34 research outputs found

    What can we expect from navigating? Exploring navigation, wearables and data through critical design concepts

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    What is it to navigate or to be navigated? How, and through what, is information communicated to us? Do our interactions with space need to be limited to when we are moving through it? This paper describes a collection of design concepts generated as part of the initial stages of a research project that combines a critical design mindset and research through design process to explore these types of questions. The project seeks to problematise and diversify the discussion and understanding around pedestrian navigation, wearable technology, crowdsourcing and human data interaction. The goal is to develop one of the concepts using research through design as part of PhD research studies, leading to possible future applications

    Towards Secure and Usable Authentication for Augmented and Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays

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    Immersive technologies, including augmented and virtual reality (AR & VR) devices, have enhanced digital communication along with a considerable increase in digital threats. Thus, authentication becomes critical in AR & VR technology, particularly in shared spaces. In this paper, we propose applying the ZeTA protocol that allows secure authentication even in shared spaces for the AR & VR context. We explain how it can be used with the available interaction methods provided by Head-Mounted Displays. In future work, our research goal is to evaluate different designs of ZeTA (e.g., interaction modes) concerning their usability and users\u27 risk perception regarding their security - while using a cross-cultural approach

    Towards Secure and Usable Authentication for Augmented and Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays

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    Immersive technologies, including augmented and virtual reality (AR & VR) devices, have enhanced digital communication along with a considerable increase in digital threats. Thus, authentication becomes critical in AR & VR technology, particularly in shared spaces. In this paper, we propose applying the ZeTA protocol that allows secure authentication even in shared spaces for the AR & VR context. We explain how it can be used with the available interaction methods provided by Head-Mounted Displays. In future work, our research goal is to evaluate different designs of ZeTA (e.g., interaction modes) concerning their usability and users' risk perception regarding their security - while using a cross-cultural approach

    Discrete event simulation and virtual reality use in industry: new opportunities and future trends

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    This paper reviews the area of combined discrete event simulation (DES) and virtual reality (VR) use within industry. While establishing a state of the art for progress in this area, this paper makes the case for VR DES as the vehicle of choice for complex data analysis through interactive simulation models, highlighting both its advantages and current limitations. This paper reviews active research topics such as VR and DES real-time integration, communication protocols, system design considerations, model validation, and applications of VR and DES. While summarizing future research directions for this technology combination, the case is made for smart factory adoption of VR DES as a new platform for scenario testing and decision making. It is put that in order for VR DES to fully meet the visualization requirements of both Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet visions of digital manufacturing, further research is required in the areas of lower latency image processing, DES delivery as a service, gesture recognition for VR DES interaction, and linkage of DES to real-time data streams and Big Data sets

    Classification of visualization exudates fundus images results using support vector machine

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    This paper classifies the characteristics of normal and exudates fundus images by determine its accuracy for diagnostic purposes. Image normalization was performed on 149 fundus images (81 normal and 68 exudates) from MESSIDOR databases to standardize the colours in the fundus images. The OD removed fundus image and fundus image with the exudates areas removed. The SVM1 classifier was applied to 30 test fundus images to determine the best optimal parameter. The kernel function settings; linear, polynomial, quadratic and RBF have an effect on the classification results. For SVM1, the best parameter in classifying pixels is linear kernel function. The visualization results using CAC and radar chart are classified using ts accuracy. It has proven to discriminated exudates and non exudates pixels in fundus image using linear kernel function of SVM1 to diagnose DR.Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy (DR); Optic disc (OD); Support Vector Machine (SVM); AC); Radial Basis Function (RBF)

    VRIA - A Framework for Immersive Analytics on the Web

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    We report on the design, implementation and evaluation of , a framework for building immersive analytics (IA) solutions inWeb-based Virtual Reality (VR), built upon WebVR, A-Frame, React and D3. The recent emergence of affordable VR interfaces have reignited the interest of researchers and developers in exploring new, immersive ways to visualize data. In particular, the use of open-standards web-based technologies for implementing VR in a browser facilitates the ubiquitous and platform-independent adoption of IA systems. Moreover, such technologies work in synergy with established visualization libraries, through the HTML document object model (DOM). We discuss high-level features of and present a preliminary user experience evaluation of one of our use-cases

    Innovative Experiences in Interactive Devices applied to videogames: The Oculus Rift Case

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un primer análisis acerca de los desarrollos actuales en videojuegos para la tecnología Oculus Rift o gafas de realidad virtual que recrean una visión en tres dimensiones de gran profundidad, amplio campo de visión y alto grado de inmersión. Se parte de la idea de que la realidad virtual potenciada a través del Oculus Rift tiene sus orígenes en la aparición y experiencia continuada de los espectadores en la decodificación de imágenes construidas en perspectiva artificial. La hipótesis de esta investigación es que, en su estado actual, los desarrollos para Oculus Rift siguen dando más importancia a la recreación de mundos en perspectiva basados en la espectacularidad del dispositivo y menos en las experiencias jugables. Como metodología se ha empleado el modelo analítico framework MDA (Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics) utilizado en el ámbito de los Game Studies que cumple la doble función de servir como guía para diseñar videojuegos así como para estudiar los juegos desde los puntos de vista de la crítica y de la investigación. Los resultados demuestran que, para su definitiva penetración, Oculus Rift debe aminorar las sensaciones físicas que se producen en usuario (estrés, vértigo), tener presente en mayor medida el equilibrio necesario entre sus componentes MDA clásicos del videojuego, y mejorar otras cuestiones de tipo creativo-discursivo y técnico.The purpose of this article is to present a first analysis of current developments in videogames for the Oculus Rift technology or virtual reality goggles to recreate a vision in three dimensions of great depth, wide field of vision and high degree of immersion. It starts from the idea that the virtual reality enhanced through Oculus Rift has its origins in the emergence and on going experience of viewers in the image decoding built on artificial perspective. The hypothesis of this research is that, in its current state, the developments for Oculus Rift continue giving more importance to the recreation of worlds in perspective based on the spectacular nature of the device and less to the playable experience. The methodology used was the analytical model Framework MDA (Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics) used in the field of Game Studies, which serves the dual function of serving as a guide to design video games as well as for studying the games from the review and research points of view. The results show that for their final penetration Oculus Rift should lessen the physical sensations that occur in its user (stress, vertigo), keep in mind to a greater extent the necessary balance between its classic MDA videogames components, and improve other issues of creative-discursive and technical kind

    VRIA: A Web-based Framework for Creating Immersive Analytics Experiences

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    We present, a Web-based framework for creating Immersive Analytics (IA) experiences in Virtual Reality.is built upon WebVR, A-Frame, React and D3.js, and offers a visualization creation workflow which enables users, of different levels of expertise, to rapidly develop Immersive Analytics experiences for the Web. The use of these open-standards Web-based technologies allows us to implement VR experiences in a browser and offers strong synergies with popular visualization libraries, through the HTMLDocument Object Model (DOM). This makesubiquitous and platform-independent. Moreover, by using WebVR’s progressive enhancement, the experiencescreates are accessible on a plethora of devices. We elaborate on our motivation for focusing on open-standards Web technologies, present thecreation workflow and detail the underlying mechanics of our framework. We also report on techniques and optimizations necessary for implementing Immersive Analytics experiences on the Web, discuss scalability implications of our framework, and present a series of use case applications to demonstrate the various features of . Finally, we discuss current limitations of our framework, the lessons learned from its development, and outline further extensions