5 research outputs found

    Hemodynamic Measurement Using Four-Dimensional Phase-Contrast MRI: Quantification of Hemodynamic Parameters and Clinical Applications

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    Recent improvements have been made to the use of time-resolved, three-dimensional phase-contrast (PC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is also named four-dimensional (4D) PC-MRI or 4D flow MRI, in the investigation of spatial and temporal variations in hemodynamic features in cardiovascular blood flow. The present article reviews the principle and analytical procedures of 4D PC-MRI. Various fluid dynamic biomarkers for possible clinical usage are also described, including wall shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, and relative pressure. Lastly, this article provides an overview of the clinical applications of 4D PC-MRI in various cardiovascular regions.113Ysciescopuskc

    GPU data structures for graphics and vision

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    Graphics hardware has in recent years become increasingly programmable, and its programming APIs use the stream processor model to expose massive parallelization to the programmer. Unfortunately, the inherent restrictions of the stream processor model, used by the GPU in order to maintain high performance, often pose a problem in porting CPU algorithms for both video and volume processing to graphics hardware. Serial data dependencies which accelerate CPU processing are counterproductive for the data-parallel GPU. This thesis demonstrates new ways for tackling well-known problems of large scale video/volume analysis. In some instances, we enable processing on the restricted hardware model by re-introducing algorithms from early computer graphics research. On other occasions, we use newly discovered, hierarchical data structures to circumvent the random-access read/fixed write restriction that had previously kept sophisticated analysis algorithms from running solely on graphics hardware. For 3D processing, we apply known game graphics concepts such as mip-maps, projective texturing, and dependent texture lookups to show how video/volume processing can benefit algorithmically from being implemented in a graphics API. The novel GPU data structures provide drastically increased processing speed, and lift processing heavy operations to real-time performance levels, paving the way for new and interactive vision/graphics applications.Graphikhardware wurde in den letzen Jahren immer weiter programmierbar. Ihre APIs verwenden das Streamprozessor-Modell, um die massive Parallelisierung auch für den Programmierer verfügbar zu machen. Leider folgen aus dem strikten Streamprozessor-Modell, welches die GPU für ihre hohe Rechenleistung benötigt, auch Hindernisse in der Portierung von CPU-Algorithmen zur Video- und Volumenverarbeitung auf die GPU. Serielle Datenabhängigkeiten beschleunigen zwar CPU-Verarbeitung, sind aber für die daten-parallele GPU kontraproduktiv . Diese Arbeit präsentiert neue Herangehensweisen für bekannte Probleme der Video- und Volumensverarbeitung. Teilweise wird die Verarbeitung mit Hilfe von modifizierten Algorithmen aus der frühen Computergraphik-Forschung an das beschränkte Hardwaremodell angepasst. Anderswo helfen neu entdeckte, hierarchische Datenstrukturen beim Umgang mit den Schreibzugriff-Restriktionen die lange die Portierung von komplexeren Bildanalyseverfahren verhindert hatten. In der 3D-Verarbeitung nutzen wir bekannte Konzepte aus der Computerspielegraphik wie Mipmaps, projektive Texturierung, oder verkettete Texturzugriffe, und zeigen auf welche Vorteile die Video- und Volumenverarbeitung aus hardwarebeschleunigter Graphik-API-Implementation ziehen kann. Die präsentierten GPU-Datenstrukturen bieten drastisch schnellere Verarbeitung und heben rechenintensive Operationen auf Echtzeit-Niveau. Damit werden neue, interaktive Bildverarbeitungs- und Graphik-Anwendungen möglich

    Influence on preexisting salt diapirs during thrust wedge evolution and secondary welding: insights from analogue modeling

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    Salt lithologies are mechanically weaker than other sedimentary rocks. Salt horizons usually act as décollements and precursor salt bodies preferentially deform early during contraction, concentrate deformation, and impact the structural style and kinematics during mountain building. Focusing on shortened isolated-diapir provinces, our analog modeling program investigates the influence of two salt walls on folding and thrusting. High resolution topographic scans and particle image analysis show that the presence of precursor diapirs impacts the layer parallel shortening patterns and presumably the stress field at the onset of contraction. Shortening concentrates on diapirs, leading to roof arching, crestal extension and salt extrusion. This sequence of events occurs earlier on thinner salt- sediment sequences including diapirs having well-developed pedestals, particularly when proximal to the deformation front. Folds and thrusts nucleate at salt walls if they feature a well-developed pedestal. Further shortening results in secondary welding as evidenced by the collapse of uplifted roof domes, cessation of indentation and reverse faulting nucleated at the secondary welds. Meanwhile, and depending upon the processes occurring on the diapir closer to the backstop, the deformation of the distal salt wall is discontinuous. Our modeling results are compared with experimental works and natural examples from the Fars (Zagros Mountains)

    Création de storyboards dynamiques pour la visualisation d'animations

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    National audienceReprésenter un ensemble complexe de mouvements sous forme condensée, par exemple dans une image, est un problème qui se pose dans de nombreux domaines, allant de la visualisation scientifique à la conception de story-boards ou de bandes dessinées. Une image (espace à deux dimensions) ne peut représenter le mouvement de particules dans l'espace (données 4D) sans perte d'information. Pour compenser cette perte, plusieurs techniques ont été développées, allant de l'ajout d'indices visuels dans une image au découpage du mouvement en une séquence de plusieurs images. Dans cet article, nous présentons un pipeline pour générer, à partir de données correspondant à un ensemble de mouvements dans l'espace et sur une certaine durée temporelle, un storyboard résumant de manière compréhensible et efficace l'ensemble de l'animation. Notre méthode consiste à grouper les données ayant un mouvement similaire, puis à segmenter ces groupes pour isoler des positions clefs. Enfin, nous effectuons un rendu stylisé de la trajectoire correspondant à chaque segment. L'objectif de notre travail est de permettre une exploration dynamique du storyboard obtenu, de telle sorte qu'un utilisateur puisse observer les données à plusieurs échelles, aussi bien spatiales que temporelles. Voir aussi http://artis.imag.fr/Publications/2008/SH0

    Vector Field Contours

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    We describe an approach to define contours of 3D vector fields and employ them as an interactive flow visualization tool. Although contours are well-defined and commonly used for surfaces and 3D scalar fields, they have no straightforward extension in vector fields. Our approach is to extract and visualize specific stream lines which show the most similar behavior to contours on surfaces. This way, the vector field contours are a particular set of isolated stream line segments that depend on the view direction and few additional parameters. We present an analysis of the usefulness of vector field contours by demonstrating their application to linear vector fields. In order to achieve interactive visualization, we develop an efficient GPU-based implementation for real-time extraction and rendering of vector field contours. We show the potential of our approach by applying it to a number of example data sets