14 research outputs found

    Design principles of integrated information platform for emergency responses: The case of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

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    This paper investigates the challenges faced in designing an integrated information platform for emergency response management and uses the Beijing Olympic Games as a case study. The research methods are grounded in action research, participatory design, and situation-awareness oriented design. The completion of a more than two-year industrial secondment and six-month field studies ensured that a full understanding of user requirements had been obtained. A service-centered architecture was proposed to satisfy these user requirements. The proposed architecture consists mainly of information gathering, database management, and decision support services. The decision support services include situational overview, instant risk assessment, emergency response preplan, and disaster development prediction. Abstracting from the experience obtained while building this system, we outline a set of design principles in the general domain of information systems (IS) development for emergency management. These design principles form a contribution to the information systems literature because they provide guidance to developers who are aiming to support emergency response and the development of such systems that have not yet been adequately met by any existing types of IS. We are proud that the information platform developed was deployed in the real world and used in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. © 2012 INFORMS

    The explosion at institute: Modeling and analyzing the situation awareness factor

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    In 2008 a runaway chemical reaction caused an explosion at a methomyl unit in West Virginia, USA, killing two employees, injuring eight people, evacuating more than 40,000 residents adjacent to the facility, disrupting traffic on a nearby highway and causing significant business loss and interruption. Although the accident was formally investigated, the role of the situation awareness (SA) factor, i.e., a correct understanding of the situation, and appropriate models to maintain SA, remain unexplained. This paper extracts details of abnormal situations within the methomyl unit and models them into a situational network using dynamic Bayesian networks. A fuzzy logic system is used to resemble the operator's thinking when confronted with these abnormal situations. The combined situational network and fuzzy logic system make it possible for the operator to assess such situations dynamically to achieve accurate SA. The findings show that the proposed structure provides a useful graphical model that facilitates the inclusion of prior background knowledge and the updating of this knowledge when new information is available from monitoring systems

    An intelligent situation awareness support system for safety-critical environments

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    Operators handling abnormal situations in safety-critical environments need to be supported from a cognitive perspective to reduce their workload, stress, and consequent error rate. Of the various cognitive activities, a correct understanding of the situation, i.e. situation awareness (SA), is a crucial factor in improving performance and reducing error. However, existing system safety researches focus mainly on technical issues and often neglect SA. This study presents an innovative cognition-driven decision support system called the situation awareness support system (SASS) to manage abnormal situations in safety-critical environments in which the effect of situational complexity on human decision-makers is a concern. To achieve this objective, a situational network modeling process and a situation assessment model that exploits the specific capabilities of dynamic Bayesian networks and risk indicators are first proposed. The SASS is then developed and consists of four major elements: 1) a situation data collection component that provides the current state of the observable variables based on online conditions and monitoring systems, 2) a situation assessment component based on dynamic Bayesian networks (DBN) to model the hazardous situations in a situational network and a fuzzy risk estimation method to generate the assessment result, 3) a situation recovery component that provides a basis for decision-making to reduce the risk level of situations to an acceptable level, and 4) a human-computer interface. The SASS is partially evaluated by a sensitivity analysis, which is carried out to validate DBN-based situational networks, and SA measurements are suggested for a full evaluation of the proposed system. The performance of the SASS is demonstrated by a case taken from US Chemical Safety Board reports, and the results demonstrate that the SASS provides a useful graphical, mathematically consistent system for dealing with incomplete and uncertain information to help operators maintain the risk of dynamic situations at an acceptable level. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Virtual Worlds and Conservational Channel Evolution and Pollutant Transport Systems (Concepts)

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    Many models exist that predict channel morphology. Channel morphology is defined as the change in geometric parameters of a river. Channel morphology is affected by many factors. Some of these factors are caused either by man or by nature. To combat the adverse effects that man and nature may cause to a water system, scientists and engineers develop stream rehabilitation plans. Stream rehabilitation as defined by Shields et al., states that restoration is the return from a degraded ecosystem back to a close approximation of its remaining natural potential [Shields et al., 2003]. Engineers construct plans that will restore streams back to their natural state by using techniques such as field investigation, analytical models, or numerical models. Each of these techniques is applied to projects based on specified criteria, objectives, and the expertise of the individuals devising the plan. The utilization of analytical and numerical models can be difficult, for many reasons, one of which is the intuitiveness of the modeling process. Many numerical models exist in the field of hydraulic engineering, fluvial geomorphology, landscape architecture, and stream ecology that evaluate and formulate stream rehabilitation plans. This dissertation will explore, in the field of Hydroscience , the creation of models that are not only accurate but also span the different disciplines. The goal of this dissertation is to transform a discrete numerical model (CONCEPTS) into a realistic 3D environment using open source game engines, while at the same time, conveying at least the equivalent information that was presented in the 1D numerical model

    A safety-critical decision support system evaluation using situation awareness and workload measures

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. To ensure the safety of operations in safety-critical systems, it is necessary to maintain operators' situation awareness (SA) at a high level. A situation awareness support system (SASS) has therefore been developed to handle uncertain situations [1]. This paper aims to systematically evaluate the enhancement of SA in SASS by applying a multi-perspective approach. The approach consists of two SA metrics, SAGAT and SART, and one workload metric, NASA-TLX. The first two metrics are used for the direct objective and subjective measurement of SA, while the third is used to estimate operator workload. The approach is applied in a safety-critical environment called residue treater, located at a chemical plant in which a poor human-system interface reduced the operators' SA and caused one of the worst accidents in US history. A counterbalanced within-subjects experiment is performed using a virtual environment interface with and without the support of SASS. The results indicate that SASS improves operators' SA, and specifically has benefits for SA levels 2 and 3. In addition, it is concluded that SASS reduces operator workload, although further investigations in different environments with a larger number of participants have been suggested

    Distributed situation awareness: experimental studies into team work

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    For Command and Control teams Situation Awareness forms an important part of their ability to execute their tasks. It is therefore a crucial consideration in Command and Control systems to understand how best to support and design these systems. Despite a considerable amount of attention since the 1980s no consensus has yet been reached concerning the nature of team SA. Three schools of thought on SA: the Individualistic, the Engineering and the System Ergonomics, provide three different approaches to understanding the phenomenon of SA and its measurement. This thesis argues that the System Ergonomics school of thought, with the theory of Distributed SA, provides the most resilient approach to understanding team SA. This thesis advances and validates the theory of Distributed SA. A review of SA theory is presented, in which particular attention is given to Distributed SA. Drawing on the distributed cognition and systems theories Distributed SA takes the interaction between agents and their environment into account when exploring how SA emerges, followed by a review of measures utilised for assessing Distributed SA. The methods utilised in this work, namely the Critical Decision Method and Communications Analysis, are assessed in terms of their reliability and validity of eliciting Distributed SA. The findings suggested that methods to assess team SA can be tailored to collect data at different phases of activity. It was concluded that the Hierarchical Task Analysis may be applied before, Communication Analysis during and the Critical Decision Method after Command and Control activity. An experiment was performed to test the assumption that a relationship exists between organisational structure and team performance and between Distributed SA and team performance. Conclusive differences were found between different organisational structures and performance lending support to the literature. Distributed SA was found to be strongly correlated with good task performance and moderately negatively correlated with poor task performance. The relationship appeared to be mediated by organisational structure. Furthermore, a series of case studies are used to explore the components of Distributed SA, i.e. transactional and compatible SA. The analysis showed that more effective teams were characterised by a high volume of communications and had a different pattern of transactions compared to less effective teams. The findings are used to contribute to the existing debate concerning team SA and to advance the theory of Distributed SA

    View-Dependent Visualization for Analysis of Large Datasets

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    Due to the impressive capabilities of human visual processing, interactive visualization methods have become essential tools for scientists to explore and analyze large, complex datasets. However, traditional approaches do not account for the increased size or latency of data retrieval when interacting with these often remote datasets. In this dissertation, I discuss two novel design paradigms, based on accepted models of the information visualization process and graphics hardware pipeline, that are appropriate for interactive visualization of large remote datasets. In particular, I discuss novel solutions aimed at improving the performance of interactive visualization systems when working with large numeric datasets and large terrain (elevation and imagery) datasets by using data reduction and asynchronous retrieval of view-prioritized data, respectively. First I present a modified version of the standard information visualization model that accounts for the challenges presented by interacting with large, remote datasets. I also provide the details of a software framework implemented using this model and discuss several different visualization applications developed within this framework. Next I present a novel technique for leveraging the hardware graphics pipeline to provide asynchronous, view-prioritized data retrieval to support interactive visualization of remote terrain data. I provide the results of statistical analysis of performance metrics to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. Finally I present the details of two novel visualization techniques, and the results of evaluating these systems using controlled user studies and expert evaluation. The results of these qualitative and quantitative evaluation mechanisms demonstrate improved visual analysis task performance for large numeric datasets

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions

    ESARDA 39th Annual Meeting: 2017 Symposium

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    The 39th ESARDA symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Non-Proliferation was held in Düsseldorf, Germany from 16-18 May, 2017. The Symposium has been preceded by meetings of the ESARDA Working Groups on 15 May 2017. The event has once again been an opportunity for research organisations, safeguards authorities and nuclear plant operators to exchange information on new aspects of international safeguards and non-proliferation, as well as recent developments in nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation related research activities and their implications for the safeguards community.JRC.G.II.7-Nuclear securit