16 research outputs found

    Vectorwise: Beyond Column Stores

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    textabstractThis paper tells the story of Vectorwise, a high-performance analytical database system, from multiple perspectives: its history from academic project to commercial product, the evolution of its technical architecture, customer reactions to the product and its future research and development roadmap. One take-away from this story is that the novelty in Vectorwise is much more than just column-storage: it boasts many query processing innovations in its vectorized execution model, and an adaptive mixed row/column data storage model with indexing support tailored to analytical workloads. Another one is that there is a long road from research prototype to commercial product, though database research continues to achieve a strong innovative influence on product development

    Exploring query execution strategies for JIT vectorization and SIMD

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    This paper partially explores the design space for efficient query processors on future hardware that is rich in SIMD capabilities. It departs from two well-known approaches: (1) interpreted block-at-a-time execution (a.k.a. "vectorization") and (2) "data-centric" JIT compilation, as in the HyPer system. We argue that in between these two design points in terms of granularity of execution and uni

    Integration of VectorWise with Ingres

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    Actian Corporation recently entered into a cooperative relationship with VectorWise BV to integrate its VectorWise technology into the Ingres RDBMS server. The resulting commercial product has already achieved phenomenal performance results with the TPC-H industry standard benchmark, and has been well received in the analytical RDBMS market. This paper describes the integration of the VectorWise technology with Ingres, some of the design decisions made as part of the integration project, and the problems that had to be solved in the process

    One size does not fit all : accelerating OLAP workloads with GPUs

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    GPU has been considered as one of the next-generation platforms for real-time query processing databases. In this paper we empirically demonstrate that the representative GPU databases [e.g., OmniSci (Open Source Analytical Database & SQL Engine,, 2019)] may be slower than the representative in-memory databases [e.g., Hyper (Neumann and Leis, IEEE Data Eng Bull 37(1):3-11, 2014)] with typical OLAP workloads (with Star Schema Benchmark) even if the actual dataset size of each query can completely fit in GPU memory. Therefore, we argue that GPU database designs should not be one-size-fits-all; a general-purpose GPU database engine may not be well-suited for OLAP workloads without careful designed GPU memory assignment and GPU computing locality. In order to achieve better performance for GPU OLAP, we need to re-organize OLAP operators and re-optimize OLAP model. In particular, we propose the 3-layer OLAP model to match the heterogeneous computing platforms. The core idea is to maximize data and computing locality to specified hardware. We design the vector grouping algorithm for data-intensive workload which is proved to be assigned to CPU platform adaptive. We design the TOP-DOWN query plan tree strategy to guarantee the optimal operation in final stage and pushing the respective optimizations to the lower layers to make global optimization gains. With this strategy, we design the 3-stage processing model (OLAP acceleration engine) for hybrid CPU-GPU platform, where the computing-intensive star-join stage is accelerated by GPU, and the data-intensive grouping & aggregation stage is accelerated by CPU. This design maximizes the locality of different workloads and simplifies the GPU acceleration implementation. Our experimental results show that with vector grouping and GPU accelerated star-join implementation, the OLAP acceleration engine runs 1.9x, 3.05x and 3.92x faster than Hyper, OmniSci GPU and OmniSci CPU in SSB evaluation with dataset of SF = 100.Peer reviewe

    Building Efficient Query Engines in a High-Level Language

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    In this paper we advocate that it is time for a radical rethinking of database systems design. Developers should be able to leverage high-level programming languages without having to pay a price in efficiency. To realize our vision of abstraction without regret, we present LegoBase, a query engine written in the high-level programming language Scala. The key technique to regain efficiency is to apply generative programming: the Scala code that constitutes the query engine, despite its high-level appearance, is actually a program generator that emits specialized, low-level C code. We show how the combination of high-level and generative programming allows to easily implement a wide spectrum of optimizations that are difficult to achieve with existing low-level query compilers, and how it can continuously optimize the query engine. We evaluate our approach with the TPC-H benchmark and show that: (a) with all optimizations enabled, our architecture significantly outperforms a commercial in-memory database system as well as an existing query compiler, (b) these performance improvements require programming just a few hundred lines of high-level code instead of complicated low-level code that is required by existing query compilers and, finally, that (c) the compilation overhead is low compared to the overall execution time, thus making our approach usable in practice for efficiently compiling query engines

    A Study of the Fundamental Performance Characteristics of GPUs and CPUs for Database Analytics (Extended Version)

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    There has been significant amount of excitement and recent work on GPU-based database systems. Previous work has claimed that these systems can perform orders of magnitude better than CPU-based database systems on analytical workloads such as those found in decision support and business intelligence applications. A hardware expert would view these claims with suspicion. Given the general notion that database operators are memory-bandwidth bound, one would expect the maximum gain to be roughly equal to the ratio of the memory bandwidth of GPU to that of CPU. In this paper, we adopt a model-based approach to understand when and why the performance gains of running queries on GPUs vs on CPUs vary from the bandwidth ratio (which is roughly 16x on modern hardware). We propose Crystal, a library of parallel routines that can be combined together to run full SQL queries on a GPU with minimal materialization overhead. We implement individual query operators to show that while the speedups for selection, projection, and sorts are near the bandwidth ratio, joins achieve less speedup due to differences in hardware capabilities. Interestingly, we show on a popular analytical workload that full query performance gain from running on GPU exceeds the bandwidth ratio despite individual operators having speedup less than bandwidth ratio, as a result of limitations of vectorizing chained operators on CPUs, resulting in a 25x speedup for GPUs over CPUs on the benchmark

    H2O: A Hands-free Adaptive Store

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    Modern state-of-the-art database systems are designed around a single data storage layout. This is a fixed decision that drives the whole architectural design of a database system, i.e., row-stores, column-stores. However, none of those choices is a universally good solution; different workloads require different storage layouts and data access methods in order to achieve good performance. In this paper, we present the H2O system which introduces two novel concepts. First, it is flexible to support multiple storage layouts and data access patterns in a single engine. Second, and most importantly, it decides on-the-fly, i.e., during query processing, which design is best for classes of queries and the respective data parts. At any given point in time, parts of the data might be materialized in various patterns purely depending on the query workload; as the workload changes and with every single query, the storage and access patterns continuously adapt. In this way, H2O makes no a priori and fixed decisions on how data should be stored, allowing each single query to enjoy a storage and access pattern which is tailored to its specific properties. We present a detailed analysis of H2O using both synthetic benchmarks and realistic scientific workloads. We demonstrate that while existing systems cannot achieve maximum performance across all workloads, H2O can always match the best case performance without requiring any tuning or workload knowledge