292 research outputs found

    Universal Bike Suspension Design

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    Cal Poly Bike Builders (CPBB) is a student club at Cal Poly helping students design and fabricate their own bicycles. Currently, club members build rigid frames and mountain bikes with only front-suspension–commonly referred to as a “hardtail”. As more students join the club, interest grows in building full-suspension mountain bikes (FSMTB). Designing and manufacturing a mountain bike rear-suspension system requires a diverse skillset and a substantial time commitment. As a result, individual efforts building FSMTB have proven unsuccessful. The scope of this project is to develop a defined method and necessary tools such that all CPBB members can efficiently build a FSMTB rear-suspension system. Initial background research drove engineering specifications developed from customer needs and wants. These parameters influenced initial concept development and evaluation. Detailed analysis then determined which concept design would become the final design. A manufacturing plan details the necessary tooling and potential challenges during the build process. A confirmation prototype of the final design assesses the manufacturing plan as well as the final designs. Testing validated the final design against engineering specifications. Project management details the project organization process, potential issues, and major deliverables. Final concluding remarks detail overall reflections, remarks, and future recommendations

    DC-CAD : a new software solution for product design

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2007.Vita.Includes bibliographical references.Many computer aided design (CAD) software packages focus on detailed design and not on early stage, conceptual design. The ability to conceptualize and sketch early versions of a product solution is currently limited to paper and pencil or to inadequate computer-aided industrial design programs (CAID) that focus mainly on surface design, not product design. Working on a design as a group also poses problems since the team can be geographically distributed. In an attempt to address the current inadequacies of CAD systems for distributed conceptual design, my thesis proposes a vision for a new CAD program, DC-CAD. This vision anticipates network-orientated conceptual design, and encompasses capabilities for multiple users to collaborate simultaneously on design, compare & evaluate concept sketches, comment on designs and merge changes from other designers, transfer data to detailed design CAD programs, and record concept changes over time. MIT's Product Engineering Class (2.009) was used as the basis for conceiving the software system. By analyzing design challenges that arose during the course, new software features are suggested to mitigate such problems.(cont.) The end result is a clear vision for a new program, DC-CAD, and a storyboard example of how it could be used in a futuristic 2.009 setting. The thesis closes with recommendations on how to pursue the implementation and realization of such a CAD system.by Mark D. Egan.S.B

    ExoBike : mechanical component development

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    Muitas das vezes o processo de reabilitação é monótono e desmotivador devido à repetibilidade dos exercícios e falta de feedback ou ferramentas que permitam avaliar o progresso. Assim, tendo em conta que o exercício de bicicleta é muito utilizado para a reabilitação dos membros inferiores, foi criado o projeto ExoBike. De modo a combater tais fatores, a ExoBike consiste numa bicicleta equipada com sensores de força nos principais pontos de interação entre bicicleta e paciente. Assim é possível adquirir dados importantes para avaliar o progresso do paciente, bem como estabelecer metas e ajustar os exercícios conforme as necessidades do paciente. Alem desta componente de aquisição de dados, o projeto ExoBike engloba ainda uma vertente de realidade virtual, que junta com a componente de aquisição de dados, proporciona ao paciente uma experiência mais imersiva, tornando assim a prática de exercício para reabilitação mais divertida e motivadora. Este documento foca-se no desenvolvimento dos dispositivos mecânicos instalados na bicicleta para a aquisição dos dados do paciente. Para tal foi desenvolvido um selim capaz de analisar a postura do paciente, um guiador que caracteriza a força que o paciente realiza com os membros superiores, uns pedais capazes de analisar o movimento de pedalada e uns punhos que adquirem a força de preensão que o paciente é capaz de efetuar. Sendo que as metodologias de aquisição de dados dos dispositivos se baseiam em células de carga, extensometria elétrica por resistência e inteligência artificial. Os dispositivos foram desenvolvidos e otimizados com recurso a programas de desenho computacional, analisados através de métodos numéricos e analíticos, ensaiados através de prototipagem rápida com impressão 3D e produzidos com recurso a máquinas de fabrico subtrativo com controlo numérico. De modo a garantir o correto funcionamento dos dispositivos, estes foram sujeitos a uma serie de calibrações e testes funcionais com grupos de 3, 5 e 31 voluntários para corroborar as metodologias adotadas e avaliar as capacidades das mesmas. Sendo que os dipositivos indicaram uma correlação de 0.7, entre a postura do voluntario e a sua altura, e uma correlação elevada de 0.9 entre a massa do voluntario e a força exercida pelos membros inferiores. Entre outro tipo de correlações, os dipositivos foram ainda capazes de determinar, com uma fiabilidade 95%, o efeito de recalcamento psicológico quando os voluntários foram sujeitos a uma reação de defesa induzida nos membros inferiores. Considerando assim, que as metodologias e dispositivos desenvolvidos se encontram mais do que aptos para o objetivo pretendido de avaliação e monitorização do processo de reabilitação dos membros inferiores com recurso a bicicleta estátic

    Optimal design and control of an automated bike parking system

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    Large cities and metropolitan areas are facing parking space problems due to the increasing number of commuters who choose bicycles as the main mode of transportation. The bicycle parking should provide enough space for the bicycle, as well as corridors and isles to reach the space. Inspired by the automated storage and retrieving systems and by the cities’ cycling encouraging plans and their problem of space and location for the bicycle parking, an automated bicycle parking system is introduced in this work. First, the growth of cycling and the subsequent issues that the cities and cyclists confronting are investigated. Then the traditional and existing solutions and their deficiencies are explored. The automated parking system is studied as a solution which meets and improves the deficiencies of the existing solutions, it takes minimum space and encourages the use of bicycle by providing a more secure parking experience. To exhibit the superiority of the automated system, this thesis follows the design, model, and manufacture of such a system. however, to even improve the system further, a study in the optimization of some parts of the system to reduce energy consumption has been commenced. The design, manufacturing, and installation of the system’s exterior are not included in this work

    Chainless Bike Drive

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    The focus of this project was to design a drive system that could replace the conventional chain drive system, improving on both the efficiency and reliability, in addition to being low cost and lightweight. This report will provide background into why this group chose this as the subject of their project, as well as challenges faced throughout the design process. The design developed was a drive shaft driven by a system of pinions and gears, with a freewheel mechanism that allowed the system to coast when not pedaling. Due to cost and time constraints, only a prototype was created, with additional research into materials selection and testing of our design. Despite this, there is still an enormous amount of potential to explore from this project as to alternatives to the traditional chain and sprocket drive shaft. We would like to thank our advisor David Peters for guiding us through this project, as well as Dr. Greg Morscher for assisting us with the materials selection software


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    This paper presents the development process of a bicycle helmet through individual research, creation, presentation and analysis of the results of the most important product development stages. The quality of the development and manufacturing process of the protective equipment for extreme sports is an imperative for a successful product and its flawless function. The design of the bicycle helmet is made following the rules of the design in order to create a well-founded and functional product. After creating design sketches, a virtual prototype was developed in "SolidWorks" using the required ergonomic dimensions. 3D printed model of the human head with adapted ergonomic dimensions and the designed bicycle helmet was developed in order to verify the applied ergonomic measures. The virtual model will be used as an input in the finite element analysis of the helmet impact test based on the EN1078 standard and the aerodynamic simulations executed in "SolidWorks Simulation and Flow Simulation", for verification of the impact and aerodynamic properties. Virtual testing of aerodynamic features and the ability of the bicycle helmet to allow ventilation of the user's head indicate that the helmet performs its function in the desired way. Also, the virtual prototype will be used for the production process simulation in "SolidWorks Plastics" in order to analyze the production of the bicycle helmet. The polycarbonate helmet outer shell is subject to a number of simulations for the sake of analyzing the production process in order to obtain the desired characteristics of the polycarbonate outer shell and to avoid the disadvantages that occur in the manufacturing process. The main goal of this paper is to develop a safety bicycle helmet with improved ergonomic, validation of impact, aerodynamic characteristics and production process in order to produce a high quality product for mass use

    Technological development of Speedway: a review and analysis

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    From the available literature it is clear that very little experimental testing has been conducted on Speedway frames to date, yet investigations into the physical parameters are fundamental if the sport is to continue to progress technically. The literature suggests that additional investigations into Speedway could provide a beneficial outcome to the sport and produce an increase in the performance of the bike whilst keeping costs low. A technology road map of Speedway was created to assess the technical development of the sport since its establishment and determined the trend in the mainstream popularity of the sport. Torsional and virtual testing was carried out on the Speedway frame, determining key performance parameters and behaviour characteristics of the frame and resulted in a validated FEA model of the Speedway frame being developed. The work reported here facilitates the potential for further development to be undertaken on areas relating to Speedway and in particular the frame. Whilst a validated FEA model was created, the design of the frame could be further optimised to provide a beneficial performance outcome for Speedway

    Estudio y desarrollo de un cuadro de descenso

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    L'objectiu del present projecte és estudiar el procés de desenvolupament d'un quadre de bicicleta de descens. Es presenten i s'analitzen al llarg del projecte les diferents etapes. S'avalua el material a utilitzar, una decisió fonamental per al disseny, per la seva influència en la resistència, durabilitat, rigidesa i pes del quadre, i se sospesen diferents alternatives. Es discuteixen aspectes tan fonamentals com la geometria i la cinemàtica de la suspensió, així com el procediment i les eines utilitzades per a la seva definició. També s'aborda el disseny i desenvolupament d'un model virtual i la realització d'assajos segons la norma ISO 4210, relativa als requisits de seguretat per a bicicletes, utilitzant un mètode de simulació per elements finits. S'han emès informes d'assaig sobre el compliment d'aquesta norma, així com una fulla d'assaig en la qual es resumeixen els resultats de la simulació. També s'ha realitzat una anàlisi econòmica dels costos per a dur a terme el projecte, concloent que el cost per a la fabricació d'un prototip real, tal com estava previst inicialment, és prohibitiu. No obstant això, en aquest projecte s'han tingut en compte i recollit tots els passos i consideracions per a la creació d'un prototip. A més, s'analitza la sostenibilitat de les tendències actuals en la indústria de la bicicleta, i es presenten algunes alternatives per a reduir el seu impacte mediambiental.El objetivo del presente proyecto es estudiar el proceso de desarrollo de un cuadro de bicicleta de descenso. Se presentan y se analizan a lo largo del proyecto las diferentes etapas. Se evalúa el material a utilizar, una decisión fundamental para el diseño, por su influencia en la resistencia, durabilidad, rigidez y peso del cuadro, y se sopesan diferentes alternativas. Se discuten aspectos tan fundamentales como la geometría y la cinemática de la suspensión, así como el procedimiento y las herramientas utilizadas para su definición. También se aborda el diseño y desarrollo de un modelo virtual y la realización de ensayos según la norma ISO 4210, relativa a los requisitos de seguridad para bicicletas, utilizando un método de simulación por elementos finitos. Se han emitido informes de ensayo sobre el cumplimiento de esta norma, así como una hoja de ensayo en la que se resumen los resultados de la simulación. También se ha realizado un análisis económico de los costes para llevar a cabo el proyecto, concluyendo que el coste para la fabricación de un prototipo real, tal y como estaba previsto inicialmente, es prohibitivo. No obstante, en este proyecto se han tenido en cuenta y recogido todos los pasos y consideraciones para la creación de un prototipo. Además, se analiza la sostenibilidad de las tendencias actuales en la industria de la bicicleta, y se presentan algunas alternativas para reducir su impacto medioambiental.The objective of the present project is to study the development process of a downhill bicycle frame. The different stages involved are presented and then analysed in the course of the project. Material to use, a fundamental decision for the design because of its influence in resistance, durability, rigidity, and weight of the frame, is evaluated and different alternatives are balanced. Such fundamental aspect as geometry and suspension kinematics are discussed, as well as the procedure and tools used to define them. Design and development of a virtual model and testing as per ISO 4210, regarding safety requirement for bicycles, using a simulation method by finite elements is also covered in the following. Test reports on compliance with this standard have been issued, as well as a test sheet summarising the simulation results. An economic analysis of the costs involved to complete the project has also been conducted, concluding the cost for the manufacturing of a real prototype, as initially planned, is prohibitive. Nevertheless, all steps and considerations for prototyping have been considered and collected in this project. Additionally, sustainability of current tendencies in the bicycle industry is analysed, and some alternatives are presented to reduce its environmental impact

    E-Bike Engagement and Accessibility

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    ME450 Capstone Design and Manufacturing Experience: Winter 2021There is currently a large barrier of entry to the design space surrounding a DIY E-bike retrofit build. The combination of necessary knowledge regarding gearing and transmission, mechatronics and motor control, battery charge and capacity, and force analyses, all in addition to general bike-related knowledge can be completely overwhelming to a novice user. Our team approached this project through a Socially-Engaged Design strategy to provide access, regardless of mechanical ability and budget, to a low-cost and easily accessible E-bike. We defined requirements for our solution design to incentivize the use, purchase or build of E-bikes, to be usable without much background knowledge, to be safe, to be attractive and accessible to the user, and to be inexpensive. We began our design process by conducting research on existing designs solutions. From here, we conveyed every step that a user would go through to access an E-bike themselves and how they could optimize an E-bike or E-bike retrofit of their own. Our theoretical stakeholder persona for this project is a University of Michigan student looking to commute across campus daily. This persona helped us build specifications such as hill climb ability, battery life and a target max flat ground speed. Primary subsystems were identified as system controls like throttling or pedal assist, motor and transmission, power supply, and the mounting interface. Our final CAD model of this design and its subsystems includes the motor, power supply, transmission, housing, and interfaces for any other subsystem. We also developed a model for a sustainable modular battery prototype design. This accomplishes our aim to make each battery cell replaceable while achieving a high cycle life compared to other batteries of similar size and cost. The transmission design solution provides a smooth ride up the steepest Ann Arbor hills and its mounting design provides easy access for maintenance and diagnosability. After completing the design, we evaluated it against our set specifications through physical testing and virtual analysis. We also examined the effectiveness of our design solution by evaluating the gap between existing market solutions and the user needs. Through our analysis, we realized that our retrofit design is a helpful tool to convey our DIY decision making process, though its mechanical complexity prevented it from properly addressing our defined need for increased E-bike accessibility. To effectively address the needs of our problem space, we determined that we should communicate our process to users through inclusive web design, rather than only conveying it through the prototype design. We therefore developed a website which takes the user through several pages covering our mission statement, E-bike related background information, evaluation criteria for E-Bike selection, the design and decision-making process, maintenance guides and safety practices, end-of-life recycling details, and opportunities for further customization of a DIY retrofit build. We validated our website solution against several inclusive web design and educational guidelines which include the Nielsen Norman group and the US Department of Education. While the website needs further building and revision for optimal accessibility, these verification techniques indicate that its framework and existing structure will help users access, regardless of mechanical ability and budget, to a low-cost and easily accessible E-bike. In the future, we plan to finalize a website design with the use of HTML and CSS programming and conduct usability tests with potential users to iterate on our design and improve it further.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/167638/1/Team_21-E-Bike_Engagement_and_Accessibility.pd

    Ninja 300 Motorcycle Luggage Rack

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    The product is a motorcycle luggage rack compatible with the Kawasaki Ninja 300. This report elaborates on all aspects of the team’s work in developing this product. First, the motivations and foundational work for this project are discussed. Then, the team’s design of the entire product as a whole, and each of its subsystems are clearly laid out. System testing and results are also provided, followed by a cost breakdown of the whole process. Next, patents and engineering standards are listed as a documented justification for the team’s project. Finally, an overall project evaluation is conducted by the team