720 research outputs found

    In situ imaging of microstructure formation in electronic interconnections

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    The development of microstructure during melting, reactive wetting and solidification of solder pastes on Cu-plated printed circuit boards has been studied by synchrotron radiography. Using Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu and Sn-0.7Cu/Cu as examples, we show that the interfacial Cu6Sn5 layer is present within 0.05 s of wetting, and explore the kinetics of flux void formation at the interface between the liquid and the Cu6Sn5 layer. Quantification of the nucleation locations and anisotropic growth kinetics of primary Cu6Sn5 crystals reveals a competition between the nucleation of Cu6Sn5 in the liquid versus growth of Cu6Sn5 from the existing Cu6Sn5 layer. Direct imaging confirms that the β-Sn nucleates at/near the Cu6Sn5 layer in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints

    Electromigration Mechanism of Failure in Flip-Chip Solder Joints Based on Discrete Void Formation

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    In this investigation, SnAgCu and SN100C solders were electromigration (EM) tested, and the 3D laminography imaging technique was employed for in-situ observation of the microstructure evolution during testing. We found that discrete voids nucleate, grow and coalesce along the intermetallic compound/solder interface during EM testing. A systematic analysis yields quantitative information on the number, volume, and growth rate of voids, and the EM parameter of DZ*. We observe that fast intrinsic diffusion in SnAgCu solder causes void growth and coalescence, while in the SN100C solder this coalescence was not significant. To deduce the current density distribution, finite-element models were constructed on the basis of the laminography images. The discrete voids do not change the global current density distribution, but they induce the local current crowding around the voids: this local current crowding enhances the lateral void growth and coalescence. The correlation between the current density and the probability of void formation indicates that a threshold current density exists for the activation of void formation. There is a significant increase in the probability of void formation when the current density exceeds half of the maximum value

    Diffusion barrier property of electroless Ni-W-P coating in high temperature Zn-5Al/Cu solder interconnects

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    The operating temperature of high-temperature electronics can significantly promote the growth of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) at solder/substrate interfaces, particularly for low-cost Zn-based solders because of the rapid rate of reaction of Zn with Cu. Thus, a reliable and robust diffusion barrier is indispensable for suppressing the reactions between solder and substrate. In this work, a ternary Ni-W-P alloy was prepared via electroless plating. Its diffusion barrier property was evaluated by comparing the microstructures of IMC layers in Zn-5Al/Ni-W-P/Cu and Zn-5Al/Cu interconnects after liquid-solid reaction for prolonged durations. When the reaction lasted for 30 min, the thickness of the Al3Ni2 produced in the Zn-5Al/Ni-W-P/Cu solder interconnects was only 2.15 μm, whereas the thickness of the interfacial layer of Cu-Zn IMCs (CuZn4, Cu5Zn8 and CuZn) at the Zn-5Al/Cu interface was 94 μm. Because of the unbalanced growth of the IMCs in the Zn-5Al/Cu interconnects, notable numbers of Kirkendall voids were identified at the CuZn4/Cu5Zn8, Cu5Zn8/CuZn and CuZn/Cu interfaces after prolonged liquid-solid reaction. By contrast, the Al3Ni2 layer in the Zn-5Al/Ni-W-P/Cu solder joints remained intact, showing the potential to effectively enhance the mechanical reliability of electronic devices

    Analysis of surface mount technology solder joints

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The factors determining the quality of surface mount technology (SMT) solder joints are numerous, and complex. The exploration of these factors, and how they may affect the reliability and quality of the joints can only be achieved through continuous research. In this project, essential areas of SMT joints were selected for study and analysis, with the intention of providing additional design and process guidelines for the production of quality SMT joints. In the infrared reflow process, one of the common defect phenomena is the occurrence of tombstoning; that is after soldering only one end of the component is soldered while the other is lifted up, assuming a position like a tombstone. The initiation of tombstoning during reflow was analysed based on the forces acting on the component. A model was developed to predict the initiation of this phenomenon. The model shows that, under vibration-free conditions, the surface tension of the molten solder is the source of the force causing the initiation of tombstoning. The contact angle, which varies with the length of the printed circuit board solder land, has a significant effect on the value of the surface tension acting as a force pulling upward on the component. The model further shows that tombstoning initiation is due to the combined effects of the surface tension; the weight of the component; the dimensions of the component; the length of the solder underneath the component; and the length of the solder protruding from the end of the component. Selected components were used as examples for predicting the conditions of initiation, and these conditions were further substantiated by a series of experiments. Another area of study was a method which directly pulled the components off printed circuit boards and this was used as a means for testing the bond quality of surface mount technology leadless chip solder joints. Components D7243, CC1206, RC1206, RC121O, and CC1 812 were selected for this study. It was found that the ultimate tensile force which breaks a component off the printed circuit board has the potential to be used as a parameter for measuring the quality of the solder joint. The effect of solder thickness on the strength of a joint has also been investigated. The shape of joints soldered by two methods, wave soldering and infrared reflow, were compared. Joints at the two ends of a component produced by infrared reflow were found more uniform than the ones produced by wave soldering. A recommendation is made here for the wave soldering approach in achieving uniform solder joints. The effects of solder shape on the joint strength were further investigated by finite element analysis. A convex joint was found marginally more robust than a concave joint. Two aspects of the internal structure of SMT solder joints were investigated, void content and copper/tin intermetallic compounds. The voiding conditions of wave-soldered and infrared reflow joints were compared. No voids were found in all specimens that were produced by wave soldering. However, there were always voids inside joints produced by infrared reflow. Microhardness tests indicated that the hardness of compounds at the copper/solder interface of infrared reflowed joints is lower than that in the wave-soldered joints. It is considered that the lower hardness of the interfacial region of the infrared reflowed joints is due to the presence of voids. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the formation of copper/tin intermetallic compounds for joints produced by infrared reflow. The results show that Cu 6 Sn5 was the only compound with a detectable thickness. Other compounds such as Cu3 Sn, were virtually not found at all. Aging of the joints at 100°C, shows that both the Cu 6Sn5 and the overall interfacial thickness grew with time. One of the important areas which had been overlooked previously and was studied in some details was the effects of solder paste exposure on the quality of solder paste. The characteristic changes of solder paste due to exposure were investigated in three areas, weight loss, tackiness, and rheology. The evaporation of low boiling point solvents was considered as the main contribution to the loss in the weight of the solder paste. The weight loss against exposure time was found to follow an exponential behaviour. A method was designed to evaluate the tackiness changes of solder paste due to exposure. It was found that the decay of tackiness against exposure time can be expressed by a power law. It is recommended that solder paste manufacturers should provide the necessary characteristic constants so as to enable the characteristics to be calculated after a specific exposure. The rheological changes of the solder paste as a result of exposure were also investigated. The implication on the printability of the solder paste due to these changes was studied and discussed

    Numerical analysis of lead-free solder joints: effects of thermal cycling and electromigration

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    To meet the requirements of miniaturization and multifunction in microelectronics, understanding of their reliability and performance has become an important research subject in order to characterise electronics served under various loadings. Along with the demands of the increasing miniaturization of electronic devices, various properties and the relevant thermo-mechanical-electrical response of the lead-free solder joints to thermal cycling and electro-migration become the critical factors, which affect the service life of microelectronics in different applications. However, due to the size and structure of solder interconnects in microelectronics, traditional methods based on experiments are not applicable in the evaluation of their reliability under complex joint loadings. This thesis presents an investigation, which is based on finite-element method, into the performance of lead-free solder interconnects under thermal fatigue and electro-migration, specifically in the areas as follows: (1) the investigation of thermal-mechanical performance and fatigue-life prediction of flip-chip package under different sizes to achieve a further understanding of IMC layer and size effects of a flip chip package under thermal cycling; (2) the establishment of a numerical method, simulating void-formation/crack-propagation based on the results of finite-element analysis, to allow the prediction of crack evolution and failure time for electro-migration reliability of solder bumps; (3) the establishment of a flow-based algorithm for combination effects of thermal-mechanical and electro-migration that was subsequent implemented in to an FE model to evaluate the reliability assessment of service lives associated with a flip chip package


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    Solder joints on printed circuit boards provide electrical and mechanical connections between electronic devices and metallized patterns on boards. These solder joints are often the cause of failure in electronic packages. Solders age under storage and operational life conditions, which can include temperature, mechanical loads, and electrical current. Aging occurring at a constant temperature is called isothermal aging. Isothermal aging leads to coarsening of the bulk microstructure and increased interfacial intermetallic compounds at the solder-pad interface. The coarsening of the solder bulk degrades the creep properties of solders, whereas the voiding and brittleness of interfacial intermetallic compounds leads to mechanical weakness of the solder joint. Industry guidelines on solder interconnect reliability test methods recommend preconditioning the solder assemblies by isothermal aging before conducting reliability tests. The guidelines assume that isothermal aging simulates a "reasonable use period," but do not relate the isothermal aging levels with specific use conditions. Studies on the effect of isothermal aging on the thermal cycling reliability of tin-lead and tin-silver-copper solders are limited in scope, and results have been contradictory. The effect of electrical current on solder joints has been has mostly focused on current densities above 104A/cm2 with high ambient temperature (≥100oC), where electromigration, thermomigration, and Joule heating are the dominant failure mechanisms. The effect of current density below 104A/cm2 on temperature cycling fatigue of solders has not been established. This research provides the relation between isothermal aging and the thermal cycling reliability of select Sn-based solders. The Sn-based solders with 3%, 1%, and 0% silver content that have replaced tin-lead are studied and compared against tin-lead solder. The activation energy and growth exponents of the Arrhenius model for the intermetallic growth in the solders are provided. An aging metric to quantify the aging of solder joints, in terms of phase size in the solder bulk and interfacial intermetallic compound thickness at the solder-pad interface, is established. Based on the findings of thermal cycling tests on aged solder assemblies, recommendations are made for isothermal aging of solders before thermal cycling tests. Additionally, the effect of active electrical current at 103 A/cm2 on thermal cycling reliability is reported
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