64 research outputs found

    Text Segmentation Using N-grams to Annotate Hadith Corpus

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    Coherence Method in Matan Criticism

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    This paper aims to formulate the application of the coherence method known in philosophy to the matan criticism. This formulation is important for several reasons. First, the science of hadith as one of the Islamic sciences has been dominated by awareness of its normative dimensions compared to the dimensions of its historicity. Second, in addition to differences there are similarities between the coherence method and the matan criticism, namely in terms of seeking the truth by relying on certain standard.The application of the coherence method in this matan criticism is carried out in three main steps. First, determining the criteria for religious truth that will be used as benchmarks. In this case, the criteria of truth chosen are contemporary maqashid al-sharia, especially in the perspective of Jasser Audah. Second, mapping the theme of the hadith being studied, to facilitate synchronization with the selected criteria of truth. Third, interpreting the hadith that is being studied based on Ulumul Hadith in general and ‘Ilm Ma’ani al-Hadith in particular, by utilizing the latest theories from the sciences related to the hadith being studied.The implications of applying this method can at least be seen through two things, which are at the same time the goal of the formulation of this method. First, the reduction of the awareness domination of the normative dimension in matan criticism. This will have an impact on increasing awareness of the dimensions of historicity and humanity in matan criticism and is expected to contribute to the reduction of exclusive and radical attitudes. Second, integration or at least interconnection between two methods of seeking truth from two different disciplines, namely Hadith and Philosophy.This paper aims to formulate the application of the coherence method known in philosophy to the matan criticism. This formulation is important for several reasons. First, the science of hadith as one of the Islamic sciences has been dominated by awareness of its normative dimensions compared to the dimensions of its historicity. Second, in addition to differences there are similarities between the coherence method and the matan criticism, namely in terms of seeking the truth by relying on certain standard.The application of the coherence method in this matan criticism is carried out in three main steps. First, determining the criteria for religious truth that will be used as benchmarks. In this case, the criteria of truth chosen are contemporary maqashid al-sharia, especially in the perspective of Jasser Audah. Second, mapping the theme of the hadith being studied, to facilitate synchronization with the selected criteria of truth. Third, interpreting the hadith that is being studied based on Ulumul Hadith in general and ‘Ilm Ma’ani al-Hadith in particular, by utilizing the latest theories from the sciences related to the hadith being studied.The implications of applying this method can at least be seen through two things, which are at the same time the goal of the formulation of this method. First, the reduction of the awareness domination of the normative dimension in matan criticism. This will have an impact on increasing awareness of the dimensions of historicity and humanity in matan criticism and is expected to contribute to the reduction of exclusive and radical attitudes. Second, integration or at least interconnection between two methods of seeking truth from two different disciplines, namely Hadith and Philosophy

    Science and Technology Opportunities in Hadith Research

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    The purpose of this research is to discuss the opportunities of science and technology in hadith research. This research method uses qualitative research through literature study with a content analysis approach. The results and discussion of this research include the hadith science methodology, the development of the hadith validity method and the hadith text criticism method with a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach, and scientific and technological opportunities in hadith research for the need for integration of science. The conclusion of this study is that research on hadith with a transdisciplinary approach opens wide opportunities for science and technology that are currently developing for the realization of the integration of science. This study recommends the importance of applying a transdisciplinary approach to science and technology opportunities in the development of hadith research in Islamic higher educatio

    BERT based named entity recognition for automated hadith narrator identification

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    Hadith serves as a second source of Islamic law for Muslims worldwide, especially in Indonesia, which has the world's most significant Muslim population of 228.68 million people. However, not all Hadith texts have been certified and approved for use, and several falsified Hadiths make it challenging to distinguish between authentic and fabricated Hadiths. In terms of Hadith science, determining the authenticity of a Hadith can be accomplished by examining its Sanad and Matn. Sanad is an essential aspect of the Hadith because it indicates the chain of the Narrator who transmits the Hadith. The research reported in this paper provides an advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique for identifying and authenticating the Narrator of Hadith as a part of Sanad, utilizing Named Entity Recognition (NER) to address the necessity of authenticating the Hadith. The NER technique described in the research adds an extra feed-forward classifier to the last layer of the pre-trained BERT model. In the testing process using Cahya/bert-base-indonesian-1.5G, the proposed solution received an overall F1-score of 99.63 percent. On the Hadith Narrator Identification using other Hadith passages, the final examination yielded a 98.27 percent F1-score

    Jamāl al-Dīn al-Qāsimī’s Treatise on Wiping over Socks and the Rise of a Distinct Salafi Method

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    ‘Modern’ Salafis of the late nineteenth/early twentieth century have much more in common with contemporary ‘puritan’ Salafis than claimed in recent scholarship. Indicative of this is the debate over whether it is allowed to wipe over socks during ritual ablutions (wuḍūʾ), a visual identity marker for Salafis. This is a recurrent theme in contemporary polemics between the four Sunni madhhabs and the lā-madhhabiyya current associated with Salafis. Jamāl al-Dīn al-Qāsimī’s (1866–1914) treatise al-Masḥ ʿalā al-jawrabayn is a late Ottoman ‘modern’ Salafi forerunner of this debate. By placing this work in its historical context, this article demonstrates how al-Qāsimī used the issue to address fundamental questions of fiqh and ḥadīth methodology in the heated debate over ijtihād. Later Salafi editions with introductions and comments of Aḥmad Muḥammad Shākir (1892–1958) and Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Albānī (1914–99), show how his method influenced later ‘puritan’ Salafi scholars

    Artificial intelligence for understanding the Hadith

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    My research aims to utilize Artificial Intelligence to model the meanings of Classical Arabic Hadith, which are the reports of the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The goal is to find similarities and relatedness between Hadith and other religious texts, specifically the Quran. These findings can facilitate downstream tasks, such as Islamic question- answering systems, and enhance understanding of these texts to shed light on new interpretations. To achieve this goal, a well-structured Hadith corpus should be created, with the Matn (Hadith teaching) and Isnad (chain of narrators) segmented. Hence, a preliminary task is conducted to build a segmentation tool using machine learning models that automatically deconstruct the Hadith into Isnad and Matn with 92.5% accuracy. This tool is then used to create a well-structured corpus of the canonical Hadith books. After building the Hadith corpus, Matns are extracted to investigate different methods of representing their meanings. Two main methods are tested: a knowledge-based approach and a deep-learning-based approach. To apply the former, existing Islamic ontologies are enumerated, most of which are intended for the Quran. Since the Quran and the Hadith are in the same domain, the extent to which these ontologies cover the Hadith is examined using a corpus-based evaluation. Results show that the most comprehensive Quran ontology covers only 26.8% of Hadith concepts, and extending it is expensive. Therefore, the second approach is investigated by building and evaluating various deep-learning models for a binary classification task of detecting relatedness between the Hadith and the Quran. Results show that the likelihood of the current models reaching a human- level understanding of such texts remains somewhat elusive

    Chapter 15 People Versus Books

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    William A. Graham is an influential and pioneering scholar of Islamic Studies at Harvard University. This volume brings together seventeen contributions to the study of the Qur’an and Islam, all influenced by his work. Contributions to this collection, by his colleagues and students, treat many different aspects of Islamic scripture, from textual interpretation and hermeneutics to recitation and parallels with the Bible. Other chapters tackle in diverse ways the question of what it means to be "Islamic," and how such an identity may be constituted and maintained in history, thought and learning. A final section reflects on the career of William Graham and the relation of scholarship to the undervalued tasks of academic administration, especially where the study of religion is concerned. This book will be of interest to readers of Islamic Studies, Qur’anic Studies, Islamic history, Religious Studies, scripture, exegesis, and history of the book. Given Graham’s role at the Harvard Divinity School, and the discussions of how he has shaped the study of religion, the volume should be of interest to readership across the study of religion as a whole