7 research outputs found

    Towards Verifying Voter Privacy Through Unlinkability

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    International audienceThe increasing official use of security protocols for electronic voting deepens the need for their trustworthiness, hence for their formal verification. The impossibility of linking a voter to her vote, often called voter privacy or ballot secrecy, is the core property of many such protocols. Most existing work relies on equivalence statements in cryptographic extensions of process calculi. This paper provides the first theorem-proving based verification of voter privacy and overcomes some of the limitations inherent to process calculi-based analysis. Unlinkability between two pieces of information is specified as an extension to the Inductive Method for security protocol verification in Isabelle/HOL. New message operators for association extraction and synthesis are defined. Proving voter privacy demanded substantial effort and provided novel insights into both electronic voting protocols themselves and the analysed security goals. The central proof elements are described and shown to be reusable for different protocols with minimal interaction

    Insider threats for auctions: formalization, mechanized proof, and code generation

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    This paper applies machine assisted formal methods to explore insider threats for auctions. Auction systems, like eBay, are an important problem domain for formal analysis because they challenge modelling concepts as well as analysis methods. We use machine assisted formal modelling and proof in Isabelle to demonstrate how security and privacy goals of auction protocols can be formally verified. Applying the costly scrutiny of formal methods is justified for auctions since privacy and trust are prominent issues and auctions are sometimes designed for one-off occasions where high bids are at stake. For example, when radio wave frequencies are on sale, auctions are especially created for just one occasion where fair and consistent behaviour is required. Investigating the threats in auctions and insider collusions, we model and analyze auction protocols for insider threats using the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. We use the existing example of a fictitious cocaine auction protocol from the literature to develop and illustrate our approach. Combining the Isabelle Insider framework with the inductive approach to verifying security protocols in Isabelle, we formalize the cocaine auction protocol, prove that this formal definition excludes sweetheart deals, and also that collusion attacks cannot generally be excluded. The practical implication of the formalization is demonstrated by code generation. Isabelle allows generating code from constructive specifications into the programming language Scala. We provide constructive test functions for cocaine auction traces, prove within Isabelle that these functions conform to the protocol definition, and apply code generation to produce an implementation of the executable test predicate for cocaine auction traces in Scala

    Insider threats for auctions: formalization, mechanized proof, and code generation

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    This paper applies machine assisted formal methods to explore insider threats for auctions. Auction systems, like eBay, are an important problem domain for formal analysis because they challenge modelling concepts as well as analysis methods. We use machine assisted formal modelling and proof in Isabelle to demonstrate how security and privacy goals of auction protocols can be formally verified. Applying the costly scrutiny of formal methods is justified for auctions since privacy and trust are prominent issues and auctions are sometimes designed for one-off occasions where high bids are at stake. For example, when radio wave frequencies are on sale, auctions are especially created for just one occasion where fair and consistent behaviour is required. Investigating the threats in auctions and insider collusions, we model and analyze auction protocols for insider threats using the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. We use the existing example of a fictitious cocaine auction protocol from the literature to develop and illustrate our approach. Combining the Isabelle Insider framework with the inductive approach to verifying security protocols in Isabelle, we formalize the cocaine auction protocol, prove that this formal definition excludes sweetheart deals, and also that collusion attacks cannot generally be excluded. The practical implication of the formalization is demonstrated by code generation. Isabelle allows generating code from constructive specifications into the programming language Scala. We provide constructive test functions for cocaine auction traces, prove within Isabelle that these functions conform to the protocol definition, and apply code generation to produce an implementation of the executable test predicate for cocaine auction traces in Scala

    Verifying Mutable Systems

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    Model checking has had much success in the verification of single-process and multi-process programs. However, model checkers assume an immutable topology which limits the verification in several areas. Consider the security domain, model checkers have had success in the verification of unicast structurally static protocols, but struggle to verify dynamic multicast cryptographic protocols. We give a formulation of dynamic model checking which extends traditional model checking by allowing structural changes, mutations, to the topology of multi-process network models. We introduce new mutation models when the structural mutations take either a primitive, non-primitive, or a non-deterministic form, and analyze the general complexities of each. This extends traditional model checking and allows analysis in new areas. We provide a set of proof rules to verify safety properties on dynamic models and outline its automizability. We relate dynamic models to compositional reasoning, dynamic cutoffs, parametrized analysis, and previously established parametric assertions.We provide a proof of concept by analyzing a dynamic mutual exclusion protocol and a multicast cryptography protocol

    Inductive analysis of security protocols in Isabelle/HOL with applications to electronic voting

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    Security protocols are predefined sequences of message exchanges. Their uses over computer networks aim to provide certain guarantees to protocol participants. The sensitive nature of many applications resting on protocols encourages the use of formal methods to provide rigorous correctness proofs. This dissertation presents extensions to the Inductive Method for protocol verification in the Isabelle/HOL interactive theorem prover. The current state of the Inductive Method and of other protocol analysis techniques are reviewed. Protocol composition modelling in the Inductive Method is introduced and put in practice by holistically verifying the composition of a certification protocol with an authentication protocol. Unlike some existing approaches, we are not constrained by independence requirements or search space limitations. A special kind of identity-based signatures, auditable ones, are specified in the Inductive Method and integrated in an analysis of a recent ISO/IEC 9798-3 protocol. A side-by-side verification features both a version of the protocol with auditable identity-based signatures and a version with plain ones. The largest part of the thesis presents extensions for the verification of electronic voting protocols. Innovative specification and verification strategies are described. The crucial property of voter privacy, being the impossibility of knowing how a specific voter voted, is modelled as an unlinkability property between pieces of information. Unlinkability is then specified in the Inductive Method using novel message operators. An electronic voting protocol by Fujioka, Okamoto and Ohta is modelled in the Inductive Method. Its classic confidentiality properties are verified, followed by voter privacy. The approach is shown to be generic enough to be re-usable on other protocols while maintaining a coherent line of reasoning. We compare our work with the widespread process equivalence model and examine respective strengths