1,408 research outputs found

    The Cyclic Odd-Even Reduction Method Applied in Mathematical Finance

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    In this paper is presented a possibility to reduce execution time involved in evaluating a financial option by means finite difference scheme, using a cyclic odd-even reduction technique on a coarse-grained parallel model.coarse grained multicomputer, parallel algorithm, tridiagonal linear system, band matrices, odd-even cyclic reduction algorithm.

    Gunrock: GPU Graph Analytics

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    For large-scale graph analytics on the GPU, the irregularity of data access and control flow, and the complexity of programming GPUs, have presented two significant challenges to developing a programmable high-performance graph library. "Gunrock", our graph-processing system designed specifically for the GPU, uses a high-level, bulk-synchronous, data-centric abstraction focused on operations on a vertex or edge frontier. Gunrock achieves a balance between performance and expressiveness by coupling high performance GPU computing primitives and optimization strategies with a high-level programming model that allows programmers to quickly develop new graph primitives with small code size and minimal GPU programming knowledge. We characterize the performance of various optimization strategies and evaluate Gunrock's overall performance on different GPU architectures on a wide range of graph primitives that span from traversal-based algorithms and ranking algorithms, to triangle counting and bipartite-graph-based algorithms. The results show that on a single GPU, Gunrock has on average at least an order of magnitude speedup over Boost and PowerGraph, comparable performance to the fastest GPU hardwired primitives and CPU shared-memory graph libraries such as Ligra and Galois, and better performance than any other GPU high-level graph library.Comment: 52 pages, invited paper to ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC), an extended version of PPoPP'16 paper "Gunrock: A High-Performance Graph Processing Library on the GPU

    Practical Parallel External Memory Algorithms via Simulation of Parallel Algorithms

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    This thesis introduces PEMS2, an improvement to PEMS (Parallel External Memory System). PEMS executes Bulk-Synchronous Parallel (BSP) algorithms in an External Memory (EM) context, enabling computation with very large data sets which exceed the size of main memory. Many parallel algorithms have been designed and implemented for Bulk-Synchronous Parallel models of computation. Such algorithms generally assume that the entire data set is stored in main memory at once. PEMS overcomes this limitation without requiring any modification to the algorithm by using disk space as memory for additional "virtual processors". Previous work has shown this to be a promising approach which scales well as computational resources (i.e. processors and disks) are added. However, the technique incurs significant overhead when compared with purpose-built EM algorithms. PEMS2 introduces refinements to the simulation process intended to reduce this overhead as well as the amount of disk space required to run the simulation. New functionality is also introduced, including asynchronous I/O and support for multi-core processors. Experimental results show that these changes significantly improve the runtime of the simulation. PEMS2 narrows the performance gap between simulated BSP algorithms and their hand-crafted EM counterparts, providing a practical system for using BSP algorithms with data sets which exceed the size of RAM

    Enhancing Productivity and Performance Portability of General-Purpose Parallel Programming

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    This work focuses on compiler and run-time techniques for improving the productivity and the performance portability of general-purpose parallel programming. More specifically, we focus on shared-memory task-parallel languages, where the programmer explicitly exposes parallelism in the form of short tasks that may outnumber the cores by orders of magnitude. The compiler, the run-time, and the platform (henceforth the system) are responsible for harnessing this unpredictable amount of parallelism, which can vary from none to excessive, towards efficient execution. The challenge arises from the aspiration to support fine-grained irregular computations and nested parallelism. This work is even more ambitious by also aspiring to lay the foundations to efficiently support declarative code, where the programmer exposes all available parallelism, using high-level language constructs such as parallel loops, reducers or futures. The appeal of declarative code is twofold for general-purpose programming: it is often easier for the programmer who does not have to worry about the granularity of the exposed parallelism, and it achieves better performance portability by avoiding overfitting to a small range of platforms and inputs for which the programmer is coarsening. Furthermore, PRAM algorithms, an important class of parallel algorithms, naturally lend themselves to declarative programming, so supporting it is a necessary condition for capitalizing on the wealth of the PRAM theory. Unfortunately, declarative codes often expose such an overwhelming number of fine-grained tasks that existing systems fail to deliver performance. Our contributions can be partitioned into three components. First, we tackle the issue of coarsening, which declarative code leaves to the system. We identify two goals of coarsening and advocate tackling them separately, using static compiler transformations for one and dynamic run-time approaches for the other. Additionally, we present evidence that the current practice of burdening the programmer with coarsening either leads to codes with poor performance-portability, or to a significantly increased programming effort. This is a ``show-stopper'' for general-purpose programming. To compare the performance portability among approaches, we define an experimental framework and two metrics, and we demonstrate that our approaches are preferable. We close the chapter on coarsening by presenting compiler transformations that automatically coarsen some types of very fine-grained codes. Second, we propose Lazy Scheduling, an innovative run-time scheduling technique that infers the platform load at run-time, using information already maintained. Based on the inferred load, Lazy Scheduling adapts the amount of available parallelism it exposes for parallel execution and, thus, saves parallelism overheads that existing approaches pay. We implement Lazy Scheduling and present experimental results on four different platforms. The results show that Lazy Scheduling is vastly superior for declarative codes and competitive, if not better, for coarsened codes. Moreover, Lazy Scheduling is also superior in terms of performance-portability, supporting our thesis that it is possible to achieve reasonable efficiency and performance portability with declarative codes. Finally, we also implement Lazy Scheduling on XMT, an experimental manycore platform developed at the University of Maryland, which was designed to support codes derived from PRAM algorithms. On XMT, we manage to harness the existing hardware support for scheduling flat parallelism to compose it with Lazy Scheduling, which supports nested parallelism. In the resulting hybrid scheduler, the hardware and software work in synergy to overcome each other's weaknesses. We show the performance composability of the hardware and software schedulers, both in an abstract cost model and experimentally, as the hybrid always performs better than the software scheduler alone. Furthermore, the cost model is validated by using it to predict if it is preferable to execute a code sequentially, with outer parallelism, or with nested parallelism, depending on the input, the available hardware parallelism and the calling context of the parallel code

    Distributed-Memory Breadth-First Search on Massive Graphs

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    This chapter studies the problem of traversing large graphs using the breadth-first search order on distributed-memory supercomputers. We consider both the traditional level-synchronous top-down algorithm as well as the recently discovered direction optimizing algorithm. We analyze the performance and scalability trade-offs in using different local data structures such as CSR and DCSC, enabling in-node multithreading, and graph decompositions such as 1D and 2D decomposition.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1104.451

    On the Load Balancing Techniques for GPU Applications Based on Prefix-scan

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    Prefix-scan is one of the most common operation and building block for a wide range of parallel applications for GPUs. It allows the GPU threads to efficiently find and access in parallel to the assigned data. Nevertheless, the workload decomposition and mapping strategies that make use of prefix-scan can have a significant impact on the overall application performance. This paper presents a classification of the mapping strategies at the state of the art and their comparison to understand in which problem they best apply. Then, it presents Multi-Phase Search, an advanced dynamic technique that addresses the workload unbalancing problem by fully exploiting the GPU device characteristics. In particular, the proposed technique implements a dynamic mapping of work-units to threads through an algorithm whose complexity is sensibly reduced with respect to the other dynamic approaches in the literature. The paper shows, compares, and analyses the experimental results obtained by applying all the mapping techniques to different datasets, each one having very different characteristics and structure

    DecGPU: distributed error correction on massively parallel graphics processing units using CUDA and MPI

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Next-generation sequencing technologies have led to the high-throughput production of sequence data (reads) at low cost. However, these reads are significantly shorter and more error-prone than conventional Sanger shotgun reads. This poses a challenge for the <it>de novo </it>assembly in terms of assembly quality and scalability for large-scale short read datasets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present DecGPU, the first parallel and distributed error correction algorithm for high-throughput short reads (HTSRs) using a hybrid combination of CUDA and MPI parallel programming models. DecGPU provides CPU-based and GPU-based versions, where the CPU-based version employs coarse-grained and fine-grained parallelism using the MPI and OpenMP parallel programming models, and the GPU-based version takes advantage of the CUDA and MPI parallel programming models and employs a hybrid CPU+GPU computing model to maximize the performance by overlapping the CPU and GPU computation. The distributed feature of our algorithm makes it feasible and flexible for the error correction of large-scale HTSR datasets. Using simulated and real datasets, our algorithm demonstrates superior performance, in terms of error correction quality and execution speed, to the existing error correction algorithms. Furthermore, when combined with Velvet and ABySS, the resulting DecGPU-Velvet and DecGPU-ABySS assemblers demonstrate the potential of our algorithm to improve <it>de novo </it>assembly quality for <it>de</it>-<it>Bruijn</it>-graph-based assemblers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>DecGPU is publicly available open-source software, written in CUDA C++ and MPI. The experimental results suggest that DecGPU is an effective and feasible error correction algorithm to tackle the flood of short reads produced by next-generation sequencing technologies.</p