4,988 research outputs found

    Modeling and verifying circuits using generalized relative timing

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    Journal ArticleWe propose a novel technique for modeling and verifying timed circuits based on the notion of generalized relative timing. Generalized relative timing constraints can express not just a relative ordering between events, but also some forms of metric timing constraints. Circuits modeled using generalized relative timing constraints are formally encoded as timed automata. Novel fully symbolic verification algorithms for timed automata are then used to either verify a temporal logic property or to check conformance against an untimed specification. The combination of our new modeling technique with fully symbolic verification methods enables us to verify larger circuits than has been possible with other approaches. We present case studies to demonstrate our approach, including a self-timed circuit used in the integer unit of the Intel® Pentium® 4 processor

    Certified Roundoff Error Bounds Using Semidefinite Programming.

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    Roundoff errors cannot be avoided when implementing numerical programs with finite precision. The ability to reason about rounding is especially important if one wants to explore a range of potential representations, for instance for FPGAs or custom hardware implementation. This problem becomes challenging when the program does not employ solely linear operations as non-linearities are inherent to many interesting computational problems in real-world applications. Existing solutions to reasoning are limited in the presence of nonlinear correlations between variables, leading to either imprecise bounds or high analysis time. Furthermore, while it is easy to implement a straightforward method such as interval arithmetic, sophisticated techniques are less straightforward to implement in a formal setting. Thus there is a need for methods which output certificates that can be formally validated inside a proof assistant. We present a framework to provide upper bounds on absolute roundoff errors. This framework is based on optimization techniques employing semidefinite programming and sums of squares certificates, which can be formally checked inside the Coq theorem prover. Our tool covers a wide range of nonlinear programs, including polynomials and transcendental operations as well as conditional statements. We illustrate the efficiency and precision of this tool on non-trivial programs coming from biology, optimization and space control. Our tool produces more precise error bounds for 37 percent of all programs and yields better performance in 73 percent of all programs

    StocHy: automated verification and synthesis of stochastic processes

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    StocHy is a software tool for the quantitative analysis of discrete-time stochastic hybrid systems (SHS). StocHy accepts a high-level description of stochastic models and constructs an equivalent SHS model. The tool allows to (i) simulate the SHS evolution over a given time horizon; and to automatically construct formal abstractions of the SHS. Abstractions are then employed for (ii) formal verification or (iii) control (policy, strategy) synthesis. StocHy allows for modular modelling, and has separate simulation, verification and synthesis engines, which are implemented as independent libraries. This allows for libraries to be easily used and for extensions to be easily built. The tool is implemented in C++ and employs manipulations based on vector calculus, the use of sparse matrices, the symbolic construction of probabilistic kernels, and multi-threading. Experiments show StocHy's markedly improved performance when compared to existing abstraction-based approaches: in particular, StocHy beats state-of-the-art tools in terms of precision (abstraction error) and computational effort, and finally attains scalability to large-sized models (12 continuous dimensions). StocHy is available at www.gitlab.com/natchi92/StocHy

    Planning robot actions under position and shape uncertainty

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    Geometric uncertainty may cause various failures during the execution of a robot control program. Avoiding such failures makes it necessary to reason about the effects of uncertainty in order to implement robust strategies. Researchers first point out that a manipulation program has to be faced with two types of uncertainty: those that might be locally processed using appropriate sensor based motions, and those that require a more global processing leading to insert new sensing operations. Then, they briefly describe how they solved the two related problems in the SHARP system: how to automatically synthesize a fine motion strategy allowing the robot to progressively achieve a given assembly relation despite position uncertainty, and how to represent uncertainty and to determine the points where a given manipulation program might fail

    A Control-Oriented Notion of Finite State Approximation

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    We consider the problem of approximating discrete-time plants with finite-valued sensors and actu- ators by deterministic finite memory systems for the purpose of certified-by-design controller synthesis. Building on ideas from robust control, we propose a control-oriented notion of finite state approximation for these systems, demonstrate its relevance to the control synthesis problem, and discuss its key features.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, to appea

    Bounded Verification with On-the-Fly Discrepancy Computation

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    Simulation-based verification algorithms can provide formal safety guarantees for nonlinear and hybrid systems. The previous algorithms rely on user provided model annotations called discrepancy function, which are crucial for computing reachtubes from simulations. In this paper, we eliminate this requirement by presenting an algorithm for computing piece-wise exponential discrepancy functions. The algorithm relies on computing local convergence or divergence rates of trajectories along a simulation using a coarse over-approximation of the reach set and bounding the maximal eigenvalue of the Jacobian over this over-approximation. The resulting discrepancy function preserves the soundness and the relative completeness of the verification algorithm. We also provide a coordinate transformation method to improve the local estimates for the convergence or divergence rates in practical examples. We extend the method to get the input-to-state discrepancy of nonlinear dynamical systems which can be used for compositional analysis. Our experiments show that the approach is effective in terms of running time for several benchmark problems, scales reasonably to larger dimensional systems, and compares favorably with respect to available tools for nonlinear models.Comment: 24 page