10 research outputs found

    순차적 오토인코더 기반 FDA 승인 약물들의 화학 공간 임베딩

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부, 2021.8. 김선.Drug discovery requires decade of expensive efforts to meet sufficient needs. Computer-Aided drug discovery (CADD) is an emerging field of study that aims to systematically reduce the time and cost of a new durg development by adapting computer science to identify structural and physical properties of chemical compounds used as drugs and derive new drug candidates with similar characteristics. In particular, it is most important to identify the char acteristics of chemical compounds approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Ad ministration (FDA). FDA approved chemical compounds are validated drugs in terms of toxicity, efficacy of drug and side effects. The question arises here i how these chemical compounds are distributed in an embedding space. Tradi tionally, hand-crafted rule is the only way of constructing the chemical space. Traditional chemical compound representations have made it difficult to clas sify FDA approved chemical compounds. With the advent of the era of big data and artificial intelligence technology, deep learning is the leading technol ogy that drives to build an embedding space. However, there is few adaptive methods to identify the embedding space of FDA approved chemical com pounds. In this work, I propose a framework that encodes features of FDA approved chemical compounds by constructing a discriminative embedding space. Var ious encoding methods were used to encode information from FDA approved chemical compounds. The proposed framework consists of three stacked deep autoencoder modules. The proposed framework effectively integrate the in formation of the chemical compounds by cascade modeling. Connected three autoencoder modules in cascade is used to continuously use latent represen tation learned from previous modules. Whether FDA approved chemical com pounds have discriminative regions in the embedding space is well visualized by the proposed framework. And perform machine learning classification tasks to evaluate whether the latent representation effectively characterize the FDA approval information. The proposed framework incorporates complex repre sentation information to understand the embedding of FDA drugs. Ultimately, the framework proposed in this paper can be used as an embedding method for determining whether or not new drug candidates will be approved. Keywords: FDA Approved drug, Cascade Autoencoder, Chemical space em bedding Student Number: 2019-24822신약 개발시 여러 조건들을 충족하는 약물을 발견하기 위해 수십년의 노력이 필요 하다. 컴퓨터 보조 신약 개발(CADD)은 컴퓨터 과학을 적용시켜 약물로 사용되는 약물의 구조적 및 물리적 특성을 확인하고 유사한 특성을 가진 신약 후보를 도 출함으로써 신약 개발의 시간과 비용을 체계적으로 절감하는 것을 목표로 하는 신흥 연구 분야이다. 특히 미국 식품의약국(FDA)이 승인한 약물의 특성을 확 인하는 것이 가장 중요하다. FDA에서 승인한 약물들은 독성, 효능 및 부작용 측면에서 검증된 의약품이다. 이러한 약물들이 임베딩 공간 상에서 어떻게 분 포되어 있는지에 대한 의문점에서 시작한다. 전통적으로는 전문가의 수작업으로 만든 규칙들로 화합물의 임베딩 공간을 구성했다. 전통적인 화합물 표현만으로는 FDA 승인 약물들을 분류하는 것이 어렵다. 빅데이터와 인공지능 기술의 발전으 로 딥러닝을 이용해 임베딩 공간을 구축한다. 그러나 기존 연구들에선 FDA 승인 약물들의 임베딩 공간을 식별할 수 있는 적절한 방법이 없다. 본 연구에서는 FDA 승인 약물들의 특징을 인코딩하는 프레임워크를 사용해 차 별적인 임베딩 공간을 구축하는 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 프레임워크는 3개의 순차적 딥 오토인코더 모듈로 구성된다. 제안된 프레임워크는 순차적 모델링을 통해 약물의 정보를 효과적으로 통합한다. 순차적으로 연결된 3개의 오토인코더 모듈을 사용하여 이전 모듈에서 학습한 잠재 표현을 지속적으로 사용한다. FDA 승인 화학 화합물이 임베딩 공간상에서 차별적인 영역을 가지고 있는지 여부는 제안된 프레임워크에 의해 시각화된다. 또한 잠재된 표현이 FDA 승인 정보를 효과적으로 특성화하는지 여부를 평가하기 위해 기계 학습 분류 작업을 수행한 다. 궁극적으로, 본 논문에서 제안하는 프레임워크는 신약 후보자의 승인 여부를 결정하기 위한 임베딩 방법으로 사용될 수 있다. 주요어: FDA 승인 약물, 순차적 오토인코더, 화합물 공간 임베딩 학번: 2019-24822Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.1.1 Chemical space 1 1.1.2 FDA Approval of chemical drugs 2 1.2 Current Method and Limitation 4 1.3 Problem Statement and Contributions 5 Chapter 2 Related Works 7 2.1 Cascade Autoencoder 7 2.2 Chemical Space Embedding Methods 8 Chapter 3 Methods and Materials 9 3.1 Notation and Problem Definition 9 3.2 Chemical Compound Encoding Process 10 3.2.1 Morgan Fingerprints 11 3.2.2 Mol2vec 12 3.2.3 Junction Tree Variational Autoencoder 12 3.2.4 Continuous and Data-Driven Descriptors Variational Au toencoder 14 3.3 Model Architecture 14 3.3.1 Autoencoder Module 14 3.3.2 Cascade Autoencoder 16 3.4 Loss function, Optimizer 17 3.4.1 Reconstruction Loss 17 3.4.2 Metric Loss 17 3.4.3 Optimizer 18 3.5 Principal Component Analysis 18 3.6 Machine Learning Classifiers 19 3.6.1 Support Vector Machine 19 3.6.2 Naive Bayes 19 3.6.3 Random Forset 20 3.6.4 Adaboost 20 Chapter 4 Experiments 21 4.1 Datasets 21 4.1.1 Datasets for pre-trained model 21 4.1.2 FDA Approved and Discontinued dataset 22 4.2 Model Training Hyper Parameter Settings 22 4.2.1 The dimension of input data 23 4.2.2 Model Training 23 4.2.3 Embedding and Evaluation method 23 4.2.4 Comparison Models 24 Chapter 5 Results 25 5.1 Visualization of Chemical Embedding Space 25 5.2 Performance Comparisons with Traditional Machine Learning Method 26 5.3 Performance of using each input representation 27 5.4 Effect of Cascade Modeling 28 Chapter 6 Conclusion 30 국문초록 36 감사의 글 37석

    A survey of Identification and mitigation of Machine Learning algorithmic biases in Image Analysis

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    The problem of algorithmic bias in machine learning has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to its concrete and potentially hazardous implications in society. In much the same manner, biases can also alter modern industrial and safety-critical applications where machine learning are based on high dimensional inputs such as images. This issue has however been mostly left out of the spotlight in the machine learning literature. Contrarily to societal applications where a set of proxy variables can be provided by the common sense or by regulations to draw the attention on potential risks, industrial and safety-critical applications are most of the times sailing blind. The variables related to undesired biases can indeed be indirectly represented in the input data, or can be unknown, thus making them harder to tackle. This raises serious and well-founded concerns towards the commercial deployment of AI-based solutions, especially in a context where new regulations clearly address the issues opened by undesired biases in AI. Consequently, we propose here to make an overview of recent advances in this area, firstly by presenting how such biases can demonstrate themselves, then by exploring different ways to bring them to light, and by probing different possibilities to mitigate them. We finally present a practical remote sensing use-case of industrial Fairness


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    Tra i diversi campi di ricerca nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019informatica musicale, la sintesi e la generazione di segnali audio incarna la pluridisciplinalita\u300 di questo settore, nutrendo insieme le pratiche scientifiche e musicale dalla sua creazione. Inerente all\u2019informatica dalla sua creazione, la generazione audio ha ispirato numerosi approcci, evolvendo colle pratiche musicale e gli progressi tecnologici e scientifici. Inoltre, alcuni processi di sintesi permettono anche il processo inverso, denominato analisi, in modo che i parametri di sintesi possono anche essere parzialmente o totalmente estratti dai suoni, dando una rappresentazione alternativa ai segnali analizzati. Per di piu\u300, la recente ascesa dei algoritmi di l\u2019apprendimento automatico ha vivamente interrogato il settore della ricerca scientifica, fornendo potenti data-centered metodi che sollevavano diversi epistemologici interrogativi, nonostante i sui efficacia. Particolarmente, un tipo di metodi di apprendimento automatico, denominati modelli generativi, si concentrano sulla generazione di contenuto originale usando le caratteristiche che hanno estratti dei dati analizzati. In tal caso, questi modelli non hanno soltanto interrogato i precedenti metodi di generazione, ma anche sul modo di integrare questi algoritmi nelle pratiche artistiche. Mentre questi metodi sono progressivamente introdotti nel settore del trattamento delle immagini, la loro applicazione per la sintesi di segnali audio e ancora molto marginale. In questo lavoro, il nostro obiettivo e di proporre un nuovo metodo di audio sintesi basato su questi nuovi tipi di generativi modelli, rafforazti dalle nuove avanzati dell\u2019apprendimento automatico. Al primo posto, facciamo una revisione dei approcci esistenti nei settori dei sistemi generativi e di sintesi sonore, focalizzando sul posto di nostro lavoro rispetto a questi disciplini e che cosa possiamo aspettare di questa collazione. In seguito, studiamo in maniera piu\u300 precisa i modelli generativi, e come possiamo utilizzare questi recenti avanzati per l\u2019apprendimento di complesse distribuzione di suoni, in un modo che sia flessibile e nel flusso creativo del utente. Quindi proponiamo un processo di inferenza / generazione, il quale rifletta i processi di analisi/sintesi che sono molto usati nel settore del trattamento del segnale audio, usando modelli latenti, che sono basati sull\u2019utilizzazione di un spazio continuato di alto livello, che usiamo per controllare la generazione. Studiamo dapprima i risultati preliminari ottenuti con informazione spettrale estratte da diversi tipi di dati, che valutiamo qualitativamente e quantitativamente. Successiva- mente, studiamo come fare per rendere questi metodi piu\u300 adattati ai segnali audio, fronteggiando tre diversi aspetti. Primo, proponiamo due diversi metodi di regolarizzazione di questo generativo spazio che sono specificamente sviluppati per l\u2019audio : una strategia basata sulla traduzione segnali / simboli, e una basata su vincoli percettivi. Poi, proponiamo diversi metodi per fronteggiare il aspetto temporale dei segnali audio, basati sull\u2019estrazione di rappresentazioni multiscala e sulla predizione, che permettono ai generativi spazi ottenuti di anche modellare l\u2019aspetto dinamico di questi segnali. Per finire, cambiamo il nostro approccio scientifico per un punto di visto piu\u301 ispirato dall\u2019idea di ricerca e creazione. Primo, descriviamo l\u2019architettura e il design della nostra libreria open-source, vsacids, sviluppata per permettere a esperti o non-esperti musicisti di provare questi nuovi metodi di sintesi. Poi, proponiamo una prima utilizzazione del nostro modello con la creazione di una performance in real- time, chiamata \ue6go, basata insieme sulla nostra libreria vsacids e sull\u2019uso di une agente di esplorazione, imparando con rinforzo nel corso della composizione. Finalmente, tramo dal lavoro presentato alcuni conclusioni sui diversi modi di migliorare e rinforzare il metodo di sintesi proposto, nonche\u301 eventuale applicazione artistiche.Among the diverse research fields within computer music, synthesis and generation of audio signals epitomize the cross-disciplinarity of this domain, jointly nourishing both scientific and artistic practices since its creation. Inherent in computer music since its genesis, audio generation has inspired numerous approaches, evolving both with musical practices and scientific/technical advances. Moreover, some syn- thesis processes also naturally handle the reverse process, named analysis, such that synthesis parameters can also be partially or totally extracted from actual sounds, and providing an alternative representation of the analyzed audio signals. On top of that, the recent rise of machine learning algorithms earnestly questioned the field of scientific research, bringing powerful data-centred methods that raised several epistemological questions amongst researchers, in spite of their efficiency. Especially, a family of machine learning methods, called generative models, are focused on the generation of original content using features extracted from an existing dataset. In that case, such methods not only questioned previous approaches in generation, but also the way of integrating this methods into existing creative processes. While these new generative frameworks are progressively introduced in the domain of image generation, the application of such generative techniques in audio synthesis is still marginal. In this work, we aim to propose a new audio analysis-synthesis framework based on these modern generative models, enhanced by recent advances in machine learning. We first review existing approaches, both in sound synthesis and in generative machine learning, and focus on how our work inserts itself in both practices and what can be expected from their collation. Subsequently, we focus a little more on generative models, and how modern advances in the domain can be exploited to allow us learning complex sound distributions, while being sufficiently flexible to be integrated in the creative flow of the user. We then propose an inference / generation process, mirroring analysis/synthesis paradigms that are natural in the audio processing domain, using latent models that are based on a continuous higher-level space, that we use to control the generation. We first provide preliminary results of our method applied on spectral information, extracted from several datasets, and evaluate both qualitatively and quantitatively the obtained results. Subsequently, we study how to make these methods more suitable for learning audio data, tackling successively three different aspects. First, we propose two different latent regularization strategies specifically designed for audio, based on and signal / symbol translation and perceptual constraints. Then, we propose different methods to address the inner temporality of musical signals, based on the extraction of multi-scale representations and on prediction, that allow the obtained generative spaces that also model the dynamics of the signal. As a last chapter, we swap our scientific approach to a more research & creation-oriented point of view: first, we describe the architecture and the design of our open-source library, vsacids, aiming to be used by expert and non-expert music makers as an integrated creation tool. Then, we propose an first musical use of our system by the creation of a real-time performance, called aego, based jointly on our framework vsacids and an explorative agent using reinforcement learning to be trained during the performance. Finally, we draw some conclusions on the different manners to improve and reinforce the proposed generation method, as well as possible further creative applications.A\u300 travers les diffe\u301rents domaines de recherche de la musique computationnelle, l\u2019analysie et la ge\u301ne\u301ration de signaux audio sont l\u2019exemple parfait de la trans-disciplinarite\u301 de ce domaine, nourrissant simultane\u301ment les pratiques scientifiques et artistiques depuis leur cre\u301ation. Inte\u301gre\u301e a\u300 la musique computationnelle depuis sa cre\u301ation, la synthe\u300se sonore a inspire\u301 de nombreuses approches musicales et scientifiques, e\u301voluant de pair avec les pratiques musicales et les avance\u301es technologiques et scientifiques de son temps. De plus, certaines me\u301thodes de synthe\u300se sonore permettent aussi le processus inverse, appele\u301 analyse, de sorte que les parame\u300tres de synthe\u300se d\u2019un certain ge\u301ne\u301rateur peuvent e\u302tre en partie ou entie\u300rement obtenus a\u300 partir de sons donne\u301s, pouvant ainsi e\u302tre conside\u301re\u301s comme une repre\u301sentation alternative des signaux analyse\u301s. Paralle\u300lement, l\u2019inte\u301re\u302t croissant souleve\u301 par les algorithmes d\u2019apprentissage automatique a vivement questionne\u301 le monde scientifique, apportant de puissantes me\u301thodes d\u2019analyse de donne\u301es suscitant de nombreux questionnements e\u301piste\u301mologiques chez les chercheurs, en de\u301pit de leur effectivite\u301 pratique. En particulier, une famille de me\u301thodes d\u2019apprentissage automatique, nomme\u301e mode\u300les ge\u301ne\u301ratifs, s\u2019inte\u301ressent a\u300 la ge\u301ne\u301ration de contenus originaux a\u300 partir de caracte\u301ristiques extraites directement des donne\u301es analyse\u301es. Ces me\u301thodes n\u2019interrogent pas seulement les approches pre\u301ce\u301dentes, mais aussi sur l\u2019inte\u301gration de ces nouvelles me\u301thodes dans les processus cre\u301atifs existants. Pourtant, alors que ces nouveaux processus ge\u301ne\u301ratifs sont progressivement inte\u301gre\u301s dans le domaine la ge\u301ne\u301ration d\u2019image, l\u2019application de ces techniques en synthe\u300se audio reste marginale. Dans cette the\u300se, nous proposons une nouvelle me\u301thode d\u2019analyse-synthe\u300se base\u301s sur ces derniers mode\u300les ge\u301ne\u301ratifs, depuis renforce\u301s par les avance\u301es modernes dans le domaine de l\u2019apprentissage automatique. Dans un premier temps, nous examinerons les approches existantes dans le domaine des syste\u300mes ge\u301ne\u301ratifs, sur comment notre travail peut s\u2019inse\u301rer dans les pratiques de synthe\u300se sonore existantes, et que peut-on espe\u301rer de l\u2019hybridation de ces deux approches. Ensuite, nous nous focaliserons plus pre\u301cise\u301ment sur comment les re\u301centes avance\u301es accomplies dans ce domaine dans ce domaine peuvent e\u302tre exploite\u301es pour l\u2019apprentissage de distributions sonores complexes, tout en e\u301tant suffisamment flexibles pour e\u302tre inte\u301gre\u301es dans le processus cre\u301atif de l\u2019utilisateur. Nous proposons donc un processus d\u2019infe\u301rence / g\ue9n\ue9ration, refle\u301tant les paradigmes d\u2019analyse-synthe\u300se existant dans le domaine de ge\u301ne\u301ration audio, base\u301 sur l\u2019usage de mode\u300les latents continus que l\u2019on peut utiliser pour contro\u302ler la ge\u301ne\u301ration. Pour ce faire, nous e\u301tudierons de\u301ja\u300 les re\u301sultats pre\u301liminaires obtenus par cette me\u301thode sur l\u2019apprentissage de distributions spectrales, prises d\u2019ensembles de donne\u301es diversifie\u301s, en adoptant une approche a\u300 la fois quantitative et qualitative. Ensuite, nous proposerons d\u2019ame\u301liorer ces me\u301thodes de manie\u300re spe\u301cifique a\u300 l\u2019audio sur trois aspects distincts. D\u2019abord, nous proposons deux strate\u301gies de re\u301gularisation diffe\u301rentes pour l\u2019analyse de signaux audio : une base\u301e sur la traduction signal/ symbole, ainsi qu\u2019une autre base\u301e sur des contraintes perceptives. Nous passerons par la suite a\u300 la dimension temporelle de ces signaux audio, proposant de nouvelles me\u301thodes base\u301es sur l\u2019extraction de repre\u301sentations temporelles multi-e\u301chelle et sur une ta\u302che supple\u301mentaire de pre\u301diction, permettant la mode\u301lisation de caracte\u301ristiques dynamiques par les espaces ge\u301ne\u301ratifs obtenus. En dernier lieu, nous passerons d\u2019une approche scientifique a\u300 une approche plus oriente\u301e vers un point de vue recherche & cre\u301ation. Premie\u300rement, nous pre\u301senterons notre librairie open-source, vsacids, visant a\u300 e\u302tre employe\u301e par des cre\u301ateurs experts et non-experts comme un outil inte\u301gre\u301. Ensuite, nous proposons une premie\u300re utilisation musicale de notre syste\u300me par la cre\u301ation d\u2019une performance temps re\u301el, nomme\u301e \ue6go, base\u301e a\u300 la fois sur notre librarie et sur un agent d\u2019exploration appris dynamiquement par renforcement au cours de la performance. Enfin, nous tirons les conclusions du travail accompli jusqu\u2019a\u300 maintenant, concernant les possibles ame\u301liorations et de\u301veloppements de la me\u301thode de synthe\u300se propose\u301e, ainsi que sur de possibles applications cre\u301atives

    Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving

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    This open access book brings together the latest developments from industry and research on automated driving and artificial intelligence. Environment perception for highly automated driving heavily employs deep neural networks, facing many challenges. How much data do we need for training and testing? How to use synthetic data to save labeling costs for training? How do we increase robustness and decrease memory usage? For inevitably poor conditions: How do we know that the network is uncertain about its decisions? Can we understand a bit more about what actually happens inside neural networks? This leads to a very practical problem particularly for DNNs employed in automated driving: What are useful validation techniques and how about safety? This book unites the views from both academia and industry, where computer vision and machine learning meet environment perception for highly automated driving. Naturally, aspects of data, robustness, uncertainty quantification, and, last but not least, safety are at the core of it. This book is unique: In its first part, an extended survey of all the relevant aspects is provided. The second part contains the detailed technical elaboration of the various questions mentioned above

    Essays on Privacy

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    We create troves of data with nearly every step we take, every button we click, and every query we submit. These data can be used to cater to us with services that better align with our desires. They can help us locate restaurants matching our tastes, build up social networks with individuals sharing similar characteristics, find a soul mate or distant relative, attain financial goals, detect our health conditions, and potentially assist in developing individualized medicine. However, misuse of the data can induce us to buy things we don't need, offer us things that might harm our health, lead to an addiction, or even imprison us in the absence of wrongdoing. These data might also be breached, causing harm to us and our loved ones with revelations we might have never shared with the world. In this dissertation, in a series of three chapters, I detect opportunities and propose approaches to reduce the potential risks and leverage the benefits of data collection and data usage. I first analyze users' reactions to the data breach in a matchmaking website, exploring their engagement changes and potentially insufficient behaviors in privacy protection following the breach. I then plot how years of data collection in the Marketing realm and other business domains have led to great improvements to our lives, but have also introduced harms -- some of which are are still likely awaiting revelation. I discuss potential avenues for improving the benefits of the vast data we all create, while reducing the risks associated with those data. Finally, I explicitly develop one of these solutions -- a privacy preserving data fusion methodology -- intended to securely combine datasets while reducing the risks of de-identification. This dissertation, I hope, will serve as a steppingstone towards making the Marketing domain a safer zone in terms of privacy preservation. Marketing efforts were a major driver towards vast data collection and the associated benefits and harms; the marketing domain can now drive the efforts to further improve the benefits and reduce those harms.PHDBusiness AdministrationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169732/1/turji_1.pd


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    Historically, communication implies the transfer of information between bodies, yet this phenomenon is constantly adapting to new technological and cultural standards. In a digital context, it’s commonplace to envision systems that revolve around verbal modalities. However, behavioural analysis grounded in psychology research calls attention to the emotional information disclosed by non-verbal social cues, in particular, actions that are involuntary. This notion has circulated heavily into various interdisciplinary computing research fields, from which multiple studies have arisen, correlating non-verbal activity to socio-affective inferences. These are often derived from some form of motion capture and other wearable sensors, measuring the ‘invisible’ bioelectrical changes that occur from inside the body. This thesis proposes a motivation and methodology for using physiological sensory data as an expressive resource for technology-mediated interactions. Initialised from a thorough discussion on state-of-the-art technologies and established design principles regarding this topic, then applied to a novel approach alongside a selection of practice works to compliment this. We advocate for aesthetic experience, experimenting with abstract representations. Atypically from prevailing Affective Computing systems, the intention is not to infer or classify emotion but rather to create new opportunities for rich gestural exchange, unconfined to the verbal domain. Given the preliminary proposition of non-representation, we justify a correspondence with modern Machine Learning and multimedia interaction strategies, applying an iterative, human-centred approach to improve personalisation without the compromising emotional potential of bodily gesture. Where related studies in the past have successfully provoked strong design concepts through innovative fabrications, these are typically limited to simple linear, one-to-one mappings and often neglect multi-user environments; we foresee a vast potential. In our use cases, we adopt neural network architectures to generate highly granular biofeedback from low-dimensional input data. We present the following proof-of-concepts: Breathing Correspondence, a wearable biofeedback system inspired by Somaesthetic design principles; Latent Steps, a real-time auto-encoder to represent bodily experiences from sensor data, designed for dance performance; and Anti-Social Distancing Ensemble, an installation for public space interventions, analysing physical distance to generate a collective soundscape. Key findings are extracted from the individual reports to formulate an extensive technical and theoretical framework around this topic. The projects first aim to embrace some alternative perspectives already established within Affective Computing research. From here, these concepts evolve deeper, bridging theories from contemporary creative and technical practices with the advancement of biomedical technologies.Historicamente, os processos de comunicação implicam a transferência de informação entre organismos, mas este fenómeno está constantemente a adaptar-se a novos padrões tecnológicos e culturais. Num contexto digital, é comum encontrar sistemas que giram em torno de modalidades verbais. Contudo, a análise comportamental fundamentada na investigação psicológica chama a atenção para a informação emocional revelada por sinais sociais não verbais, em particular, acções que são involuntárias. Esta noção circulou fortemente em vários campos interdisciplinares de investigação na área das ciências da computação, dos quais surgiram múltiplos estudos, correlacionando a actividade nãoverbal com inferências sócio-afectivas. Estes são frequentemente derivados de alguma forma de captura de movimento e sensores “wearable”, medindo as alterações bioeléctricas “invisíveis” que ocorrem no interior do corpo. Nesta tese, propomos uma motivação e metodologia para a utilização de dados sensoriais fisiológicos como um recurso expressivo para interacções mediadas pela tecnologia. Iniciada a partir de uma discussão aprofundada sobre tecnologias de ponta e princípios de concepção estabelecidos relativamente a este tópico, depois aplicada a uma nova abordagem, juntamente com uma selecção de trabalhos práticos, para complementar esta. Defendemos a experiência estética, experimentando com representações abstractas. Contrariamente aos sistemas de Computação Afectiva predominantes, a intenção não é inferir ou classificar a emoção, mas sim criar novas oportunidades para uma rica troca gestual, não confinada ao domínio verbal. Dada a proposta preliminar de não representação, justificamos uma correspondência com estratégias modernas de Machine Learning e interacção multimédia, aplicando uma abordagem iterativa e centrada no ser humano para melhorar a personalização sem o potencial emocional comprometedor do gesto corporal. Nos casos em que estudos anteriores demonstraram com sucesso conceitos de design fortes através de fabricações inovadoras, estes limitam-se tipicamente a simples mapeamentos lineares, um-para-um, e muitas vezes negligenciam ambientes multi-utilizadores; com este trabalho, prevemos um potencial alargado. Nos nossos casos de utilização, adoptamos arquitecturas de redes neurais para gerar biofeedback altamente granular a partir de dados de entrada de baixa dimensão. Apresentamos as seguintes provas de conceitos: Breathing Correspondence, um sistema de biofeedback wearable inspirado nos princípios de design somaestético; Latent Steps, um modelo autoencoder em tempo real para representar experiências corporais a partir de dados de sensores, concebido para desempenho de dança; e Anti-Social Distancing Ensemble, uma instalação para intervenções no espaço público, analisando a distância física para gerar uma paisagem sonora colectiva. Os principais resultados são extraídos dos relatórios individuais, para formular um quadro técnico e teórico alargado para expandir sobre este tópico. Os projectos têm como primeiro objectivo abraçar algumas perspectivas alternativas às que já estão estabelecidas no âmbito da investigação da Computação Afectiva. A partir daqui, estes conceitos evoluem mais profundamente, fazendo a ponte entre as teorias das práticas criativas e técnicas contemporâneas com o avanço das tecnologias biomédicas

    EVALITA Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian - December 17th, 2020

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    Welcome to EVALITA 2020! EVALITA is the evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. EVALITA is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC, http://www.ai-lc.it) and it is endorsed by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA, http://www.aixia.it) and the Italian Association for Speech Sciences (AISV, http://www.aisv.it)

    Actor & Avatar: A Scientific and Artistic Catalog

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    What kind of relationship do we have with artificial beings (avatars, puppets, robots, etc.)? What does it mean to mirror ourselves in them, to perform them or to play trial identity games with them? Actor & Avatar addresses these questions from artistic and scholarly angles. Contributions on the making of "technical others" and philosophical reflections on artificial alterity are flanked by neuroscientific studies on different ways of perceiving living persons and artificial counterparts. The contributors have achieved a successful artistic-scientific collaboration with extensive visual material

    EVALITA Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian - December 17th, 2020

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    Welcome to EVALITA 2020! EVALITA is the evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. EVALITA is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC, http://www.ai-lc.it) and it is endorsed by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA, http://www.aixia.it) and the Italian Association for Speech Sciences (AISV, http://www.aisv.it)