5 research outputs found

    Software theory change for resilient near-complete specifications

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    Software evolution and its laws are essential for antifragile system design and development. In this paper we model early-stage perfective and corrective changes to software system architecture in terms of logical operations of expansion and safe contraction on a theory. As a result, we formulate an inference-based notion of property specification resilience for computational systems, intended as resistance to change. The individuated resilient core of a software system is used to characterize adaptability properties

    Compositional analysis of networked cyber-physical systems: safety and privacy

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are now commonplace in power grids, manufacturing, and embedded medical devices. Failures and attacks on these systems have caused signiļ¬cant social, environmental and ļ¬nancial losses. In this thesis, we develop techniques for proving invariance and privacy properties of cyber-physical systems that could aid the development of more robust and reliable systems. The thesis uses three diļ¬€erent modeling formalisms capturing diļ¬€erent aspects of CPS. Networked dynamical systems are used for modeling (possibly time-delayed) interaction of ordinary diļ¬€erential equations, such as in power system and biological networks. Labeled transition systems are used for modeling discrete communications and updates, such as in sampled data-based control systems. Finally, Markov chains are used for describing distributed cyber-physical systems that rely on randomized algorithms for communication, such as in a crowd-sourced traļ¬ƒc monitoring and routing system. Despite the diļ¬€erences in these formalisms, any model of a CPS can be viewed as a mapping from a parameter space (for example, the set of initial states) to a space of behaviors (also called trajectories or executions). In each formalism, we deļ¬ne a notion of sensitivity that captures the change in trajectories as a function of the change in the parameters. We develop approaches for approximating these sensitivity functions, which in turn are used for analysis of invariance and privacy. For proving invariance, we compute an over-approximation of reach set, which is the set of states visited by any trajectory. We introduce a notion of input-to-state (IS) discrepancy functions for components of large CPS, which roughly captures the sensitivity of the component to its initial state and input. We develop a method for constructing a reduced model of the entire system using the IS discrepancy functions. Then, we show that the trajectory of the reduced model over-approximates the sensitivity of the entire system with respect to the initial states. Using the above results we develop a sound and relatively complete algorithm for compositional invariant veriļ¬cation. In systems where distributed components take actions concurrently, there is a combinatorial explosion in the number of diļ¬€erent action sequences (or traces). We develop a partial order reduction method for computing the reach set for these systems. Our approach uses the observation that some action pairs are approximately independent, such that executing these actions in any order results in states that are close to each other. Hence a (large) set of traces can be partitioned into a (small) set of equivalent classes, where equivalent traces are derived through swapping approximately independent action pairs. We quantify the sensitivity of the system with respect to swapping approximately independent action pairs, which upper-bounds the distance between executions with equivalent traces. Finally, we develop an algorithm for precisely over-approximating the reach set of these systems that only explore a reduced set of traces. In many modern systems that allow users to share data, there exists a tension between improving the global performance and compromising user privacy. We propose a mechanism that guarantees Īµ-diļ¬€erential privacy for the participants, where each participant adds noise to its private data before sharing. The distributions of noise are speciļ¬ed by the sensitivity of the trajectory of agents to the private data. We analyze the trade-oļ¬€ between Īµ-diļ¬€erential privacy and performance, and show that the cost of diļ¬€erential privacy scales quadratically to the privacy level. The thesis illustrates that quantitative bounds on sensitivity can be used for eļ¬€ective reachability analysis, partial order reduction, and in the design of privacy preserving distributed cyber-physical systems

    Model checking of component connectors

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    We present a framework for automata theoretic model checking of coordination systems specified in Reo coordination language. To this goal, we introduce Buchi automata of records (BAR) and their augmented version (ABAR) as an operational modeling formalism that covers several intended forms of behavior of Reo connectors, such as fairness, I/O synchronization, and context dependency. To specify the properties to be verified, we introduce an action based linear temporal logic, interpreted over the executions of augmented Buchi automata of records, and show how the formulas can be translated into ABARs. This translation can be done either inductively, or by using an on-the-fly method. To deal with the large state spaces, we show that ABARs can be implemented using ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDD). For this purpose, we also introduce the necessary modifications over the basic model checking algorithm that can be applied directly over OBDD structures. Our implementation and a number of case studies that we carried out show the applicability of our method over large state spaces. We also show that the state explosion problem can be tackled by compositional minimization methods using some suitable equivalence relations. In fact, we show two equivalences that are congruencies with respect to the connector composition operators and such that they both preserves linear time temporal logic properties.UBL - phd migration 201

    Model Checking of Component Connectors

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    Detection of Feature Interactions in Automotive Active Safety Features

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    With the introduction of software into cars, many functions are now realized with reduced cost, weight and energy. The development of these software systems is done in a distributed manner independently by suppliers, following the traditional approach of the automotive industry, while the car maker takes care of the integration. However, the integration can lead to unexpected and unintended interactions among software systems, a phenomena regarded as feature interaction. This dissertation addresses the problem of the automatic detection of feature interactions for automotive active safety features. Active safety features control the vehicle's motion control systems independently from the driver's request, with the intention of increasing passengers' safety (e.g., by applying hard braking in the case of an identified imminent collision), but their unintended interactions could instead endanger the passengers (e.g., simultaneous throttle increase and sharp narrow steering, causing the vehicle to roll over). My method decomposes the problem into three parts: (I) creation of a definition of feature interactions based on the set of actuators and domain expert knowledge; (II) translation of automotive active safety features designed using a subset of Matlab's Stateflow into the input language of the model checker SMV; (III) analysis using model checking at design time to detect a representation of all feature interactions based on partitioning the counterexamples into equivalence classes. The key novel characteristic of my work is exploiting domain-specific information about the feature interaction problem and the structure of the model to produce a method that finds a representation of all different feature interactions for automotive active safety features at design time. My method is validated by a case study with the set of non-proprietary automotive feature design models I created. The method generates a set of counterexamples that represent the whole set of feature interactions in the case study.By showing only a set of representative feature interaction cases, the information is concise and useful for feature designers. Moreover, by generating these results from feature models designed in Matlab's Stateflow translated into SMV models, the feature designers can trace the counterexamples generated by SMV and understand the results in terms of the Stateflow model. I believe that my results and techniques will have relevance to the solution of the feature interaction problem in other cyber-physical systems, and have a direct impact in assessing the safety of automotive systems