10 research outputs found

    Visualization of Business Process Modeling Anti Patterns

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    Patterns are used to capture and document frequent design activities. Patterns are means to compare the expressiveness of different modeling languages. On the other hand, the term antipatternanti-pattern points to undesirable design activities. In the field of business process modeling, useful patterns were collected to help evaluate models and tools. Nevertheless, there was almost no work to capture the unwanted design patterns. The most common way to model business processes is to use a graphical modeling language. The most widespread notation are business process diagrams modeled in the language BPMN. In this paper, we formalize structural patterns that can lead to control flow errors in such graphical models. For expressing such error patterns, we use the visual query language BPMN-Q . By using a query processor, a business process modeler is able to identify possible errors in business process diagrams. Moreover, the erroneous parts of the business process diagram can be highlighted when an instance of an error pattern is found. This way, the modeler gets an easy-to-understand feedback in the visual modeling language he or she is familiar with

    Detection of Anti-Patterns in the Control Flow of Collaborative Business Processes

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    The verification of the behavior of Collaborative Business Processes is an important aspect to consider when developing inter-organizational systems. In this work, a verification approach for the control flow of collaborative processes based on anti-patterns is proposed to improve the performance of verification. The approach supports the verification of complex constructs for advanced synchronization, multiple instances, and exception management. To this aim, 10 anti-patterns were defined from a repository of process models, and a tool which implements the anti-patterns was developed to evaluate the verification approach. Results indicate that, at worst, the verification time is less than half a millisecond, even for models with complex control flow constructs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Detection of Anti-Patterns in the Control Flow of Collaborative Business Processes

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    The verification of the behavior of Collaborative Business Processes is an important aspect to consider when developing inter-organizational systems. In this work, a verification approach for the control flow of collaborative processes based on anti-patterns is proposed to improve the performance of verification. The approach supports the verification of complex constructs for advanced synchronization, multiple instances, and exception management. To this aim, 10 anti-patterns were defined from a repository of process models, and a tool which implements the anti-patterns was developed to evaluate the verification approach. Results indicate that, at worst, the verification time is less than half a millisecond, even for models with complex control flow constructs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO


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    Patterns have been proven to be useful for documenting reusable solutions to common problems. A recently published bibliography of business process model patterns shed light into the various types of patterns by providing a systematic categorization of these patterns. In this way, such classification improves the understanding of business process model patterns. Anti-patterns document a counterproductive solution to a commonly occurring problem. While a classification for the large body of literature on business process model patterns is available, a structured bibliography of anti-patterns is missing. Related work on anti-patterns discusses patterns for common modeling errors, problems in business process models as well as in the business processes. Modeling experts should be aware of all these types of anti-patterns. To fill this gap, this paper presents a bibliography of business process model anti-patterns and a taxonomy of anti-patterns that has been developed using an established approach for taxonomy development. Both are based on an literature review and are valuable for people during the design and analysis phases of business processes since knowledge about anti-patterns in business process models helps for increasing their quality. Our overview should also be useful for developers of modeling tools who wish to make the modeler aware of potential modeling problems


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    In the field of business process modeling the most popular is the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). BPMN is relevant from a practical point of view while at the same it offers many challenges for software developers and scientists. Specification of a BPMN diagram is relatively precise, but it is only a descriptive form presented at some abstract, graphical level. Most of the work in this area is focused on the use of the possibilities offered by BPMN notation. However, there is still no document analyzing the errors and how to detect and eliminate. The article attempts to analyze issues anomalies that may occur in the BPMN notation. The survey is based on the analysis of literature and own experience of modeling in BPMN. Analyzes allowed us to identify a few of the most common types of anomalies: syntactic anomalies, and structural anomalies.W dziedzinie procesów biznesowych najbardziej popularne jest modelowanie Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). BPMN jest istotny z praktycznego punktu widzenia, a przy tym oferuje wiele wyzwań dla programistów i naukowców. Specyfikacja diagramu BPMN jest stosunkowo precyzyjna, ale jest to tylko forma opisowa prezentowana na abstrakcyjnym poziomie graficznym. Większość prac w tym obszarze skoncentrowanych jest na wykorzystaniu możliwości, jakie oferuje notacja BPMN. Jednak wciąż nie ma dokumentów analizujących ewentualne błędy oraz sposoby ich wykrywania i eliminowania. Celem artykułu jest próba analizy zagadnienia anomalii, które mogą wystąpić w notacji BPMN. Badanie opiera się na analizie literatury oraz własnym doświadczeniu z modelowania w języku BPMN. Przeprowadzone analizy pozwoliły na zidentyfikowanie kilku najczęściej występujących rodzajów anomalii: strukturalnych i składniowych

    Detection of Anti-Patterns in the Control Flow of Collaborative Business Processes

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    The verification of the behavior of Collaborative Business Processes is an important aspect to consider when developing inter-organizational systems. In this work, a verification approach for the control flow of collaborative processes based on anti-patterns is proposed to improve the performance of verification. The approach supports the verification of complex constructs for advanced synchronization, multiple instances, and exception management. To this aim, 10 anti-patterns were defined from a repository of process models, and a tool which implements the anti-patterns was developed to evaluate the verification approach. Results indicate that, at worst, the verification time is less than half a millisecond, even for models with complex control flow constructs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Identification and resolution of anomalies in process models using patterns

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    Modeliranje procesa i metodološka istraživanja modeliranja funkcionalnosti (funkcija, procesa, aktivnosti, operacija, itd.) provode se od početaka razvoja i primjene računala. Pritom su predmet interesa metode i tehnike modeliranja, ali i anomalije modela te njihovo otkrivanje i otklanjanje. Suvremene servisno orijentirane arhitekture, razvoj vođen transformacijom modela i općenito težnja prema automatiziranom razvoju, daju novu važnost istraživanjima anomalija modela procesa i drugih modela funkcionalnosti. Rad se bavi istraživanjem anomalija u modelima procesa, njihovim osobinama, zajedničkim obilježjima, podjelom, metodama i metodikama prepoznavanja, te rješavanja uz primjenu uzoraka. Temeljni pristup otkrivanja i rješavanja anomalija u radu je formiranje taksonomije anomalija, te opis njihovih svojstava i uzoraka. Namjera je da se za svaku klasu anomalija odrede metode otkrivanja i rješavanja, s ciljem automatizacije prepoznavanja i rješavanja anomalija.Anomalies in business process models represent situations in which there is a deviation from the rules of modeling and presentation models. Anomalies are departures from the expected or normal structure, behavior, functionality, performance and etc. Since anomalies have certain common properties and characteristics by which they can be grouped and classified, we can say that the anomalies are actually patterns that cause deviations from normal behavior model and need to be cleared. A model in which exists an anomaly is defective and requires additional intervention which corrects this model. Anomalies in the models of business processes can occur during: modeling, modify models and conversion models. Problems with anomalies especially come to the fore in the case of conversion models from one notation to another. In this case, different uses of specific notation usually dictate and emphasis details on individual elements of the model. For this reason, may cause loss of information during this transformation. This paper deals with anomalies in the models of business processes, their properties, characteristics and features, by developing their taxonomy, the ways of their recognition and ways of their solution. This paper presents an overview of anomalies, which are classified according to certain characteristics. For each anomaly is given a description and example. He also suggested a way to identify and solve, in the form of OCL rules or in pseudo-code. Finally worked out a proposal automation to identify and solve anomalies based on pattern recognition, and our model is tested on several examples

    Towards using BPM Patterns in Requirements Elicitation

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    In an increasingly changing environment, different organizations are trying to improve their agility and efficiency by improving their business processes; thus, business process management has been gaining momentum for the last decade. The first step in business process management is the modeling of business processes. Business Process Modeling (BPM), in itself, is very important because it captures business requirements, allows for better understanding of a business and its processes, facilitates communication between business analysts and IT people, and pinpoints deficiencies in processes. It also serves as a basis for automation of these processes. But business process modeling comes with its own challenges since it is a time-consuming, complicated, and error-prone task. As a result, producing a high quality, precise business process model is not easy. BPM patterns, which are general reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in business process modeling, have been proposed to address these challenges. In this research, we conducted an exploratory study about requirements engineering practices in a large organization. This study identified key challenges in requirements engineering and showed how business process modeling is currently being conducted. Then, we created a survey of the different BPM pattern catalogs existing in the literature. Finally, we presented one of the BPM pattern catalogs in a clear format along with examples of each pattern. The ultimate objective is to allow business analysts to effectively use BPM patterns while creating precise BP models.1 yea

    Exploring the use of routine healthcare data through process mining to inform the management of musculoskeletal diseases

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    Healthcare informatics can help address some of the challenges faced by both healthcare providers and patients. The medical domain is characterised by inherently complex and intricate issues, data can often be of poor quality and novel techniques are required. Process mining is a discipline that uses techniques to extract insights from event data, generated during the execution of processes. It has had good results in various branches of medical science but applications to musculoskeletal diseases remain largely unexplored. This research commenced with a review of the healthcare and technical literature and applied a variety of process mining techniques in order to investigate approaches to the healthcare plans of patients with musculoskeletal conditions. The analysis involved three datasets from: 1) a private hospital in Boston, US, where data was used to create disease trajectory models. Results suggest the method may be of interest to healthcare researchers, as it enables a more rapid modelling and visualisation; 2) a mobile healthcare application for patients receiving physiotherapy in Sheffield, UK, where data was used to identify possible indicators for health outcomes. After evaluation of the results, it was found that the indicators identified may be down to chance; and 3) the population of Wales to explore knee pain surgery pathways. Results suggest that process mining is an effective technique. This work demonstrates how routine healthcare data can be analysed using process mining techniques to provide insights that may benefit patients suffering with musculoskeletal conditions. This thesis explores how strict criteria for analysis can be performed. The work is intended to expand the breadth of process mining methods available to the data science community and has contributed by making recommendations for service utilisation within physiotherapy at Sheffield Hospital and helped to define a roadmap for a leading healthcare software company

    Visualization of Business Process Modeling Anti Patterns

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    The most common way to model business processes is to use a graphical modeling language. The most widespread notation are business process diagrams modeled in the language BPMN. In this paper, we formalize structural patterns that can lead to control flow errors in such graphical models. For expressing such error patterns, we use the visual query language BPMN-Q. By using a query processor, a business process modeler is able to identify possible errors in business process diagrams. Moreover, the erroneous parts of the business process diagram can be highlighted when an instance of an error pattern is found. This way, the modeler gets an easyto-understand feedback in the visual modeling language he or she is familiar with