decomposed S-Boxes and DPA Attacks: A Quantitative Case Study using PRINCE

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    Lightweight ciphers become indispensable and inevitable in the ubiquitous smart devices. However, the security of ciphers is often subverted by various types of attacks, especially, implementation attacks such as side-channel attacks. These attacks emphasise the necessity of providing efficient countermeasures. In this paper, our contribution is threefold: First, we observe and resolve the inaccuracy in the well-known and widely used formula for estimation of the number of gate equivalents (GE) in shared implementation. Then we present the first quantitative study on the efficacy of Transparency Order (TO) of decomposed S-Boxes in thwarting a side-channel attack. Using PRINCE S-Box we observe that TO-based decomposed implementation has better DPA resistivity than the naive implementation. To benchmark the DPA resistivity of TO(decomposed S-Box) implementation we arrive at an efficient threshold implementation of PRINCE, which itself merits to be an interesting contribution

    A Salad of Block Ciphers

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    This book is a survey on the state of the art in block cipher design and analysis. It is work in progress, and it has been for the good part of the last three years -- sadly, for various reasons no significant change has been made during the last twelve months. However, it is also in a self-contained, useable, and relatively polished state, and for this reason I have decided to release this \textit{snapshot} onto the public as a service to the cryptographic community, both in order to obtain feedback, and also as a means to give something back to the community from which I have learned much. At some point I will produce a final version -- whatever being a ``final version\u27\u27 means in the constantly evolving field of block cipher design -- and I will publish it. In the meantime I hope the material contained here will be useful to other people

    Research on performance enhancement for electromagnetic analysis and power analysis in cryptographic LSI

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3785号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/11/19 ; 早大学位記番号:新6161Waseda Universit

    Efficient Electromagnetic Analysis and Design Techniques in Jet Engines

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    A statistical electromagnetics based approach is proposed for efficient analysis of electromagnetic propagation inside harsh environments, like jet engines, to establish a communication channel inside the environment. The study of electromagnetic propagation inside the jet engine compressors that are close to turbine blades faces several difficulties due to the design complexity. The jet engine environment is an extremely complex geometry and exhibits random behavior due to the presence of moving metallic parts. The complex geometry environment combined with the inhomogeneous volumetric target render traditional analytical and simulation modeling techniques highly inefficient. To address this issue, two different approaches are proposed. The first is an innovative dynamic simulation approach based on statistical electromagnetic methods and inspired by analysis of mechanically stirred reverberation chambers.A dimension scaling method is introduced along with the dynamic simulation approach to solve the complex jet engine environment. Furthermore, the effect of excitation on the field characteristics of the dynamic system has been analyzed to prove that the dynamic system is statistically linear. In the second approach, a novel statistical excitation method is applied to develop an equivalent model for the fields generated by a fixed excitation inside a jet engine with dynamic rotating blade. Hence, the jet engine is considered as a static system without blade rotation, but with a random excitation. The dynamic and static systems have been compared using full wave simulation method and numerical methods. The results proved that there is a statistical equivalence between the dynamic and the static systems. The effect of the Doppler frequency shift on the electric field strength inside a jet engine is analyzed by using a stepwise stationary blade rotation method. The results show that the amplitude deviation due to frequency shift is negligible at all receiving probe locations. Later, the effect of blade rotation on the electric field phase variation is also analyzed. The results are very promising for the future modeling of the jet engine Doppler shift in terms of field phase time variation. A new low profile microstrip antenna array is proposed and analyzed for wireless sensor applications in extremely harsh jet engine environments. This design is to establish a communication link between the wireless sensors inside the jet engine with the receiving antennas and hence the entire system is designed for ISM band of frequency. Due to the environmental constraints, the antenna is designed to be extremely thin and flexible. The proposed antenna is designed to have a canonical beam pattern. Three different models of patch antenna arrays, circular, half circular, and hybrid rectangular circular models are designed, simulated, fabricated and experimentally measured. The proposed antennas radiate symmetrically around the normal axis Z, with a null in the boresight direction. The radiation pattern of the proposed antenna is promising for real-time applications inside a jet engine since the strongest radiation field of the antenna is pointed towards the engine blades

    Electromagnetic Side-Channel Resilience against Lightweight Cryptography

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    Side-channel attacks are an unpredictable risk factor in cryptography. Therefore, observations of leakages through physical parameters, i.e., power and electromagnetic (EM) radiation, etc., of digital devices are essential to minimise vulnerabilities associated with cryptographic functions. Compared to costs in the past, performing side-channel attacks using inexpensive test equipment is becoming a reality. Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are resource-constrained, and lightweight cryptography is a novel approach in progress towards IoT security. Thus, it would provide sufficient data and privacy protection in such a constrained ecosystem. Therefore, cryptanalysis of physical leakages regarding these emerging ciphers is crucial. EM side-channel attacks seem to cause a significant impact on digital forensics nowadays. Within existing literature, power analysis seems to have considerable attention in research whereas other phenomena, such as EM, should continue to be appropriately evaluated in playing a role in forensic analysis.The emphasis of this thesis is on lightweight cryptanalysis. The preliminary investigations showed no Correlation EManalysis (CEMA) of PRESENT lightweight algorithm. The PRESENT is a block cipher that promises to be adequate for IoT devices, and is expected to be used commercially in the future. In an effort to fill in this research gap, this work examines the capabilities of a correlation EM side-channel attack against the PRESENT. For that, Substitution box (S-box) of the PRESENT was targeted for its 1st round with the use of a minimum number of EM waveforms compared to other work in literature, which was 256. The attack indicates the possibility of retrieving 8 bytes of the secret key out of 10 bytes. The experimental process started from a Simple EMA (SEMA) and gradually enhanced up to a CEMA. The thesis presents the methodology of the attack modelling and the observations followed by a critical analysis. Also, a technical review of the IoT technology and a comprehensive literature review on lightweight cryptology are included