12 research outputs found

    Fully Automatic and Real-Time Catheter Segmentation in X-Ray Fluoroscopy

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    Augmenting X-ray imaging with 3D roadmap to improve guidance is a common strategy. Such approaches benefit from automated analysis of the X-ray images, such as the automatic detection and tracking of instruments. In this paper, we propose a real-time method to segment the catheter and guidewire in 2D X-ray fluoroscopic sequences. The method is based on deep convolutional neural networks. The network takes as input the current image and the three previous ones, and segments the catheter and guidewire in the current image. Subsequently, a centerline model of the catheter is constructed from the segmented image. A small set of annotated data combined with data augmentation is used to train the network. We trained the method on images from 182 X-ray sequences from 23 different interventions. On a testing set with images of 55 X-ray sequences from 5 other interventions, a median centerline distance error of 0.2 mm and a median tip distance error of 0.9 mm was obtained. The segmentation of the instruments in 2D X-ray sequences is performed in a real-time fully-automatic manner.Comment: Accepted to MICCAI 201

    Endovaskuler müdahalelerde x-ray videodan kılavuz teli izleme = Guidewire tracking in x-ray videos of endovascular interventions

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    Bu bildiride kalp x-ray videolarında kılavuz telinin izlenmesi ic¸in yeni bir metot sunulmaktadır. Değgişimler hesabı kullanılarak bir kobra eğrisini içkin ve dıştan gelen kuvvetler ile kısıtlayarak deforme eden türevsel denklemler türetilmiştir. Bu denklemler kullanılarak eğrinin güncellenmesi ile imgedeki kılavuz teline uygunluğu, pürüzsüzlüğü, ve telin uzunluğunun korunması sağlanır. Analitik olarak türettiğimiz bu denklemler önceki metotlardan farklı olarak teğetsel terimler de içermektedir. X-ray videolarda tipik olarak karşılaşılan zayıf kontrasta karşı imgeye bağlı öznitelik olarak faz eşlenmesi haritası kullanılmıs¸tır. Geliştirilen metodun başarısı deneysel sonuçlar ile düşük kontrastlı x-ray videoları ¨uzerinde kılavuz teli izleme ile gösterilmis¸tir

    Catheter segmentation in X-ray fluoroscopy using synthetic data and transfer learning with light U-nets

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    Background and objectivesAutomated segmentation and tracking of surgical instruments and catheters under X-ray fluoroscopy hold the potential for enhanced image guidance in catheter-based endovascular procedures. This article presents a novel method for real-time segmentation of catheters and guidewires in 2d X-ray images. We employ Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and propose a transfer learning approach, using synthetic fluoroscopic images, to develop a lightweight version of the U-Net architecture. Our strategy, requiring a small amount of manually annotated data, streamlines the training process and results in a U-Net model, which achieves comparable performance to the state-of-the-art segmentation, with a decreased number of trainable parameters. MethodsThe proposed transfer learning approach exploits high-fidelity synthetic images generated from real fluroscopic backgrounds. We implement a two-stage process, initial end-to-end training and fine-tuning, to develop two versions of our model, using synthetic and phantom fluoroscopic images independently. A small number of manually annotated in-vivo images is employed to fine-tune the deepest 7 layers of the U-Net architecture, producing a network specialized for pixel-wise catheter/guidewire segmentation. The network takes as input a single grayscale image and outputs the segmentation result as a binary mask against the background. ResultsEvaluation is carried out with images from in-vivo fluoroscopic video sequences from six endovascular procedures, with different surgical setups. We validate the effectiveness of developing the U-Net models using synthetic data, in tests where fine-tuning and testing in-vivo takes place both by dividing data from all procedures into independent fine-tuning/testing subsets as well as by using different in-vivo sequences. Accurate catheter/guidewire segmentation (average Dice coefficient of ~ 0.55, ~ 0.26 and ~ 0.17) is obtained with both U-Net models. Compared to the state-of-the-art CNN models, the proposed U-Net achieves comparable performance ( ± 5% average Dice coefficients) in terms of segmentation accuracy, while yielding a 84% reduction of the testing time. This adds flexibility for real-time operation and makes our network adaptable to increased input resolution. ConclusionsThis work presents a new approach in the development of CNN models for pixel-wise segmentation of surgical catheters in X-ray fluoroscopy, exploiting synthetic images and transfer learning. Our methodology reduces the need for manually annotating large volumes of data for training. This represents an important advantage, given that manual pixel-wise annotations is a key bottleneck in developing CNN segmentation models. Combined with a simplified U-Net model, our work yields significant advantages compared to current state-of-the-art solutions

    Continuous roadmapping in liver TACE procedures using 2D–3D catheter-based registration

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    PURPOSE: Fusion of pre/perioperative images and intra-operative images may add relevant information during image-guided procedures. In abdominal procedures, respiratory motion changes the position of organs, and thus accurate image guidance requires a continuous update of the spatial alignment of the (pre/perioperative) information with the organ position during the intervention. METHODS: In this paper, we propose a method to register in real time perioperative 3D rotational angiography images (3DRA) to intra-operative single-plane 2D fluoroscopic images for improved guidance in TACE interventions. The method uses the shape of 3D vessels extracted from the 3DRA and the 2D catheter shape extracted from fluoroscopy. First, the appropriate 3D vessel is selected from the complete vascular tree using a shape similarity metric. Subsequently, the catheter is registered to this vessel, and the 3DRA is visualized based on the registration results. The method is evaluated on simulated data and clinical data. RESULTS: The first selected vessel, ranked with the shape similarity metric, is used more than 39 % in the final registration and the second more than 21 %. The median of the closest corresponding points distance between 2D angiography vessels and projected 3D vessels is 4.7–5.4 mm when using the brute force optimizer and 5.2–6.6 mm when using the Powell optimizer. CONCLUSION: We present a catheter-based registration method to continuously fuse a 3DRA roadmap arterial tree onto 2D fluoroscopic images with an efficient shape similarity

    Real-time Tracking of Guidewire Robot Tips using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Successive Localized Frames

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    Studies are proceeded to stabilize cardiac surgery using thin micro-guidewires and catheter robots. To control the robot to a desired position and pose, it is necessary to accurately track the robot tip in real time but tracking and accurately delineating the thin and small tip is challenging. To address this problem, a novel image analysis-based tracking method using deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) has been proposed in this paper. The proposed tracker consists of two parts; (1) a detection network for rough detection of the tip position and (2) a segmentation network for accurate tip delineation near the tip position. To learn a robust real-time tracker, we extract small image patches, including the tip in successive frames and then learn the informative spatial and motion features for the segmentation network. During inference, the tip bounding box is first estimated in the initial frame via the detection network, thereafter tip delineation is consecutively performed through the segmentation network in the following frames. The proposed method enables accurate delineation of the tip in real time and automatically restarts tracking via the detection network when tracking fails in challenging frames. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better tracking accuracy than existing methods, with a considerable real-time speed of 19ms.1

    Improved Image Guidance in TACE Procedures

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    Purpose of the work in this thesis is to improve the image guidance in TACE procedures. More specifically, we intend to develop and evaluate technology that permits dynamic roadmapping based on a 3D model of the liver vasculature

    Differential geometry methods for biomedical image processing : from segmentation to 2D/3D registration

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    This thesis establishes a biomedical image analysis framework for the advanced visualization of biological structures. It consists of two important parts: 1) the segmentation of some structures of interest in 3D medical scans, and 2) the registration of patient-specific 3D models with 2D interventional images. Segmenting biological structures results in 3D computational models that are simple to visualize and that can be analyzed quantitatively. Registering a 3D model with interventional images permits to position the 3D model within the physical world. By combining the information from a 3D model and 2D interventional images, the proposed framework can improve the guidance of surgical intervention by reducing the ambiguities inherent to the interpretation of 2D images. Two specific segmentation problems are considered: 1) the segmentation of large structures with low frequency intensity nonuniformity, and 2) the detection of fine curvilinear structures. First, we directed our attention toward the segmentation of relatively large structures with low frequency intensity nonuniformity. Such structures are important in medical imaging since they are commonly encountered in MRI. Also, the nonuniform diffusion of the contrast agent in some other modalities, such as CTA, leads to structures of nonuniform appearance. A level-set method that uses a local-linear region model is defined, and applied to the challenging problem of segmenting brain tissues in MRI. The unique characteristics of the proposed method permit to account for important image nonuniformity implicitly. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a region-based level-set model has been used to perform the segmentation of real world MRI brain scans with convincing results. The second segmentation problem considered is the detection of fine curvilinear structures in 3D medical images. Detecting those structures is crucial since they can represent veins, arteries, bronchi or other important tissues. Unfortunately, most currently available curvilinear structure detection filters incur significant signal lost at bifurcations of two structures. This peculiarity limits the performance of all subsequent processes, whether it be understanding an angiography acquisition, computing an accurate tractography, or automatically classifying the image voxels. This thesis presents a new curvilinear structure detection filter that is robust to the presence of X- and Y-junctions. At the same time, it is conceptually simple and deterministic, and allows for an intuitive representation of the structure’s principal directions. Once a 3D computational model is available, it can be used to enhance surgical guidance. A 2D/3D non-rigid method is proposed that brings a 3D centerline model of the coronary arteries into correspondence with bi-plane fluoroscopic angiograms. The registered model is overlaid on top of the interventional angiograms to provide surgical assistance during image-guided chronic total occlusion procedures, which reduces the uncertainty inherent in 2D interventional images. A fully non-rigid registration model is proposed and used to compensate for any local shape discrepancy. This method is based on a variational framework, and uses a simultaneous matching and reconstruction process. With a typical run time of less than 3 seconds, the algorithms are fast enough for interactive applications


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    The book "Echocardiography - New Techniques" brings worldwide contributions from highly acclaimed clinical and imaging science investigators, and representatives from academic medical centers. Each chapter is designed and written to be accessible to those with a basic knowledge of echocardiography. Additionally, the chapters are meant to be stimulating and educational to the experts and investigators in the field of echocardiography. This book is aimed primarily at cardiology fellows on their basic echocardiography rotation, fellows in general internal medicine, radiology and emergency medicine, and experts in the arena of echocardiography. Over the last few decades, the rate of technological advancements has developed dramatically, resulting in new techniques and improved echocardiographic imaging. The authors of this book focused on presenting the most advanced techniques useful in today's research and in daily clinical practice. These advanced techniques are utilized in the detection of different cardiac pathologies in patients, in contributing to their clinical decision, as well as follow-up and outcome predictions. In addition to the advanced techniques covered, this book expounds upon several special pathologies with respect to the functions of echocardiography