4,247 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the effectiveness of biomedical document indexing and retrieval based on terminologies

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    International audienceThe aim of this work is to evaluate a set of indexing and retrieval strategies based on the integration of several biomedical terminologies on the available TREC Genomics collections for an ad hoc information retrieval (IR) task.Materials and methodsWe propose a multi-terminology based concept extraction approach to selecting best concepts from free text by means of voting techniques. We instantiate this general approach on four terminologies (MeSH, SNOMED, ICD-10 and GO). We particularly focus on the effect of integrating terminologies into a biomedical IR process, and the utility of using voting techniques for combining the extracted concepts from each document in order to provide a list of unique concepts.ResultsExperimental studies conducted on the TREC Genomics collections show that our multi-terminology IR approach based on voting techniques are statistically significant compared to the baseline. For example, tested on the 2005 TREC Genomics collection, our multi-terminology based IR approach provides an improvement rate of +6.98% in terms of MAP (mean average precision) (p < 0.05) compared to the baseline. In addition, our experimental results show that document expansion using preferred terms in combination with query expansion using terms from top ranked expanded documents improve the biomedical IR effectiveness.ConclusionWe have evaluated several voting models for combining concepts issued from multiple terminologies. Through this study, we presented many factors affecting the effectiveness of biomedical IR system including term weighting, query expansion, and document expansion models. The appropriate combination of those factors could be useful to improve the IR performance

    Overview of BioASQ 2023: The eleventh BioASQ challenge on Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering

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    This is an overview of the eleventh edition of the BioASQ challenge in the context of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2023. BioASQ is a series of international challenges promoting advances in large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering. This year, BioASQ consisted of new editions of the two established tasks b and Synergy, and a new task (MedProcNER) on semantic annotation of clinical content in Spanish with medical procedures, which have a critical role in medical practice. In this edition of BioASQ, 28 competing teams submitted the results of more than 150 distinct systems in total for the three different shared tasks of the challenge. Similarly to previous editions, most of the participating systems achieved competitive performance, suggesting the continuous advancement of the state-of-the-art in the field.Comment: 24 pages, 12 tables, 3 figures. CLEF2023. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.0685

    A New Combination Method Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Medical Image Retrieval

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    Medical image retrieval could be based on the text describing the image as the caption or the title. The use of text terms to retrieve images have several disadvantages such as term-disambiguation. Recent studies prove that representing text into semantic units (concepts) can improve the semantic representation of textual information. However, the use of conceptual representation has other problems as the miss or erroneous semantic relation between two concepts. Other studies show that combining textual and conceptual text representations leads to better accuracy. Popularly, a score for textual representation and a score for conceptual representation are computed and then a combination function is used to have one score. Although the existing of many combination methods of two scores, we propose in this paper a new combination method based on adaptive version of the genetic algorithm. Experiments are carried out on Medical Information Retrieval Task of the ImageCLEF 2009 and 2010. The results confirm that the combination of both textual and conceptual scores allows best accuracy. In addition, our approach outperforms the other combination methods

    Normalizing Spontaneous Reports into MedDRA: some Experiments with MagiCoder

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    Text normalization into medical dictionaries is useful to support clinical task. A typical setting is Pharmacovigilance (PV). The manual detection of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in narrative reports is time consuming and Natural Language Processing (NLP) provides a concrete help to PV experts. In this paper we carry on experiments for testing performances of MagiCoder, an NLP application designed to extract MedDRA terms from narrative clinical text. Given a narrative description, MagiCoder proposes an automatic encoding. The pharmacologist reviews, (possibly) corrects, and then validates the solution. This drastically reduces the time needed for the validation of reports with respect to a completely manual encoding. In previous work we mainly tested MagiCoder performances on Italian written spontaneous reports. In this paper, we include some new features, change the experiment design, and carry on more tests about MagiCoder. Moreover, we do a change of language, moving to English documents. In particular, we tested MagiCoder on the CADEC dataset, a corpus of manually annotated posts about ADRs collected from social media

    Graph-based methods for Significant Concept Selection

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    It is well known in information retrieval area that one important issue is the gap between the query and document vocabularies. Concept-based representation of both the document and the query is one of the most effective approaches that lowers the effect of text mismatch and allows the selection of relevant documents that deal with the shared semantics hidden behind both. However, identifying the best representative concepts from texts is still challenging. In this paper, we propose a graph-based method to select the most significant concepts to be integrated into a conceptual indexing system. More specifically, we build the graph whose nodes represented concepts and weighted edges represent semantic distances. The importance of concepts are computed using centrality algorithms that levrage between structural and contextual importance. We experimentally evaluated our method of concept selection using the standard ImageClef2009 medical data set. Results showed that our approach significantly improves the retrieval effectiveness in comparison to state-of-the-art retrieval models

    From narrative descriptions to MedDRA: automagically encoding adverse drug reactions

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    The collection of narrative spontaneous reports is an irreplaceable source for the prompt detection of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs). In such task qualified domain experts manually revise a huge amount of narrative descriptions and then encode texts according to MedDRA standard terminology. The manual annotation of narrative documents with medical terminology is a subtle and expensive task, since the number of reports is growing up day-by-day. Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications can support the work of people responsible for pharmacovigilance. Our objective is to develop NLP algorithms and tools for the detection of ADR clinical terminology. Efficient applications can concretely improve the quality of the experts\u2019 revisions. NLP software can quickly analyze narrative texts and offer an encoding (i.e., a list of MedDRA terms) that the expert has to revise and validate. MagiCoder, an NLP algorithm, is proposed for the automatic encoding of free-text descriptions into MedDRA terms. MagiCoder procedure is efficient in terms of computational complexity. We tested MagiCoder through several experiments. In the first one, we tested it on a large dataset of about 4500 manually revised reports, by performing an automated comparison between human and MagiCoder encoding. Moreover, we tested MagiCoder on a set of about 1800 reports, manually revised ex novo by some experts of the domain, who also compared automatic solutions with the gold reference standard. We also provide two initial experiments with reports written in English, giving a first evidence of the robustness of MagiCoder w.r.t. the change of the language. For the current base version of MagiCoder, we measured an average recall and precision of and , respectively. From a practical point of view, MagiCoder reduces the time required for encoding ADR reports. Pharmacologists have only to review and validate the MedDRA terms proposed by the application, instead of choosing the right terms among the 70\u202fK low level terms of MedDRA. Such improvement in the efficiency of pharmacologists\u2019 work has a relevant impact also on the quality of the subsequent data analysis. We developed MagiCoder for the Italian pharmacovigilance language. However, our proposal is based on a general approach, not depending on the considered language nor the term dictionary

    Gene function finding through cross-organism ensemble learning

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    Background: Structured biological information about genes and proteins is a valuable resource to improve discovery and understanding of complex biological processes via machine learning algorithms. Gene Ontology (GO) controlled annotations describe, in a structured form, features and functions of genes and proteins of many organisms. However, such valuable annotations are not always reliable and sometimes are incomplete, especially for rarely studied organisms. Here, we present GeFF (Gene Function Finder), a novel cross-organism ensemble learning method able to reliably predict new GO annotations of a target organism from GO annotations of another source organism evolutionarily related and better studied. Results: Using a supervised method, GeFF predicts unknown annotations from random perturbations of existing annotations. The perturbation consists in randomly deleting a fraction of known annotations in order to produce a reduced annotation set. The key idea is to train a supervised machine learning algorithm with the reduced annotation set to predict, namely to rebuild, the original annotations. The resulting prediction model, in addition to accurately rebuilding the original known annotations for an organism from their perturbed version, also effectively predicts new unknown annotations for the organism. Moreover, the prediction model is also able to discover new unknown annotations in different target organisms without retraining.We combined our novel method with different ensemble learning approaches and compared them to each other and to an equivalent single model technique. We tested the method with five different organisms using their GO annotations: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Bos taurus, Gallus gallus and Dictyostelium discoideum. The outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of the cross-organism ensemble approach, which can be customized with a trade-off between the desired number of predicted new annotations and their precision.A Web application to browse both input annotations used and predicted ones, choosing the ensemble prediction method to use, is publicly available at http://tiny.cc/geff/. Conclusions: Our novel cross-organism ensemble learning method provides reliable predicted novel gene annotations, i.e., functions, ranked according to an associated likelihood value. They are very valuable both to speed the annotation curation, focusing it on the prioritized new annotations predicted, and to complement known annotations available

    MeSH indexing based on automatically generated summaries

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    BACKGROUND: MEDLINE citations are manually indexed at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) using as reference the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) controlled vocabulary. For this task, the human indexers read the full text of the article. Due to the growth of MEDLINE, the NLM Indexing Initiative explores indexing methodologies that can support the task of the indexers. Medical Text Indexer (MTI) is a tool developed by the NLM Indexing Initiative to provide MeSH indexing recommendations to indexers. Currently, the input to MTI is MEDLINE citations, title and abstract only. Previous work has shown that using full text as input to MTI increases recall, but decreases precision sharply. We propose using summaries generated automatically from the full text for the input to MTI to use in the task of suggesting MeSH headings to indexers. Summaries distill the most salient information from the full text, which might increase the coverage of automatic indexing approaches based on MEDLINE. We hypothesize that if the results were good enough, manual indexers could possibly use automatic summaries instead of the full texts, along with the recommendations of MTI, to speed up the process while maintaining high quality of indexing results. RESULTS: We have generated summaries of different lengths using two different summarizers, and evaluated the MTI indexing on the summaries using different algorithms: MTI, individual MTI components, and machine learning. The results are compared to those of full text articles and MEDLINE citations. Our results show that automatically generated summaries achieve similar recall but higher precision compared to full text articles. Compared to MEDLINE citations, summaries achieve higher recall but lower precision. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that automatic summaries produce better indexing than full text articles. Summaries produce similar recall to full text but much better precision, which seems to indicate that automatic summaries can efficiently capture the most important contents within the original articles. The combination of MEDLINE citations and automatically generated summaries could improve the recommendations suggested by MTI. On the other hand, indexing performance might be dependent on the MeSH heading being indexed. Summarization techniques could thus be considered as a feature selection algorithm that might have to be tuned individually for each MeSH heading
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