808 research outputs found

    Study and validation of data recorded in the vehicles’ EDR in order to perform a road accident’s dynamic reconstruction

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    Road accident reconstruction is an issue which involves multiple and differentiated subjects. A collision contours’ determination requires the investigation and the analysis of all the evidence provided from highly distinct sources and remaining from uncertain and, sometimes, chaotic scenarios. People are vastly involved in traffic accident situations, either being drivers, victims, injured or witnesses. Therefore, accident investigation is a sensitive matter which requires objectiveness, accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness, to draw faithful and factual conclusions about the collisions’ contours. The accidents reconstruction science’s main objective is to determine and describe the involved vehicles dynamics, which is accomplished by collecting and interconnect all the available evidence extracted from the impacts’ scenarios, from the vehicles, and from the involved people. In the past, many authors developed mathematical models which describe, approximately, the vehicles’ dynamics involved in a road traffic collision. Over the years, with the technology evolution and the advances on the area, multiple solutions have been created and enhanced to provide to accident reconstructionists better and more reliable evidence, allowing them to perform crash reconstructions with higher accuracy. These solutions include numerical methods, simulation and evaluation software, and tools for evidence collection. However, the introduction of the Event Data Recorder (EDR) on the vehicles consists of a great progression concerning the availability of valid and meaningful clues which can be used as inputs for the scientific crash reconstruction, since the EDR stores data that was unavailable and was difficult to deduce from the accident’s remaining evidence, previously. On the scope of this project, a vehicle data logging device was developed and tested regarding the validation of the EDR’s recorded data. The device’s purpose is to acquire the most relevant variables for crash reconstruction, which are also stored by the EDR, and provide a source of information for comparison and validation. This device was integrated with the respective sensors, programmed with a developed software, and tested on a vehicle. The tests for dynamic data acquisition consisted of travelling a defined path around the school campus, since there was not the opportunity to perform a real crash test with an EDR equipped vehicle


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    Advanced accident research system based on a medical and engineering data in the metropolitan area of Florence

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    BACKGROUND: In the metropolitan area of Florence, 62% of major traumas involve powered two wheeler rider and pillion passengers, 10% cyclists, and 7% pedestrians. The urban and extra-urban areas are the most dangerous for the vulnerable road user. In-depth investigations are needed for assessing detailed information on road accidents. This type of study has been very limited in time frame in Italy, and completely absent in the Tuscan region. Consequently a study called “In-depth Study of road Accident in FlorencE” (In-SAFE) has been initiated. METHODS: A network between the Department of Mechanics and Industrial Technologies (University of Florence) and the Intensive Care Unit of the Emergency Department (Careggi Teaching Hospital, Florence) was created with the aim of collecting information about the road accidents. The data collected includes: on-scene data, data coming from examination of the vehicles, kinematics and dynamic crash data, injuries, treatment, and injury mechanisms. Each injury is codified thorough the AIS score, localized by a three-dimensional human body model based on computer tomography slices, and the main scores are calculated. We then associate each injury with its cause and crash technical parameters. Finally, all the information is collected in the In-SAFE database. RESULTS: Patient mean age at the time of the accident was 34.6 years, and 80% were males. The ISS mean is 24.2 (SD 8.7) and the NISS mean is 33.6 (SD 10.5). The main road accident configurations are the “car-to-PTW” (25%) and “pedestrian run over” (17,9%). For the former, the main collision configuration is “head-on crash” (57%). Cyclists and PTW riders-and-pillions-passengers suffer serious injuries (AIS3+) mainly to the head and the thorax. The head (56.4%) and the lower extremities (12.7%) are the most frequently injured pedestrian body regions. CONCLUSIONS: The aim of the project is to create an in-depth road accident study with special focus on the correlation between technical parameters and injuries. An in-depth investigation team was setup and is currently active in the metropolitan area of Florence. Twenty-eight serious road accidents involving twenty-nine ICU patients are studied. PTW users, cyclist and pedestrians are the most frequently involved in metropolitan accidents

    SIMBIO-M 2014, SIMulation technologies in the fields of BIO-Sciences and Multiphysics: BioMechanics, BioMaterials and BioMedicine, Marseille, France, june 2014

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    Proceedings de la 3ème édition de la conférence internationale Simbio-M (2014). Organisée conjointement par l'IFSTTAR, Aix-Marseille Université, l'université de Coventry et CADLM, cette conférence se concentre sur les progrès des technologies de simulation dans les domaines des sciences du vivant et multiphysiques: Biomécanique, Biomatériaux et Biomédical. L'objectif de cette conférence est de partager et d'explorer les résultats dans les techniques d'analyse numérique et les outils de modélisation mathématique. Cette approche numérique permet des études prévisionnelles ou exploratoires dans les différents domaines des biosciences

    The determination of pre-impact speeds and accident scene information using PhotoModeler as a measurement tool

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    This thesis investigates the role of PhotoModeler, a photogrammetry technique, in traffic accident reconstruction. More specifically, important elements to the reconstructionist such as vehicle crush and accident scene details are measured with PhotoModeler. The extracted measurements are utilized further to establish pre-impact speeds and vehicle placement in terms of the centerline. To verify that PhotoModeler is a suitable measurement technique, its results are compared against NTSHA controlled crash data and a pre-measured accident scene. The data are convincing. NTSHA\u27s crash tests are performed at 35 mph and this study\u27s results came up with 36.88 mph, which is quite good. In the accident scene diagram, the average measurement deviation was 1.480 inches, which is also a good result. PhotoModeler is accurate as well as convenient for generating measurements when applied to traffic accident reconstruction situations

    Modeling, Simulation and Prediction of Vehicle Crashworthiness in Full Frontal Impact

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    Vehicle crashworthiness assessment is critical to help reduce road accident fatalities and ensure safer vehicles for road users. Techniques to assess crashworthiness include physical tests and mathematical modeling and simulation of crash events, the latter is preferred as mathematical modeling is generally cheaper to perform in comparison with physical testing. The most common mathematical modeling technique used for crashworthiness assessment is nonlinear Finite Element (FE) modeling. However, a problem with the use of Finite Element Model (FEM) for crashworthiness assessment is inaccessibility to individual researchers, public bodies, small universities and engineering companies due to need for detailed CAD data, software licence costs along with high computational demands. This thesis investigates modeling strategies which are affordable, computationally and labour inexpensive, and could be used by the above-mentioned groups. Use of Lumped Parameter Models (LPM) capable of capturing vehicle parameters contributing to vehicle crashworthiness has been proposed as an alternative to adopting FEM, while the later have been used to validate LPMs developed in this thesis. The main crash scenario analysed is a full frontal impact against a rigid barrier. Front-end deformation which can be used to measure crash energy absorption and pitching which could lead to occupant injuries in a frontal crash event are parameters focused on. The thesis investigates two types of vehicles; vehicle with initial structure intact is defined as baseline vehicle, while a vehicle that underwent unprofessional repairs on its structural members made of Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS) is defined as a modified vehicle. The proposed novel LPM for a baseline vehicle impact is inspired by pendulum motion and expresses the system using Lagrangian formulation to predict the two phases of impact: front-end deformation and vehicle pitching. Changes in crashworthiness performance of a modified vehicle were investigated with a FEM; tensile tests on UHSS coupons were conducted to generate material inputs for this FEM. Further, a full scale crash test was conducted to validate the FE simulations. An LPM to conduct crashworthiness assessment of a modified vehicle has been proposed, it is based on a double pendulum with a torsional spring representing the vehicle undergoing a full frontal impact.publishedVersio

    Road Accident Reconstruction and Simulation With and Without EDR Data

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Road accident reconstruction and simulation investigates the accident causes, suggests improvements in vehicle design and investigates failures in vehicle control and safety systems such as the anti-lock brake system (ABS) and air-bag deployment. This thesis focuses on analysis of crash data from vehicles not equipped with collision warning systems. Vehicle parameters before and during an accident can be recorded using an Event Data Recorder (EDR) which helps in reconstructing an accident. This tool, installed in the vehicle, records different crash parameters like vehicle speed, lateral and longitudinal acceleration, seat-belt status, and air-bag deployment over a period that spens the accident. This thesis focuses on accident reconstruction with and without EDR data. A simulation software tool called HVE is used to visually recreate the reconstructed accidents. HVE is a platform to execute different accident simulation methods which are used for specific types of simulations. Two such simulation methods, EDSMAC4 and EDHIS, are discussed in this thesis. The former is an important method for vehicle-to-vehicle collisions and the latter is used for analysis of human behavior involved in the accident. Three real-life accidents were chosen for reconstruction and simulation. They were Bus and Car accident, Three Vehicle accident and Intersection accident. These particular accidents were chosen to represent a diverse selection of accidents based on the following parameters: the locations of the accidents, the vehicles involved in each accident, and the data available. A qualitative analysis of vehicle occupant's behavior is also presented for one of the three accidents. The thesis discusses in detail the reconstruction of these three accidents. Throughout these simulations, the thesis illustrates the advantages and limitations of the EDR and HVE simulation software for accident reconstruction and simulation

    Scalable Real-Time Vehicle Deformation for Interactive Environments

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    This paper proposes a real-time physically-based method for simulating vehicle deformation. Our system synthesizes vehicle deformation characteristics by considering a low-dimensional coupled vehicle body technique. We simulate the motion and crumbling behavior of vehicles smashing into rigid objects. We explain and demonstrate the combination of a reduced complexity non-linear finite element system that is scalable and computationally efficient. We use an explicit position-based integration scheme to improve simulation speeds, while remaining stable and preserving modeling accuracy. We show our approach using a variety of vehicle deformation test cases which were simulated in real-time
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