1,814 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Methods Applied to Soft Robot Modeling and Control: A Review

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    Soft robots show compliance and have infinite degrees of freedom. Thanks to these properties, such robots can be leveraged for surgery, rehabilitation, biomimetics, unstructured environment exploring, and industrial grippers. In this case, they attract scholars from a variety of areas. However, nonlinearity and hysteresis effects also bring a burden to robot modeling. Moreover, following their flexibility and adaptation, soft robot control is more challenging than rigid robot control. In order to model and control soft robots, a large number of data-driven methods are utilized in pairs or separately. This review first briefly introduces two foundations for data-driven approaches, which are physical models and the Jacobian matrix, then summarizes three kinds of data-driven approaches, which are statistical method, neural network, and reinforcement learning. This review compares the modeling and controller features, e.g., model dynamics, data requirement, and target task, within and among these categories. Finally, we summarize the features of each method. A discussion about the advantages and limitations of the existing modeling and control approaches is presented, and we forecast the future of data-driven approaches in soft robots. A website (https://sites.google.com/view/23zcb) is built for this review and will be updated frequently. Note to Practitioners ā€”This work is motivated by the need for a review introducing soft robot modeling and control methods in parallel. Modeling and control play significant roles in robot research, and they are challenging especially for soft robots. The nonlinear and complex deformation of such robots necessitates specific modeling and control approaches. We introduce the state-of-the-art data-driven methods and survey three approaches widely utilized. This review also compares the performance of these methods, considering some important features like data amount requirement, control frequency, and target task. The features of each approach are summarized, and we discuss the possible future of this area

    Learning-Based Control Strategies for Soft Robots: Theory, Achievements, and Future Challenges

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    In the last few decades, soft robotics technologies have challenged conventional approaches by introducing new, compliant bodies to the world of rigid robots. These technologies and systems may enable a wide range of applications, including human-robot interaction and dealing with complex environments. Soft bodies can adapt their shape to contact surfaces, distribute stress over a larger area, and increase the contact surface area, thus reducing impact forces

    Nonparametric Online Learning Control for Soft Continuum Robot: An Enabling Technique for Effective Endoscopic Navigation.

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    Bioinspired robotic structures comprising soft actuation units have attracted increasing research interest. Taking advantage of its inherent compliance, soft robots can assure safe interaction with external environments, provided that precise and effective manipulation could be achieved. Endoscopy is a typical application. However, previous model-based control approaches often require simplified geometric assumptions on the soft manipulator, but which could be very inaccurate in the presence of unmodeled external interaction forces. In this study, we propose a generic control framework based on nonparametric and online, as well as local, training to learn the inverse model directly, without prior knowledge of the robot's structural parameters. Detailed experimental evaluation was conducted on a soft robot prototype with control redundancy, performing trajectory tracking in dynamically constrained environments. Advanced element formulation of finite element analysis is employed to initialize the control policy, hence eliminating the need for random exploration in the robot's workspace. The proposed control framework enabled a soft fluid-driven continuum robot to follow a 3D trajectory precisely, even under dynamic external disturbance. Such enhanced control accuracy and adaptability would facilitate effective endoscopic navigation in complex and changing environments

    Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventions: Advances and Outlook

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    Since the emergence of soft robotics around two decades ago, research interest in the field has escalated at a pace. It is fuelled by the industry's appreciation of the wide range of soft materials available that can be used to create highly dexterous robots with adaptability characteristics far beyond that which can be achieved with rigid component devices. The ability, inherent in soft robots, to compliantly adapt to the environment, has significantly sparked interest from the surgical robotics community. This article provides an in-depth overview of recent progress and outlines the remaining challenges in the development of soft robotics for minimally invasive surgery

    Learning by imitation with the STIFF-FLOP surgical robot: a biomimetic approach inspired by octopus movements

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    Transferring skills from a biological organism to a hyper-redundant system is a challenging task, especially when the two agents have very different structure/embodiment and evolve in different environments. In this article, we propose to address this problem by designing motion primitives in the form of probabilistic dynamical systems. We take inspiration from invertebrate systems in nature to seek for versatile representations of motion/behavior primitives in continuum robots. We take the perspective that the incredibly varied skills achieved by the octopus can guide roboticists toward the design of robust motor skill encoding schemes and present our ongoing work that aims at combining statistical machine learning, dynamical systems, and stochastic optimization to study the problem of transferring movement patterns from an octopus arm to a flexible surgical robot (STIFF-FLOP) composed of two modules with constant curvatures. The approach is tested in simulation by imitation and self-refinement of an octopus reaching motion

    Gesture Recognition and Control for Semi-Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeons

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    The next stage for robotics development is to introduce autonomy and cooperation with human agents in tasks that require high levels of precision and/or that exert considerable physical strain. To guarantee the highest possible safety standards, the best approach is to devise a deterministic automaton that performs identically for each operation. Clearly, such approach inevitably fails to adapt itself to changing environments or different human companions. In a surgical scenario, the highest variability happens for the timing of different actions performed within the same phases. This thesis explores the solutions adopted in pursuing automation in robotic minimally-invasive surgeries (R-MIS) and presents a novel cognitive control architecture that uses a multi-modal neural network trained on a cooperative task performed by human surgeons and produces an action segmentation that provides the required timing for actions while maintaining full phase execution control via a deterministic Supervisory Controller and full execution safety by a velocity-constrained Model-Predictive Controller
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