3,720 research outputs found

    A BPM Lifecycle Plug-in for Modeling Methods Agility

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    Business Process Management literature has proposed several BPM lifecycles on a level of abstraction that is modeling method -agnostic, i.e. they consider the modeling language and tool support an underlying invariant or technological concern. While remaining on the same abstraction layer, we highlight a method agility requirement observed in commercial BPM consulting projects - concretely, it manifests as change requests for the modeling language or tool, from one lifecycle iteration to the next, leading to situations of model value co-creation as customer demands are assimilated in the modeling method. Based on a conceptualization of such situations, a lifecycle plug-in is proposed in the form of a methodology and associated tool support, allowing for responsive evolution of the adopted modeling method with impact on several lifecycle phases. Historical examples from the evolution of a BPM product are provided to illustrate and classify the demands that motivate the existence of this lifecycle plug-in


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    Organizations across all industries seek efficiency, digitization, and automation of their business processes in current times. Low-code development platforms (LCDPs) promise time and cost reduction through rapid and easy-to-use application assembly. Even so, many organizations struggle to understand and identify digital solutions that can advance their business processes. Therefore, we propose a conceptual framework for organizations to assess their business process management (BPM) initiative for LCDP suitability. The framework is developed through a study of literature, a focus group, and expert interviews, resulting in 18 factors to be assessed by organizations. An evaluation using fictitious use case analyses showed that the model was well-received, especially with regard to its completeness and operationality. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work studying organizational adoption of low-code for the sake of BPM initiatives

    Business process automation in the academic context

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    Nowadays organizations invest their time to improve the execution of their processes in order to also improve the use of their resources. In the academic context, many processes are executed, from the dissemination of proposals, to the enrollment of new students in the educational institution, to the delivery of dissertations/internship/project reports, or even international mobility programs that require accuracy throughout the process flow. In order to improve this procedure logistics, different Business Process Management System (BPMS) were explored in order to understand which would be the most suitable to be applied in an academic context, as well as to select the most appropriate one for that purpose. This document aims to assess whether the automation of a process at the academic level is viable. For this, an existing process was selected, in this case the submission and evaluation of a dissertation report, which in turn was applied in the form of a Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) diagram and proceeded to automate it using a BPMS.Nos dias de hoje as organizações investem o seu tempo de forma a melhorar a execução dos seus processos com o objetivo de também melhorar o uso dos seus recursos. No contexto académico, são executados muitos processos, desde a divulgação de propostas, à inscrição de novos alunos na instituição de ensino, como à entrega de dissertações/ relatórios de estágio/projeto, ou até mesmo programas de mobilidade internacional que requerem rigor ao longo de todo o fluxo do processo. Com o objetivo de melhorar esta logística de procedimentos, foram explorados diferentes Sistema de Gestão de Processos de Negócios (SGPN) de forma a perceber qual seria mais indicada para ser aplicada em contexto académico, assim como selecionar a mais adequada para tal efeito. Neste documento tem como objetivo avaliar se a automação de um processo a nível académico é viável. Para isso, foi selecionado um processo existente, neste caso da Submissão e avaliação de um relatório de dissertação, que por sua vez foi aplicado em forma de diagrama Modelo e Notação de Processos de Negócio (MNPN) e que se procedeu à automação do mesmo, utilizando um Sistema de Gestão de Processos de Negócios SGPN

    SUPERNOVA Application-to-Approval: A BPM Approach

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementUniversities, like most organizations today, have digital transformation programmes in their strategic plans so as not to lose competitive advantage over their competitors. In parallel, universities have been adopting various corporate tools, adapting them to the university environment, usually in the form of digital technologies. This Master's project was born from the combination of the innate desire to improve processes with the commissioning of a CRM in the University, a digital technology from the corporate world increasingly adopted by universities to focus on a student-centric education approach. Digital Transformation is a process that originates changes in organizations induced by digital technologies. Two relevant success criteria of digital transformation and process digitalization projects (PDP) in organizations are efficient and effective business processes. Business Process Management (BPM) is a management discipline that looks at the business processes as the most important asset of an organization and enables organizations to leverage Digital Transformation and Digital Technologies for process improvement and innovation, which is considered the most value-adding phase of the BPM lifecycle. This Master's project focuses on SUPERNOVA's Application-to-Approval (A2A) process with the main goal of overseeing how the work is performed to take advantage of improvement opportunities, leveraging digital technologies (CRM) and supporting NOVA's digital transformation

    Strategic use of Scrum framework on BPMS projects

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementIt is rare to find nowadays a business methodology that does not involve any kind of technology, whether in the research or development phases. One methodology that rises above the others when it comes to business processes is BPM. This type of methodology when added a specific software with BPMS integrated becomes highly beneficial to implement. Nevertheless, there are always flaws and gaps that could be filled. On the other hand, software development companies have grown exponentially since the digital transformation was accepted. One reason for that is the working methodology these types of companies follow, as they are known as Agile companies. What this document aims to present is enough artefacts and pros for Scrum, an Agile framework, to rule BPMS projects and minimize the current failures. This dissertation follows a design science research approach to apply multiple analytical methods and perspectives to create an artefact. The type of evidence within this methodology is a systematic literature review, to attain insights into the current state-of-the-art research of BPMS projects and Scrum. Thereby, the systematic literature review shall be used to pinpoint, analyse, and comprehend the obtainable empirical studies and research questions. This approach supports the main goal of this dissertation, to develop and propose evidencebased practise guidelines for the implementation of the Scrum framework on BPMS projects strategy

    Business process trends

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    Business process and business process management (BPM) concepts have matured over the years and new technology, concepts, standards and solutions appear. In this chapter we will therefore focus on the current and future process trends. We will elaborate on the importance of trends, the maturity of the subject, giving a perspective on what emerging trends, industry trends, mega trends are, what is hyped at the moment, and what has reached a market adoption where it has started to become the de facto standard in terms of mega trends that has achieved a dominant position by public acceptance

    Integrating Enterprise System’s 3rd Wave Into IS Curriculum

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    This paper covers our observations that while enterprise systems are in their 4th Wave, current enterprise systems courses mainly cover the skills requirement up to the 2nd Wave. In this paper, we present our experience in developing an elective course (to address the 3rd Wave enterprise systems skills and knowledge) within the BSc Information Systems Management curriculum. This include the learning objectives and competencies, curriculum context, course structure, lab content, assessments, student evaluation and industry feedback

    VISUAL PPINOT: A Graphical Notation for Process Performance Indicators

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    Process performance indicators (PPIs) allow the quantitative evaluation of business processes, providing essential information for decision making. It is common practice today that business processes and PPIs are usually modelled separately using graphical notations for the former and natural language for the latter. This approach makes PPI definitions simple to read and write, but it hinders maintenance consistency between business processes and PPIs. It also requires their manual translation into lower-level implementation languages for their operationalisation, which is a time-consuming, error-prone task because of the ambiguities inherent to natural language definitions. In this article, VISUAL PPINOT, a graphical notation for defining PPIs together with business process models, is presented. Its underlying formal metamodel allows the automated processing of PPIs. Furthermore, it improves current state-of-the-art proposals in terms of expressiveness and in terms of providing an explicit visualisation of the link between PPIs and business processes, which avoids inconsistencies and promotes their co-evolution. The reference implementation, developed as a complete tool suite, has allowed its validation in a multiple- case study, in which five dimensions of VISUAL PPINOT were studied: expressiveness, precision, automation, understandability, and traceability.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC-186