175 research outputs found

    Rewriting Complex Queries from Cloud to Fog under Capability Constraints to Protect the Users' Privacy

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    In this paper we show how existing query rewriting and query containment techniques can be used to achieve an efficient and privacy-aware processing of queries. To achieve this, the whole network structure, from data producing sensors up to cloud computers, is utilized to create a database machine consisting of billions of devices from the Internet of Things. Based on previous research in the field of database theory, especially query rewriting, we present a concept to split a query into fragment and remainder queries. Fragment queries can operate on resource limited devices to filter and preaggregate data. Remainder queries take these data and execute the last, complex part of the original queries on more powerful devices. As a result, less data is processed and forwarded in the network and the privacy principle of data minimization is accomplished

    Rewriting Complex Queries from Cloud to Fog under Capability Constraints to Protect the Users' Privacy

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    In this paper we show how existing query rewriting and query containment techniques can be used to achieve an efficient and privacy-aware processing of queries. To achieve this, the whole network structure, from data producing sensors up to cloud computers, is utilized to create a database machine consisting of billions of devices from the Internet of Things. Based on previous research in the field of database theory, especially query rewriting, we present a concept to split a query into fragment and remainder queries. Fragment queries can operate on resource limited devices to filter and preaggregate data. Remainder queries take these data and execute the last, complex part of the original queries on more powerful devices. As a result, less data is processed and forwarded in the network and the privacy principle of data minimization is accomplished

    Counting Problems on Quantum Graphs: Parameterized and Exact Complexity Classifications

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    Quantum graphs, as defined by Lovász in the late 60s, are formal linear combinations of simple graphs with finite support. They allow for the complexity analysis of the problem of computing finite linear combinations of homomorphism counts, the latter of which constitute the foundation of the structural hardness theory for parameterized counting problems: The framework of parameterized counting complexity was introduced by Flum and Grohe, and McCartin in 2002 and forms a hybrid between the classical field of computational counting as founded by Valiant in the late 70s and the paradigm of parameterized complexity theory due to Downey and Fellows which originated in the early 90s. The problem of computing homomorphism numbers of quantum graphs subsumes general motif counting problems and the complexity theoretic implications have only turned out recently in a breakthrough regarding the parameterized subgraph counting problem by Curticapean, Dell and Marx in 2017. We study the problems of counting partially injective and edge-injective homomorphisms, counting induced subgraphs, as well as counting answers to existential first-order queries. We establish novel combinatorial, algebraic and even topological properties of quantum graphs that allow us to provide exhaustive parameterized and exact complexity classifications, including necessary, sufficient and mostly explicit tractability criteria, for all of the previous problems.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Komplexit atsanalyse von mathematischen Problemen die als Linearkombinationen von Graphhomomorphismenzahlen darstellbar sind. Dazu wird sich sogenannter Quantengraphen bedient, bei denen es sich um formale Linearkombinationen von Graphen handelt und welche von Lov asz Ende der 60er eingef uhrt wurden. Die Bestimmung der Komplexit at solcher Probleme erfolgt unter dem von Flum, Grohe und McCartin im Jahre 2002 vorgestellten Paradigma der parametrisierten Z ahlkomplexit atstheorie, die als Hybrid der von Valiant Ende der 70er begr undeten klassischen Z ahlkomplexit atstheorie und der von Downey und Fellows Anfang der 90er eingef uhrten parametrisierten Analyse zu verstehen ist. Die Berechnung von Homomorphismenzahlen zwischen Quantengraphen und Graphen subsumiert im weitesten Sinne all jene Probleme, die das Z ahlen von kleinen Mustern in gro en Strukturen erfordern. Aufbauend auf dem daraus resultierenden Durchbruch von Curticapean, Dell und Marx, das Subgraphz ahlproblem betre end, behandelt diese Arbeit die Analyse der Probleme des Z ahlens von partiell- und kanteninjektiven Homomorphismen, induzierten Subgraphen, und Tre ern von relationalen Datenbankabfragen die sich als existentielle Formeln ausdr ucken lassen. Insbesondere werden dabei neue kombinatorische, algebraische und topologische Eigenschaften von Quantengraphen etabliert, die hinreichende, notwendige und meist explizite Kriterien f ur die Existenz e zienter Algorithmen liefern

    Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages

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    This book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. It provides in-depth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages. The first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic

    Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages

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    This book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. It provides in-depth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages. The first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic

    Box Covers and Domain Orderings for Beyond Worst-Case Join Processing

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    Recent beyond worst-case optimal join algorithms Minesweeper and its generalization Tetris have brought the theory of indexing and join processing together by developing a geometric framework for joins. These algorithms take as input an index B\mathcal{B}, referred to as a box cover, that stores output gaps that can be inferred from traditional indexes, such as B+ trees or tries, on the input relations. The performances of these algorithms highly depend on the certificate of B\mathcal{B}, which is the smallest subset of gaps in B\mathcal{B} whose union covers all of the gaps in the output space of a query QQ. We study how to generate box covers that contain small size certificates to guarantee efficient runtimes for these algorithms. First, given a query QQ over a set of relations of size NN and a fixed set of domain orderings for the attributes, we give a O~(N)\tilde{O}(N)-time algorithm called GAMB which generates a box cover for QQ that is guaranteed to contain the smallest size certificate across any box cover for QQ. Second, we show that finding a domain ordering to minimize the box cover size and certificate is NP-hard through a reduction from the 2 consecutive block minimization problem on boolean matrices. Our third contribution is a O~(N)\tilde{O}(N)-time approximation algorithm called ADORA to compute domain orderings, under which one can compute a box cover of size O~(Kr)\tilde{O}(K^r), where KK is the minimum box cover for QQ under any domain ordering and rr is the maximum arity of any relation. This guarantees certificates of size O~(Kr)\tilde{O}(K^r). We combine ADORA and GAMB with Tetris to form a new algorithm we call TetrisReordered, which provides several new beyond worst-case bounds. On infinite families of queries, TetrisReordered's runtimes are unboundedly better than the bounds stated in prior work
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