38 research outputs found

    Exploring key determinants of virtual worlds \ud business success based on users' experience and\ud perception

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    Given the growth and popularity of virtual worlds, companies have a\ud strong interest in presenting themselves successfully in virtual worlds. We\ud designed an experimental study to identify the key determinants of virtual worlds\ud business success based on users’ experience and perception. The preliminary\ud results indicate that Starbucks, McDonalds, and Paris are the 3 most favorite sites.\ud Furthermore, 5 key determinants (entertainment, functionality, interactivity,\ud reality, and sociality) of business success in virtual worlds are identified in this\ud study. We conclude the practical and theoretical implications of the findings of\ud this study.\u


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    This paper studies three digital media development models in virtual world. We characterize the reve-nue mechanisms behind each model, by incorporating the concept of horizontal and vertical supply chain integration of digital media industry. We incorporate the core value of digital media develop-ment in the first model, which considers digital media as information goods. Pricing, quality differen-tiation, quantity discrimination, and content design combined determine the VW popularity and the financial performance. Based on the first model, the second model incorporates the advertising reve-nue. It becomes essential to optimize both information goods revenue and advertising revenue, while increasing one would decrease the other due to the traffic dynamics. Based on the first two models, the third model considers both vertical and horizontal supply chain integration in the digital media indus-try. In this model, we add one extra dimension of network externality that leads to better understand-ing of consumers, suppliers, and their mutual interest. Based on these three models, we suggest several strategic implications that facilitate operations, increase revenue, and enhance consumer experience, including strategic alliance, reduction of virtual-real world barriers, and tailored advertisement

    Order and Creativity in Virtual Worlds

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    Economies are driven by dynamic creativity, but too much creativity, especially if it is predatory, can destroy an economy. This tradeoff has been known for centuries to political philosophers who have analyzed physical space, but has not been addressed in virtual space. Like physical economies, virtual economies face the tradeoff of encouraging freedom to experiment, while discouraging experiments that drive people away. Physical societies solve this problem both through encouraging competition and giving government the unique power to punish destructive activities. In virtual societies, this tradeoff has yet to be adequately assessed. Guided by the economic modeling of order and creativity, in this paper we discuss two types of behavior, constructive and destructive, to provide some guidelines, with references to experiences in physical economies, for establishing limitations on the freedom of action of virtual-economy participants


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    The emergence of web-based technologies has radically influenced the ways in which individuals around the world communicate, represent themselves, share ideas, and otherwise interact with one another (Ward and Sonneborn, 2009; Rogers, 2003). In particular, these technologies allow people to communicate directly with one another and to share and shape their own experiences; as a result, customers and other organisational stakeholders are increasingly involved in the design of products and services (Ramaswamy and Gouillart, 2010, p. 102). During innovation co-creation specifically, customers take an active and creative role in the intentional and successful adoption and application of ideas, processes, products or procedures that are new to the adopting organization. This study carries out six case studies of innovation co-creation in the virtual world of Second Life. Virtual worlds allow users to engage in highly active and participatory forms of co-creation that are difficult if not impossible to replicate in other environments. The study explores collaborative processes used for innovation co-creation in virtual worlds. In particular, the study presents an analysis of behaviours used to facilitate innovation co-creation in virtual world projects and the factors that affect it. The study leverages this analysis to derive practical recommendations for virtual world users and virtual world designers that can be used to stimulate and support innovation co-creation in virtual worlds

    The Problems and Prospects of New Public Sphere for Global Civil Society

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTS) have revolutionized almost every aspect of life particularly it has created a new global public sphere by providing endless list of tools for global communication thereby establishing a new global society with novel norms and mundane issues. This paper is an effort to review the state of affairs in new public sphere with a focus on the digital tools under use, their role in creating the global society and the threats and opportunities available for the international citizens for behaving effectively to utilize the opportunities and manage threats to the maximum. The paper explores interlinks between the digital gadgets, emerging global public sphere and the mundane issues emanating from this situation. The paper ends with a theoretical model constructed out of the themes floating across the review and analysis

    The Discourse of Propaganda in Traveloka’s YouTube Advertising Videos

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    This present study was conducted to analyze the propaganda techniques used by Traveloka in their YouTube social media advertising strategy. The material of analysis were videos taken from 2015 to 2019. Anaylsis of propaganda techniques proposed by Filene in 1937 and followed by Abd. Kadir, Hasan & Sauffiyan, 2014 were used to identify how Traveloka persuade its customers.  Finding shows that Traveloka used six techniques of propaganda in its advertising videos to; glittering generality, plain folks, card staking, visual symbol of power, music of propaganda and arousal of emotion to promote its products. The use of propaganda technique is very likely becoming one of the main reasons behind their customers and target audiences use of their services


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    This research uses the theory of flow to examine the effect of 2D versus 3D virtual world environments on brand equity and use intention. The results suggest that a 3D virtual world environment has both positive (indirect) and negative (direct) effects on brand equity. The positive, indirect effect of the 3D virtual world environment occurs through feelings of telepresence and enjoyment, both of which contribute positively to brand equity and, in turn, induces a higher behavioral intention. The negative, direct effect can be explained using distraction-conflict theory, where attentional conflict is faced by users of a highly interactive and rich medium. This paper explains the flow experience and its effects on brand equity in 2D versus 3D virtual world environments, and provides insights to practitioners for designing 3D virtual world sites to enhance brand equity and behavioral intention

    Factors influencing purchase intent in virtual worlds: A review of the literature

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    Contains fulltext : 202193.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Previous empirical studies have identified several factors that seem to play a role in determining purchase intent in virtual worlds; three-dimensional online environments in which users interact while represented by their avatars. So far however, a clear overview of these factors is lacking, and the question that remains is what factors affect purchase intent most. Therefore, this study aims to create an overview of factors that influence users' purchase intent in virtual worlds, and to subsequently identify the most influential factors. To conduct this review, relevant literature was gathered using a variety of search engines and keywords. An article had to explicitly study factors influencing purchase intent in virtual worlds in order to be included in this review. This search method resulted in a selection of twelve relevant articles that were used for further analysis. Results show that perceived enjoyment, social influence, customization and ease of use are important factors that influence purchase intent in virtual worlds. Enjoyment of the virtual world, beliefs and attitudes of others, avatar customization, and easy-to-use virtual world applications can thus increase users' willingness to purchase products in the virtual world. Practical implications as well as limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.18 p