621 research outputs found

    Completely Automated Public Physical test to tell Computers and Humans Apart: A usability study on mobile devices

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    A very common approach adopted to fight the increasing sophistication and dangerousness of malware and hacking is to introduce more complex authentication mechanisms. This approach, however, introduces additional cognitive burdens for users and lowers the whole authentication mechanism acceptability to the point of making it unusable. On the contrary, what is really needed to fight the onslaught of automated attacks to users data and privacy is to first tell human and computers apart and then distinguish among humans to guarantee correct authentication. Such an approach is capable of completely thwarting any automated attempt to achieve unwarranted access while it allows keeping simple the mechanism dedicated to recognizing the legitimate user. This kind of approach is behind the concept of Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA), yet CAPTCHA leverages cognitive capabilities, thus the increasing sophistication of computers calls for more and more difficult cognitive tasks that make them either very long to solve or very prone to false negatives. We argue that this problem can be overcome by substituting the cognitive component of CAPTCHA with a different property that programs cannot mimic: the physical nature. In past work we have introduced the Completely Automated Public Physical test to tell Computer and Humans Apart (CAPPCHA) as a way to enhance the PIN authentication method for mobile devices and we have provided a proof of concept implementation. Similarly to CAPTCHA, this mechanism can also be used to prevent automated programs from abusing online services. However, to evaluate the real efficacy of the proposed scheme, an extended empirical assessment of CAPPCHA is required as well as a comparison of CAPPCHA performance with the existing state of the art. To this aim, in this paper we carry out an extensive experimental study on both the performance and the usability of CAPPCHA involving a high number of physical users, and we provide comparisons of CAPPCHA with existing flavors of CAPTCHA

    Hunting CAPTCHA-solving bots

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    openToday, smart phones have become an integral part of modern human life. By increasing CPU power and energy efficiency of these types of equipment, almost all daily routines and even personal activities of people have become dependent on these devices. By knowing the importance of these equipment in today's human life and crucial role of them to protect personal sensitive information, security and authorized access to these data are indispensable requirement in any new methods in this field of study. Today, CAPTCHAs are used to protect smart phones and computers from robot access, however most of which are broken and hacked by robots and machine learning based method. Therefore, it is necessary to provide more accurate and comprehensive algorithm in order to identify robots and prevent them from entering mobile phones

    Research trends on CAPTCHA: A systematic literature

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    The advent of technology has crept into virtually all sectors and this has culminated in automated processes making use of the Internet in executing various tasks and actions. Web services have now become the trend when it comes to providing solutions to mundane tasks. However, this development comes with the bottleneck of authenticity and intent of users. Providers of these Web services, whether as a platform, as a software or as an Infrastructure use various human interaction proof’s (HIPs) to validate authenticity and intent of its users. Completely automated public turing test to tell computer and human apart (CAPTCHA), a form of IDS in web services is advantageous. Research into CAPTCHA can be grouped into two -CAPTCHA development and CAPTCH recognition. Selective learning and convolutionary neural networks (CNN) as well as deep convolutionary neural network (DCNN) have become emerging trends in both the development and recognition of CAPTCHAs. This paper reviews critically over fifty article publications that shows the current trends in the area of the CAPTCHA scheme, its development and recognition mechanisms and the way forward in helping to ensure a robust and yet secure CAPTCHA development in guiding future research endeavor in the subject domain

    CAPTCHA Types and Breaking Techniques: Design Issues, Challenges, and Future Research Directions

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    The proliferation of the Internet and mobile devices has resulted in malicious bots access to genuine resources and data. Bots may instigate phishing, unauthorized access, denial-of-service, and spoofing attacks to mention a few. Authentication and testing mechanisms to verify the end-users and prohibit malicious programs from infiltrating the services and data are strong defense systems against malicious bots. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) is an authentication process to confirm that the user is a human hence, access is granted. This paper provides an in-depth survey on CAPTCHAs and focuses on two main things: (1) a detailed discussion on various CAPTCHA types along with their advantages, disadvantages, and design recommendations, and (2) an in-depth analysis of different CAPTCHA breaking techniques. The survey is based on over two hundred studies on the subject matter conducted since 2003 to date. The analysis reinforces the need to design more attack-resistant CAPTCHAs while keeping their usability intact. The paper also highlights the design challenges and open issues related to CAPTCHAs. Furthermore, it also provides useful recommendations for breaking CAPTCHAs

    Mothers\u27 Adaptation to Caring for a New Baby

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    To date, most research on parents\u27 adjustment after adding a new baby to their family unit has focused on mothers\u27 initial transition to parenthood. This past research has examined changes in mothers\u27 marital satisfaction and perceived well-being across the transition, and has compared their prenatal expectations to their postnatal experiences. This project assessed first-time and experienced mothers\u27 stress and satisfaction associated with parenting, their adjustment to competing demands, and their perceived well-being longitudinally before and after the birth of a baby. Additionally, how maternal and child-related variables influenced the trajectory of mothers\u27 postnatal adaptation was assessed. These variables included mothers\u27 age, their education level, their prenatal expectations and postnatal experiences concerning shared infant care, their satisfaction with the division of infant caregiving, and their perceptions of their infant\u27s temperament. Mothers (N = 136) completed an online survey during their third trimester and additional online surveys when their baby was approximately 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks old.;First-time mothers prenatally expected a more equal division of infant caregiving between themselves and their partners than did experienced mothers. Both first-time and experienced mothers reported less assistance from their partners than they had prenatally expected. Additionally, they experienced almost twice as many violated expectations than met expectations. Growth curve modeling revealed that a cubic function of time best fit the trajectory of mothers\u27 postnatal parenting satisfaction. Mothers reported less parenting satisfaction at 4 weeks, compared to 2 and 6 weeks, and reported stability in their satisfaction between 6 and 8 weeks. A quadratic function of time best fit the trajectories of mothers\u27 postnatal parenting stress and adjustment to the demands of their baby. Mothers reported more stress and difficulty adjusting to their baby\u27s demands at 4 and 6 weeks, compared to 2 and 8 weeks. A linear function of time best fit the trajectories of mothers\u27 adjustment to home demands, generalized state anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Mothers reported less difficulty meeting home demands, less generalized anxiety, and fewer depressive symptoms across the postnatal period. Mothers\u27 violated expectations were associated with level differences in all aspects of mothers\u27 postnatal adaptation except their adjustment to home demands. Specifically, more violated expectations, in number or in magnitude, were associated with poorer postnatal adaptation. Mothers\u27 violated expectations were not associated with the slope of mothers\u27 postnatal adaptation trajectories. Exploratory models revealed that other maternal and child-related variables also impacted the level and slope of mothers\u27 postnatal adaptation.;Overall, first-time and experienced mothers were more similar than different in regards to their postnatal adaptation. This study suggests that prior findings concerning adults\u27 initial transition to parenthood may also apply to adults during each addition of a new baby into the family unit. Additionally, mothers who reported less of a mismatch between their expectations and experiences concerning shared infant care had fewer issues adapting the postnatal period. Thus, methods to increase the assistance mothers receive from their partner should be sought. Limitations of this study and suggestions for future research are also discussed

    Enhancing Online Security with Image-based Captchas

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    Given the data loss, productivity, and financial risks posed by security breaches, there is a great need to protect online systems from automated attacks. Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart, known as CAPTCHAs, are commonly used as one layer in providing online security. These tests are intended to be easily solvable by legitimate human users while being challenging for automated attackers to successfully complete. Traditionally, CAPTCHAs have asked users to perform tasks based on text recognition or categorization of discrete images to prove whether or not they are legitimate human users. Over time, the efficacy of these CAPTCHAs has been eroded by improved optical character recognition, image classification, and machine learning techniques that can accurately solve many CAPTCHAs at rates approaching those of humans. These CAPTCHAs can also be difficult to complete using the touch-based input methods found on widely used tablets and smartphones.;This research proposes the design of CAPTCHAs that address the shortcomings of existing implementations. These CAPTCHAs require users to perform different image-based tasks including face detection, face recognition, multimodal biometrics recognition, and object recognition to prove they are human. These are tasks that humans excel at but which remain difficult for computers to complete successfully. They can also be readily performed using click- or touch-based input methods, facilitating their use on both traditional computers and mobile devices.;Several strategies are utilized by the CAPTCHAs developed in this research to enable high human success rates while ensuring negligible automated attack success rates. One such technique, used by fgCAPTCHA, employs image quality metrics and face detection algorithms to calculate a fitness value representing the simulated performance of human users and automated attackers, respectively, at solving each generated CAPTCHA image. A genetic learning algorithm uses these fitness values to determine customized generation parameters for each CAPTCHA image. Other approaches, including gradient descent learning, artificial immune systems, and multi-stage performance-based filtering processes, are also proposed in this research to optimize the generated CAPTCHA images.;An extensive RESTful web service-based evaluation platform was developed to facilitate the testing and analysis of the CAPTCHAs developed in this research. Users recorded over 180,000 attempts at solving these CAPTCHAs using a variety of devices. The results show the designs created in this research offer high human success rates, up to 94.6\% in the case of aiCAPTCHA, while ensuring resilience against automated attacks

    Avatar captcha : telling computers and humans apart via face classification and mouse dynamics.

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    Bots are malicious, automated computer programs that execute malicious scripts and predefined functions on an affected computer. They pose cybersecurity threats and are one of the most sophisticated and common types of cybercrime tools today. They spread viruses, generate spam, steal personal sensitive information, rig online polls and commit other types of online crime and fraud. They sneak into unprotected systems through the Internet by seeking vulnerable entry points. They access the system’s resources like a human user does. Now the question arises how do we counter this? How do we prevent bots and on the other hand allow human users to access the system resources? One solution is by designing a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart), a program that can generate and grade tests that most humans can pass but computers cannot. It is used as a tool to distinguish humans from malicious bots. They are a class of Human Interactive Proofs (HIPs) meant to be easily solvable by humans and economically infeasible for computers. Text CAPTCHAs are very popular and commonly used. For each challenge, they generate a sequence of alphabets by distorting standard fonts, requesting users to identify them and type them out. However, they are vulnerable to character segmentation attacks by bots, English language dependent and are increasingly becoming too complex for people to solve. A solution to this is to design Image CAPTCHAs that use images instead of text and require users to identify certain images to solve the challenges. They are user-friendly and convenient for human users and a much more challenging problem for bots to solve. In today’s Internet world the role of user profiling or user identification has gained a lot of significance. Identity thefts, etc. can be prevented by providing authorized access to resources. To achieve timely response to a security breach frequent user verification is needed. However, this process must be passive, transparent and non-obtrusive. In order for such a system to be practical it must be accurate, efficient and difficult to forge. Behavioral biometric systems are usually less prominent however, they provide numerous and significant advantages over traditional biometric systems. Collection of behavior data is non-obtrusive and cost-effective as it requires no special hardware. While these systems are not unique enough to provide reliable human identification, they have shown to be highly accurate in identity verification. In accomplishing everyday tasks, human beings use different styles, strategies, apply unique skills and knowledge, etc. These define the behavioral traits of the user. Behavioral biometrics attempts to quantify these traits to profile users and establish their identity. Human computer interaction (HCI)-based biometrics comprise of interaction strategies and styles between a human and a computer. These unique user traits are quantified to build profiles for identification. A specific category of HCI-based biometrics is based on recording human interactions with mouse as the input device and is known as Mouse Dynamics. By monitoring the mouse usage activities produced by a user during interaction with the GUI, a unique profile can be created for that user that can help identify him/her. Mouse-based verification approaches do not record sensitive user credentials like usernames and passwords. Thus, they avoid privacy issues. An image CAPTCHA is proposed that incorporates Mouse Dynamics to help fortify it. It displays random images obtained from Yahoo’s Flickr. To solve the challenge the user must identify and select a certain class of images. Two theme-based challenges have been designed. They are Avatar CAPTCHA and Zoo CAPTCHA. The former displays human and avatar faces whereas the latter displays different animal species. In addition to the dynamically selected images, while attempting to solve the CAPTCHA, the way each user interacts with the mouse i.e. mouse clicks, mouse movements, mouse cursor screen co-ordinates, etc. are recorded nonobtrusively at regular time intervals. These recorded mouse movements constitute the Mouse Dynamics Signature (MDS) of the user. This MDS provides an additional secure technique to segregate humans from bots. The security of the CAPTCHA is tested by an adversary executing a mouse bot attempting to solve the CAPTCHA challenges

    An Enhanced Authentication System using Multi-Level Security for web Services

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    With growing use of internet and its services, a large number of organizations are making use of password to provide security. A password is a secret word or combination of alphabet used for user authentication. Authentication to user account to access internet services on-line is achieved victimization password. The password is most convenient means of authentication. But now a day’s password becomes hacked by the attacker. To provide more security, we are using Kerberos and the video CAPTCHA as authentication technique. Kerberos is a authentication protocol and CAPTCHA is a (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computer and Human Apart) test which provide a way to differentiate user into a human and malicious program. CAPTCHA become the most widely used standard security technique to prevent automated computer program attack. Our aim is to proposed a system which can be a better than existing CAPTCHA and provide higher level of authentication. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150511

    Ready.gov: Who’s Ready, Really? Examining Principles of Inclusivity and Universal Design in Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness Public Information Websites

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    Nearly 20 years ago, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security launched Ready.gov, a national public service advertising campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies such as natural and technological disasters. To date, little is known about the accessibility and adaptability of this information for vulnerable populations including persons with disabilities (PwDs) and those with limited English proficiency (LEP). This computer-automated analysis seeks (1) to determine the general web, mobile and language accessibility of state websites which extend and/or amplify the Ready.gov national campaign goals, (2) to evaluate the document accessibility of downloadable emergency preparedness information, and, based on findings, (3) reflect upon improvement opportunities for disaster and emergency management preparedness messaging processes to vulnerable populations. An exploratory, quantitative content analysis relying on computer-automated software is used to assess the web, language, mobile and document accessibility of Ready.gov state-affiliated websites dedicated to providing public information for emergency preparedness and disaster response. Additional factors such as the use of CAPTCHA, adherence to the Matterhorn Protocol, disclosure of accessibility policy statements, and the presence of tailored information are evaluated. No significant differences among FEMA regions were found. The most frequent errors were likely to impact the POUR dimensions of perceivability and operability. In all, 76% of the Ready.gov state-affiliated websites had WCAG Level AA detectable accessibility failures on the home pages. Furthermore, 62% of the sites offered translational language formats for LEP users, while only 6% (n=3 role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; display: inline; line-height: normal; word-spacing: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; text-wrap: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative; \u3en=3ďż˝=3) explicitly provided PwDs an option to report accessibility-related user experiences to the agency. Document accessibility was deemed to be poor with 80% of the websites disseminating downloadable .pdfs such as emergency planning guides and preparedness kits in inaccessible digital formats. These findings identify opportunities for improvement specifically, in the web, mobile and document accessibility of information associated with the Ready.gov national campaign. We argue that improvement and compliance is expected to reduce the likelihood of litigation, increase the resilience of vulnerable populations, and improve user experiences


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    The Web is a delivery medium, as well as a provider of content and subject matter. It is easy to use the website to deliver all of these offerings in text, graphics, sound and video. The report will discuss about the background of the study, objective and scope. Inside the report, there will be also included the literature review, methodology and finally the conclusion. The purpose of this project is focusing on creating the virtual tutorial that can be access on the website via the internet. The advantages of web-based learning (WBL) in education include overcoming barriers of distance and time, economies of scale, and novel instructional methods. The precalculus course will be the chosen course that will be converted into virtual tutorial. The course can be accesses through the internet by the student for the note, tutorial, assignment and quiz. The system also calculates the student performance and shows it to the lecturer. Thus, the website will become more favorable to the student and the lecturer. This will make sure the virtual tutorial created is powerful and interesting
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