49,793 research outputs found

    Low empathising and high systemising tendencies in higher education computing students: the affordances of virtual worlds in their education

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    Background. The increasing societal reliance on emerging technologies is demanding much more from those planning a career in the computing industry than technical ability alone. Many contemporary job roles require business contact, increasing the relevance of soft skills to competent practice. However, the association between those who are inherently drawn to a career in computing and low empathising, high systemising tendencies may present a barrier to future professional success. It is therefore important that the needs of such students are considered as part of their higher education experience, in order to ensure that the development of essential soft skills can be addressed as early as possible. Aim. To evaluate the ability of virtual world (VW) technology, through its characteristics of immersion, identity and interaction, to foster the soft skills recognised as presenting the most difficulty for those with a low empathising, high systemising disposition. Method. A variety of bespoke scenarios were developed for a VW and introduced to an undergraduate Applied Computing programme. These were based on technical activities but with a focus on managing non-routine situations, improving communication, embracing play and imagination as well as developing social relationships. Associations were made between the students’ cognitive style and their scholastic performance, including their own perception of the intervention. Consideration was also given to the observations of others, such as higher education unit lecturers, support staff, volunteer VW scenario participants and employers. Result. Achievement for all students was generally found to be better in areas of the course incorporating VW activities. Those with low empathising, high systemising traits considered their communication to have improved the most, followed by their ability to tackle non-routine situations, albeit with some delay in their reaction to the latter. A positive, but less significant, impact was reported for the other skills. However, the contribution of VW activities appeared to be transformational in some students experiencing more severe difficulties in these areas. Discussion. The research provided evidence of the VW as an engaging environment for developing non-technical skills through technical experiences, but raised a number of adoption concerns. While these techniques, applicable to other Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) areas or indeed any subject discipline that requires an emphasis on sought-after soft skills, could still be implemented by other methods in the real world, the activities may not be as effective as they are in avatar-based VWs

    Virtual Reality and the University

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    It is difficult to talk meaningfully about virtual reality (VR), since there have been several types of computing technology that are given this label, and a number of differing aims ascribed to their use. The origins can be projected backwards almost indefinitely into myths and legends of other worlds, or related to twentieth century science fiction (which though seemingly prescient, in hindsight, has influenced our development, use and interpretation of present day technologies). Many still impute to such technologies quasi-mystical powers which remove us, in some ambiguous fashion, from the here-and-now, and places us somewhere else, namely the virtual. In this paper, I discuss what the adoption in UK universities over the last 15 years of educational technology, namely Virtual Learning Environments and Virtual Worlds, tells us about responses to computers, the idea of the virtual, and to what extent we can use novel educational technologies effectively in higher education

    Xen Worlds: Creating a virtual laboratory environment for use in education

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    The Xen Worlds project uses the Xen hypervisor to create a virtual lab environment, providing students with personal networks of fully functional virtual machines (VMs) called a Xen World. The Xen Worlds environment can be provided using minimal hardware, and uses open source software, making it a low-cost option for education. The current hardware, consisting of five modest servers is capable of providing 470 VMs. Since each Xen World can be isolated from each other, and from the Internet, students can be provided root access to their VMs without the security and privacy issues that would be present in a normal shared lab. In addition, to support off-campus students, Xen Worlds has several features that ensure the system is equally accessible and easy to use, even if the student has limited access to computing or network resources. To rate the usability and effectiveness of the Xen Worlds environment, student feedback was collected through the use of surveys. The results indicate students feel the environment is an enjoyable and effective teaching method, with comments indicating a desire for a greater number of assignments to be provided

    CUBICA: An Example of Mixed Reality

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    Nowadays, one of the hot issues in the agenda is, undoubtedly, the concept of Sustainable Computing. There are several technologies in the intersection of Sustainable Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Among them we may mention “Human-Centric Interfaces for Ambient Intelligence” and “Collaborative Smart Objects” technologies. In this paper we present our efforts in developing these technologies for “Mixed Reality”, a paradigm where Virtual Reality and Ambient Intelligence meet. Cubica is a mixed reality educational application that integrates virtual worlds with tangible interfaces. The application is focused on teaching computer science, in particular “sorting algorithms”. The tangible interface is used to simplify the abstract concept of array, while the virtual world is used for delivering explanations. This educational application has been tested with students at different educational levels in secondary education, having obtained promising results in terms of increased motivation for learning and better understanding of abstract concepts.We want to thank the faculty of the I.E.S. “Joan Coromines”, at Benicarló (Valencia, Spain), for their support while evaluating the system. In particular, the contribution of Lorenzo Otero was essential during that process. The work described in this paper was partially funded by the Spanish National Plan of I+D+i (TIN2010-17344), and by the Spanish Ministry of Industry (TSI-020100-2010-743)

    Global Teamwork: A Study of Design Learning in Collaborative Virtual Environments

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    With the recent developments in communication and information technologies, using Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) in design activity has experienced a remarkable increase. In this paper we present a collaborative learning activity between the University of Sydney (USYD), and the Istanbul Technical University (ITU). This paper shares our teaching experience and discusses the principles of collaborative design learning in virtual environments. Followed by a study on students’ perception on the courses and collaborative learning in both universities, this paper also suggests future refinements on the course structure and the main areas of collaborative design learning. Keywords: Collaborative Design; Collaborative Virtual Environments; Design Teaching And Learning</p

    Reflections on the use of Project Wonderland as a mixed-reality environment for teaching and learning

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    This paper reflects on the lessons learnt from MiRTLE?a collaborative research project to create a ?mixed reality teaching and learning environment? that enables teachers and students participating in real-time mixed and online classes to interact with avatar representations of each other. The key hypothesis of the project is that avatar representations of teachers and students can help create a sense of shared presence, engendering a greater sense of community and improving student engagement in online lessons. This paper explores the technology that underpins such environments by presenting work on the use of a massively multi-user game server, based on Sun?s Project Darkstar and Project Wonderland tools, to create a shared teaching environment, illustrating the process by describing the creation of a virtual classroom. It is planned that the MiRTLE platform will be used in several trial applications ? which are described in the paper. These example applications are then used to explore some of the research issues arising from the use of virtual environments within an education environment. The research discussion initially focuses on the plans to assess this within the MiRTLE project. This includes some of the issues of designing virtual environments for teaching and learning, and how supporting pedagogical and social theories can inform this process

    From Multi-User Virtual Environment to 3D Virtual Learning Environment

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    While digital virtual worlds have been used in education for a number of years, advances in the capabilities and spread of technology have fed a recent boom in interest in massively multi‐user 3D virtual worlds for entertainment, and this in turn has led to a surge of interest in their educational applications. In this paper we briefly review the use of virtual worlds for education, from informal learning to formal instruction, and consider what is required to turn a virtual world from a Multi‐User Virtual Environment into a fully fledged 3D Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). In this we focus on the development of Sloodle – a system which integrates the popular 3D virtual world of Second Life with the open‐source VLE Moodle. Our intent is not simply to provide additional learning support features for Second Life, but to study more generally the ways in which integrated virtual environments can benefit teaching and learning, and this is the focus of our closing discussion

    Education Unleashed: Participatory Culture, Education, and Innovation in Second Life

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    Part of the Volume on the Ecology of Games: Connecting Youth, Games, and LearningWhile virtual worlds share common technologies and audiences with games, they possess many unique characteristics. Particularly when compared to massively multiplayer online role-playing games, virtual worlds create very different learning and teaching opportunities through markets, creation, and connections to the real world, and lack of overt game goals. This chapter aims to expose a wide audience to the breadth and depth of learning occurring within Second Life (SL). From in-world classes in the scripting language to mixed-reality conferences about the future of broadcasting, a tremendous variety of both amateurs and experts are leveraging SL as a platform for education. In one sense, this isn't new since every technology is co-opted by communities for communication, but SL is different because every aspect of it was designed to encourage this co-opting, this remixing of the virtual and the real
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