75 research outputs found

    Reseña de tesis: Marketing viral: claves creativas de la viralidad publicitaria

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    Hi ha claus creatives comunes als vídeos publicitaris virals que constitueixin un detonant per a la seva difusió entre els usuaris de les xarxes socials digitals? Per respondre aquesta pregunta medul·lar de la tesi doctoral, es va proposar un constructe analític que triangulés els indicadors següents: drivers creatius, soques virals i ambigüitat dels continguts. L’anàlisi –bivariant i multivariant– de 651 vídeos publicitaris virals va permetre constatar la prevalença de continguts basats en el driver de l’emoció, explicats amb recursos de la soca retòrica o conceptual. L’ambigüitat es va revelar com una condició suficient, però no necessària, per a activar la viralitat.Have viral advertising videos some creative keys in common which constitute a trigger for dissemination among users of online social networks? To answer this central question, the doctoral dissertation proposes an analytical construct that triangulates the following indicators: creative drivers, viral strains and ambiguity of the content. Bivariate and multivariate analysis of 651 viral advertising videos helped to confirm the prevalence of contents based on the emotion driver, explained with the rhetorical of the conceptual strain. The ambiguity was revealed as a sufficient, but not necessary condition for electronic word of mouth (eWoM) activation.¿Existen claves creativas comunes en los vídeos publicitarios virales que constituyan un detonante para su difusión entre los usuarios de las redes sociales digitales? Para responder esta pregunta medular de la tesis doctoral, se propuso un constructo analítico que triangulara los siguientes indicadores: drivers creativos, cepas virales y ambigüedad de los contenidos. El análisis −bivariante y multivariante− de 651 vídeos publicitarios virales permitió constatar la prevalencia de contenidos basados en el driver de la emoción, explicados con recursos de la cepa retórica o conceptual. La ambigüedad se reveló como una condición suficiente, pero no necesaria, para activar la viralidad

    Are black friday deals worth it? Mining twitter users' sentiment and behavior response

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    The Black Friday event has become a global opportunity for marketing and companies’ strategies aimed at increasing sales. The present study aims to understand consumer behavior through the analysis of user-generated content (UGC) on social media with respect to the Black Friday 2018 offers published by the 23 largest technology companies in Spain. To this end, we analyzed Twitter-based UGC about companies’ offers using a three-step data text mining process. First, a Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model (LDA) was used to divide the sample into topics related to Black Friday. In the next step, sentiment analysis (SA) using Python was carried out to determine the feelings towards the identified topics and offers published by the companies on Twitter. Thirdly and finally, a data-text mining process called textual analysis (TA) was performed to identify insights that could help companies to improve their promotion and marketing strategies as well as to better understand the customer behavior on social media. The results show that consumers had positive perceptions of such topics as exclusive promotions (EP) and smartphones (SM); by contrast, topics such as fraud (FA), insults and noise (IN), and customer support (CS) were negatively perceived by customers. Based on these results, we offer guidelines to practitioners to improve their social media communication. Our results also have theoretical implications that can promote further research in this area

    Proses pembuatan keputusan industri butik vendor tempatan di Instagram

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    Online marketing through Instagram has become a phenomenon in today's business world. The vendor's boutique owners mostly use Instagram as a marketing communications channel for their business. This situation shows that the vendor's boutique business has a competitive competition with other traders on the Instagram. This study was conducted to study at vendor’s boutique marketing activities and to see how they applies Instagram application in their marketing activities. In addition, this study is to expose the public with clearer view about the operation of vendor's boutique business, the reason of choosing Instagram as a marketing channel, and vendor’s boutique marketing strategies on the Instagram. This study was conducted using a semi structured interview and observation. A total of nine informants were interviewed and the data were analyzed by using thematic analysis techniques. The researcher applied netnographic research methods to see how marketing strategies on Instagram are used by vendor’s boutique businesses. The findings show that vendor’s boutique dealers handle vendor’s boutiques with its own uniqueness. In addition, the findings show that the use of Instagram as a marketing platform produced a positive effect on the vendor’s boutique business. Several internal and external factors were leading vendor’s boutique to getting involved with Instagram platform. Internal factors consist of business strategy, targeting and positioning. While external factors comprise the growth and popularity of Instagram, viral, cost pressures and features provided by Instagram. In addition, there are several strategies used in the marketing communications on the Instagram namely, conducting competitions with prize, new product or service announcements, interacting with fans, sharing useful information, addressing customer service issues, creative visual information, selecting appropriate time to update Instagram sites, interesting captions, using hashtags and tagging that are relevant to marketing activities. Based on the response provided by the informants, there are similarities and additions of new elements to the decision making process model in social media

    Success Factors in Mobile Viral Marketing: A Multi-Case Study Approach

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    A prior study showed that mobile viral marketing is an important issue of mobile marketing. Using a multicase study research approach, we introduce a typology of four standard types of mobile viral marketing and extract eight success factors for this new form of marketing. As a final step, we structure the relationship between both, showing success factors’significance in different standard types and deriving a success factor framework. We conclude with a consideration of research implications.

    How Does Word of Mouth from Different Components Systems Influence Product Sales differently?

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    Online word-of-mouth (WOM) has become an important reference for customers’ online purchase decisions. However, current studies ignore the various effects of WOM in different components, i.e., online reviews and the replies in the question and answer (Q &A) discussion area. To fill such a research gap, this study explores the relationship between WOM in two different forms and product sales. We measure the semantic features and thematic consistency of two forms of WOM and product sales. The findings show that the review component and Q&A component differ significantly in terms of quantity and content richness, with the review component being richer and more voluminous and the Q&A section having less content and relatively less quantity in comparison. Besides, the OLS results suggest that topic consistency has a negative impact on product sales, while the richness characteristics of both have a positive impact on product sales, and that the content richness of the Q&A component has a greater impact on sales than the review component

    Create Attention to Attract Attention - Viral Marketing of Digital Music in Social Networks

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    Digitalization has led to a plethora of digital media. Especially with regard to music, consumers have the choice among millions of songs and artists. For artists and music labels the arising question is how to find their audiences and how to get attention for their music. Since music is naturally part of communications and interactions, viral marketing is a chance for them to (re-)gain attention. But viral marketing needs to accommodate digital music and its unique characteristics. In this paper, (1) the characteristics of digital music are identified and (2) it is analyzed how they affect the viral marketing process. The result shows, what critical factors are to be considered when conducting viral marketing of digital music. This contribution is important for the emerging area of research on music marketing and for music marketers in practice

    Customer-based Brand Equity in Digital Age: A Conceptual Approach

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    Although there has been a lot of research done to understand how to create a corporate brand that can generate profits for the company, there are still few studies that examine how brand equity is created and measured in the digital era full of internet. This study aims to broaden the conceptual framework regarding existing consumer-based brand equity by combining several constructs from a cognitive perspective and also conceptual perspective on brand equity and implementing them in online-based companies in the current digital era. Methode Spoken in research this is method descriptive, with collecting data used is with use conceptual review that later on reference theory gained will made as foundation basic in get results research. Results of reserch put forward that in equity brand based on consumers in the digital age need to be it is modification of the model from the equity model brand traditional with add online elements like manufacture and website enhancement and more emphasize on trust consumers. Implications from this research, that must it is attention more big about how company create the brand equity on companies online-based, so brand permanent will become the main capital companies that can create great value to company.     Keywords: Brand Equity, Consumer-Based Brand Equity, e-Commerce, Digital Ag

    Virtual Community Ventures: Success Drivers in the Case of Online Video Sharing

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    A recent wave of Internet-related entrepreneurship focused on virtual communities. It produced User-Community-Driven Internet ventures (UCDI-ventures), characterized by (1) user-contributed content, (2) network effects, and (3), an interactive community. Whereas light pole examples such as YouTube, MySpace, or Facebook have received high capital market valuations, many other ventures have failed, making research on the phenomenon and related success drivers worthwhile. This paper integrates three general venture success drivers from the entrepreneurship literature and two specific UCDIventure related ones. Drawing on the case of the online video sharing community Clipfish in Germany, it demonstrates the relevance of the proposed UCDI-venture success drivers. The paper concludes with an assessment of the five success drivers and suggests three steps of future research


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan masukan tentang keadaan penelitian tentang inovasi. Penelitian ini menyajikan tinjauan sistematis literatur akademik, dan memberikan wawasan ke dalam isu-isu spesifik yang ditangani oleh studi di bidang ini, pencarian database penelitian utama dengan beberapa kata kunci dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi artikel yang relevan, artikel diidentifikasi. dan dianalisis sesuai dengan kriteria berikut: lokasi penelitian, perspektif analisis, metodologi, tingkat analisis dan tema spesifik yang dibahas, Berdasarkan analisis tematis kualitatif, lima kelompok artikel diidentifikasi: perilaku kooperatif dari perusahaan yang baru memulai kemitraan, jaringan untuk inovasi, aliansi dan inovasi. Studi ini berkontribusi untuk membuat pengetahuan saat ini tentang inovasi dalam kemitraan dan kinerja UKM teknologi tinggi lebih terorganisir. Analisis berbagai masalah yang dibahas oleh literatur dapat membangun fondasi untuk penelitian masa depan. Studi ini menyajikan tinjauan komprehensif literatur tentang inovasi dalam kemitraan. Ini dapat berfungsi sebagai peta jalan literatur untuk akademisi dan praktisi, dan membantu merangsang minat lebih lanjut terkait penelitian tentang inovasi