4,346 research outputs found

    Higher-Order Differential Operators on a Lie Group and Quantization

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    This talk is devoted mainly to the concept of higher-order polarization on a group, which is introduced in the framework of a Group Approach to Quantization, as a powerful tool to guarantee the irreducibility of quantizations and/or representations of Lie groups in those anomalous cases where the Kostant-Kirilov co-adjoint method or the Borel-Weyl-Bott representation algorithm do not succeed.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figures, uses IJMPB.sty (included). New version partially rewritten (title changed!), presented to the II Int. Workshop on Class. and Quant. Integrable Systems, Dubna (Rusia) 1996, and published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Bargmann representations for deformed harmonic oscillators

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    Generalizing the case of the usual harmonic oscillator, we look for Bargmann representations corresponding to deformed harmonic oscillators. Deformed harmonic oscillator algebras are generated by four operators a,a,Na, a^\dagger, N and the unity 1 such as [a,N]=a,[a,N]=a[a,N] = a, [a^\dagger,N] = -a^\dagger, aa=ψ(N)a^\dagger a = \psi(N) and aa=ψ(N+1)aa^\dagger =\psi(N+1). We discuss the conditions of existence of a scalar product expressed with a true integral on the space spanned by the eigenstates of aa (or aa^\dagger). We give various examples, in particular we consider functions ψ\psi that are linear combinations of qNq^N, qNq^{-N} and unity and that correspond to q-oscillators with Fock-representations or with non-Fock-representations.Comment: 23 pages, Late

    Network of Time-Multiplexed Optical Parametric Oscillators as a Coherent Ising Machine

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    Finding the ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian [1] maps to various combinatorial optimization problems in biology, medicine, wireless communications, artificial intelligence, and social network. So far no efficient classical and quantum algorithm is known for these problems, and intensive research is focused on creating physical systems - Ising machines - capable of finding the absolute or approximate ground states of the Ising Hamiltonian [2-6]. Here we report a novel Ising machine using a network of degenerate optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). Spins are represented with above-threshold binary phases of the OPOs and the Ising couplings are realized by mutual injections [7]. The network is implemented in a single OPO ring cavity with multiple trains of femtosecond pulses and configurable mutual couplings, and operates at room temperature. We programed the smallest non-deterministic polynomial time (NP)- hard Ising problem on the machine, and in 1000 runs of the machine no computational error was detected

    Stochastic Schroedinger equation from optimal observable evolution

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    In this article, we consider a set of trial wave-functions denoted by | Q \right> and an associated set of operators AαA_\alpha which generate transformations connecting those trial states. Using variational principles, we show that we can always obtain a quantum Monte-Carlo method where the quantum evolution of a system is replaced by jumps between density matrices of the form D=Qa><QbD = |Q_a> <Q_b|, and where the average evolutions of the moments of AαA_\alpha up to a given order kk, i.e. , $< A_{\alpha_1} A_{\alpha_2} >$,..., , are constrained to follow the exact Ehrenfest evolution at each time step along each stochastic trajectory. Then, a set of more and more elaborated stochastic approximations of a quantum problem is obtained which approach the exact solution when more and more constraints are imposed, i.e. when kk increases. The Monte-Carlo process might even become exact if the Hamiltonian HH applied on the trial state can be written as a polynomial of AαA_\alpha. The formalism makes a natural connection between quantum jumps in Hilbert space and phase-space dynamics. We show that the derivation of stochastic Schroedinger equations can be greatly simplified by taking advantage of the existence of this hierarchy of approximations and its connection to the Ehrenfest theorem. Several examples are illustrated: the free wave-packet expansion, the Kerr oscillator, a generalized version of the Kerr oscillator, as well as interacting bosons or fermions.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Retention and application of Skylab experiences to future programs

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    The problems encountered and special techniques and procedures developed on the Skylab program are described along with the experiences and practical benefits obtained for dissemination and use on future programs. Three major topics are discussed: electrical problems, mechanical problems, and special techniques. Special techniques and procedures are identified that were either developed or refined during the Skylab program. These techniques and procedures came from all manufacturing and test phases of the Skylab program and include both flight and GSE items from component level to sophisticated spaceflight systems