991 research outputs found

    Model and Integrate Medical Resource Available Times and Relationships in Verifiably Correct Executable Medical Best Practice Guideline Models (Extended Version)

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    Improving patient care safety is an ultimate objective for medical cyber-physical systems. A recent study shows that the patients' death rate is significantly reduced by computerizing medical best practice guidelines. Recent data also show that some morbidity and mortality in emergency care are directly caused by delayed or interrupted treatment due to lack of medical resources. However, medical guidelines usually do not provide guidance on medical resource demands and how to manage potential unexpected delays in resource availability. If medical resources are temporarily unavailable, safety properties in existing executable medical guideline models may fail which may cause increased risk to patients under care. The paper presents a separately model and jointly verify (SMJV) architecture to separately model medical resource available times and relationships and jointly verify safety properties of existing medical best practice guideline models with resource models being integrated in. The SMJV architecture allows medical staff to effectively manage medical resource demands and unexpected resource availability delays during emergency care. The separated modeling approach also allows different domain professionals to make independent model modifications, facilitates the management of frequent resource availability changes, and enables resource statechart reuse in multiple medical guideline models. A simplified stroke scenario is used as a case study to investigate the effectiveness and validity of the SMJV architecture. The case study indicates that the SMJV architecture is able to identify unsafe properties caused by unexpected resource delays.Comment: full version, 12 page

    A probabilistic extension of UML statecharts: specification and verification

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    This paper is the extended technical report that corresponds to a published paper [14]. This paper introduces means to specify system randomness within UML statecharts, and to verify probabilistic temporal properties over such enhanced statecharts which we call probabilistic UML statecharts. To achieve this, we develop a general recipe to extend a statechart semantics with discrete probability distributions, resulting in Markov decision processes as semantic models. We apply this recipe to the requirements-level UML semantics of [8]. Properties of interest for probabilistic statecharts are expressed in PCTL, a probabilistic variant of CTL for processes that exhibit both non-determinism and probabilities. Verification is performed using the model checker Prism. A model checking example shows the feasibility of the suggested approach

    SVtL: System Verification through Logic: tool support for verifying sliced hierarchical statecharts

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    SVtL is the core of a slicing-based verification environment for UML statechart models. We present an overview of the SVtL software architecture. Special attention is paid to the slicing approach. Slicing reduces the complexity of the verification approach, based on removing pieces of the model that are not of interest during verification. In [18] a slicing algorithm has been proposed for statecharts, but it was not able to handle orthogonal regions efficiently. We optimize this algorithm by removing false dependencies, relying on the broadcasting mechanism between different parts of the statechart model

    Dependability checking with StoCharts: Is train radio reliable enough for trains?

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    Performance, dependability and quality of service (QoS) are prime aspects of the UML modelling domain. To capture these aspects effectively in the design phase, we have recently proposed STOCHARTS, a conservative extension of UML statechart diagrams. In this paper, we apply the STOCHART formalism to a safety critical design problem. We model a part of the European Train Control System specification, focusing on the risks of wireless communication failures in future high-speed cross-European trains. Stochastic model checking with the model checker PROVER enables us to derive constraints under which the central quality requirements are satisfied by the STOCHART model. The paper illustrates the flexibility and maturity of STOCHARTS to model real problems in safety critical system design

    Testing a system specified using Statecharts and Z

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    A hybrid specification language SZ, in which the dynamic behaviour of a system is described using Statecharts and the data and the data transformations are described using Z, has been developed for the specification of embedded systems. This paper describes an approach to testing from a deterministic sequential specification written in SZ. By considering the Z specifications of the operations, the extended finite state machine (EFSM) defined by the Statechart can be rewritten to produce an EFSM that has a number of properties that simplify test generation. Test generation algorithms are introduced and applied to an example. While this paper considers SZ specifications, the approaches described might be applied whenever the specification is an EFSM whose states and transitions are specified using a language similar to Z

    Exploiting Hierarchy in the Abstraction-Based Verification of Statecharts Using SMT Solvers

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    Statecharts are frequently used as a modeling formalism in the design of state-based systems. Formal verification techniques are also often applied to prove certain properties about the behavior of the system. One of the most efficient techniques for formal verification is Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR), which reduces the complexity of systems by automatically building and refining abstractions. In our paper we present a novel adaptation of the CEGAR approach to hierarchical statechart models. First we introduce an encoding of the statechart to logical formulas that preserves information about the state hierarchy. Based on this encoding we propose abstraction and refinement techniques that utilize the hierarchical structure of statecharts and also handle variables in the model. The encoding allows us to use SMT solvers for the systematic exploration and verification of the abstract model, including also bounded model checking. We demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of our abstraction techniques with measurements on an industry-motivated example.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2017, arXiv:1703.0659

    Verifying the Correctness of UML Statechart Outpatient Clinic Based on Common Modeling Language and SMV

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    Unified-modelling language (UML) is a standard general purpose modelling language, which is widely, used in system design of banking, biological, plantation and healthcare. Recently, there are many systems of healthcare are modeled using behavioral diagram such as UML statechart for design purposes. However, the behavior of healthcare statechart is rarely verified to ensure it is behaving as we needed. In software engineering, a software should be verified before it is transform to the further phases. In this paper, a statechart of outpatient clinic is verified to ensuring the correctness of its design. Therefore, to achieve our objective, we have applied Common Modeling Language (CML) and SMV model checker for verification formal system modeling and specification of property of statechart outpatient clinic. The result shows that the statechart of outpatient clinic is behave as required and the statechart is allowable to transform to the next phase

    Generic Methodology for Formal Verification of UML Models

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    This paper discusses a Unified Modelling Language (UML) based formal verification methodology for early error detection in the model-based software development cycle. Our approach proposes a UML-based formal verification process utilising functional and behavioural modelling artifacts of UML. It reinforces these artifacts with formal model transition and property verification. The main contribution is a UML to Labelled Transition System (LTS) Translator application that automatically converts UML Statecharts to formal models. Property specifications are derived from system requirements and corresponding Computational Tree Logic (CTL)/Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) model checking procedure verifies property entailment in LTS. With its ability to verify CTL and LTL specifications, the methodology becomes generic for verifying all types of embedded system behaviours. The steep learning curve associated with formal methods is avoided through the automatic formal model generation and thus reduces the reluctance of using formal methods in software development projects. A case study of an embedded controller used in military applications validates the methodology. It establishes how the methodology finds its use in verifying the correctness and consistency of UML models before implementation

    Towards the Correctness of Software Behavior in UML: A Model Checking Approach Based on Slicing

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    Embedded systems are systems which have ongoing interactions with their environments, accepting requests and producing responses. Such systems are increasingly used in applications where failure is unacceptable: traffic control systems, avionics, automobiles, etc. Correct and highly dependable construction of such systems is particularly important and challenging. A very promising and increasingly attractive method for achieving this goal is using the approach of formal verification. A formal verification method consists of three major components: a model for describing the behavior of the system, a specification language to embody correctness requirements, and an analysis method to verify the behavior against the correctness requirements. This Ph.D. addresses the correctness of the behavioral design of embedded systems, using model checking as the verification technology. More precisely, we present an UML-based verification method that checks whether the conditions on the evolution of the embedded system are met by the model. Unfortunately, model checking is limited to medium size systems because of its high space requirements. To overcome this problem, this Ph.D. suggests the integration of the slicing (reduction) technique