738 research outputs found

    Slow Potentials of the Sensorimotor Cortex during Rhythmic Movements of the Ankle

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    The objective of this dissertation was to more fully understand the role of the human brain in the production of lower extremity rhythmic movements. Throughout the last century, evidence from animal models has demonstrated that spinal reflexes and networks alone are sufficient to propagate ambulation. However, observations after neural trauma, such as a spinal cord injury, demonstrate that humans require supraspinal drive to facilitate locomotion. To investigate the unique nature of lower extremity rhythmic movements, electroencephalography was used to record neural signals from the sensorimotor cortex during three cyclic ankle movement experiments. First, we characterized the differences in slow movement-related cortical potentials during rhythmic and discrete movements. During the experiment, motion analysis and electromyography were used characterize lower leg kinematics and muscle activation patterns. Second, a custom robotic device was built to assist in passive and active ankle movements. These movement conditions were used to examine the sensory and motor cortical contributions to rhythmic ankle movement. Lastly, we explored the differences in sensory and motor contributions to bilateral, rhythmic ankle movements. Experimental results from all three studies suggest that the brain is continuously involved in rhythmic movements of the lower extremities. We observed temporal characteristics of the cortical slow potentials that were time-locked to the movement. The amplitude of these potentials, localized over the sensorimotor cortex, revealed a reduction in neural activity during rhythmic movements when compared to discrete movements. Moreover, unilateral ankle movements produced unique sensory potentials that tracked the position of the movement and motor potentials that were only present during active dorsiflexion. In addition, the spatiotemporal patterns of slow potentials during bilateral ankle movements suggest similar cortical mechanisms for both unilateral and bilateral movement. Lastly, beta frequency modulations were correlated to the movement-related slow potentials within medial sensorimotor cortex, which may indicate they are of similar cortical origin. From these results, we concluded that the brain is continuously involved in the production of lower extremity rhythmic movements, and that the sensory and motor cortices provide unique contributions to both unilateral and bilateral movemen

    Inferring human intentions from the brain data

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    Enhancing Motor Imagery Decoding in Brain Computer Interfaces using Riemann Tangent Space Mapping and Cross Frequency Coupling

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    Objective: Motor Imagery (MI) serves as a crucial experimental paradigm within the realm of Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs), aiming to decoding motor intentions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Method: Drawing inspiration from Riemannian geometry and Cross-Frequency Coupling (CFC), this paper introduces a novel approach termed Riemann Tangent Space Mapping using Dichotomous Filter Bank with Convolutional Neural Network (DFBRTS) to enhance the representation quality and decoding capability pertaining to MI features. DFBRTS first initiates the process by meticulously filtering EEG signals through a Dichotomous Filter Bank, structured in the fashion of a complete binary tree. Subsequently, it employs Riemann Tangent Space Mapping to extract salient EEG signal features within each sub-band. Finally, a lightweight convolutional neural network is employed for further feature extraction and classification, operating under the joint supervision of cross-entropy and center loss. To validate the efficacy, extensive experiments were conducted using DFBRTS on two well-established benchmark datasets: the BCI competition IV 2a (BCIC-IV-2a) dataset and the OpenBMI dataset. The performance of DFBRTS was benchmarked against several state-of-the-art MI decoding methods, alongside other Riemannian geometry-based MI decoding approaches. Results: DFBRTS significantly outperforms other MI decoding algorithms on both datasets, achieving a remarkable classification accuracy of 78.16% for four-class and 71.58% for two-class hold-out classification, as compared to the existing benchmarks.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Neural correlates of intentional switching from ternary to binary meter in a musical hemiola pattern

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    Musical rhythms are often perceived and interpreted within a metrical framework that integrates timing information hierarchically based on interval ratios. Endogenous timing processes facilitate this metrical integration and allow us using the sensory context for predicting when an expected sensory event will happen (“predictive timing”). Previously, we showed that listening to metronomes and subjectively imagining the two different meters of march and waltz modulated the resulting auditory evoked responses in the temporal lobe and motor-related brain areas such as the motor cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. Here we further explored the intentional transitions between the two metrical contexts, known as hemiola in the Western classical music dating back to the sixteenth century. We examined MEG from 12 musicians while they repeatedly listened to a sequence of 12 unaccented clicks with an interval of 390 ms, and tapped to them with the right hand according to a 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 hemiola accent pattern. While participants listened to the same metronome sequence and imagined the accents, their pattern of brain responses significantly changed just before the “pivot” point of metric transition from ternary to binary meter. Until 100 ms before the pivot point, brain activities were more similar to those in the simple ternary meter than those in the simple binary meter, but the pattern was reversed afterwards. A similar transition was also observed at the downbeat after the pivot. Brain areas related to the metric transition were identified from source reconstruction of the MEG using a beamformer and included auditory cortices, sensorimotor and premotor cortices, cerebellum, inferior/middle frontal gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, cingulate cortex, and precuneus. The results strongly support that predictive timing processes related to auditory-motor, fronto-parietal, and medial limbic systems underlie metrical representation and its transitions

    Utility of Independent Component Analysis for Interpretation of Intracranial EEG

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    Electrode arrays are sometimes implanted in the brains of patients with intractable epilepsy to better localize seizure foci before epilepsy surgery. Analysis of intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings is typically performed in the electrode channel domain without explicit separation of the sources that generate the signals. However, intracranial EEG signals, like scalp EEG signals, could be linear mixtures of local activity and volume-conducted activity arising in multiple source areas. Independent component analysis (ICA) has recently been applied to scalp EEG data, and shown to separate the signal mixtures into independently generated brain and non-brain source signals. Here, we applied ICA to unmix source signals from intracranial EEG recordings from four epilepsy patients during a visually cued finger movement task in the presence of background pathological brain activity. This ICA decomposition demonstrated that the iEEG recordings were not maximally independent, but rather are linear mixtures of activity from multiple sources. Many of the independent component (IC) projections to the iEEG recording grid were consistent with sources from single brain regions, including components exhibiting classic movement-related dynamics. Notably, the largest IC projection to each channel accounted for no more than 20–80% of the channel signal variance, implying that in general intracranial recordings cannot be accurately interpreted as recordings of independent brain sources. These results suggest that ICA can be used to identify and monitor major field sources of local and distributed functional networks generating iEEG data. ICA decomposition methods are useful for improving the fidelity of source signals of interest, likely including distinguishing the sources of pathological brain activity

    Comparing MEG and EEG in detecting the ∌20-Hz rhythm modulation to tactile and proprioceptive stimulation

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    Modulation of the ∌20-Hz brain rhythm has been used to evaluate the functional state of the sensorimotor cortex both in healthy subjects and patients, such as stroke patients. The ∌20-Hz brain rhythm can be detected by both magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG), but the comparability of these methods has not been evaluated. Here, we compare these two methods in the evaluating of ∌20-Hz activity modulation to somatosensory stimuli. Rhythmic ∌20-Hz activity during separate tactile and proprioceptive stimulation of the right and left index finger was recorded simultaneously with MEG and EEG in twenty-four healthy participants. Both tactile and proprioceptive stimulus produced a clear suppression at 300–350 ms followed by a subsequent rebound at 700–900 ms after stimulus onset, detected at similar latencies both with MEG and EEG. The relative amplitudes of suppression and rebound correlated strongly between MEG and EEG recordings. However, the relative strength of suppression and rebound in the contralateral hemisphere (with respect to the stimulated hand) was significantly stronger in MEG than in EEG recordings. Our results indicate that MEG recordings produced signals with higher signal-to-noise ratio than EEG, favoring MEG as an optimal tool for studies evaluating sensorimotor cortical functions. However, the strong correlation between MEG and EEG results encourages the use of EEG when translating studies to clinical practice. The clear advantage of EEG is the availability of the method in hospitals and bed-side measurements at the acute phase.Peer reviewe
