954 research outputs found

    Autapses enable temporal pattern recognition in spiking neural networks

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    © 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Most sensory stimuli are temporal in structure. How action potentials encode the information incoming from sensory stimuli remains one of the central research questions in neuroscience. Although there is evidence that the precise timing of spikes represents information in spiking neuronal networks, information processing in spiking networks is still not fully understood. One feasible way to understand the working mechanism of a spiking network is to associate the structural connectivity of the network with the corresponding functional behaviour. This work demonstrates the structure-function mapping of spiking networks evolved (or handcrafted) for a temporal pattern recognition task. The task is to recognise a specific order of the input signals so that the Output neurone of the network spikes only for the correct placement and remains silent for all others. The minimal networks obtained for this task revealed the twofold importance of autapses in recognition; first, autapses simplify the switching among different network states. Second, autapses enable a network to maintain a network state, a form of memory. To show that the recognition task is accomplished by transitions between network states, we map the network states of a functional spiking neural network (SNN) onto the states of a finite-state transducer (FST, a formal model of computation that generates output symbols, here: spikes or no spikes at specific times, in response to input, here: a series of input signals). Finally, based on our understanding, we define rules for constructing the topology of a network handcrafted for recognising a subsequence of signals (pattern) in a particular order. The analysis of minimal networks recognising patterns of different lengths (two to six) revealed a positive correlation between the pattern length and the number of autaptic connections in the network. Furthermore, in agreement with the behaviour of neurones in the network, we were able to associate specific functional roles of locking, switching, and accepting to neurones

    Robust Very Small Spiking Neural Networks Evolved with Noise to Recognize Temporal Patterns

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    © 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/To understand how biological and bio-inspired complex computational networks can function in the presence of noise and damage, we have evolved very small spiking neural networks in the presence of noise on the membrane potential. The networks were built with adaptive exponential integrate and fire neurons. The simple but not trivial task we evolved the networks for consisted of recognizing a short temporal pattern in the activity of the network inputs. This task can be described in abstract terms as finding a specific subsequence of symbols (“ABC”) in a continuous sequence of symbols (“..ABCCCAAABCAC..”). We show that networks with three interneurons and one output neuron can solve this task in the presence of biologically plausible levels of noise. We describe how such a network works by mapping its activity onto the state of a finite state transducer—an abstract model of computation on continuous time series. We demonstrate that the networks evolved with noise are much more robust than networks evolved without noise to the modification of neuronal parameters and variation of the properties of the input. We also show that the networks evolved with noise are denser and have stronger connections than the networks evolved without noise. Finally, we demonstrate the emergence of memory in the evolved networks—sustained spiking of some neurons maintained thanks to the presence of self-excitatory loops

    The Evolution, Analysis, and Design of Minimal Spiking Neural Networks for Temporal Pattern Recognition

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    All sensory stimuli are temporal in structure. How a pattern of action potentials encodes the information received from the sensory stimuli is an important research question in neurosciencce. Although it is clear that information is carried by the number or the timing of spikes, the information processing in the nervous system is poorly understood. The desire to understand information processing in the animal brain led to the development of spiking neural networks (SNNs). Understanding information processing in spiking neural networks may give us an insight into the information processing in the animal brain. One way to understand the mechanisms which enable SNNs to perform a computational task is to associate the structural connectivity of the network with the corresponding functional behaviour. This work demonstrates the structure-function mapping of spiking networks evolved (or handcrafted) for recognising temporal patterns. The SNNs are composed of simple yet biologically meaningful adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire (AdEx) neurons. The computational task can be described as identifying a subsequence of three signals (say ABC) in a random input stream of signals ("ABBBCCBABABCBBCAC"). The topology and connection weights of the networks are optimised using a genetic algorithm such that the network output spikes only for the correct input pattern and remains silent for all others. The fitness function rewards the network output for spiking after receiving the correct pattern and penalises spikes elsewhere. To analyse the effect of noise, two types of noise are introduced during evolution: (i) random fluctuations of the membrane potential of neurons in the network at every network step, (ii) random variations of the duration of the silent interval between input signals. It has been observed that evolution in the presence of noise produced networks that were robust to perturbation of neuronal parameters. Moreover, the networks also developed a form of memory, enabling them to maintain network states in the absence of input activity. It has been demonstrated that the network states of an evolved network have a one-to-one correspondence with the states of a finite-state transducer (FST) { a model of computation for time-structured data. The analysis of networks indicated that the task of recognition is accomplished by transitions between network states. Evolution may overproduce synaptic connections, pruning these superfluous connections pronounced structural similarities among individuals obtained from different independent runs. Moreover, the analysis of the pruned networks highlighted that memory is a property of self-excitation in the network. Neurons with self-excitatory loops (also called autapses) could sustain spiking activity indefinitely in the absence of input activity. To recognise a pattern of length n, a network requires n+1 network states, where n states are maintained actively with autapses and the penultimate state is maintained passively by no activity in the network. Simultaneously, the role of other connections in the network is identified. Of particular interest, three interneurons in the network are found to have a specialized role: (i) the lock neuron is always active, preventing the output from spiking unless it is released by the penultimate signal in the correct pattern, exposing the output neuron to spike for the correct last signal, (ii) the switch neuron is responsible for switching the network between the inter-signal states and the start state, and (iii) the accept neuron produces spikes in the output neuron when the network receives the last correct input. It also sends a signal to the switch neuron, transforming the network back into the start state Understanding how information is processed in the evolved networks led to handcrafting network topologies for recognising more extended patterns. The proposed rules can extend network topologies to recognize temporal patterns up to length six. To validate the handcrafted topology, a genetic algorithm is used to optimise its connection weights. It has been observed that the maximum number of active neurons representing a state in the network increases with the pattern length. Therefore, the suggested rules can handcraft network topologies only up to length 6. Handcrafting network topologies, representing a network state with a fixed number of active neurons requires further investigation

    Event-driven continuous STDP learning with deep structure for visual pattern recognition

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    Human beings can achieve reliable and fast visual pattern recognition with limited time and learning samples. Underlying this capability, ventral stream plays an important role in object representation and form recognition. Modeling the ventral steam may shed light on further understanding the visual brain in humans and building artificial vision systems for pattern recognition. The current methods to model the mechanism of ventral stream are far from exhibiting fast, continuous and event-driven learning like the human brain. To create a visual system similar to ventral stream in human with fast learning capability, in this study, we propose a new spiking neural system with an event-driven continuous spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) learning method using specific spiking timing sequences. Two novel continuous input mechanisms have been used to obtain the continuous input spiking pattern sequence. With the event-driven STDP learning rule, the proposed learning procedure will be activated if the neuron receive one pre- or post-synaptic spike event. The experimental results on MNIST database show that the proposed method outperforms all other methods in fast learning scenarios and most of the current models in exhaustive learning experiments

    A spatial contrast retina with on-chip calibration for neuromorphic spike-based AER vision systems

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    We present a 32 32 pixels contrast retina microchip that provides its output as an address event representation (AER) stream. Spatial contrast is computed as the ratio between pixel photocurrent and a local average between neighboring pixels obtained with a diffuser network. This current-based computation produces an important amount of mismatch between neighboring pixels, because the currents can be as low as a few pico-amperes. Consequently, a compact calibration circuitry has been included to trimm each pixel. Measurements show a reduction in mismatch standard deviation from 57% to 6.6% (indoor light). The paper describes the design of the pixel with its spatial contrast computation and calibration sections. About one third of pixel area is used for a 5-bit calibration circuit. Area of pixel is 58 m 56 m, while its current consumption is about 20 nA at 1-kHz event rate. Extensive experimental results are provided for a prototype fabricated in a standard 0.35- m CMOS process.Gobierno de España TIC2003-08164-C03-01, TEC2006-11730-C03-01European Union IST-2001-3412

    Spiking neural networks for computer vision

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    State-of-the-art computer vision systems use frame-based cameras that sample the visual scene as a series of high-resolution images. These are then processed using convolutional neural networks using neurons with continuous outputs. Biological vision systems use a quite different approach, where the eyes (cameras) sample the visual scene continuously, often with a non-uniform resolution, and generate neural spike events in response to changes in the scene. The resulting spatio-temporal patterns of events are then processed through networks of spiking neurons. Such event-based processing offers advantages in terms of focusing constrained resources on the most salient features of the perceived scene, and those advantages should also accrue to engineered vision systems based upon similar principles. Event-based vision sensors, and event-based processing exemplified by the SpiNNaker (Spiking Neural Network Architecture) machine, can be used to model the biological vision pathway at various levels of detail. Here we use this approach to explore structural synaptic plasticity as a possible mechanism whereby biological vision systems may learn the statistics of their inputs without supervision, pointing the way to engineered vision systems with similar online learning capabilities

    Neuromorphic deep convolutional neural network learning systems for FPGA in real time

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    Deep Learning algorithms have become one of the best approaches for pattern recognition in several fields, including computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, and audio recognition, among others. In image vision, convolutional neural networks stand out, due to their relatively simple supervised training and their efficiency extracting features from a scene. Nowadays, there exist several implementations of convolutional neural networks accelerators that manage to perform these networks in real time. However, the number of operations and power consumption of these implementations can be reduced using a different processing paradigm as neuromorphic engineering. Neuromorphic engineering field studies the behavior of biological and inner systems of the human neural processing with the purpose of design analog, digital or mixed-signal systems to solve problems inspired in how human brain performs complex tasks, replicating the behavior and properties of biological neurons. Neuromorphic engineering tries to give an answer to how our brain is capable to learn and perform complex tasks with high efficiency under the paradigm of spike-based computation. This thesis explores both frame-based and spike-based processing paradigms for the development of hardware architectures for visual pattern recognition based on convolutional neural networks. In this work, two FPGA implementations of convolutional neural networks accelerator architectures for frame-based using OpenCL and SoC technologies are presented. Followed by a novel neuromorphic convolution processor for spike-based processing paradigm, which implements the same behaviour of leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model. Furthermore, it reads the data in rows being able to perform multiple layers in the same chip. Finally, a novel FPGA implementation of Hierarchy of Time Surfaces algorithm and a new memory model for spike-based systems are proposed