14 research outputs found

    Dynamic Guarding of Marine Assets Through Cluster Control of Automated Surface Vessel Fleets

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    There is often a need to mark or patrol marine areas in order to prevent boat traffic from approaching critical regions, such as the location of a high-value vessel, a dive site, or a fragile marine ecosystem. In this paper, we describe the use of a fleet of robotic kayaks that provides such a function: the fleet circumnavigates the critical area until a threatening boat approaches, at which point the fleet establishes a barrier between the ship and the protected area. Coordinated formation control of the fleet is implemented through the use of the cluster-space control architecture, which is a full-order controller that treats the fleet as a virtual, articulating, kinematic mechanism. An application-specific layer interacts with the cluster-space controller in order for an operator to directly specify and monitor guarding-related parameters, such as the spacing between boats. This system has been experimentally verified in the field with a fleet of robotic kayaks. In this paper, we describe the control architecture used to establish the guarding behavior, review the design of the robotic kayaks, and present experimental data regarding the functionality and performance of the system.Fil: Mahacek, Paul. Santa Clara University; Estados UnidosFil: Kitts, Christopher A.. Santa Clara University; Estados UnidosFil: Mas, Ignacio Agustin. Santa Clara University; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

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    Planning And Control Of Swarm Motion As Continua

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    In this thesis, new algorithms for formation control of multi agent systems (MAS) based on continuum mechanics principles will be investigated. For this purpose agents of the MAS are treated as particles in a continuum, evolving in an n-D space, whose desired configuration is required to satisfy an admissible deformation function. Considered is a specific class of mappings that is called homogenous where the Jacobian of the mapping is only a function of time and is not spatially varying. The primary objectives of this thesis are to develop the necessary theory and its validation via simulation on a mobile-agent based swarm test bed that includes two primary tasks: 1) homogenous transformation of MAS and 2) deployment of a random distribution of agents on to a desired configuration. Developed will be a framework based on homogenous transformations for the evolution of a MAS in an n-D space (n=1, 2, and 3), under two scenarios: 1) no inter-agent communication (predefined motion plan); and 2) local inter-agent communication. Additionally, homogenous transformations based on communication protocols will be used to deploy an arbitrary distribution of a MAS on to a desired curve. Homogenous transformation with no communication: A homogenous transformation of a MAS, evolving in an space, under zero inter agent communication is first considered. Here the homogenous mapping, is characterized by an n x n Jacobian matrix ( ) and an n x 1 rigid body displacement vector ( ), that are based on positions of n+1 agents of the MAS, called leader agents. The designed Jacobian ( ) and rigid body displacement vector ( ) are passed onto rest of the agents of the MAS, called followers, who will then use that information to update their positions under a pre- iv defined motion plan. Consequently, the motion of MAS will evolve as a homogenous transformation of the initial configuration without explicit communication among agents. Homogenous Transformation under Local Communication: We develop a framework for homogenous transformation of MAS, evolving in , under a local inter agent communication topology. Here we assume that some agents are the leaders, that are transformed homogenously in an n-D space. In addition, every follower agent of the MAS communicates with some local agents to update its position, in order to grasp the homogenous mapping that is prescribed by the leader agents. We show that some distance ratios that are assigned based on initial formation, if preserved, lead to asymptotic convergence of the initial formation to a final formation under a homogenous mapping. Deployment of a Random Distribution on a Desired Manifold: Deployment of agents of a MAS, moving in a plane, on to a desired curve, is a task that is considered as an application of the proposed approach. In particular, a 2-D MAS evolution problem is considered as two 1-D MAS evolution problems, where x or y coordinates of the position of all agents are modeled as points confined to move on a straight line. Then, for every coordinate of MAS evolution, bulk motion is controlled by two agents considered leaders that move independently, with rest of the follower agents motions evolving through each follower agent communicating with two adjacent agents

    Cluster Control of Automated Surface Vessels

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    This research focuses on the design and control of a fleet of robotic kayaks, and presents experimental data regarding the functionality and performance of the system. One of the key technical challenges in fielding multi-robot systems for real-world applications is the coordination and relative motion control of the individual units. Coordinated formation control of the fleet is implemented through the use of the cluster space control architecture, which is a full-order controller that treats the fleet as a virtual, articulating, kinematic mechanism. The resulting system is capable of autonomous navigation utilizing a centralized controller, currently implemented via a shore-based computer that wirelessly receives ASV data and relays control commands. Using the cluster space control approach, these control commands allow a cluster supervisor to oversee a flexible and mobile formation formed by the ASV cluster. This paper includes an extended appendix which includes MatLab and Simulink code as well as two publications completed in the process of this research

    Design and Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System for Use in Simple Formations

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    In recent years, formation control of autonomous unmanned vehicles has become an active area of research with its many broad applications in areas such as transportation and surveillance. The work presented in this thesis involves the design and implementation of small unmanned ground vehicles to be used in leader-follower formations. This mechatronics project involves breadth in areas of mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering design. A vehicle with a unicycle-type drive mechanism is designed in 3D CAD software and manufactured using 3D printing capabilities. The vehicle is then modeled using the unicycle kinematic equations of motion and simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. Simple motion tasks are then performed onboard the vehicle utilizing the vehicle model via software, and leader-follower formations are implemented with multiple vehicles

    Formation Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles with Sensing Constraints Using Exponential Remapping Method

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    This paper presents a formation control strategy for unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) with sensing constraints moving in a leader-follower formation. Each USV is assumed to be equipped with a vision-based sensor, which is able to get the line-of-sight (LOS) range and bearing information. Most existing literature assumes that the USVs in formation control are with no sensing limitations or with 360-degree sensing fields; however, in our research, the vision-based sensor’s capability is restricted due to limited Field of View (FOV) and visual range. We consider that each USV in formation problem is equipped with a sector-like sensing field sensor for the leader-follower formation in two-dimensional space. The formation controller is developed by employing backstepping control technique and exponential remapping. The backstepping controller is designed to stabilize the triangular formation of three USVs, and the proposed exponential remapping method is to deal with the sector-like sensing constraint problem. Comparative analysis with three exponential remapping methods using numerical simulations is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    An Algorithm for Calculating the Inverse Jacobian of Multirobot Systems in a Cluster Space Formulation

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    Multirobot systems have characteristics such as high formation re-configurability that allow them to perform dynamic tasks that require real time formation control. These tasks include gradient sensing, object manipulation, and advanced field exploration. In such instances, the Cluster Space Control approach is attractive as it is both intuitive and allows for full degree of freedom control. Cluster Space Control achieves this by redefining a collection of robots as a single geometric entity called a cluster. To implement, it requires knowing the inverse Jacobian of the robotic system for use in the main control loop. Historically, the inverse Jacobian has been computed by hand which is an arduous process. However, a set of frame propagation equations that generate both the inverse position kinematics and inverse Jacobian has recently been developed. These equations have been used to manually compile the inverse Jacobian Matrix. The objective of this thesis was to automate this overall process. To do this, a formal method for representing cluster space implementations using graph theory was developed. This new graphical representation was used to develop an algorithm that computes the new frame propagation equations. This algorithm was then implemented in Matlab and the algorithm and its associated functions were organized into a Matlab toolbox. A collection of several cluster definitions were developed to test the algorithm, and the results were verified by comparing to a derivation based technique. The result is the initial version of a Matlab Toolbox that successfully automates the computation of the inverse Jacobian Matrix for a cluster of robots

    A Continuum Framework and Homogeneous Map Based Algorithms for Formation Control of Multi Agent Systems

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    In this dissertation, new algorithms for formation control of multi agent systems (MAS) based on continuum mechanics principles will be suggested. For this purpose, agents of the MAS are considered as particles in a continuum, evolving in R^n, whose desired configuration is required to satisfy an admissible deformation function. Considered is a specific class of mappings that are called homogenous where the Jacobian of the mapping is only a function of time and is not spatially varying. The primary objectives of this dissertation are to develop the necessary theory and its validation on a mobile-agent based swarm test bed that includes two primary tasks: 1) homogenous transformation of MAS and 2) deployment of a random distribution of agents on a desired configuration. Developed will be a framework based on homogenous transformations for the evolution of an MAS in an n-dimensional space (n=1,2, and 3), under1) no inter-agent communication (predefined motion plan), 2) local inter-agent communication, and 3) intelligent perception by agents. In this dissertation, different communication protocols for MAS evolution that are based on certain special features of a homogenous transformation will be developed. It is also aimed to deal with the robustness of tracking of a desired motion by an MAS evolving in R^n. Furthermore, the effect of communication delays in an MAS evolving under consensus algorithms or homogenous maps is investigated. In this regard, the maximum allowable communication delay for MAS evolution is formulated on the basis of eigen-analysis.Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics -- Drexel University, 201