1,914 research outputs found

    Random hypergraphs and their applications

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    In the last few years we have witnessed the emergence, primarily in on-line communities, of new types of social networks that require for their representation more complex graph structures than have been employed in the past. One example is the folksonomy, a tripartite structure of users, resources, and tags -- labels collaboratively applied by the users to the resources in order to impart meaningful structure on an otherwise undifferentiated database. Here we propose a mathematical model of such tripartite structures which represents them as random hypergraphs. We show that it is possible to calculate many properties of this model exactly in the limit of large network size and we compare the results against observations of a real folksonomy, that of the on-line photography web site Flickr. We show that in some cases the model matches the properties of the observed network well, while in others there are significant differences, which we find to be attributable to the practice of multiple tagging, i.e., the application by a single user of many tags to one resource, or one tag to many resources.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Show Me What I Like: Detecting User-Specific Video Highlights Using Content-Based Multi-Head Attention

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    We propose a method to detect individualized highlights for users on given target videos based on their preferred highlight clips marked on previous videos they have watched. Our method explicitly leverages the contents of both the preferred clips and the target videos using pre-trained features for the objects and the human activities. We design a multi-head attention mechanism to adaptively weigh the preferred clips based on their object- and human-activity-based contents, and fuse them using these weights into a single feature representation for each user. We compute similarities between these per-user feature representations and the per-frame features computed from the desired target videos to estimate the user-specific highlight clips from the target videos. We test our method on a large-scale highlight detection dataset containing the annotated highlights of individual users. Compared to current baselines, we observe an absolute improvement of 2-4% in the mean average precision of the detected highlights. We also perform extensive ablation experiments on the number of preferred highlight clips associated with each user as well as on the object- and human-activity-based feature representations to validate that our method is indeed both content-based and user-specific.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 7 table

    Children’s attention to online adverts is related to low-level saliency factors and individual level of gaze control

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    Twenty-six children in 3rd grade were observed while surfing freely on their favourite websites. Eye movement data were recorded, as well as synchronized screen recordings. Each online advert was analyzed in order to quantify low-level saliency features, such as motion, luminance and edge density. The eye movement data were used to register if the children had attended to the online adverts. A mixed-effects multiple regression analysis was performed in order to test the relationship between visual attention on adverts and advert saliency features. The regression model also included individual level of gaze control and level of internet use as predictors. The results show that all measures of visual saliency had effects on children’s visual attention, but these effects were modulated by children’s individual level of gaze control

    HypTrails: A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Hypotheses About Human Trails on the Web

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    When users interact with the Web today, they leave sequential digital trails on a massive scale. Examples of such human trails include Web navigation, sequences of online restaurant reviews, or online music play lists. Understanding the factors that drive the production of these trails can be useful for e.g., improving underlying network structures, predicting user clicks or enhancing recommendations. In this work, we present a general approach called HypTrails for comparing a set of hypotheses about human trails on the Web, where hypotheses represent beliefs about transitions between states. Our approach utilizes Markov chain models with Bayesian inference. The main idea is to incorporate hypotheses as informative Dirichlet priors and to leverage the sensitivity of Bayes factors on the prior for comparing hypotheses with each other. For eliciting Dirichlet priors from hypotheses, we present an adaption of the so-called (trial) roulette method. We demonstrate the general mechanics and applicability of HypTrails by performing experiments with (i) synthetic trails for which we control the mechanisms that have produced them and (ii) empirical trails stemming from different domains including website navigation, business reviews and online music played. Our work expands the repertoire of methods available for studying human trails on the Web.Comment: Published in the proceedings of WWW'1

    Towards Accountable AI: Hybrid Human-Machine Analyses for Characterizing System Failure

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    As machine learning systems move from computer-science laboratories into the open world, their accountability becomes a high priority problem. Accountability requires deep understanding of system behavior and its failures. Current evaluation methods such as single-score error metrics and confusion matrices provide aggregate views of system performance that hide important shortcomings. Understanding details about failures is important for identifying pathways for refinement, communicating the reliability of systems in different settings, and for specifying appropriate human oversight and engagement. Characterization of failures and shortcomings is particularly complex for systems composed of multiple machine learned components. For such systems, existing evaluation methods have limited expressiveness in describing and explaining the relationship among input content, the internal states of system components, and final output quality. We present Pandora, a set of hybrid human-machine methods and tools for describing and explaining system failures. Pandora leverages both human and system-generated observations to summarize conditions of system malfunction with respect to the input content and system architecture. We share results of a case study with a machine learning pipeline for image captioning that show how detailed performance views can be beneficial for analysis and debugging
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