8,527 research outputs found

    Raising awareness of the accessibility challenges in mathematics MOOCs

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    MOOCs provide learning environments that make it easier for learners to study from anywhere, at their own pace and with open access to content. This has revolutionised the field of eLearning, but accessibility continues to be a problem, even more so if we include the complexity of the STEM disciplines which have their own specific characteristics. This work presents an analysis of the accessibility of several MOOC platforms which provide courses in mathematics. We attempt to visualise the main web accessibility problems and challenges that disabled learners could face in taking these types of courses, both in general and specifically in the context of the subject of mathematics

    A news video retrieval framework for the study of implicit relevance feedback.

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    In this paper, we propose a framework for recording, analysing, indexing and retrieving news videos such as the BBC one o'clock news. We believe that such a framework will be useful to identify implicit indicators of relevance, a nearly untouched area in adaptive multimedia retrieval. Due to its advantages as a Web application and its up-to-date content, it can be a promising approach to motivate a broad quantity of users to interact with the system

    Lipdubs as an Instrument to Overcome Invisibility in the Mass-Media. A study of four enthusiastic cases recorded in Quebec, USA, Catalonia and the Basque Country

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    This paper summarizes the principal conclusions of an investigation into lipdub as an instrument used by social movements in order to get more social influence. Since its creation in 2006, the phenomenon of lipdubs has increased\ud considerably. This research presents an analytical model for this type of video, providing general data, figures about the number of participants, characteristics of the song used and information about the profile of the audience. The work\ud highlights the main hypothetical features and components of a good lipdub. Four videos with high impact on Youtube are analyzed. This work claims that, at this time, a good lipdub can be a crucial tool for social movements in order to\ud overcome the invisibility with which the mass-media often punishes any expression which challenges mainstream tendencies

    Museums as disseminators of niche knowledge: Universality in accessibility for all

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    Accessibility has faced several challenges within audiovisual translation Studies and gained great opportunities for its establishment as a methodologically and theoretically well-founded discipline. Initially conceived as a set of services and practices that provides access to audiovisual media content for persons with sensory impairment, today accessibility can be viewed as a concept involving more and more universality thanks to its contribution to the dissemination of audiovisual products on the topic of marginalisation. Against this theoretical backdrop, accessibility is scrutinised from the perspective of aesthetics of migration and minorities within the field of the visual arts in museum settings. These aesthetic narrative forms act as modalities that encourage the diffusion of ‘niche’ knowledge, where processes of translation and interpretation provide access to all knowledge as counter discourse. Within this framework, the ways in which language is used can be considered the beginning of a type of local grammar in English as lingua franca for interlingual translation and subtitling, both of which ensure access to knowledge for all citizens as a human rights principle and regardless of cultural and social differences. Accessibility is thus gaining momentum as an agent for the democratisation and transparency of information against media discourse distortions and oversimplifications

    Subtitled Audio-visual Material for Teaching EFL Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary

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    El propósito de esta síntesis de investigación es el de explorar y analizar los efectos que tiene el material audiovisual subtitulado en la comprensión auditiva y la enseñanza de vocabulario del inglés como lengua extranjera, así como también las percepciones que tienen los estudiantes acerca del uso de este material. Se seleccionaron 16 estudios empíricos publicados en los últimos 20 años y enfocados principalmente en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. Los resultados del análisis demostraron que el uso de material audiovisual con subtítulos afecta de manera positiva en la comprensión auditiva y enseñanza de vocabulario, aunque también se encontró algunos estudios con un efecto negativo y ningún efecto. Del mismo modo, las percepciones de los estudiantes en su mayoría fueron positivas, declarando que el material audiovisual subtitulado les ayuda a mejorar su comprensión auditiva, aprender nuevas palabras y obtener una correcta pronunciación. Además, los estudiantes concluyeron que el material audiovisual es una herramienta interesante y motivadora.The purpose of this research synthesis is to analyze the effects of subtitled audio-visual material on listening comprehension and vocabulary learning in English as a foreign language as well as the students' perceptions of the use of this material. Sixteen empirical studies published over a period of 20 years and focused mainly on the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language were analyzed. The results of the analysis showed that the use of audio-visual material with subtitles could have a positive effect on listening comprehension and vocabulary learning; however, negative effects and no effects were also found. Similarly, students' perceptions were mostly positive, stating that subtitled audio-visual material helps them to improve their listening comprehension, learn new words, and obtain correct pronunciation. In addition, the students concluded that the audio-visual material is an interesting and motivating tool.0000-0001-8381-598
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