335,572 research outputs found

    The Extent of Using the Virtual Laboratory in Science Teaching and Its Obstacles from the Point of View of Science Teachers in Karak Governorate

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    The study aimed to identify the extent to which the virtual laboratory is used in science teaching and its obstacles from the point of view of science teachers in the Southern Jordan region. The male and female teachers were randomly selected. The results of the study showed that the extent to which science teachers use the virtual laboratory came to a medium degree with arithmetic mean (2.83), and the obstacles faced by science teachers in using the virtual laboratory came to a large degree and arithmetic mean (3.91), and the results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences for the extent of the use of the laboratory The default according to the variables: (gender, educational qualification, and work experience). The study recommended the necessity of holding courses and workshops for teachers and students to develop their attitudes towards the virtual laboratory, training them on the methods of using it, and providing virtual laboratories to include all schools. Keywords: Virtual Laboratory, Virtual Laboratory Obstacles, Science Teachers. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-22-02 Publication date:August 31st 202


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan media virtual laboratory IPA berbasis inkuiri terbimbing yang layak pada materi Fotosintesis untuk meningkatkan kemampuan analytical thinking peserta didik kelas VII SMP; (2) mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap media virtual laboratory IPA; dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan analytical thinking perserta didik setelah menggunakan media virtual laboratory IPA pada materi Fotosintesis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan mengadaptasi model 4-D Thiagarajan & Semmel. Model 4-D terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu Define (pendefinisian), Design (perancangan), Develop (pengembangan) dan Disseminate (penyebaran) namun tahap ini tidak dilakukan. Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi lembar validasi media virtual laboratory IPA, angket respon peserta didik terhadap media virtual laboratory IPA, lembar keterlaksanaan pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, lembar observasi analytical thinking, dan soal pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini melibatkan 2 dosen ahli dan 3 guru IPA sebagai validator, serta 33 peserta didik kelas VII F SMP 1 Jetis Bantul sebagai subjek penelitian. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Reliabilitas kelayakan media virtual laboratory IPA melalui Uji Borich, gain score analytical thinking, dan persentase analytical thinking. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Produk media virtual laboratory IPA berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dinyatakan layak dengan kategori sangat baik (A) oleh validator. (2) Respon peserta didik terhadap media virtual laboratory IPA memperoleh skor dengan kategori sangat baik (A). (3) Media virtual laboratory IPA pada materi Fotosintesis dapat meningkatkan kemampuan analytical thinking dengan hasil perhitungan gain score sebelum dan setelah menggunakan media dalam kategori sedang. Persentase kemampuan analytical thinking peserta didik melalui observasi meningkat dari kategori cukup baik menjadi baik. Kata kunci: Analytical Thinking, Inkuiri Terbimbing, Media Virtual Laboratory IPA This study aims: (1) produce a guided inquiry-based science virtual laboratory learning media in Photosynthesis material to develop analytical thingking skill of seventh grade junior high school students; (2) investigate student’s response toward science virtual laboratory learning media, and (3) investigate improvement of student’s analytical thinking skill using science virtual laboratory learning media. This research is a research development using 4-D model adapted from Thiagarajan & Semmel. 4-D model consists of four steps, which are Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate but nothing . The Instruments used in this research are science virtual laboratory learning media validation sheets, student response of science virtual laboratory learning media sheets, feasibility of the guided inquiry lesson sheets, analytical thinking observation sheets, and pretest-posttest sheets. Furthermore, this research involves two lecturers and three science teachers as validators, and thirty-three seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Jetis Bantul as the research subjects. The analysis technique used in this research is quantitative and qualitative analysis. Borich assessment, gain score analytical thinking, and percentage of analytical thinking. The research result shows that: (1) Science virtual laboratory based on guided inquiry learning media which is revealed decent on categories very good (A) by validators. (2) Student’s response toward science virtual laboratory learning media with a score on categories very good. (3) Science virtual laboratory learning media in Photosynthesis material could improve students’ analytical thinking skills with the gain score calculation on medium category. The percentage of students’ analytical thinking skills is increasing from insufficient category to good category


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui kelayakan virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing materi Transportasi Air pada Tumbuhan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan analisis peserta didik menurut dosen ahli dan guru IPA, (2) mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing materi Transportasi Air pada Tumbuhan, dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan analisis peserta didik setelah menggunakan media virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian R & D dengan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Pada tahap Define dilakukan analisis awal, analisis peserta didik, analisis tugas, analisis konsep, dan analisis tujuan pembelajaran. Tahap Design dilakukan penyusunan instrumen, pemilihan media, pemilihan format, dan rancangan awal. Tahap Develop meliputi konsultasi dosen pembimbing, validasi oleh dosen ahli dan guru IPA, dan uji coba produk. Tahap Dissemenate dilakukan secara terbatas. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar penilaian virtual laboratory IPA oleh dosen ahli dan guru IPA, angket respon pesera didik terhadap virtual laboratory IPA, soal pretest-posttest dan lembar kerja peserta didik untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan analisis peserta didik. Teknik analisis data penilaian virtual laboratory IPA oleh dosen ahli dan guru IPA, respon peserta didik dan lembar kerja peserta didik adalah dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitaif. Untuk peningkatan kemampuan analisis menggunakan tes, analisis dilakukan dengan perhitungan N-gain score. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing materi Transportasi Air pada Tumbuhan dinyatakan layak oleh dosen ahli dan guru IPA dengan kategori sangat baik (A), (2) peserta didik memberikan respon yang sangat baik dengan nilai A, dan (3) peningkatan kemampuan analisis peserta didik setelah menggunakan virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing berdasarkan perhitungan N-gain score sebesar 0,72 dengan kategori sangat baik. Kata kunci: kemampuan analisis, pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing, virtual laboratory. This research was conducted to: (1) determine the eligibility of virtual science laboratory using guided guided inquiry approach focusing on plant’s water transportation issues based on expert lecturers and science teachers, (2) perceieve student’s response toward virtual science laboratory using guided guided inquiry approach focusing on plant’s water transportation issues, and (3) obtain the improvement of analytical ability of students after using virtual science laboratory using guided guided inquiry approach focusing on plant’s water transportation issues. This research was R & D research with 4D models (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). In Define stage, the researcher conducted initial analysis, analysis of student, task analysis, concept analysis, and learning objective analysis. In the Design stage, the researcher built instruments, selected media, selected format, and preliminary design. Develop stage was done by consultation to consultants, validation by expert lecturers and science teachers and field trial. The Disseminate stage done on limited basis. Instrument used in this study is validation sheet of eligibility of expert lecturers and science teachers, student’s response questionnaire form, pre-test and post-test also student work sheet to obtain the improvement of analytical ability of student. Analitycal tecnique to determine eligibility of the media, student’s response, and student work sheet were using qualitative and quantitative methods. To analyze the improvement of the analytical abilty that conducted by test was using normalized gain score analysis. The result of this research shown that: (1) virtual science laboratory using guided guided inquiry approach focusing on plant’s water transportation issues is eligible declared by expert lecturers and science teachers and categorized as very good (A), (2) student’s response to virtual science laboratory is highly positive valued by A, and (3) improvement of student’s analytical ability after using virtual science laboratory using guided guided inquiry approach is very high with N-gain score of 0,72


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran virtual laboratory IPA materi Global Warming berpendekatan inkuiri menurut dosen ahli dan guru IPA, (2) mengetahui respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran virtual laboratory IPA materi Global Warming berpendekatan inkuiri; dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan analisis siswa setelah menggunakan media virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri pada materi Global Warming.Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4D dengan tahapan Define untuk memperoleh informasi permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pembelajaran IPA khususnya ketika kegiatan laboratorium, tahapan kedua adalah Design yakni merencanakan pemenuhan kebutuhan media ajar berdasarkan permasalahan pada tahapan pertama dan penyusunan draft media ajar, Develop yakni tahapan validasi yang dilakukan oleh dosen ahli dan guru dan uji coba lapangan, dan Disseminate yang dilakukan secara terbatas. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar validasi kelayakan dosen ahli dan guru, serta soal pretest dan postest untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan analisi siswa. Teknik analisis data kelayakan media oleh dosen ahli, guru dan respon siswa adalah dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Untuk peningkatan kemampuan analisis dilakukan dengan perhitungan gain score. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) Virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri materi Global Warming dinyatakan layak oleh validator dosen dan guru dengan kategori yang sangat baik (A), (2) respon siswa terhadap media virtual laboratory adalah sangat setuju, yakni dengan nilai A, dan (3) peningkatan kemampuan analisis siswa setelah menggunakan media virtual laboratory berpendekatan inkuiri tergolong sangat tinggi dengan gain score sebesar 0,73. Kata kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Virtual Laboratory, Pendekatan Inkuiri, Kemampuan Analisis This study aimed to (1) determine the eligibility of Virtual Science Laboratory focusing on Global Warning using Inquiry Approach based on expert lecturers and Science teachers, (2) perceive students’ response towards Virtual Science Laboratory focusing on Global Warming issues using Inquiry Approach; and (3) obtain the improvement of analytical abilities of students after using Virtual Science Laboratory using Inquiry Approach focusing on Global Warming issues. This study uses 4D model, the first stage is Define; it is to obtain problems in Science learning, especially for laboratory practice, the second stage is Design; it is to plan the fulfillment design of learning media based on the problem in first stage and set up draft of learning media, Develop stage is the validation stage done by expert lecturers, teachers, and field trials, while for Disseminate done on limited basis. Instrument used in this study is a validation sheet of eligibility of expert lecturers and teachers, also pre-test and post-test to obtain the improvement of analytical ability of student. Analytical technique to determine eligibility of the media is using qualitative and quantitative methods. To analyze the analytical ability, it uses gain score analysis.The results of study shown that (1) Virtual Science Laboratory using Inquiry Approach focusing on Global Warming issues is eligible declared by the validator lecturers and teachers and categorized as very good (A), (2) students’ response to Virtual Science Laboratory is highly positive valued by A, and (3) improvement of students’ analytical ability after using Virtual Science Laboratory using Inquiry approach is very high with gain score of 0.73

    Comparison of inquiry-based instruction in real and virtual laboratory environments: Prospective science teachers’ attitudes

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    This research aimed to compare how prospective science teachers’ attitudes towards chemistry laboratory and chemistry lesson changed after participation in inquiry-based instructions that were conducted in real and virtual laboratories. Thirty-four freshman prospective science teachers from an education faculty participated in the research and participants were assigned as Group-1 (N=17) and Group-2 (N=17). While Group-1 was accomplished inquiry-based instruction in the real laboratory, Group-2 was conducted the same instruction in the virtual laboratory. As a data source, attitude towards chemistry lesson scale and attitude towards chemistry laboratory scale were used. The semi-constructed interview was also conducted with all participants. According to results, although all the prospective science teachers’ attitudes toward chemistry lesson and laboratory improved significantly in both real and virtual laboratory environments, improvement in the prospective science teachers’ scores in a real laboratory environment significantly higher than those in the virtual laboratory. In addition to these, semi-structured interview results cohered with the results of the scales


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui kelayakan virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing materi Omosis menurut dosen ahli dan guru IPA SMP; (2) mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing materi Osmosis; dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan analisis siswa setelah menggunakan virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing materi Osmosis. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D, yang dikembangkan oleh S. Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, dan Melvyn I. Semmel. Model pengembangan ini terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu pendefinisian (Define), perancangan (Design), pengembangan (Develop), dan penyebarluasan (Disseminate). Tahapan pendefinisin untuk memperoleh informasi permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pembelajaran IPA. Tahapan perancangan yakni merencanakan pemenuhan kebutuhan media pembelajaran berdasarkan permasalahan pada tahap pendefinisian. Tahap pengembangan yakni tahapan validasi yang dilakukan oleh dosen ahli dan guru IPA SMP dan uji produk. Tahap penyebarluasan produk dilakukan secara terbatas di SMP Negeri 1 Minggir. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar penilaian kelayakan dosen ahli dan guru IPA SMP, angket respon peserta didik, dan soal pretest-posttest. Teknik analisis data kelayakan produk oleh dosen ahli, guru dan respon peserta didik adalah dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif, sedangkan peningkatan kemampuan analisis dilakukan dengan perhitungan gain score ternormalisasi (N-gain score). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing materi Osmosis dinyatakan layak oleh validator dosen ahli dan guru IPA SMP dengan kategori yang sangat baik (A); (2) respon peserta didik terhadap virtual laboratory IPA materi Osmosis sangat baik sebesar 82%; dan (3) peningkatan kemampuan analisis peserta didik setelah menggunakan virtual laboratory IPA berpendekatan inkuiri terbimbing dengan perhitungan N-gain score sebesar 0,61 yang masuk kategori sedang. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran, virtual laboratory ipa, pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing, kemampuan analisis. This study aimed to: (1) know the feasibility of science virtual laboratory using guided inquiry approach in Osmosis material based on expert lecturers and science teacher of SMP; (2) perceive student’s response towards science virtual laboratory using guided inquiry approach in Osmosis material; and (3) obtain the improvement of analytical ability of students after using science virtual laboratory using guided inquiry approach in osmosis material. This study used 4-D development model, developed by S. Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Melvyn I. Semmel. This development model consisting of four stage: Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. Define stage to obtain problem information encountered in science learning. Design stage that is planned the fulfillment of needs of learning media based on the problem at the define stage. Development stage is the validation stage conducted by expert lecturer and science teacher of SMP and product test. The product dissemination stage is limited in SMP Negeri 1 Minggir. The instrument used in this study is a validation sheet of feasibility of expert lecturer and science teacher of SMP and pretest-posttest sheet. Analytical technique for product feasibility by expert lecturer, science teacher of SMP and student’s response is used qualitative and quantitative methods, while improvement of analytical ability calculated by N-gain score. The result of this study shown that: (1) science virtual laboratory using guided inquiry approach in osmosis material is feasible declared by the validator lecturers and teachers with very good category (A); (2) student’s response towards science virtual laboratory using guided inquiry approach in osmosis material was very good by 82%; and (3) improvement of student’s analytical ability after using science virtual laboratory using guided inquiry approach in osmosis material with N-gain score calculation equal to 0.61 in the medium category

    Mapping e-Science’s Path in the Collaboration Space: Ontological Approach to Monitoring Infrastructure Development

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    In an undertaking such as the U.S. Cyberinfrastructure Initiative, or the UK e-science program, which span many years and comprise a great many projects funded by multiple agencies, it can be very difficult to keep tabs on what everyone is doing. But, it is not impossible. In this paper, we propose the construction of ontologies as a means of monitoring a research program’s portfolio of projects. In particular, we introduce the “virtual laboratory ontology” (VLO) and show how its application to e-Science yields a mapping of the distribution of projects in several dimensions of the “collaboration space.” In this paper, we sketch out a method to induce a project mapping from project descriptions and present the resulting map for the UK e-science program. This paper shows the proposed mapping approach to be informative as well as feasible, and we expect that its further development can prove to be substantively useful for future work in cyber-infrastructure-building.e-Science, virtual laboratory ontology, collaboration space, project mapping, cyber-infrastructure building


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    The purpose of this research is to conduct a preliminary study to create a virtual chemistry laboratory innovation to optimize learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Natural Science Education Study Program of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty Universitas Sebelas Maret (FKIP UNS). The Natural Science Education Study Program of FKIP UNS itself teaches chemical concepts that require laboratory activity. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected using observation, interviews, and analysis of related documents and equipped with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with students and lecturers (Science Education and Chemistry Education FKIP UNS). The results showed that 11 chemistry practicums required virtual laboratory innovation in the Natural Science Education Study Program of FKIP UNS due to restrictions on the use of laboratories by the campus. It was concluded that a virtual chemistry laboratory was needed as an alternative to student practicum activities to maintain and optimize laboratory skills in online learning. In addition, the developed virtual laboratory needs to be embedded online and can be accessed through various gadgets so that it can be used anytime and anywhere

    Model Laboratorium Virtual Fisika Modern Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains Mahasiswa

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    : We have developed a virtual laboratory model for teaching modern physics. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a virtual laboratory model of modern physics on students' generic science skills. The study involved 64 students who were divided into two groups, the experimental group and control group. The research instrument used a generic science skills test that is integrated with the mastery of concepts of modern physics. Data were analyzed by using mean-difference test and normalized gain scores. The results showed an increase in generic science skills in both groups. Indicators showed that the highest increases are logical inference capability and the ability to build concepts. These results indicate that the virtual laboratory model of modern physics is effective to increase students' generic science skills

    Model Virtual Laboratory Fisika Modern Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains Calon Guru

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    : We have developed a virtual laboratory for teaching modern physics. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a virtual laboratory model of modern physics on students\u27 generic science skills. The study involved 64 students who were divided into two groups, the experimental group and control group. The research instrument used a generic science skills test that is integrated with the mastery of concepts of modern physics. Data were analyzed by using mean-difference test and normalized gain scores. The results showed an increase in generic science skills in both groups. Indicators showed that the highest increases are logical inference capability and the ability to build concepts. These results indicate that the virtual laboratory model of modern physics is effective in enhancing generic science skills of students
