280 research outputs found

    Lab Management

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    Video-Based Information Systems in Academic Library Media Centers

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    Videodiscs as Databases

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    The special properties of videodiscs, the economicsof videodisc production, and the nature ofour educational system are put forward as argumentsin favor of making cost effective videodiscsby designing and utilizing them as aural andvisual databases designed to be utilized at avariety of levels and in a variety of instructionalcontexts rather than as the basis for highly evolvedand specialized lesson designs or as ''just anotherway" of delivering film or videotape

    Videodisc Update \u2777

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    If it were proposed that you were to be told when, on what date, and at what minute you would be allowed to read a research report or a novel, you would be angered and feel that was entirely stifling of your rights and creative efforts

    Reactions to an Initial Attempt At Implementing Interactive Videodisc in Extension

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    The study focused on evaluating (a) the computer-directed videodisc technology as a delivery method for Extension, and (b) Ihe effectiveness of using it to teach cash flow planning to farmers/ranchers. Extension agents in 12 states completed open-ended questionnaires explaining how they prepared for the videodisc and how they used it They also completed anecdotal notes on the participants. Farmer responses were recorded in a computer file when they used the program

    Revisión tecnológica del aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por ordenador: una perspectiva cronológica

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    El presente artículo aborda la evolución y el avance de las tecnologías del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador (CALL por sus siglas en inglés, que corresponden a Computer- Assisted Language Learning) desde una perspectiva histórica. Esta revisión de la literatura sobre tecnologías del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador comienza con la definición del concepto de CALL y otros términos relacionados, entre los que podemos destacar CAI, CAL, CALI, CALICO, CALT, CAT, CBT, CMC o CMI, para posteriormente analizar las primeras iniciativas de implementación del aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador en las décadas de 1950 y 1960, avanzando posteriormente a las décadas de las computadoras centrales y las microcomputadoras. En última instancia, se revisan las tecnologías emergentes en el siglo XXI, especialmente tras la irrupción de Internet, donde se presentan el impacto del e-learning, b-learning, las tecnologías de la Web 2.0, las redes sociales e incluso el aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por robots.The main focus of this paper is on the advancement of technologies in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) from a historical perspective. The review starts by defining CALL and its related terminology, highlighting the first CALL attempts in 1950s and 1960s, and then moving to other decades of mainframes and microcomputers. At the final step, emerging technologies in 21st century will be reviewed

    ArchiVISTA: A New Horizon in Providing Access to Visual Records of the National Archives of Canada

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    A Teaching Experience and How It Came to Pass

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    A trend seems abroad in the land: for more AAACE members to take up formal teaching - teaching academic credit courses in their respective land grant universities

    Assessing Interactive Videodisc in Extension

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    If Extension is going to use interactive videodisc as a program delivery method in the future, the technology must be explored and systematically evaluated in a variety of learning situations. Studying the adoption of the technology in Extension challenges us to (a) identify those interested in exploring the medium, (b) develop an overall strategy for testing the technology, and (e) organize a method for delivering the evaluative information to decision makers. This article poses a considerable number of questions to be addressed as interactive videodisc is tested for its application in transferring information in Extension


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    Physics teachers have long used visual media to show how principles of physics are applied to everyday events. Visual presentation seems to motivate the students and improve their understanding of the concepts being taught. The approach taken in most of these presentations has been a qualitative one. Few quantitative visual presentations have been used in instructional settings, particularly in the laboratory, with some notable exceptions (Super-8 Film Series for Project Physics, 1971). The difficulty of working with films and slides limits the amount of quantitative information that can be acquired from them