22 research outputs found

    Stewards of the earth? : a study of teenagers' pro-environmental attitudes and lifestyles in Devon, UK and Malaga, Spain

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    Individual responses to sustainability are recognised as fundamental to progressing the sustainable development agenda. In order to raise awareness and support for sustainability, concerted programmes of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) have been promoted and ESD is now a core element of educational curricula in many countries, particularly in the developed world. One group of particular interest to educators and policy makers is teenagers. Their engagement with sustainability issues, both in rhetorical and participatory terms, is considered essential to both the short and long term infusion of sustainability into public consciousness. However, despite continuing endeavours to involve teenagers in the sustainability agenda, many remain apathetic despite increases in environmental awareness and literacy throughout society. This suggests there is considerable scope for more extensive analysis of the environmental attitudes and behaviour of teenagers beyond pedagogic influences. In light of this, the overall aim of the study is to explore the ways in which ESD interacts with other social influences such as families, peer groups and media, in forming young people's environmental awareness and participation in proenvironmentalb ehaviour.T eenagersw ho participatedi n the study were secondary and Further Education (FE) students from two European Union (EU) locations, Devon in the United Kingdom (UK) and Malaga in Andalusia, Spain. A cross-national approach was chosen in order to reveal salient factors influencing teenagers' relationship with sustainability in different social contexts. A range of research methods were employed including questionnaire surveys, interviews and focus groups. The findings indicate that, despite the existence of similar ESD policy commitments and conceptualu nderstandingso f sustainabilityi n the two cases tudies,s ubtle differencesi n local social processesh ad significant impactso n teenagers' participation in pro-environmental behaviours. However, common to both locations there was a need for ESD to be infused as part of a whole schools ethos and for other social contexts, particularly families, to be recognised more fully as influences on teenagers' environmental development. Furthermore, participation in proenvironmental behaviour was strongly influenced by socio-spatial location and teenagers' experienced difficulties transferring learned skills between school, home and peer sites. In many cases this lack of integration resulted in confused understandingsa nd inconsistentlyh eld values for behaviouri n different settings. From these conclusions, some practical options for greater co-ordination of sustainability strategies within schools and between schools and other social settings are suggested

    TRAILS OF AN INDIAN COMMUNITY IN PADOVA. Chasing the invisible migration of Indian students (re)shaping spaces in this Italian medium city.

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    L\u2019Italia viene spesso considerata come un paese che ospita o riceve migranti poco qualificati (per lo pi\uf9 illegali), cos\uec nel corso degli anni mi sono trovata a spiegare in pi\uf9 occasioni che anche migranti altamente qualificati sono attratti dall\u2019Italia, e che addirittura vi giungono grazie ad accordi internazionali stipulati da paesi che sono tra loro in competizione \u2018soft power\u2019 per la ricerca di talenti, con lo scopo di aumentare il proprio potere a livello globale, ovviamente attraverso vie legali. Gli studenti internazionali costituiscono una categoria di migranti che fino agli anni duemila non ha ricevuto molta attenzione in ambito accademico [Piguet et al., 2017]. Tuttavia, la migrazione per motivi di studio si pu\uf2 far risalire al 1190, e, forse ancora pi\uf9 precisamente, al periodo coloniale tra il XVII e il XIX secolo [Leucci et al., 2018]. A questo proposito, la presente tesi ha evidenziato come il flusso di studenti indiani verso l\u2019Italia sia largamente incoraggiato da politiche internazionali che rimangono per lo pi\uf9 sconosciute. Tra queste politiche figurano vari accordi bilaterali firmati dal Governo italiano per attirare studenti indiani di livello universitario che vogliano \u201cinvestire il proprio talento\u201d nelle Universit\ue0 italiane. La tesi riesce a coniugare, attraverso un case study sulla citt\ue0 di Padova \u2013 citt\ue0 di \u2018media\u2019 dimensione che sta guadagnando importanza nel panorama internazionale grazie alla sua Universit\ue0, fondata 800 anni fa - due livelli di analisi (locale e globale) in un\u2019unica discussione sulle interdipendenze tra l\u2019andamento e la struttura dei flussi migratori degli studenti indiani e la loro spazializzazione in Italia quale nazione di destinazione. La tesi presentata contribuisce quindi ad evidenziare un flusso migratorio rilevante ma inesplorato dalla letteratura accademica in Italia: la migrazione degli studenti internazionali. Allo stesso tempo, un focus sugli studenti universitari indiani, considerati come studenti-migranti dotati di conoscenze e capacit\ue0 intellettuali, aiuter\ue0 a delineare il variegato mosaico dell\u2019attuale migrazione indiana in Italia. In effetti, l\u2019analisi della migrazione degli indiani in Italia resta attualmente limitata a migranti con bassi o medi livelli di specializzazione come, ad esempio, gli indiani Sikh impiegati in agricoltura. In linea generale, la migrazione di lavoratori altamente qualificati e con alti livelli di istruzione non \ue8 stata studiata in modo approfondito n\ue9 in Italia, n\ue9 in altri paesi europei [Piguet, 2016; McGuill, 2013; King and Raghuram, 2013]. Pertanto, richiamo la necessit\ue0 di definire un diverso modo di pensare, interpretare e agire che superi l\u2019approccio limitante alla migrazione generalmente associato ai soli irregolari [Ambrosini, 2011, 2017; Panichella & Ambrosini, 2018]. La tesi colma inoltre un\u2019importante lacuna, valutando gli impatti negativi del processo di studentificazione di una citt\ue0 come Padova che ricerca il proprio riconoscimento a livello internazionale, aldil\ue0 del suo patrimonio storico noto globalmente per la basilica di Sant\u2019Antonio. In questo contesto, ci tengo a sottolineare come il ruolo illustre dell\u2019Universit\ue0 e il suo spazio fisico fungano da \u201cponte\u201d, o da crocevia e punto di convergenza dell\u2019interculturalit\ue0 della citt\ue0. Nel complesso, la presente tesi di ricerca fornisce un quadro dettagliato e ricco di sfumature sui vari profili degli studenti indiani presenti in uno stesso territorio, cio\ue8 la citt\ue0 di Padova. Questa ricerca mira invece a portare il lettore ad una nuova visione di co-abitazione in uno spazio locale limitato, grazie all\u2019esempio della citt\ue0 di Padova e del suo interessante desiderio di internazionalizzazione che coinvolge l\u2019Universit\ue0 nel processo

    Human Health Engineering Volume II

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    In this Special Issue on “Human Health Engineering Volume II”, we invited submissions exploring recent contributions to the field of human health engineering, i.e., technology for monitoring the physical or mental health status of individuals in a variety of applications. Contributions could focus on sensors, wearable hardware, algorithms, or integrated monitoring systems. We organized the different papers according to their contributions to the main parts of the monitoring and control engineering scheme applied to human health applications, namely papers focusing on measuring/sensing physiological variables, papers highlighting health-monitoring applications, and examples of control and process management applications for human health. In comparison to biomedical engineering, we envision that the field of human health engineering will also cover applications for healthy humans (e.g., sports, sleep, and stress), and thus not only contribute to the development of technology for curing patients or supporting chronically ill people, but also to more general disease prevention and optimization of human well-being

    Strong cooperativeness and family reproductive ecology : an overview of the communitarian life among Totonacas from Mexico

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    Young Kgoyomes (Indigenous Totonacas from the rural highlands of Huehuetla district in Mexico) were asked to state their principal moral values. The following 4 concepts in order represent 84% of their choices: (a) life, (b) close relatives, (c) money, and (d) health. The remaining 16% spread across 18 different concepts. At the level of intersexual dyads, the characteristics both sexes found most attractive in the other were: a) being a hard worker, (b) faithfulness, (c) prettiness/handsomeness, and (d) good-heartedness. These represented 58.7 % of men's preferences and 55.8 %> of women's in a prospective partner, with the remaining percentages split across 18 different characteristics. Such an affinity between the sexes has probably facilitated the "assortative" selection of a partner, producing marriages which are highly monogamous and harmonised for hard work. Another example of 'pro-social sentiment' is the precocious age at which they start to 'help at the nest', i.e. from 5 years old onwards, and by the age of 10, 58.4 % are already engaged in a variety of tasks for helping the family

    2009 - 2010 University Catalog

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    Volume 99, Number 1, October 30, 2009 Published once a year, October 30, 2009https://scholarsrepository.llu.edu/univcatalog/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Language and Nation

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    Studies on the relation between language, identity and nation (building) represent a long tradition in linguistic, cultural and political research. In this interdisciplinary anthology, we focus on different aspects of how language is used to shape a nation; by retaining a national identity in the context of emigration, by measures taken to change an existing nation into a new one, by introducing a discourse designed to re-establish a putatively lost nation. Finally, we discuss how nation and identity are shaped in a modern multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-cultural society. The anthology contains articles in English, French and German from political science, history, linguistics, literature and translatology and is written by researchers based in Finland, Greece, Norway and the United Kingdom

    Language and Nation

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    Studies on the relation between language, identity and nation (building) represent a long tradition in linguistic, cultural and political research. In this interdisciplinary anthology, we focus on different aspects of how language is used to shape a nation; by retaining a national identity in the context of emigration, by measures taken to change an existing nation into a new one, by introducing a discourse designed to re-establish a putatively lost nation. Finally, we discuss how nation and identity are shaped in a modern multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-cultural society. The anthology contains articles in English, French and German from political science, history, linguistics, literature and translatology and is written by researchers based in Finland, Greece, Norway and the United Kingdom

    Danish connections 1000 – 1066: an archaeological perspective

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    This study concerns the connections of Denmark with the rest of Scandinavia and abroad in the period from 1000 to I066. A brief review of the non-archaeological evidence is provided in Chapters 1-3, but the bulk of the thesis, looks at the archaeological evidence (Chapters 4-9). Special attention is paid to England which for much of this period was politically united with Denmark. Throughout the work the limitations of the evidence both archaeological and non-archaeological are stressed, before any synthesis of general trends and. their nature is attempted