450 research outputs found

    A computer vision system for detecting and analysing critical events in cities

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    Whether for commuting or leisure, cycling is a growing transport mode in many cities worldwide. However, it is still perceived as a dangerous activity. Although serious incidents related to cycling leading to major injuries are rare, the fear of getting hit or falling hinders the expansion of cycling as a major transport mode. Indeed, it has been shown that focusing on serious injuries only touches the tip of the iceberg. Near miss data can provide much more information about potential problems and how to avoid risky situations that may lead to serious incidents. Unfortunately, there is a gap in the knowledge in identifying and analysing near misses. This hinders drawing statistically significant conclusions to provide measures for the built-environment that ensure a safer environment for people on bikes. In this research, we develop a method to detect and analyse near misses and their risk factors using artificial intelligence. This is accomplished by analysing video streams linked to near miss incidents within a novel framework relying on deep learning and computer vision. This framework automatically detects near misses and extracts their risk factors from video streams before analysing their statistical significance. It also provides practical solutions implemented in a camera with embedded AI (URBAN-i Box) and a cloud-based service (URBAN-i Cloud) to tackle the stated issue in the real-world settings for use by researchers, policy-makers, or citizens. The research aims to provide human-centred evidence that may enable policy-makers and planners to provide a safer built environment for cycling in London, or elsewhere. More broadly, this research aims to contribute to the scientific literature with the theoretical and empirical foundations of a computer vision system that can be utilised for detecting and analysing other critical events in a complex environment. Such a system can be applied to a wide range of events, such as traffic incidents, crime or overcrowding

    Exploring Causal Relationships in Visual Object Tracking

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    Causal relationships can often be found in visual object tracking between the motions of the camera and that of the tracked object. This object motion may be an effect of the camera motion, e.g. an unsteady handheld camera. But it may also be the cause, e.g. the cameraman framing the object. In this paper we explore these relationships, and provide statistical tools to detect and quantify them, these are based on transfer entropy and stem from information theory. The relationships are then exploited to make predictions about the object location. The approach is shown to be an excellent measure for describing such relationships. On the VOT2013 dataset the prediction accuracy is increased by 62 % over the best non-causal predictor. We show that the location predictions are robust to camera shake and sudden motion, which is invaluable for any tracking algorithm and demonstrate this by applying causal prediction to two state-of-the-art trackers. Both of them benefit, Struck gaining a 7 % accuracy and 22 % robustness increase on the VTB1.1 benchmark, becoming the new state-of-the-art

    Generic Object Detection and Segmentation for Real-World Environments

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    Hand eye coordination in surgery

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    The coordination of the hand in response to visual target selection has always been regarded as an essential quality in a range of professional activities. This quality has thus far been elusive to objective scientific measurements, and is usually engulfed in the overall performance of the individuals. Parallels can be drawn to surgery, especially Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), where the physical constraints imposed by the arrangements of the instruments and visualisation methods require certain coordination skills that are unprecedented. With the current paradigm shift towards early specialisation in surgical training and shortened focused training time, selection process should identify trainees with the highest potentials in certain specific skills. Although significant effort has been made in objective assessment of surgical skills, it is only currently possible to measure surgeons’ abilities at the time of assessment. It has been particularly difficult to quantify specific details of hand-eye coordination and assess innate ability of future skills development. The purpose of this thesis is to examine hand-eye coordination in laboratory-based simulations, with a particular emphasis on details that are important to MIS. In order to understand the challenges of visuomotor coordination, movement trajectory errors have been used to provide an insight into the innate coordinate mapping of the brain. In MIS, novel spatial transformations, due to a combination of distorted endoscopic image projections and the “fulcrum” effect of the instruments, accentuate movement generation errors. Obvious differences in the quality of movement trajectories have been observed between novices and experts in MIS, however, this is difficult to measure quantitatively. A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used in this thesis to reveal the underlying characteristic movement details of a particular MIS manoeuvre and how such features are exaggerated by the introduction of rotation in the endoscopic camera. The proposed method has demonstrated the feasibility of measuring movement trajectory quality by machine learning techniques without prior arbitrary classification of expertise. Experimental results have highlighted these changes in novice laparoscopic surgeons, even after a short period of training. The intricate relationship between the hands and the eyes changes when learning a skilled visuomotor task has been previously studied. Reactive eye movement, when visual input is used primarily as a feedback mechanism for error correction, implies difficulties in hand-eye coordination. As the brain learns to adapt to this new coordinate map, eye movements then become predictive of the action generated. The concept of measuring this spatiotemporal relationship is introduced as a measure of hand-eye coordination in MIS, by comparing the Target Distance Function (TDF) between the eye fixation and the instrument tip position on the laparoscopic screen. Further validation of this concept using high fidelity experimental tasks is presented, where higher cognitive influence and multiple target selection increase the complexity of the data analysis. To this end, Granger-causality is presented as a measure of the predictability of the instrument movement with the eye fixation pattern. Partial Directed Coherence (PDC), a frequency-domain variation of Granger-causality, is used for the first time to measure hand-eye coordination. Experimental results are used to establish the strengths and potential pitfalls of the technique. To further enhance the accuracy of this measurement, a modified Jensen-Shannon Divergence (JSD) measure has been developed for enhancing the signal matching algorithm and trajectory segmentations. The proposed framework incorporates high frequency noise filtering, which represents non-purposeful hand and eye movements. The accuracy of the technique has been demonstrated by quantitative measurement of multiple laparoscopic tasks by expert and novice surgeons. Experimental results supporting visual search behavioural theory are presented, as this underpins the target selection process immediately prior to visual motor action generation. The effects of specialisation and experience on visual search patterns are also examined. Finally, pilot results from functional brain imaging are presented, where the Posterior Parietal Cortical (PPC) activation is measured using optical spectroscopy techniques. PPC has been demonstrated to involve in the calculation of the coordinate transformations between the visual and motor systems, which establishes the possibilities of exciting future studies in hand-eye coordination

    Cognitive Robots for Social Interactions

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    One of my goals is to work towards developing Cognitive Robots, especially with regard to improving the functionalities that facilitate the interaction with human beings and their surrounding objects. Any cognitive system designated for serving human beings must be capable of processing the social signals and eventually enable efficient prediction and planning of appropriate responses. My main focus during my PhD study is to bridge the gap between the motoric space and the visual space. The discovery of the mirror neurons ([RC04]) shows that the visual perception of human motion (visual space) is directly associated to the motor control of the human body (motor space). This discovery poses a large number of challenges in different fields such as computer vision, robotics and neuroscience. One of the fundamental challenges is the understanding of the mapping between 2D visual space and 3D motoric control, and further developing building blocks (primitives) of human motion in the visual space as well as in the motor space. First, I present my study on the visual-motoric mapping of human actions. This study aims at mapping human actions in 2D videos to 3D skeletal representation. Second, I present an automatic algorithm to decompose motion capture (MoCap) sequences into synergies along with the times at which they are executed (or "activated") for each joint. Third, I proposed to use the Granger Causality as a tool to study the coordinated actions performed by at least two units. Recent scientific studies suggest that the above "action mirroring circuit" might be tuned to action coordination rather than single action mirroring. Fourth, I present the extraction of key poses in visual space. These key poses facilitate the further study of the "action mirroring circuit". I conclude the dissertation by describing the future of cognitive robotics study

    Oscillatory Network Activity in Brain Functions and Dysfunctions

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    Recent experimental studies point to the notion that the brain is a complex dynamical system whose behaviors relating to brain functions and dysfunctions can be described by the physics of network phenomena. The brain consists of anatomical axonal connections among neurons and neuronal populations in various spatial scales. Neuronal interactions and synchrony of neuronal oscillations are central to normal brain functions. Breakdowns in interactions and modifications in synchronization behaviors are usual hallmarks of brain dysfunctions. Here, in this dissertation for PhD degree in physics, we report discoveries of brain oscillatory network activity from two separate studies. These studies investigated the large-scale brain activity during tactile perceptual decision-making and epileptic seizures. In the perceptual decision-making study, using scalp electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of brain potentials, we investigated how oscillatory activity functionally organizes different neocortical regions as a network during a tactile discrimination task. While undergoing EEG recordings, blindfolded healthy participants felt a linear three-dot array presented electromechanically, under computer control, and reported whether the central dot was offset to the left or right. Based on the current dipole modeling in the brain, we found that the source-level peak activity appeared in the left primary somatosensory cortex (SI), right lateral occipital complex (LOC), right posterior intraparietal sulcus (pIPS) and finally left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) at 45, 130, 160 and 175 ms respectively. Spectral interdependency analysis showed that fine tactile discrimination is mediated by distinct but overlapping ~15 Hz beta and ~80 Hz gamma band large-scale oscillatory networks. The beta-network that included all four nodes was dominantly feedforward, similar to the propagation of peak cortical activity, implying its role in accumulating and maintaining relevant sensory information and mapping to action. The gamma-network activity, occurring in a recurrent loop linked SI, pIPS and dlPFC, likely carrying out attentional selection of task-relevant sensory signals. Behavioral measure of task performance was correlated with the network activity in both bands. In the study of epileptic seizures, we investigated high-frequency (\u3e 50 Hz) oscillatory network activity from intracranial EEG (IEEG) recordings of patients who were the candidates for epilepsy surgery. The traditional approach of identifying brain regions for epilepsy surgery usually referred as seizure onset zones (SOZs) has not always produced clarity on SOZs. Here, we investigated directed network activity in the frequency domain and found that the high frequency (\u3e80 Hz) network activities occur before the onset of any visible ictal activity, andcausal relationships involve the recording electrodes where clinically identifiable seizures later develop. These findings suggest that high-frequency network activities and their causal relationships can assist in precise delineation of SOZs for surgical resection

    Selective attention and speech processing in the cortex

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    In noisy and complex environments, human listeners must segregate the mixture of sound sources arriving at their ears and selectively attend a single source, thereby solving a computationally difficult problem called the cocktail party problem. However, the neural mechanisms underlying these computations are still largely a mystery. Oscillatory synchronization of neuronal activity between cortical areas is thought to provide a crucial role in facilitating information transmission between spatially separated populations of neurons, enabling the formation of functional networks. In this thesis, we seek to analyze and model the functional neuronal networks underlying attention to speech stimuli and find that the Frontal Eye Fields play a central 'hub' role in the auditory spatial attention network in a cocktail party experiment. We use magnetoencephalography (MEG) to measure neural signals with high temporal precision, while sampling from the whole cortex. However, several methodological issues arise when undertaking functional connectivity analysis with MEG data. Specifically, volume conduction of electrical and magnetic fields in the brain complicates interpretation of results. We compare several approaches through simulations, and analyze the trade-offs among various measures of neural phase-locking in the presence of volume conduction. We use these insights to study functional networks in a cocktail party experiment. We then construct a linear dynamical system model of neural responses to ongoing speech. Using this model, we are able to correctly predict which of two speakers is being attended by a listener. We then apply this model to data from a task where people were attending to stories with synchronous and scrambled videos of the speakers' faces to explore how the presence of visual information modifies the underlying neuronal mechanisms of speech perception. This model allows us to probe neural processes as subjects listen to long stimuli, without the need for a trial-based experimental design. We model the neural activity with latent states, and model the neural noise spectrum and functional connectivity with multivariate autoregressive dynamics, along with impulse responses for external stimulus processing. We also develop a new regularized Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to fit this model to electroencephalography (EEG) data

    Deep Learning for Decision Making and Autonomous Complex Systems

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    Deep learning consists of various machine learning algorithms that aim to learn multiple levels of abstraction from data in a hierarchical manner. It is a tool to construct models using the data that mimics a real world process without an exceedingly tedious modelling of the actual process. We show that deep learning is a viable solution to decision making in mechanical engineering problems and complex physical systems. In this work, we demonstrated the application of this data-driven method in the design of microfluidic devices to serve as a map between the user-defined cross-sectional shape of the flow and the corresponding arrangement of micropillars in the flow channel that contributed to the flow deformation. We also present how deep learning can be used in the early detection of combustion instability for prognostics and health monitoring of a combustion engine, such that appropriate measures can be taken to prevent detrimental effects as a result of unstable combustion. One of the applications in complex systems concerns robotic path planning via the systematic learning of policies and associated rewards. In this context, a deep architecture is implemented to infer the expected value of information gained by performing an action based on the states of the environment. We also applied deep learning-based methods to enhance natural low-light images in the context of a surveillance framework and autonomous robots. Further, we looked at how machine learning methods can be used to perform root-cause analysis in cyber-physical systems subjected to a wide variety of operation anomalies. In all studies, the proposed frameworks have been shown to demonstrate promising feasibility and provided credible results for large-scale implementation in the industry
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