6 research outputs found

    Social values of students in conditions of digitalization of education and COVID-19

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    Introduction. During the COVID-19 pandemic variety of digital tools and technologies were demonstrated owing to the global digitalization of education and the total transition to online learning. The purpose of present research is to determine factors of digitalization of education and their effect on transformation of social values among high school students in conditions of the COVID-19. The results of research on social values of students were considered using comparative analysis. It was revealed that the paradigm of values among young people changed from an individual-personal one at the beginning of the XXI century to the social oriented paradigm - tolerance, openness, public recognition through social networks, self-development and contribution to the community. Materials and Methods. The analysis of pedagogical experience in the field of digitalization of education allowed to formulate the main factors of global digitalization of education and to highlight positive and negative aspects of online learning. According to M. Rokich's method, an empirical study of instrumental values transformations was carried out among 137 students of Ural Federal University in the conditions of full-time online learning. A questionnaire method was implemented to determine students' attitude to online learning during COVID-19 pandemic and possibility for further development of this form of learning. Results. It was revealed that only 13.7% of respondents did not notice any decrease in the quality of learning and did not experience discomfort in obtaining knowledge in online form. According to the students' opinion the values that are subjected to transformation are the following: efficiency, self-control, responsibility, honesty. It can be concluded that the era of network personality and new scientific knowledge in pedagogy has begun. Online learning is a fait accompli which requires scientific substantiation of a new didactics and social values system development among students in a digital education environment. Discussion and Conclusion. Achieved results contribute to ecological system of new digital services that change life and educational activities of a human, as well as transform his personality and values system. Thus, for the purpose of health and emotional intelligence preservation in students the continuation of interdisciplinary study of various aspects of education digitalization is required. © Rezer T. M., 2021.Present work is supported by grant of the Institute of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. This research has is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. АР08856570)

    Creative Teaching in Arabic Language Learning: Using Kahoot, Socrative and Google Form

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    Humans are equipped with the great mind so that they can think ahead of other creatures on this earth, the progress of this reason can be marked by the creation of something new that can help all living things. The advancement of reason called creativity is also needed in the field of education, especially in second language learning. Therefore, this paper aims to describe second language learning, especially Arabic language using creative technology in the form of Kahoot, Socrative, and Google Form, so that learning Arabic in this new normal era can be fulfilled properly. This research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive qualitative type with the results in a description of the implementation of Kahoot, Socrative, and google form in Arabic learning. The three platforms are mostly used in learning evaluation in the form of quizzes of language skills and language elements. All three can be used by Arabic teachers as their creative steps in the learning process. With the various platforms available, it is hoped that creative teachers can develop them to increase the motivation of Arabic learners in this new normal era

    Creative teaching model for second language learning in the post-pandemic era

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    Indonesia is currently trying to reorganize the education system post-pandemic by using hybrid learning system. In this hybrid learning process, lecturers are required to grow and develop their creativity. This article described the mapping of the model of second language teaching lecturers both English and Arabic at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang on creativity in teaching, in particular to find out how well they understand the concept of creativity and the implementation of creative teaching in the form of classroom activities. This method used was qualitative approach with the type of content analysis. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 21 second language lecturers, then the data were analyzed using Krippendorff content analysis. The results of this study indicated that second language lecturers had a comprehensive understanding of the demands of creativity in this post-pandemic, because they can clearly explained the meaning of creativity both in ideas and in its realization. In addition to understood creativity and its implementation in teaching activities, this research also showed the synergy between individual creativity as reflected in professional teaching and organizational creativity as seen from the readiness of this university to develop students' creative attitudes through support for campus facilities

    Metaverso en el sistema educativo Chileno: estado del arte

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    El siguiente artículo presenta una revisión del estado del arte sobre el concepto del metaverso y su aplicación en el ámbito educativo Chileno. La investigación se realizó con el propósito de comprender la adición del metaverso como elemento de innovación en las instituciones educacionales en Chile, su implementación y los aportes al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se utiliza un enfoque cualitativo y de modalidad no experimental, acudiendo a la revisión documental, específicamente en publicaciones de artículos y revistas científicas relacionadas con metaverso, distribuidas desde el año 2019 a la fecha. El proceso de investigación se dividió en tres fases, la primera en la recopilación de publicaciones académicas que aborden la innovación y el metaverso en procesos académico; la segunda, en la discriminación de artículos académicos e investigaciones que no consideran la innovación; y finalmente, la elaboración del siguiente trabajo que, según los resultados y discusiones, el metaverso posee un potencial transformador en la educación chilena, ofreciendo experiencias de aprendizaje inmersivas; contribuir a la calidad educativa, fomentar el aprendizaje activo y fortalecer las habilidades del siglo XXI en estudiantes, siempre y cuando exista la disponibilidad de recursos y formación docente, además de promover su uso y apoyo necesario

    Empoderando el aprendizaje personalizado: Math solver como apoyo al aula invertida para estudiantes adultos vespertinos.

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    En esta investigación, se propone y evalúa una estrategia para potenciar el aprendizaje personalizado con uso de la herramienta de Inteligencia artificial de Microsoft math solver para apoyar el aula invertida en el contenido de trigonometría, con estudiantes adultos vespertinos de Carreras de ingeniería de la Universidad de Aconcagua, Chile. La iniciativa surge ante altas tasas de reprobación y carencia de contexto en la asignatura de Álgebra en estudiantes con años sin una educación formal continua y con deberes laborales en paralelo. La investigación, de enfoque cuantitativo, empleando un diseño cuasiexperimental con grupos experimental y control, cada uno con 30 estudiantes. Se aplicaron cuestionarios de habilidad digital, Pre y Postest. Los resultados revelan que el modelo implementado impacta positivamente, mejorando las competencias en el contenido abordado y el rendimiento académico. Además, se observa un potencial para reducir las tasas de deserción, promoviendo un papel más activo de los estudiantes adultos en su proceso educativo y optimización en sus tiempos. Se recomienda a los docentes combinar herramientas de inteligencia artificial con metodologías activas para un mayor impacto

    Creative Teaching STEM Module: High School Students’ Perception

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    This study aimed to investigate the impacts of enrolling in the creative teaching module in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education from high school students’ perspectives. This study applied a case study and qualitative research approach involving 26 Grade 11 students and 31 Grade 8 students. The creative teaching-STEM (CT-STEM) module, which comprised various activities related to energy literacy in real-world situations for the community’s well-being, involved outdoor STEM education activities with the assistance of two science teachers. The CT-STEM module was developed based on the directed creative process model by applying four creative teaching strategies: (i) constructivism learning, (ii) discovery inquiry, (iii) problem-based learning, and (iv) project-based learning. The theme of these out-of-classroom activities is sustainability education, focusing on energy sustainability. The results showed that the planned approaches could positively impact and build students’ creativity and create an exciting learning experience. Furthermore, the findings from the open-ended questionnaire instrument, observations, and analysis of the worksheets have shown enhancements in five themes: the development of problem-solving skills with an emphasis on the element of sustainability education, high-level thinking skills, active learning skills, communication skills, and humanity skills. The students also showed an increased interest in STEM as they learned using the CT-STEM module