18 research outputs found

    A logical-metantological approach to the problem of (meta)data veracity in systems for automatic extraction of metadata from scientific-legal articles

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    In an increasingly data-driven world, the question of data – or metadata – veracity is now a central issue not only in the world of information but also in the legal one. Data veracity describes a closeness to truth on a higher level than a measure such as accuracy does. High veracity data is data that can be relied upon when making decisions, thus reducing the risk of basing choices on untrue information. The article uses epistemic logic to model structured metadata automatically extracted from legal papers, and the tools of metaontology to propose a definition of veracity as truthmake

    Information System Articulation Development - Managing Veracity Attributes and Quantifying Relationship with Readability of Textual Data

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    Often the textual data are either disorganized or misinterpreted because of unstructured Big Data in multiple dimensions. Managing readable textual alphanumeric data and its analytics is challenging. In spatial dimensions, the facts can be ambiguous and inconsistent, posing interpretation and new knowledge discovery challenges. The information can be wordy, erratic, and noisy. The research aims to assimilate the data characteristics through Information System (IS) artefacts that are appropriate to data analytics, especially in application domains that involve big data sources. Data heterogeneity and multidimensionality can make and preclude IS-guided veracity models in the data integration process, including customer analytics services. The veracity of big data thus can impact visualization and value, including knowledge enhancement in the vast amount of textual data qualitatively. The manner the veracity features construed in each schematic, semantic and syntactic attribute dimension in several IS artefacts and relevant documents can enhance the readability of textual data robustly

    Open source intelligence and AI: a systematic review of the GELSI literature

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    Today, open source intelligence (OSINT), i.e., information derived from publicly available sources, makes up between 80 and 90 percent of all intelligence activities carried out by Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and intelligence services in the West. Developments in data mining, machine learning, visual forensics and, most importantly, the growing computing power available for commercial use, have enabled OSINT practitioners to speed up, and sometimes even automate, intelligence collection and analysis, obtaining more accurate results more quickly. As the infosphere expands to accommodate ever-increasing online presence, so does the pool of actionable OSINT. These developments raise important concerns in terms of governance, ethical, legal, and social implications (GELSI). New and crucial oversight concerns emerge alongside standard privacy concerns, as some of the more advanced data analysis tools require little to no supervision. This article offers a systematic review of the relevant literature. It analyzes 571 publications to assess the current state of the literature on the use of AI-powered OSINT (and the development of OSINT software) as it relates to the GELSI framework, highlighting potential gaps and suggesting new research directions

    Fake news no contexto português: uma abordagem experimental

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    O crescimento exponencial de Fake News nos últimos anos constitui um risco para uma sociedade democrática em que a informação é um capital essencial. Na presente dissertação, aborda-se este tema a partir de dois estudos, de natureza distinta. Num primeiro estudo, realizou-se uma abordagem integrativa com vista a identificar como a área da Ciência Política e Psicologia têm abordado este fenómeno, explorando ancoragens teóricas e metodológicas, temas e possíveis soluções de mitigação (por exemplo: o compromisso pró-verdade diminui a partilha e disseminação de desinformação e a educação para os media deve ser repensada de forma a responder a uma era de sectarismo e desconfiança). O segundo estudo, quasi-experimental visou testar, com base num desenho de pré e pós tese, se A exposição a um jogo concebido para inocular contra fake news – BAD NEWS- contribuiria para o aumento de avaliações fidedignas acerca da veracidade de títulos de notícias. Não obstante a diferença entre os dois momentos de avaliação não ser estatisticamente significativa, mais de 50% dos participantes registaram um aumento de respostas corretas, o que é sugestivo da potencial eficácia do jogo em questão.In the last few years, the Internet, particularly in the social media, is becoming more and more prominent in the political scenario. Through a systematic literature review and one experimental study we pretend to identify the articles of Political Science and related areas that focus on the Fake news subject; testing the Inoculation theory against Fake news through the efficacy of the game. The exponential growth of Fake News, in the last few years, is a risk to a democratic society in which information is an essential capital. In this dissertation, we approach to this theme with two different studies. In the first one, an integrative approach that intended to identify how this area has been studied by Political Sciences and Psychology was realized, exploring theoretical and methodological theories, themes, and possible mitigation solutions (for example: the pro-truth pledge reduces the sharing and dissemination of disinformation; and education for the media should be revised in a way which it can give a strong response to an era of partisanship and distrust). The second study, quasi-experimental, was directed to testing, based on a pre-and post-thesis framework, if the exposition to a game conceived to inoculate against fake news – BAD NEWS – could contribute to the rase of trustful evaluations about headlines veracity. Without ignoring that the difference between the two moments of evaluation are not statistically relevant, more than 50% of the participants registered a raise on the number of correct answers, that suggests a potential efficacy of this game.Mestrado em Ciência Polític

    A Novel Approach to Policy Development under Disruptive Circumstances using Situation Awareness and Scenario Planning in Higher Education

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    This paper focuses on policy development in a Higher Education context and provides a model for ensuring sustainable educational practice in TNE partnerships under disruptive situations. The focal point of policy initiation and development was the Covid-19 virus outbreak in China and the ensuing impact on program delivery and assessment. The development takes a novel approach by applying a combination of commercial scenario planning and crisis management techniques to create a coherent and prescriptive educational policy for staff operating in a Transnational Education (TNE) partnership based on the fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) faculty model. It demonstrates the application of these management tools and describes how, through careful analysis and planning, disruption to student learning, teaching and assessment can be minimized

    Open data and open government in the regional and local governments of Peru

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    The objective of the research is to carry out a review of the literature to establish a theoretical reference framework for the implementation of open data in open government strategies in Peru. For the development of this article, a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out, articles from the Scopus database between the years 2017 and 2021 were taken into account. As a result of this study, it was determined that there is 1 regional government and 4 regional governments. that have implemented their open data portals, this represents 0.26% of the level of compliance, in addition, the level of compliance with the transparency dimension of open government is 38.16%. It is concluded that the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima complies with all the principles of open data and has a complete implementation in all categories, which can be accessed in different formats

    Open data and open government in the regional and local governments of Peru

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    The objective of the research is to carry out a review of the literature to establish a theoretical reference framework for the implementation of open data in open government strategies in Peru. For the development of this article, a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out, articles from the Scopus database between the years 2017 and 2021 were taken into account. As a result of this study, it was determined that there is 1 regional government and 4 regional governments. that have implemented their open data portals, this represents 0.26% of the level of compliance, in addition, the level of compliance with the transparency dimension of open government is 38.16%. It is concluded that the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima complies with all the principles of open data and has a complete implementation in all categories, which can be accessed in different formats

    Combating Fake News on Social Media: A Framework, Review, and Future Opportunities

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    Social media platforms facilitate the sharing of a vast magnitude of information in split seconds among users. However, some false information is also widely spread, generally referred to as “fake news”. This can have major negative impacts on individuals and societies. Unfortunately, people are often not able to correctly identify fake news from truth. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find effective mechanisms to fight fake news on social media. To this end, this paper adapts the Straub Model of Security Action Cycle to the context of combating fake news on social media. It uses the adapted framework to classify the vast literature on fake news to action cycle phases (i.e., deterrence, prevention, detection, and mitigation/remedy). Based on a systematic and inter-disciplinary review of the relevant literature, we analyze the status and challenges in each stage of combating fake news, followed by introducing future research directions. These efforts allow the development of a holistic view of the research frontier on fighting fake news online. We conclude that this is a multidisciplinary issue; and as such, a collaborative effort from different fields is needed to effectively address this problem

    On the Validity of Using Webpage Texts to Identify the Target Population of a Survey: An Application to Detect Online Platforms

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    A statistical classification model was developed to identify online platform organizations based on the texts on their website. The model was subsequently used to identify all (potential) platform organizations with a website included in the Dutch Business Register. The empirical outcomes of the statistical model were plausible in terms of the words and the bimodal distribution of fitted probabilities, but the results indicated an overestimation of the number of platform organizations. Next, the external validity of the outcomes was investigated through a survey of the organizations that were identified as a platform organization by the statistical classification model. The response by the organizations to the survey confirmed a substantial number of type-I errors. Furthermore, it revealed a positive association between the fitted probability of the text-based classification model and the organization’s response to the survey question on being an online platform organization. The survey results indicated that the text-based classification model can be used to obtain a subpopulation of potential platform organizations from the entire population of businesses with a website. This subpopulation may form a good starting point to study platform organizations in more detail