144 research outputs found

    Variational Disparity Estimation Framework for Plenoptic Image

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    This paper presents a computational framework for accurately estimating the disparity map of plenoptic images. The proposed framework is based on the variational principle and provides intrinsic sub-pixel precision. The light-field motion tensor introduced in the framework allows us to combine advanced robust data terms as well as provides explicit treatments for different color channels. A warping strategy is embedded in our framework for tackling the large displacement problem. We also show that by applying a simple regularization term and a guided median filtering, the accuracy of displacement field at occluded area could be greatly enhanced. We demonstrate the excellent performance of the proposed framework by intensive comparisons with the Lytro software and contemporary approaches on both synthetic and real-world datasets

    A novel disparity-assisted block matching-based approach for super-resolution of light field images

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    Currently, available plenoptic imaging technology has limited resolution. That makes it challenging to use this technology in applications, where sharpness is essential, such as film industry. Previous attempts aimed at enhancing the spatial resolution of plenoptic light field (LF) images were based on block and patch matching inherited from classical image super-resolution, where multiple views were considered as separate frames. By contrast to these approaches, a novel super-resolution technique is proposed in this paper with a focus on exploiting estimated disparity information to reduce the matching area in the super-resolution process. We estimate the disparity information from the interpolated LR view point images (VPs). We denote our method as light field block matching super-resolution. We additionally combine our novel super-resolution method with directionally adaptive image interpolation from [1] to preserve sharpness of the high-resolution images. We prove a steady gain in the PSNR and SSIM quality of the super-resolved images for the resolution enhancement factor 8x8 as compared to the recent approaches and also to our previous work [2]

    Variational multi-image stereo matching

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    In two-view stereo matching, the disparity of occluded pixels cannot accurately be estimated directly: it needs to be inferred through, e.g., regularisation. When capturing scenes using a plenoptic camera or a camera dolly on a track, more than two input images are available, and - contrary to the two-view case -pixels in the central view will only very rarely be occluded in all of the other views. By explicitly handling occlusions, we can limit the depth estimation of pixel (P) over right arrow to only use those cameras that actually observe (p) over right arrow. We do this by extending variational stereo matching to multiple views, and by explicitly handling occlusion on a view-by-view basis. Resulting depth maps are illustrated to be sharper and less noisy than typical recent techniques working on light fields

    Spatial and Angular Resolution Enhancement of Light Fields Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Light field imaging extends the traditional photography by capturing both spatial and angular distribution of light, which enables new capabilities, including post-capture refocusing, post-capture aperture control, and depth estimation from a single shot. Micro-lens array (MLA) based light field cameras offer a cost-effective approach to capture light field. A major drawback of MLA based light field cameras is low spatial resolution, which is due to the fact that a single image sensor is shared to capture both spatial and angular information. In this paper, we present a learning based light field enhancement approach. Both spatial and angular resolution of captured light field is enhanced using convolutional neural networks. The proposed method is tested with real light field data captured with a Lytro light field camera, clearly demonstrating spatial and angular resolution improvement

    Depth Estimation Through a Generative Model of Light Field Synthesis

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    Light field photography captures rich structural information that may facilitate a number of traditional image processing and computer vision tasks. A crucial ingredient in such endeavors is accurate depth recovery. We present a novel framework that allows the recovery of a high quality continuous depth map from light field data. To this end we propose a generative model of a light field that is fully parametrized by its corresponding depth map. The model allows for the integration of powerful regularization techniques such as a non-local means prior, facilitating accurate depth map estimation.Comment: German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) 201

    Light field image processing : overview and research issues

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    Light field (LF) imaging first appeared in the computer graphics community with the goal of photorealistic 3D rendering [1]. Motivated by a variety of potential applications in various domains (e.g., computational photography, augmented reality, light field microscopy, medical imaging, 3D robotic, particle image velocimetry), imaging from real light fields has recently gained in popularity, both at the research and industrial level.peer-reviewe