248 research outputs found

    The temporal dynamics of calibration target reflectance

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    A field experiment investigated the hypothesis that the nadir reflectance of calibration surface substrates (asphalt and concrete) remains stable over a range of time-scales. Measurable differences in spectral reflectance factors were found over periods as short as 30 minutes. Surface reflectance factors measured using a dual-field-of-view GER1500 spectroradiometer system showed a relationship with the relative proportion of diffuse irradiance, over periods when solar zenith changes were minimal. Reflectance measurements were collected over precise points on the calibration surfaces using a novel mobile spectroradiometer device, and uncertainty in terms of absolute reflectance was calculated as being < 0.05% within the usable range of the instrument (400-1000nm). Multi-date reflectance factors were compared using one-way ANOVA and found to differ significantly (p = 0.001). These findings illustrate the anisotropic nature of calibration surfaces, and place emphasis on the need to minimise the temporal delay in collection of field spectral measurements for vicarious calibration or empirical atmospheric correction purposes

    Evaluation of Detector-to-Detector and Mirror Side Differences for Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Using Simultaneous MISR Observations

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    The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is one of the five Earth-observing instruments on-board the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth-Observing System(EOS) Terra spacecraft, launched in December 1999. It has 36 spectral bands with wavelengths ranging from 0.41 to 14.4 mm and collects data at three nadir spatial resolutions: 0.25 km for 2 bands with 40 detectors each, 0.5 km for 5 bands with 20 detectors each and 1 km for the remaining 29 bands with 10 detectors each. MODIS bands are located on four separate focal plane assemblies (FPAs) according to their spectral wavelengths and aligned in the cross-track direction. Detectors of each spectral band are aligned in the along-track direction. MODIS makes observations using a two-sided paddle-wheel scan mirror. Its on-board calibrators (OBCs) for the reflective solar bands (RSBs) include a solar diffuser (SD), a solar diffuser stability monitor (SDSM) and a spectral-radiometric calibration assembly (SRCA). Calibration is performed for each band, detector, sub-sample (for sub-kilometer resolution bands) and mirror side. In this study, a ratio approach is applied to MODIS observed Earth scene reflectances to track the detector-to-detector and mirror side differences. Simultaneous observed reflectances from the Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR), also onboard the Terra spacecraft, are used with MODIS observed reflectances in this ratio approach for four closely matched spectral bands. Results show that the detector-to-detector difference between two adjacent detectors within each spectral band is typically less than 0.2% and, depending on the wavelengths, the maximum difference among all detectors varies from 0.5% to 0.8%. The mirror side differences are found to be very small for all bands except for band 3 at 0.44 mm. This is the band with the shortest wavelength among the selected matching bands, showing a time-dependent increase for the mirror side difference. This study is part of the effort by the MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST) in order to track the RSB on-orbit performance for MODIS collection 5 data products. To support MCST efforts for future data re-processing, this analysis will be extended to include more spectral bands and temporal coverage

    Intercomparison of Airborne Multi-Angle Polarimeter Observations from the Polarimeter Definition Experiment (PODEX)

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    In early 2013, three airborne polarimeters were flown on the high altitude NASA ER-2 aircraft in California for the Polarimeter Definition Experiment (PODEX). PODEX supported the pre-formulation NASA Aerosol-Cloud-Ecosystem (ACE) mission, which calls for an imaging polarimeter in polar orbit (among other instruments) for the remote sensing of aerosols, oceans and clouds. Several polarimeter concepts exist as airborne prototypes, some of which were deployed during PODEX as a capabilities test. Two of those instruments to date have successfully produced Level 1 (georegistered, calibrated radiance and polarization) data from that campaign: the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI) and the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP). We compared georegistered observations of a variety of scene types by these instruments to test if Level 1 products agree within stated uncertainties. Initial comparisons found radiometric agreement, but polarimetric biases beyond measurement uncertainties. After subsequent updates to calibration, georegistration, and the measurement uncertainty models, observations from the instruments now largely agree within stated uncertainties. However, the 470nm reflectance channels have a roughly +6% bias of AirMSPI relative to RSP, beyond expected measurement uncertainties. We also find that observations of dark (ocean) scenes, where polarimetric uncertainty is expected to be largest, do not agree within stated polarimetric uncertainties. Otherwise, AirMSPI and RSP observations are consistent within measurement uncertainty expectations, providing credibility for subsequent creation of Level 2 (geophysical product) data from these instruments, and comparison thereof. The techniques used in this work can also form a methodological basis for other intercomparisons, such as of the data gathered during the recent Aerosol Characterization from Polarimeter and Lidar (ACEPOL) field campaign, carried out in October and November of 2017 with four polarimeters (including AirMSPI and RSP)

    Ultra-Portable Field Transfer Radiometer for Vicarious Calibration of Earth Imaging Sensors

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    A small portable transfer radiometer has been developed as part of an effort to ensure the quality of upwelling radiance from test sites used for vicarious calibration in the solar reflective. The test sites are used to predict top-of-atmosphere reflectance relying on ground-based measurements of the atmosphere and surface. The portable transfer radiometer is designed for one-person operation for on-site field calibration of instrumentation used to determine ground-leaving radiance. The current work describes the detector-and source-based radiometric calibration of the transfer radiometer highlighting the expected accuracy and SI-traceability. The results indicate differences between the detector-based and source-based results greater than the combined uncertainties of the approaches. Results from recent field deployments of the transfer radiometer using a solar radiation based calibration agree with the source-based laboratory calibration within the combined uncertainties of the methods. The detector-based results show a significant difference to the solar-based calibration. The source-based calibration is used as the basis for a radiance-based calibration of the Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager that agrees with the OLI calibration to within the uncertainties of the methods

    Assessment of Satellite-Derived Surface Reflectances by NASA’s CAR Airborne Radiometer over Railroad Valley Playa

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    CAR (Cloud Absorption Radiometer) is a multi-angular and multi-spectral airborne radiometer instrument, whose radiometric and geometric characteristics are well calibrated and adjusted before and after each flight campaign. CAR was built by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in 1984. On 16 May 2008, a CAR flight campaign took place over the well-known calibration and validation site of Railroad Valley in Nevada, USA (38.504°N, 115.692°W). The campaign coincided with the overpasses of several key EO (Earth Observation) satellites such as Landsat-7, Envisat and Terra. Thus, there are nearly simultaneous measurements from these satellites and the CAR airborne sensor over the same calibration site. The CAR spectral bands are close to those of most EO satellites. CAR has the ability to cover the whole range of azimuth view angles and a variety of zenith angles depending on altitude and, as a consequence, the biases seen between satellite and CAR measurements due to both unmatched spectral bands and unmatched angles can be significantly reduced. A comparison is presented here between CAR’s land surface reflectance (BRF or Bidirectional Reflectance Factor) with those derived from Terra/MODIS (MOD09 and MAIAC), Terra/MISR, Envisat/MERIS and Landsat-7. In this study, we utilized CAR data from low altitude flights (approx. 180 m above the surface) in order to minimize the effects of the atmosphere on these measurements and then obtain a valuable ground-truth data set of surface reflectance. Furthermore, this study shows that differences between measurements caused by surface heterogeneity can be tolerated, thanks to the high homogeneity of the study site on the one hand, and on the other hand, to the spatial sampling and the large number of CAR samples. These results demonstrate that satellite BRF measurements over this site are in good agreement with CAR with variable biases across different spectral bands. This is most likely due to residual aerosol effects in the EO derived reflectance

    Global and regional trends of Aerosol Optical Thickness derived using satellite- and ground-based observations

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    Atmospheric aerosol plays a critical role for human health, air quality, long range transport of pollution, and the Earth s radiative balance, thereby influencing global climate change. To test our scientific understanding and provide an evidence base for policymakers, long-term temporal changes of local, regional, and global aerosols are needed. Remote sensing from satellite borne and ground based observations offers unique opportunities to provide such data. However, only a few studies have discussed the limitations, associated with unrepresentative sampling originating from large/persistent cloud disturbance and limited/different sampling (limited orbital periods and different sampling times) in the trend analysis. Using a linear weighted model, the long-term trends of global AOTs from various polar orbiting satellites and ground observations: MODIS (aboard Terra), MISR (Terra), SeaWiFS (OrbView-2), MODIS (Aqua), and AERONET have been analyzed. In this manner, the present study attempts to minimize the influence of unrepresentative sampling in the trend analysis. Throughout terrestrial and marine regions, temporal increase of cloud-free AOTs were dominat over the globe (GL), northern (NH), and southern hemisphere (SH) (up to 0.00348±0.00185 for GL, 0.00514±0.00272 for NH, and 0.00232±0.00124 per year for SH). Generally, consistently in all observations, the weighted trends over Eastern US and OECD Europe showed a strong decreasing AOT (up to -0.00376±0.00174 for Eastern US and -0.00530±0.00304 per year for OECD Europe) attributed to the recent environmental legislation and resulting regulation of emissions. A significant increase was observed over Saharan/Arabian deserts, South, and East Asia (up to 0.00618±0.00326, 0.01452±0.00615, and 0.01939±0.00986 per year, respectively). These in part dramatic increases are caused by the enhanced amount of aerosol transported/emitted from industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, desertification, and climate change. Overall large/persistent cloud disturbance all year round and the limited/different sampling of polar orbiting satellites represent a challenge, which has been addressed successfully in this study for the accurate determination of aerosol amount and its trends

    Overview of Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments

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    Intercalibration of satellite instruments is critical for detection and quantification of changes in the Earth’s environment, weather forecasting, understanding climate processes, and monitoring climate and land cover change. These applications use data from many satellites; for the data to be interoperable, the instruments must be cross-calibrated. To meet the stringent needs of such applications, instruments must provide reliable, accurate, and consistent measurements over time. Robust techniques are required to ensure that observations from different instruments can be normalized to a common scale that the community agrees on. The long-term reliability of this process needs to be sustained in accordance with established reference standards and best practices. Furthermore, establishing physical meaning to the information through robust Système International d’unités traceable calibration and validation (Cal/Val) is essential to fully understand the parameters under observation. The processes of calibration, correction, stabilitymonitoring, and quality assurance need to be underpinned and evidenced by comparison with “peer instruments” and, ideally, highly calibrated in-orbit reference instruments. Intercalibration between instruments is a central pillar of the Cal/Val strategies of many national and international satellite remote sensing organizations. Intercalibration techniques as outlined in this paper not only provide a practical means of identifying and correcting relative biases in radiometric calibration between instruments but also enable potential data gaps between measurement records in a critical time series to be bridged. Use of a robust set of internationally agreed upon and coordinated intercalibration techniques will lead to significant improvement in the consistency between satellite instruments and facilitate accurate monitoring of the Earth’s climate at uncertainty levels needed to detect and attribute the mechanisms of change. This paper summarizes the state-of-the-art of postlaunch radiometric calibration of remote sensing satellite instruments through intercalibration

    Overview of Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments

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    Intercalibration of satellite instruments is critical for detection and quantification of changes in the Earth’s environment, weather forecasting, understanding climate processes, and monitoring climate and land cover change. These applications use data from many satellites; for the data to be interoperable, the instruments must be cross-calibrated. To meet the stringent needs of such applications, instruments must provide reliable, accurate, and consistent measurements over time. Robust techniques are required to ensure that observations from different instruments can be normalized to a common scale that the community agrees on. The long-term reliability of this process needs to be sustained in accordance with established reference standards and best practices. Furthermore, establishing physical meaning to the information through robust Système International d’unités traceable calibration and validation (Cal/Val) is essential to fully understand the parameters under observation. The processes of calibration, correction, stabilitymonitoring, and quality assurance need to be underpinned and evidenced by comparison with “peer instruments” and, ideally, highly calibrated in-orbit reference instruments. Intercalibration between instruments is a central pillar of the Cal/Val strategies of many national and international satellite remote sensing organizations. Intercalibration techniques as outlined in this paper not only provide a practical means of identifying and correcting relative biases in radiometric calibration between instruments but also enable potential data gaps between measurement records in a critical time series to be bridged. Use of a robust set of internationally agreed upon and coordinated intercalibration techniques will lead to significant improvement in the consistency between satellite instruments and facilitate accurate monitoring of the Earth’s climate at uncertainty levels needed to detect and attribute the mechanisms of change. This paper summarizes the state-of-the-art of postlaunch radiometric calibration of remote sensing satellite instruments through intercalibration

    Symposium franco-chinois de télédétection quantitative en agronomie et environnement. Bilan et perspectives de collaboration. Rapport de mission (26 au 30 mars 2000)

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    Ce rapport présente les principaux résultats d'un Symposium en Télédétection entre des équipes de chercheurs de l'INRA, du CIRAD, de l'Université de Lille et leurs homologues chinois de l'Institute of Remote Sensing Applications (IRSA) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), et du National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC). Les perspectives d'un programme de collaboration sont présentées avec deux axes majeurs correspondant à deux niveaux d'approche, régional et local en agriculture de précision. (Résumé d'auteur
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