9 research outputs found

    Towards the verification of RAISE specifications through Model Checking

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    Ensuring the correctness of a given software component has become a crucial aspect in Software Engineering and the Model Checking technique provides a fully automated way to achieve this goal. In particular, the usage of Model Checking in formal languages has been reinforced in the last decades because the specifications themselves provide an abstraction of the problem under study (whether created by abstraction from the software or by hand) and the properties validated at the specification level can be warrantied to be preserved until implementation. In this paper we focus on the main issues for adding Model Checking functionalities to the RAISE specification language and present the most important characteristics of our current approach for doing so. An outline of the main issues and problems faced in the process and possible ways to solve them are also presented.Eje: Ingeniería de software y base de datosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Model checking concurrent assembly algorithms

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    Model checking has been used in various domains, to enable automatic verification of properties for a given model. Especially in cases when the correctness of the the model is not evident due to the complex nature of the description, model checking can be an indispensable tool. One such domain is the use of concurrent assembly algorithms for lowlevel synchronisation, which can be notoriously difficult to check their correctness or even test. In this paper we look at this domain, and explore the use of model-checking in verifying a number of such algorithms, such as barrier synchronisation and wait-free CSP channel communication. We tackle the state explosion problem inherent in model checking by making use of abstraction techniques to remove rendundant information in the the model, and partial-order techniques to remove redundant interleavings of actions. Finally, we also investigate the use of structural induction to reason about families of systems of arbitrary size. Making use of symmetry and induction, we verify algorithms with an unbounded number of identical participating tasks.peer-reviewe

    Towards the verification of RAISE specifications through Model Checking

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    Ensuring the correctness of a given software component has become a crucial aspect in Software Engineering and the Model Checking technique provides a fully automated way to achieve this goal. In particular, the usage of Model Checking in formal languages has been reinforced in the last decades because the specifications themselves provide an abstraction of the problem under study (whether created by abstraction from the software or by hand) and the properties validated at the specification level can be warrantied to be preserved until implementation. In this paper we focus on the main issues for adding Model Checking functionalities to the RAISE specification language and present the most important characteristics of our current approach for doing so. An outline of the main issues and problems faced in the process and possible ways to solve them are also presented.Eje: Ingeniería de software y base de datosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Using fairness to make abstractions work

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    Abstractions often introduce infinite traces which have no corresponding traces at the concrete level and can lead to the failure of the verification. Refinement does not always help to eliminate those traces. In this paper, we consider a timer abstraction that introduces a cyclic behaviour on abstract timers and we show how one can exclude cycles by imposing a strong fairness constraint on the abstract model. By employing the fact that the loop on the abstract timer is a self-loop, we render the strong fairness constraint into a weak fairness constraint and embed it into the verification algorithm. We implemented the algorithm in the DTSpin model checker and showed its efficiency on case studies. The same approach can be used for other data abstractions that introduce self-loops

    Model checking RAISE applicative specifications

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    Ensuring the correctness of a given software component has become a crucial aspect in Software Engineering and the Model Checking technique provides a fully automated way to achieve this goal. In particular, the usage of Model Checking in formal languages has been reinforced in the last decades given the fact that specifications provide an abstraction of the problem under study, supplying a model of the system of tractable size given the state explosion problem faced by the Model Checking technique. In this paper we focus on the main issues for adding Model Checking functionalities to the RAISE specification language and present the semantic foundations of our current approach for doing so. An outline of the main problems faced in the process and of the solutions to solve them are also presented.III Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The 'Test model-checking' approach to the verification of formal memory models of multiprocessors

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    technical reportWe offer a solution to the problem of verifying formal memory models of processors by combining the strengths of model-checking and a formal testing procedure for parallel machines. We characterize the formal basis for abstracting the tests into test automata and associated memory rule safety properties whose violations pinpoint the ordering rule being violated. Our experimental results on Verilog models of a commercial split transaction bus demonstrates the ability of our method to effectively debug design models during early stages of their development

    Abstractions and Static Analysis for Verifying Reactive Systems

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    Fokkink, W.J. [Promotor]Sidorova, N. [Copromotor