1,140 research outputs found

    Variational capacitance modeling using orthogonal polynomial method

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    ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a novel statistical capacitance extraction method for interconnects considering process variations. The new method, called statCap, is based on the spectral stochastic method where orthogonal polynomials are used to represent the statistical processes in a deterministic way. We first show how the variational potential coefficient matrix is represented in a first-order form using Taylor expansion and orthogonal decomposition. Then an augmented potential coefficient matrix, which consists of the coefficients of the polynomials, is derived. After that, corresponding augmented system is solved to obtain the variational capacitance values in the orthogonal polynomial form. Experimental results show that our method is two orders of magnitude faster than the recently proposed statistical capacitance extraction method based on the spectral stochastic collocation approac

    Uncertainty quantification for integrated circuits: Stochastic spectral methods

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    Due to significant manufacturing process variations, the performance of integrated circuits (ICs) has become increasingly uncertain. Such uncertainties must be carefully quantified with efficient stochastic circuit simulators. This paper discusses the recent advances of stochastic spectral circuit simulators based on generalized polynomial chaos (gPC). Such techniques can handle both Gaussian and non-Gaussian random parameters, showing remarkable speedup over Monte Carlo for circuits with a small or medium number of parameters. We focus on the recently developed stochastic testing and the application of conventional stochastic Galerkin and stochastic collocation schemes to nonlinear circuit problems. The uncertainty quantification algorithms for static, transient and periodic steady-state simulations are presented along with some practical simulation results. Some open problems in this field are discussed.MIT Masdar Program (196F/002/707/102f/70/9374

    Interconnect capacitance extraction under geometric uncertainties

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    Interconnects are an important constituent of any large scale integrated circuit, and accurate interconnect analysis is essential not only for post-layout verification but also for synthesis. For instance, extraction of interconnect capacitance is needed for the prediction of interconnect-induced delay, crosstalk, and other signal distortion related effects that are used to guide IC routing and floor planning. The continuous progress of semiconductor technology is leading ICs to the era of 45 nm technology and beyond. However, this progress has been associated with increasing variability during the manufacturing processes. This variability leads to stochastic variations in geometric and material parameters and has a significant impact on interconnect capacitance. It is therefore important to be able to quantify the effect of such process induced variations on interconnect capacitance. In this thesis, we have worked on a methodology towards modeling of interconnect capacitance in the presence of geometric uncertainties. More specifically, a methodology is proposed for the finite element solution of Laplace's equation for the calculation of the per-unit-length capacitance matrix of a multi-conductor interconnect structure embedded in a multi-layered insulating substrate and in the presence of statistical variation in conductor and substrate geometry. The proposed method is founded on the idea of defining a single, mean geometry, which is subsequently used with a single finite element discretization, to extract the statistics of the interconnect capacitance in an expedient fashion. We demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our method through its application to the extraction of capacitances in some representative geometries for IC interconnects

    Addressing Computational Complexity of High Speed Distributed Circuits Using Model Order Reduction

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    Advanced in the fabrication technology of integrated circuits (ICs) over the last couple of years has resulted in an unparalleled expansion of the functionality of microelectronic systems. Today’s ICs feature complex deep-submicron mixed-signal designs and have found numerous applications in industry due to their lower manufacturing costs and higher performance levels. The tendency towards smaller feature sizes and increasing clock rates is placing higher demands on signal integrity design by highlighting previously negligible interconnect effects such as distortion, reflection, ringing, delay, and crosstalk. These effects if not predicted in the early stages of the design cycle can severely degrade circuit performance and reliability. The objective of this thesis is to develop new model order reduction (MOR) techniques to minimize the computational complexity of non-linear circuits and electronic systems that have delay elements. MOR techniques provide a mechanism to generate reduced order models from the detailed description of the original modified nodal analysis (MNA) formulation. The following contributions are made in this thesis: 1. The first project presents a methodology for reduction of Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) models. PEEC method is widely used in electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity problems in both the time and frequency domains. The PEEC model with retardation has been applied to 3-D analysis but often result in large and dense matrices, which are computationally expensive to solve. In this thesis, a new moment matching technique based on Multi-order Arnoldi is described to model PEEC networks with retardation. 2. The second project deals with developing an efficient model order reduction algorithm for simulating large interconnect networks with nonlinear elements. The proposed methodology is based on a multidimensional subspace method and uses constraint equations to link the nonlinear elements and biasing sources to the reduced order model. This approach significantly improves the simulation time of distributed nonlinear systems, since additional ports are not required to link the nonlinear elements to the reduced order model, yielding appreciable savings in the size of the reduced order model and computational time. 3. A parameterized reduction technique for nonlinear systems is presented. The proposed method uses multidimensional subspace and variational analysis to capture the variances of design parameters and approximates the weakly nonlinear functions as a Taylor series. An SVD approach is presented to address the efficiency of reduced order model. The proposed methodology significantly improves the simulation time of weakly nonlinear systems since the size of the reduced system is smaller than the original system and a new reduced model is not required each time a design parameter is changed