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    ABSTRAKViral marketing berperan sebagai faktor yang signifikan dalam memodifikasi perilaku konsumen dan juga merupakan alat baru dalam meyakinkan individu untuk meneruskan pesan pemasaran ke pelanggan potensial, dimana penyebarannya seperti virus yang memiliki potensi pertumbuhan eksponensial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari viral marketing pada minat beli melalui customer-based brand equity. Studi empiris dilakukan pada remaja yang berusia 16 -35 tahun di Kota Banda Aceh menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrument peneli tian, yang mana sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu sebesar 100 orang yang merupakan pengguna Twitter. Data yang sudah terkumpul di analisis menggunakan software SmartPLS 2.0 dengan metode SEM berbasis varian (partial least square path modeling (PLS-PM)). Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa viral marketing memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat beli, viral marketingmemiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap customer-based brand equity, customer-based brand equity memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat beli, dan customer-based brand equity memediasi secara parsial pengaruh viral marketingterhadap minat beli.Kata Kunci: Viral Marketing, Minat Beli, Customer-Based Brand Equit

    Finding influential ebay buyers for viral marketing - a conceptual model of BuyerRank

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    User Generated Content (UGC) plays a key role in the current and future e-commence at the era of Web 2.0. As an important form of UGC, the online auction site eBay has enjoyed tremendous growth rates since its inception. Many social networks emerge across different communities on eBay. The notion of viral marketing has been proposed in both literature and practice. However, in order to find the "opinion leader" in the social network, marketers need to have a sound analytic tool to rank potential buyers. In order to tackle this issue, this paper propose a BuyerRank, a Social Network Analysis (SNA) model that assists marketers to rank potential buyers based on their future influence estimated from their past auction/purchase behaviour on eBay. The paper also provides a detailed state-of-the-art review of recent work on SNA and viral marketing in the light of the Web 2.0 e-commerce context

    Conceptual framework of viral marketing: a review of the literature of the last years: Marco conceptual del marketing viral: una revisión de la literatura de los últimos años

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    The purpose of this research was to build a conceptual framework of viral marketing startingfrom a literary review of the various studies published in indexed magazines in the recentyears. It is concluded that viral marketing can be defined as a marketing technique thatuses the intercommunication of consumers through the 2.0 tools, managing to spread themessage on the network at initiative of the user, giving the possibility to increase the valueof the organization through fast and unlimited transmission, similar to a flu or computervirus. This technique takes advantage of people’s communication, since feelings, emotionsand experiences are transmitted through their networks. Viral marketing must be usedconveniently, justifying its use through a simple message that goes beyond repeatinginformation in the different media, thus achieving a good communication practice, andcreating interconnectivity between organizations and their consumers.El propósito de esta investigación fue construir un marco conceptual del marketing viral apartir de una revisión literaria de los diversos estudios publicados en revistas indexadas enlos últimos años. Se concluye que el marketing viral se puede definir como una técnica demarketing que utiliza la intercomunicación de los consumidores a través de las herramientas2.0, logrando difundir el mensaje en red por iniciativa del usuario, dando la posibilidad deaumentar el valor de la organización mediante una transmisión rápida e ilimitada, similara un virus gripal o informático. Esta técnica aprovecha las relaciones de comunicación delas personas ya que se transmiten sentimientos, emociones y experiencias a través desus redes. El marketing viral debe ser empleado convenientemente, justificando su uso através de un mensaje que vaya más allá de repetir información en los distintos medios, yasí lograr una buena práctica de comunicación y crear mayor interconectividad entre lasorganizaciones y sus consumidores

    Pioneers of Influence Propagation in Social Networks

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    With the growing importance of corporate viral marketing campaigns on online social networks, the interest in studies of influence propagation through networks is higher than ever. In a viral marketing campaign, a firm initially targets a small set of pioneers and hopes that they would influence a sizeable fraction of the population by diffusion of influence through the network. In general, any marketing campaign might fail to go viral in the first try. As such, it would be useful to have some guide to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign and judge whether it is worthy of further resources, and in case the campaign has potential, how to hit upon a good pioneer who can make the campaign go viral. In this paper, we present a diffusion model developed by enriching the generalized random graph (a.k.a. configuration model) to provide insight into these questions. We offer the intuition behind the results on this model, rigorously proved in Blaszczyszyn & Gaurav(2013), and illustrate them here by taking examples of random networks having prototypical degree distributions - Poisson degree distribution, which is commonly used as a kind of benchmark, and Power Law degree distribution, which is normally used to approximate the real-world networks. On these networks, the members are assumed to have varying attitudes towards propagating the information. We analyze three cases, in particular - (1) Bernoulli transmissions, when a member influences each of its friend with probability p; (2) Node percolation, when a member influences all its friends with probability p and none with probability 1-p; (3) Coupon-collector transmissions, when a member randomly selects one of his friends K times with replacement. We assume that the configuration model is the closest approximation of a large online social network, when the information available about the network is very limited. The key insight offered by this study from a firm's perspective is regarding how to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign and do cost-benefit analysis by collecting relevant statistical data from the pioneers it selects. The campaign evaluation criterion is informed by the observation that if the parameters of the underlying network and the campaign effectiveness are such that the campaign can indeed reach a significant fraction of the population, then the set of good pioneers also forms a significant fraction of the population. Therefore, in such a case, the firms can even adopt the naive strategy of repeatedly picking and targeting some number of pioneers at random from the population. With this strategy, the probability of them picking a good pioneer will increase geometrically fast with the number of tries

    Consumer Appraisals of Mobile Marketing Communications

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    This paper reports on a study that investigates the emotions elicited from appraising SMS-based mobile marketing (m-marketing) communications under three marketing conditions: product consistency, incentives and permission giving. Results from the experimental design show that appraising m-marketing communications elicits both single emotions and mixed emotions; that is, a mixture of positive and negative emotions in the same response. Additionally, the results show that the influence of specific marketing conditions may increase or reduce the intensity of the emotions elicited. This study contributes to marketing practice by examining consumer appraisals of m-marketing communications under different combinations of marketing conditions. The results provide insights into which emotions are likely to be elicited as a result, and how a specific marketing condition might influence their levels of intensity. The study contributes to marketing theory also through combining appraisal theory with Richins (1997) consumption emotion set


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    2007 AMA Nonprofit Marketing Conference: Overview

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    Towards Profit Maximization for Online Social Network Providers

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) attract billions of users to share information and communicate where viral marketing has emerged as a new way to promote the sales of products. An OSN provider is often hired by an advertiser to conduct viral marketing campaigns. The OSN provider generates revenue from the commission paid by the advertiser which is determined by the spread of its product information. Meanwhile, to propagate influence, the activities performed by users such as viewing video ads normally induce diffusion cost to the OSN provider. In this paper, we aim to find a seed set to optimize a new profit metric that combines the benefit of influence spread with the cost of influence propagation for the OSN provider. Under many diffusion models, our profit metric is the difference between two submodular functions which is challenging to optimize as it is neither submodular nor monotone. We design a general two-phase framework to select seeds for profit maximization and develop several bounds to measure the quality of the seed set constructed. Experimental results with real OSN datasets show that our approach can achieve high approximation guarantees and significantly outperform the baseline algorithms, including state-of-the-art influence maximization algorithms.Comment: INFOCOM 2018 (Full version), 12 page