11 research outputs found

    A {Simpl} Shortest Path Checker Verification

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    Cogent: uniqueness types and certifying compilation

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    This paper presents a framework aimed at significantly reducing the cost of proving functional correctness for low-level operating systems components. The framework is designed around a new functional programming language, Cogent. A central aspect of the language is its uniqueness type system, which eliminates the need for a trusted runtime or garbage collector while still guaranteeing memory safety, a crucial property for safety and security. Moreover, it allows us to assign two semantics to the language: The first semantics is imperative, suitable for efficient C code generation, and the second is purely functional, providing a user-friendly interface for equational reasoning and verification of higher-level correctness properties. The refinement theorem connecting the two semantics allows the compiler to produce a proof via translation validation certifying the correctness of the generated C code with respect to the semantics of the Cogent source program. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework for implementation and for verification through two file system implementations

    Verification of program computations

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    Formal verification of complex algorithms is challenging. Verifying their implementations in reasonable time is infeasible using current verification tools and usually involves intricate mathematical theorems. Certifying algorithms compute in addition to each output a witness certifying that the output is correct. A checker for such a witness is usually much simpler than the original algorithm -- yet it is all the user has to trust. The verification of checkers is feasible with current tools and leads to computations that can be completely trusted. We describe a framework to seamlessly verify certifying computations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by presenting the verification of typical examples of the industrial-level and widespread algorithmic library LEDA. We present and compare two alternative methods for verifying the C implementation of the checkers. Moreover, we present work that was done during an internship at NICTA, Australia\u27s Information and Communications Technology Research Centre of Excellence. This work contributes to building a feasible framework for verifying efficient file systems code. As opposed to the algorithmic problems we address in this thesis, file systems code is mostly straightforward and hence a good candidate for automation.Die formale Verifikation der Implementierung komplexer Algorithmen ist schwierig. Sie ĂŒbersteigt die Möglichkeiten der heutigen Verifikationswerkzeuge und erfordert fĂŒr gewöhnlich komplexe mathematische Theoreme. Zertifizierende Algorithmen berechnen zu jeder Ausgabe ein Zerfitikat, das die Korrektheit der Antwort bestĂ€tigt. Ein Checker fĂŒr ein solches Zertifikat ist normalerweise ein viel einfacheres Programm und doch muss ein Nutzer nur dem Checker vertrauen. Die Verifizierung von Checkern ist mit den heutigen Werkzeugen möglich und fĂŒhrt zu Berechnungen, denen völlig vertraut werden kann. Wir beschreiben eine Rahmenstruktur zur Verifikation zertifizierender Berechnungen und demonstrieren die EffektivitĂ€t unseres Ansatzes an Hand typischer Beispiele aus der hochqualitĂ€tiven und oft eingesetzten LEDA Algorithmenbibliothek. We prĂ€sentieren und bewerten zwei alternative Methoden zur Verifikation von Checkerimplementierungen in C. Desweiteren beschreiben wir Ergebnisse, die wĂ€hrend eines Praktikums am NICTA, dem Australischen Forschungszentrum fĂŒr Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, erzielt wurden. Diese Arbeit trĂ€gt zum Aufbau einer praktisch einsetzbaren Rahmenstruktur zur Verifizierung von Code fĂŒr effiziente Dateisysteme bei. Im Gegensatz zu den algorithmischen Problemen, die wir in dieser Arbeiten behandeln, ist der Code fĂŒr Dateisysteme weitgehend unkompliziert unddaher ein guter Kandidat zur Automatisierung

    Cogent: uniqueness types and certifying compilation.

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    This paper presents a framework aimed at significantly reducing the cost of proving functional correctness for low-level operating systems components. The framework is designed around a new functional programming language, Cogent. A central aspect of the language is its uniqueness type system, which eliminates the need for a trusted runtime or garbage collector while still guaranteeing memory safety, a crucial property for safety and security. Moreover, it allows us to assign two semantics to the language: The first semantics is imperative, suitable for efficient C code generation, and the second is purely functional, providing a user-friendly interface for equational reasoning and verification of higher-level correctness properties. The refinement theorem connecting the two semantics allows the compiler to produce a proof via translation validation certifying the correctness of the generated C code with respect to the semantics of the Cogent source program. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework for implementation and for verification through two file system implementations

    An ILP-based Proof System for the Crossing Number Problem

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    Formally, approaches based on mathematical programming are able to find provably optimal solutions. However, the demands on a verifiable formal proof are typically much higher than the guarantees we can sensibly attribute to implementations of mathematical programs. We consider this in the context of the crossing number problem, one of the most prominent problems in topological graph theory. The problem asks for the minimum number of edge crossings in any drawing of a given graph. Graph-theoretic proofs for this problem are known to be notoriously hard to obtain. At the same time, proofs even for very specific graphs are often of interest in crossing number research, as they can, e.g., form the basis for inductive proofs. We propose a system to automatically generate a formal proof based on an ILP computation. Such a proof is (relatively) easily verifiable, and does not require the understanding of any complex ILP codes. As such, we hope our proof system may serve as a showcase for the necessary steps and central design goals of how to establish formal proof systems based on mathematical programming formulations

    Towards A Practical High-Assurance Systems Programming Language

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    Writing correct and performant low-level systems code is a notoriously demanding job, even for experienced developers. To make the matter worse, formally reasoning about their correctness properties introduces yet another level of complexity to the task. It requires considerable expertise in both systems programming and formal verification. The development can be extremely costly due to the sheer complexity of the systems and the nuances in them, if not assisted with appropriate tools that provide abstraction and automation. Cogent is designed to alleviate the burden on developers when writing and verifying systems code. It is a high-level functional language with a certifying compiler, which automatically proves the correctness of the compiled code and also provides a purely functional abstraction of the low-level program to the developer. Equational reasoning techniques can then be used to prove functional correctness properties of the program on top of this abstract semantics, which is notably less laborious than directly verifying the C code. To make Cogent a more approachable and effective tool for developing real-world systems, we further strengthen the framework by extending the core language and its ecosystem. Specifically, we enrich the language to allow users to control the memory representation of algebraic data types, while retaining the automatic proof with a data layout refinement calculus. We repurpose existing tools in a novel way and develop an intuitive foreign function interface, which provides users a seamless experience when using Cogent in conjunction with native C. We augment the Cogent ecosystem with a property-based testing framework, which helps developers better understand the impact formal verification has on their programs and enables a progressive approach to producing high-assurance systems. Finally we explore refinement type systems, which we plan to incorporate into Cogent for more expressiveness and better integration of systems programmers with the verification process

    Zertifizierende verteilte Algorithmen

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    Eine Herausforderung der Softwareentwicklung ist, die Korrektheit einer Software sicherzustellen. Testen bietet es keine mathematische Korrektheit. Formale Verifikation ist jedoch oft zu aufwĂ€ndig. Laufzeitverifikation steht zwischen den beiden Methoden. Laufzeitverifikation beantwortet die Frage, ob ein Eingabe-Ausgabe-Paar korrekt ist. Ein zertifizierender Algorithmus ĂŒberzeugt seinen Nutzer durch ein Korrektheitsargument zur Laufzeit. DafĂŒr berechnet ein zertifizierender Algorithmus fĂŒr eine Eingabe zusĂ€tzlich zur Ausgabe noch einen Zeugen – ein Korrektheitsargument. Jeder zertifizierende Algorithmus besitzt ein ZeugenprĂ€dikat: Ist dieses erfĂŒllt fĂŒr eine Eingabe, eine Ausgabe und einen Zeugen, so ist das Eingabe-Ausgabe-Paar korrekt. Ein simpler Algorithmus, der das ZeugenprĂ€dikat fĂŒr den Nutzer entscheidet, ist ein Checker. Die Korrektheit des Checkers ist folglich notwendig fĂŒr den Ansatz und die formale Instanzverifikation, bei der wir Checker verifizieren und einen maschinen-geprĂŒften Beweis fĂŒr die Korrektheit eines Eingabe-Ausgabe-Paars zur Laufzeit gewinnen. Zertifizierende sequentielle Algorithmen sind gut untersucht. Verteilte Algorithmen, die auf verteilten Systemen laufen, unterscheiden sich grundlegend von sequentiellen Algorithmen: die Ausgabe ist ĂŒber das System verteilt oder der Algorithmus lĂ€uft fortwĂ€hrend. Wir untersuchen zertifizierende verteilte Algorithmen. Unsere Forschungsfrage ist: Wie können wir das Konzept zertifizierender sequentieller Algorithmen so auf verteilte Algorithmen ĂŒbertragen, dass wir einerseits nah am ursprĂŒnglichen Konzept bleiben und andererseits die Gegebenheiten verteilter Systeme berĂŒcksichtigen? Wir stellen eine Methode der Übertragung vor. Die beiden Ziele abwĂ€gend entwickeln wir eine Klasse zertifizierender verteilter Algorithmen, die verteilte Zeugen berechnen und verteilte Checker besitzen. Wir prĂ€sentieren Fallstudien, Entwurfsmuster und ein Framework zur formalen Instanzverifikation.A major problem in software engineering is to ensure the correctness of software. Testing offers no mathematical correctness. Formal verification is often too costly. Runtime verification stands between the two methods. Runtime verification answers the question whether an input-output pair is correct. A certifying algorithm convinces its user at runtime by offering a correctness argument. For each input, a certifying algorithm computes an output and additionally a witness. Each certifying algorithm has a witness predicate – a predicate with the property: being satisfied for an input, output and witness implies the input-output pair is correct. A simple algorithm deciding the witness predicate for the user is a checker. Hence, the checker’s correctness is crucial to the approach and motivates formal instance verification where we verify checkers and obtain machine-checked proofs for the correctness of an input-output pair at runtime. Certifying sequential algorithms are well-established. Distributed algorithms, designed to run on distributed systems, behave fundamentally different from sequential algorithms: their output is distributed over the system or they even run continuously. We investigate certifying distributed algorithms. Our research question is: How can we transfer the concept of certifying sequential algorithms to distributed algorithms such that we are in line with the original concept but also adapt to the conditions of distributed systems? In this thesis, we present a method to transfer the concept: Weighing up both sometimes conflicting goals, we develop a class of certifying distributed algorithms that compute distributed witnesses and have distributed checkers. We offer case studies, design patterns and a framework for formal instance verification. Additionally, we investigate other methods to transfer the concept of certifying algorithms to distributed algorithms