12 research outputs found

    Applying model-driven paradigm: CALIPSOneo experience

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    Model-Driven Engineering paradigm is being used by the research community in the last years, obtaining suitable results. However, there are few practical experiences in the enterprise field. This paper presents the use of this paradigm in an aeronautical PLM project named CALIPSOneo currently under development in Airbus. In this context, NDT methodology was adapted as methodology in order to be used by the development team. The paper presents this process and the results that we are getting from the project. Besides, some relevant learned lessons from the trenches are concluded.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    An approach for Model-Driven test generation

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    The test phase is one of the most important phases in software development. However, in practice, little research has been carried out in this field. Model-Driven Engineering is a new paradigm that can help to minimize test cases generation costs and can ensure quality of results. This paper presents the application of the MDE paradigm in the systematic, even automatic, generation of System Test Software.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06 03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-30391-

    Pruebas de aceptación orientadas al usuario: contexto ágil para un proyecto de gestión documental

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    Acceptance tests represent the phase of the software development life cycle in which the development team and the user area of an information system must ensure that the developed system fullfils the defined requirements. In multidisciplinary teams, like is the case of document management systems that involve filmmakers, archivists and computer engineers among others, this is a phase that must be properly planned and must provide the most suitable management mechanisms to ensure proper execution. This paper presents the adaptation of an agile mechanism based on the Scrum methodology, giving high importance to this phase. So, it is proposed to perform this phase incrementally, preventing this phase to be executed only at the end of development and providing mecha-nisms for early detection of functional inconsistencies. This approach has been developed within the context of THOT (Innovation project management applied to document records of recruitment services and transport infrastructure projects), developed by the University of Seville for the Public Works Agency project of the Junta de Andalucía.Las pruebas de aceptación representan aquella fase del ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software en el que el equipo de desarrollo y el área usuaria de un sistema de información tienen que garantizar que el sistema desarrollado se corresponde con los requerimientos definidos. En equipos multidisciplinares, como en el caso de los sistemas de gestión documental, que involucra a documentalistas, archiveros, ingenieros informáticos, etc., es una fase que hay que planificar de manera adecuada y a la que hay que dotar con los mecanismos de gestión adecuados para garantizar su correcta ejecución. En este trabajo se propone la adaptación de un mecanismo ágil, basado en la metodología Scrum, que da una importancia alta a esta fase, de manera que se propone ir abordándola de manera incremental, no dejando la ejecución de dicha fase para el final del desarrollo, ofreciendo así mecanismos de detección precoz de inconsistencias funcionales. Esta propuesta ha sido desarrollada en el contexto del proyecto THOT (Proyecto de innovación de la gestión documental aplicada a expedientes de contratación de servicios y obras de infraestructuras de transporte), desarrollado por la Universidad de Sevilla para la Agencia de Obra Pública de la Junta de Andalucía

    Especificación de requisitos para servicios cloud dirigido por valor

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    [ES] Uno de los principales problemas a la hora de desarrollar sistemas cloud es la brecha que existe entre la vista del negocio y la vista del sistema de información, ya que se suelen producir malentendidos durante la elicitación de requisitos. La utilización de un enfoque dirigido por modelos, donde los modelos iniciales son modelos de la vista del negocio, reducen esta brecha. En este trabajo proponemos un método para derivar, a partir de los modelos de proceso y de valor, los modelos necesarios para derivar la arquitectura automática o semi-automáticamente[EN] One of the main problems in cloud system development is the gap between the business and the information system view. That gap brings misconceptions that usually happen during requirements elicitation. Using a model-driven approach, where the initial models are part of business view, reduce that gap. We propose a method for deriving automatically the system architecture, using as onset process and value models.Guzmán Carretero, M. (2015). Especificación de requisitos para servicios cloud dirigido por valor. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/55638.TFG

    Visualization of Use Cases Through Automatically Generated Activity Diagrams

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    International audienceFunctional requirements are often written using use cases formatted by textual templates. This textual approach has the advantage to be easy to adopt, but the requirements can then hardly be processed for further purposes like test generation. In this paper, we propose to generate automatically through a model transformation an activity diagram modeling the use case scenario. Such an activity diagram allows to guess in a glimpse the global behavior of a use case, and can easily be processed. The transformation is defined using the QVT-Relational language, and is illustrated on a case study using a supporting tool

    Análise comparativa do impacto dos artefatos de requisito no processo de desenvolvimento de software

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Sistemas de Informação.Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar e mensurar os efeitos causados dentro do processo de desenvolvimento de software abordando dois formatos diferentes de apresentar a especificação de requisitos à um time que segue práticas ágeis e comparar com a abordagem já utilizada. As duas abordagens selecionadas foram acrescentar os artefatos de caso de uso e diagrama de atividades à especificação. Por fim, com os resultados obtidos no estudo de caso, a recomendação que ficou estabelecida para o time que participou é a utilização do artefato de diagrama de atividades para especificar histórias de usuários com estimativas de valor alto

    A systematic approach for detecting faults in agent designs

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    This thesis proposes a mechanism, including automated tool support, for early-phase defect detection by comparing the plan structures of a belief-desire-intention (BDI) agent design against the following: (1) requirement models, specified in terms of scenarios and goals; and (2) agent communication models. The intuition of our approach is to extract sets of possible behaviour runs from the agent-behaviour models and to verify whether these runs conform to the specifications of the system-to-be. The proposed approach in this thesis is applicable at design time and does not require source code. Our approach is based on the Prometheus agent-design methodology but is applicable to other methodologies that support the same notions. We evaluate the proposed verification framework on designs, ranging from student projects to case studies of industry-level projects. Our evaluation demonstrates that even a simple specification developed by relatively experienced developers is prone to defects, and our approach is successful in uncovering most of these defects. In addition, we conduct a scalability analysis of our methods, and the outcomes reveal that our approach can scale when designs grow in size