368,318 research outputs found

    Class-Based Feature Matching Across Unrestricted Transformations

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    We develop a novel method for class-based feature matching across large changes in viewing conditions. The method is based on the property that when objects share a similar part, the similarity is preserved across viewing conditions. Given a feature and a training set of object images, we first identify the subset of objects that share this feature. The transformation of the feature's appearance across viewing conditions is determined mainly by properties of the feature, rather than of the object in which it is embedded. Therefore, the transformed feature will be shared by approximately the same set of objects. Based on this consistency requirement, corresponding features can be reliably identified from a set of candidate matches. Unlike previous approaches, the proposed scheme compares feature appearances only in similar viewing conditions, rather than across different viewing conditions. As a result, the scheme is not restricted to locally planar objects or affine transformations. The approach also does not require examples of correct matches. We show that by using the proposed method, a dense set of accurate correspondences can be obtained. Experimental comparisons demonstrate that matching accuracy is significantly improved over previous schemes. Finally, we show that the scheme can be successfully used for invariant object recognition

    VLBI observations of seven BL Lac objects from RGB sample

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    We present EVN observations of seven BL Lac objects selected from the RGB sample. To investigate the intrinsic radiation property of BL Lac objects, we estimated the Doppler factor with the VLA or MERLIN core and the total 408 MHz luminosity for a sample of 170 BL Lac objects. The intrinsic (comoving) synchrotron peak frequency was then calculated by using the estimated Doppler factor. Assuming a Lorentz factor of 5, the viewing angle of jets was constrained. The high-resolution VLBI images of seven sources all show a core-jet structure. We estimated the proper motions of three sources with the VLBI archive data, and find that the apparent speed increases with the distance of components to the core for all of them. In our BL Lacs sample, the Doppler factor of LBLs is systematically larger than that of IBLs and HBLs. We find a significant anti-correlation between the total 408 MHz luminosity and the intrinsic synchrotron peak frequency. However, the scatter is much larger than for the blazar sequence. Moreover, we find a significant positive correlation between the viewing angle and the intrinsic synchrotron peak frequency. The BL Lac objects show a continuous distribution on the viewing angle. While LBLs have a smaller viewing angle than that of IBLs and HBLs, IBLs are comparable to HBLs. We conclude that the intrinsic synchrotron peak frequency is not only related to the intrinsic radio power (though with a large scatter), but also to the viewing angle for the present sample.Comment: 22 pages,15figures, published by A&

    Daylight savings: what an answer to the perceptual variation problem cannot be

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    Significant variations in the way objects appear across different viewing conditions pose a challenge to the view that they have some true, determinate color. This view would seem to require that we break the symmetry between multiple appearances in favor of a single variant. A wide range of philosophical and non-philosophical writers have held that the symmetry can be broken by appealing to daylight viewing conditions—that the appearances of objects in daylight have a stronger, and perhaps unique, claim to reveal their true colors. In this note we argue that, whatever else its merits, this appeal to daylight is not a satisfactory answer to the problem posed by perceptual variation

    Object categorisation, object naming, and viewpoint-independence in visual remembering: Evidence from young children's drawings of a novel object

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    A simple object-drawing task confirms a three-way association between object categorisation, viewpoint independence, and longer-term visual remembering. Young children (5- to 7-year-olds) drew a familiar object or a novel object, immediately after it had been hidden from view or on the following day. Both objects were shown from a full range of viewpoints or from just two viewpoints, from neither of which would either object normally be drawn after unrestricted viewing. When drawing from short-term memory after restricted viewing, both objects were most likely to be depicted from a seen viewpoint. When drawing from longer-term memory after restricted viewing, the novel object continued to be drawn from a seen viewpoint, but the mug was now most likely to be drawn from a preferred viewpoint from which it had not been seen. Naming the novel object with a novel count noun ("Look at this. This is a dax"), to signal that it belonged to an object category, resulted in it being drawn in the same way as the familiar object. The results concur with other evidence indicating that short-term and longer-term visual remembering are differentially associated with viewpoint-dependent representations of individual objects and viewpoint independent representations of object categories, respectively

    A Viewing Angle - Kinetic Luminosity Unification Scheme For BL Lacertae Objects

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    We propose a unified classification for BL Lac objects (BLs), focusing on the synchrotron peak frequency of the spectral energy distribution. The unification scheme is based on the angle Theta that describes the orientation of the relativistic jet and on the electron kinetic luminosity Lambda of the jet. We assume that Lambda scales with the size of the jet r in a self-similar fashion (Lambda propto r^2), as supported by observational data. The jets are self-similar in geometry and have the same pressure and median magnetic field at the inlet, independent of size. The self-similarity is broken for the highest energy electrons, which radiate mainly at high frequencies, since for large sources they suffer more severe radiative energy losses over a given fraction of the jet length. We calculate the optically thin synchrotron spectrum using an accelerating inner jet model based on simple relativistic gas dynamics and show that it can fit the observed infrared to X-ray spectrum of PKS 2155--304. We couple the accelerating jet model to the unification scheme and compare the results to complete samples of BLs. The negative apparent evolution of X-ray selected BLs is explained as a result of positive evolution of the jet electron kinetic luminosity Λkin\Lambda_{kin}. We review observational arguments in favor of the existence of scaled-down accretion disks and broad emission-line regions in BLs. The proposed unification scheme can explain the lack of observed broad emission lines in X-ray selected BLs, as well as the existence of those lines preferentially in luminous radio-selected BLs. Finally, we review observational arguments that suggest the extension of this unification scheme to all blazars.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, to be published in the ApJ (Oct 20, 1998

    Discrimination of human and dog faces and inversion responses in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)

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    Although domestic dogs can respond to many facial cues displayed by other dogs and humans, it remains unclear whether they can differentiate individual dogs or humans based on facial cues alone and, if so, whether they would demonstrate the face inversion effect, a behavioural hallmark commonly used in primates to differentiate face processing from object processing. In this study we first established the applicability of the Visual Paired Comparison (VPC or preferential looking) procedure for dogs using a simple object discrimination task with 2D pictures. The animals demonstrated a clear looking preference for novel objects when simultaneously presented with prior-exposed familiar objects. We then adopted this VPC procedure to assess their face discrimination and inversion responses. Dogs showed a deviation from random behaviour, indicating discrimination capability when inspecting upright dog faces, human faces and object images; but the pattern of viewing preference was dependent upon image category. They directed longer viewing time at novel (vs. familiar) human faces and objects, but not at dog faces, instead, a longer viewing time at familiar (vs. novel) dog faces was observed. No significant looking preference was detected for inverted images regardless of image category. Our results indicate that domestic dogs can use facial cues alone to differentiate individual dogs and humans, and that they exhibit a non-specific inversion response. In addition, the discrimination response by dogs of human and dog faces appears to differ with the type of face involved

    Three-dimensional and tomographic imaging device for X-ray and gamma-ray emitting objects

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    An instrument for obtaining quantitative, three-dimensional and tomographic information relating to X-ray and gamma-ray emitting objects and for the orthoscopic viewing of such objects includes a multiple-pinhole aperture plate held spaced from an X-ray or gamma-ray to visible-light converter which is coupled to a visible-light image intensifier. The spacing between the aperture plate and the converter is chosen such that the mini-images of an emitting object formed by the pinholes do not substantially overlap as they impinge on the converter. The output of the image intensifier is digitized by a digitizing camera in terms of position and intensity and fed into a digital computer. The computer may output quantitative information relating to the emitting object directly, such as that relating to tomograms, or provide information in analogue form when coupled with a suitable viewing device to give an orthoscopic, three-dimensional image of the object
