846 research outputs found

    Easier Debugging of Multithreaded Software

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    Software activation is a technique designed to avoid illegal use of a licensed software. This is achieved by having a legitimate user enter a software activation key to validate the purchase of the software. Generally, a software is a single-threaded program. From an attacker’s perspective, who does not wish to pay for this software, it is not hard to reverse engineer such a single threaded program and trace its path of execution. With tools such as OllyDbg, the attacker can look into the disassembled code of this software and find out where the verification logic is being performed and then patch it to skip the verification altogether. In order to make the attacker’s task difficult, a multi-threaded approach towards software development was proposed [1]. According to this approach, you should break the verification logic into several pieces, each of which should run in a separate thread. Any debugger, such as OllyDbg, is capable of single-stepping through only one thread at a time, although it is aware of the existence of other threads. This makes it difficult for an attacker to trace the verification logic. Not just for an attacker, it is also difficult for any ethical developer to debug a multithreaded program. The motivation behind this project is to develop the prototype of a debugger that will make it easer to trace the execution path of a multi-threaded program. The intended debugger has to be able to single-step through all of the threads in lockstep

    Coz: Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling

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    Improving performance is a central concern for software developers. To locate optimization opportunities, developers rely on software profilers. However, these profilers only report where programs spent their time: optimizing that code may have no impact on performance. Past profilers thus both waste developer time and make it difficult for them to uncover significant optimization opportunities. This paper introduces causal profiling. Unlike past profiling approaches, causal profiling indicates exactly where programmers should focus their optimization efforts, and quantifies their potential impact. Causal profiling works by running performance experiments during program execution. Each experiment calculates the impact of any potential optimization by virtually speeding up code: inserting pauses that slow down all other code running concurrently. The key insight is that this slowdown has the same relative effect as running that line faster, thus "virtually" speeding it up. We present Coz, a causal profiler, which we evaluate on a range of highly-tuned applications: Memcached, SQLite, and the PARSEC benchmark suite. Coz identifies previously unknown optimization opportunities that are both significant and targeted. Guided by Coz, we improve the performance of Memcached by 9%, SQLite by 25%, and accelerate six PARSEC applications by as much as 68%; in most cases, these optimizations involve modifying under 10 lines of code.Comment: Published at SOSP 2015 (Best Paper Award

    A Concurrency-Agnostic Protocol for Multi-Paradigm Concurrent Debugging Tools

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    Today's complex software systems combine high-level concurrency models. Each model is used to solve a specific set of problems. Unfortunately, debuggers support only the low-level notions of threads and shared memory, forcing developers to reason about these notions instead of the high-level concurrency models they chose. This paper proposes a concurrency-agnostic debugger protocol that decouples the debugger from the concurrency models employed by the target application. As a result, the underlying language runtime can define custom breakpoints, stepping operations, and execution events for each concurrency model it supports, and a debugger can expose them without having to be specifically adapted. We evaluated the generality of the protocol by applying it to SOMns, a Newspeak implementation, which supports a diversity of concurrency models including communicating sequential processes, communicating event loops, threads and locks, fork/join parallelism, and software transactional memory. We implemented 21 breakpoints and 20 stepping operations for these concurrency models. For none of these, the debugger needed to be changed. Furthermore, we visualize all concurrent interactions independently of a specific concurrency model. To show that tooling for a specific concurrency model is possible, we visualize actor turns and message sends separately.Comment: International Symposium on Dynamic Language


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    Software activation is an anti-piracy technology designed to verify that software products have been legitimately licensed [1]. It is supposed to be quick and simple while simultaneously protecting customer privacy. The most common form of software activation is through the entering of legitimate product serial numbers by users, which sometimes are also known as product keys. This technique is employed by various software, from small shareware programs to large commercial programs such as Microsoft Office. However, software activation based on a serial number appears to be weak, as various cracks for a majority of programs are available and can be found easily on the Internet. Users can use such cracks to bypass the software activation. Generally, the verification logic for checking a serial number executes sequentially in a single thread. Such an approach is weak because attackers can effectively trace this thread from the beginning to the end to understand how the verification logic works. In this paper, we develop a practical multi-threaded verification design. We breakdown the checking logic into smaller pieces and run each piece within a separate thread. Our results show that the amount of traceable code in a debugger is reduced to a low percentage of the code -- especially when junk threads with deadlocks are used -- and the traceable code in each run can differ as well. This makes it more difficult for an attacker to reverse engineer the code and bypass any security check. Finally, we attempt to quantify the increased effort necessary to break out verification logic

    Benchmark and Framework for Encouraging Research on Multi-Threaded Testing Tools

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    A problem that has been getting prominence in testing is that of looking for intermittent bugs. Multi-threaded code is becoming very common, mostly on the server side. As there is no silver bullet solution, research focuses on a variety of partial solutions. In this paper (invited by PADTAD 2003) we outline a proposed project to facilitate research. The project goals are as follows. The first goal is to create a benchmark that can be used to evaluate different solutions. The benchmark, apart from containing programs with documented bugs, will include other artifacts, such as traces, that are useful for evaluating some of the technologies. The second goal is to create a set of tools with open API s that can be used to check ideas without building a large system. For example an instrumentor will be available, that could be used to test temporal noise making heuristics. The third goal is to create a focus for the research in this area around which a community of people who try to solve similar problems with different techniques, could congregate

    Explaining multi-threaded task scheduling using tangible user interfaces in higher educational contexts

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    Endorsing the advantages of computer-based interaction within the educational domain, this study analysis the potential for tangible interactive technology to mitigate the challenges faced by higher educational institutes in explaining abstracted technical concepts. Implemented within a novel within the educational domain, this paper evaluates the efficacy of adopting a tangible user interface (TUI) to aid in the conceptual understanding of multi-threaded task scheduling and programming by undergraduate IT students. Making use of physical object representations, a description is provided for the distinctive development of a collaborative system that allows students to interact with and visualize the scheduling of multiple software threads onto a computer processes. The paper quantitatively studies the usefulness of the proposed TUI system with respect to traditional lectures by deploying the system within a university computing degree. Evaluation analysis of the obtained results highlight a significant improvement in the students' abilities to grasp the abstract and complex notions of multi-threading, thus validating the potential of the proposed study

    Android Application Development for the Intel Platform

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    Idempotent I/O for safe time travel

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    Debuggers for logic programming languages have traditionally had a capability most other debuggers did not: the ability to jump back to a previous state of the program, effectively travelling back in time in the history of the computation. This ``retry'' capability is very useful, allowing programmers to examine in detail a part of the computation that they previously stepped over. Unfortunately, it also creates a problem: while the debugger may be able to restore the previous values of variables, it cannot restore the part of the program's state that is affected by I/O operations. If the part of the computation being jumped back over performs I/O, then the program will perform these I/O operations twice, which will result in unwanted effects ranging from the benign (e.g. output appearing twice) to the fatal (e.g. trying to close an already closed file). We present a simple mechanism for ensuring that every I/O action called for by the program is executed at most once, even if the programmer asks the debugger to travel back in time from after the action to before the action. The overhead of this mechanism is low enough and can be controlled well enough to make it practical to use it to debug computations that do significant amounts of I/O.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902
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