219,151 research outputs found

    Variability of Contact Process in Complex Networks

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    We study numerically how the structures of distinct networks influence the epidemic dynamics in contact process. We first find that the variability difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous networks is very narrow, although the heterogeneous structures can induce the lighter prevalence. Contrary to non-community networks, strong community structures can cause the secondary outbreak of prevalence and two peaks of variability appeared. Especially in the local community, the extraordinarily large variability in early stage of the outbreak makes the prediction of epidemic spreading hard. Importantly, the bridgeness plays a significant role in the predictability, meaning the further distance of the initial seed to the bridgeness, the less accurate the predictability is. Also, we investigate the effect of different disease reaction mechanisms on variability, and find that the different reaction mechanisms will result in the distinct variabilities at the end of epidemic spreading.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Predicting the diversity of early epidemic spread on networks

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    The course of an epidemic exhibits average growth dynamics determined by features of the pathogen and the population, yet also features significant variability reflecting the stochastic nature of disease spread. The interplay of biological, social, structural and random factors makes disease forecasting extraordinarily complex. In this work, we reframe a stochastic branching process analysis in terms of probability generating functions and compare it to continuous time epidemic simulations on networks. In doing so, we predict the diversity of emerging epidemic courses on both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. We show how the challenge of inferring the early course of an epidemic falls on the randomness of disease spread more so than on the heterogeneity of contact patterns. We provide an analysis which helps quantify, in real time, the probability that an epidemic goes supercritical or conversely, dies stochastically. These probabilities are often assumed to be one and zero, respectively, if the basic reproduction number, or R0, is greater than 1, ignoring the heterogeneity and randomness inherent to disease spread. This framework can give more insight into early epidemic spread by weighting standard deterministic models with likelihood to inform pandemic preparedness with probabilistic forecasts

    Epidemic Variability in Hierarchical Geographical Networks with Human Activity Patterns

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    Recently, some studies have revealed that non-Poissonian statistics of human behaviors stem from the hierarchical geographical network structure. On this view, we focus on epidemic spreading in the hierarchical geographical networks, and study how two distinct contact patterns (i. e., homogeneous time delay (HOTD) and heterogeneous time delay (HETD) associated with geographical distance) influence the spreading speed and the variability of outbreaks. We find that, compared with HOTD and null model, correlations between time delay and network hierarchy in HETD remarkably slow down epidemic spreading, and result in a upward cascading multi-modal phenomenon. Proportionately, the variability of outbreaks in HETD has the lower value, but several comparable peaks for a long time, which makes the long-term prediction of epidemic spreading hard. When a seed (i. e., the initial infected node) is from the high layers of networks, epidemic spreading is remarkably promoted. Interestingly, distinct trends of variabilities in two contact patterns emerge: high-layer seeds in HOTD result in the lower variabilities, the case of HETD is opposite. More importantly, the variabilities of high-layer seeds in HETD are much greater than that in HOTD, which implies the unpredictability of epidemic spreading in hierarchical geographical networks

    Griffiths phases in infinite-dimensional, non-hierarchical modular networks

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    Griffiths phases (GPs), generated by the heterogeneities on modular networks, have recently been suggested to provide a mechanism, rid of fine parameter tuning, to explain the critical behavior of complex systems. One conjectured requirement for systems with modular structures was that the network of modules must be hierarchically organized and possess finite dimension. We investigate the dynamical behavior of an activity spreading model, evolving on heterogeneous random networks with highly modular structure and organized non-hierarchically. We observe that loosely coupled modules act as effective rare-regions, slowing down the extinction of activation. As a consequence, we find extended control parameter regions with continuously changing dynamical exponents for single network realizations, preserved after finite size analyses, as in a real GP. The avalanche size distributions of spreading events exhibit robust power-law tails. Our findings relax the requirement of hierarchical organization of the modular structure, which can help to rationalize the criticality of modular systems in the framework of GPs.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Temporal Fidelity in Dynamic Social Networks

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    It has recently become possible to record detailed social interactions in large social systems with high resolution. As we study these datasets, human social interactions display patterns that emerge at multiple time scales, from minutes to months. On a fundamental level, understanding of the network dynamics can be used to inform the process of measuring social networks. The details of measurement are of particular importance when considering dynamic processes where minute-to-minute details are important, because collection of physical proximity interactions with high temporal resolution is difficult and expensive. Here, we consider the dynamic network of proximity-interactions between approximately 500 individuals participating in the Copenhagen Networks Study. We show that in order to accurately model spreading processes in the network, the dynamic processes that occur on the order of minutes are essential and must be included in the analysis

    The spread of infections on evolving scale-free networks

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    We study the contact process on a class of evolving scale-free networks, where each node updates its connections at independent random times. We give a rigorous mathematical proof that there is a transition between a phase where for all infection rates the infection survives for a long time, at least exponential in the network size, and a phase where for sufficiently small infection rates extinction occurs quickly, at most like the square root of the network size. The phase transition occurs when the power-law exponent crosses the value four. This behaviour is in contrast to that of the contact process on the corresponding static model, where there is no phase transition, as well as that of a classical mean-field approximation, which has a phase transition at power-law exponent three. The new observation behind our result is that temporal variability of networks can simultaneously increase the rate at which the infection spreads in the network, and decrease the time which the infection spends in metastable states.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur
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