655 research outputs found

    Web content analysis for Operations Management and Technology research in the international context

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    The web content analysis is being increasingly used as a research technique by many researchers in the Operations Management and Technology topic

    Origen y peso de los medios noticiosos indexados en google news. Un anĂĄlisis exploratorio de las ediciones de Brasil, Colombia y MĂ©xico

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    Google News is a controversial news aggregation service owned by Google. By analyzing 3,738,375 news stories added in the Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico editions from January to March of 2015, 2,246 news media outlets were identified. In these editions, specific to their countries, large, popular, and traditional news media such as G1 (under Globo.com), Terra Brasil, El Universal, ElTiempo.com, and Caracol Radio had the highest rates of news aggregation in their respective country edition. This meant that they had greater visibility as well as a higher probability of receiving traffic from it, above the other indexed news media outlets.O Google News é um serviço controverso de agregação de notícias de propriedade do Google. Ao analisar 3.738.375 notícias adicionadas nas ediçÔes Brasil, ColÎmbia e México, de janeiro a março de 2015, foram identificados 2.246 meios de comunicação. Nessas ediçÔes, específicas de seus países, grandes mídias, populares e tradicionais como G1 (sob Globo.com), Terra Brasil, El Universal, ElTiempo.com e Caracol Radio apresentaram as maiores taxas de agregação de notícias em suas respectivas ediçÔes de cada país. Isso significava que eles tinham maior visibilidade e maior probabilidade de receber tråfego deles, acima dos outros meios de comunicação indexados.Google News es un servicio de agregación de noticias controvertido propiedad de Google. Al analizar 3.738.375 noticias agregadas en las ediciones de Brasil, Colombia y México, de enero a marzo de 2015, se identificaron 2.246 medios. En estas ediciones, específicas de sus países, grandes medios, populares y tradicionales como G1 (bajo Globo.com), Terra Brasil, El Universal, ElTiempo.com y Caracol Radio presentaron las tasas mås altas de agregación de noticias en su respectiva edición por país. Esto significaba que eran mås visibles y mås propensos a recibir tråfico de éste, por encima de otros medios noticiosos indexados

    Business Challenges of News Media Companies on Digital Platforms

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    Prior research suggests that digital platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, serve as a channel between news media companies and their customers. In this view, the role of digital platforms is to aggregate user-­‐generated content in order to attract more users and advertisers to a platform. However, rapid growth of digital platforms and proliferation of platform-­‐based content, such as Snapchat Discovery, Facebook Instant Articles and Youtube channels, challenge the status quo, between news media companies and digital platforms. In this qualitative study we focus on exploring the challenges of news media companies operating on digital platforms. By conducting semi-­‐structured interviews with news media companies we derive three key themes and provide a conceptual model for explaining how digital platforms are becoming a marketplace for distributed contribution of news sourced from a wide array of contributing news media. We conclude with future research propositions

    The public’s interest in intermediaries

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine recent developments in European policy debates concerned with whether governments should intervene in the digital intermediary marketplace to protect the public’s interest. Design/methodology/approach – The paper discusses the public’s interest in the evolution of the digital intermediary marketplace, considers the economics and policy literature on the case for policy intervention in the market dynamics of digital platforms and examines the extent to which policy makers in Europe are catching up with changes in the market for digital platform services. Findings – It is argued that policy-makers need to broaden the evidence base upon which they consider whether policy intervention is needed beyond economic analysis. This is essential to ensure that the European digital intermediary marketplace develops in line with economic, social and cultural goals. Research limitations/implications – The case is made for measures to ensure continuous and integrated monitoring of developments in the digital marketplace based on economic indicators and evidence on the diversity of media content. Practical implications – Suggestions are made about the need for innovations in the way policy makers develop the required evidence base for their decisions. Social implications – The paper draws attention to the need for proactive policy making based on a consideration of economic, social and cultural goals to ensure that digital intermediaries are held accountable. Originality/value – The paper provides a multidisciplinary perspective on the dynamics of the digital intermediary ecology and assesses the extent to which the European digital market strategy provides an integrated initiative that is likely to be implemented

    ”We are all in this together” : What are the challenges Google ”helps” media industries with?

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    Studies have shown that the platform companies Google and Facebook have a disruptive nature in how media companies organise their work, and some researchers claim they are a duopoly in digital advertising. However, Google says it supports media by “helping” media industries through funding and training. This study argues that by examining what media projects Google supports, we get a good overview of what challenges journalism is currently facing and the solutions for tackling these problems, and ultimately, how this connects to Google as a platform company and to its narrative. This study aims to investigate which media industry challenges Google tries to address by financial support and to examine the solutions to these challenges proposed in accepted Digital News Innovation Fund (DNI) projects. Thus, this research asks: What are the challenges for media and journalists that Google Digital News Initiative is addressing? What specific challenges get the largest support? What are the main solutions proposed in projects supported by Google DNI? Based on the review of the literature about the relationships between platform companies and media and responses to challenging conditions in the ecosystem of platforms, qualitative content analysis was used to examine the last round of the DNI Fund’s 102 projects. The analysis demonstrated that Google supports projects that classify in three directions: Business Model Innovations, Product Development in Editorial Processes and Ecosystem Development Approaches. One of the most interesting findings shows that Google favours supporting projects that concern solutions for the increase in audience subscriptions rather than addressing what publishers have concerns about the most – Google’s domination over the digital advertisement. The results open the discussion about the possible signs of Google’s support in media industries being a “self-help” for their mission of organising the world’s information. Further research is needed to identify what is the content of the other projects Google presents as “help” to media industries


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    The current study analyzes the study of Amit and Zott (2001) using the nowadays business practices in two B-to-B companies. The companies utilize value constellations strategies in conducting their business. They re-create values for their business customers. The study intends to find new sources of value creation not discovered in Amit and Zott (2001). Amit and Zott (2001) argue that the sources of value creation in e-business are efficiency, complementarities, lock-in, and novelty. The research uses in-depth interview as a tool in qualitative methodology. Two interviews were conducted on the executives from two e-business companies providing services to other companies in the value chain. After analyzing the data, it was found that, there are two new sources of value creation in e-business, which are the value of information and digital ecosystem. The new findings in this research could be due to the focus of Amit and Zott (2001) on B-to-C customers and the absence of fully-fledged digital ecosystem seen in today’s digital platforms.       Penelitian ini menganalisis penelitian Amit dan Zott (2001) dengan menggunakan praktik bisnis saat ini di dua perusahaan B-to-B. Perusahaan menggunakan strategi konstelasi nilai dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Mereka menciptakan kembali nilai bagi pelanggan bisnis mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan sumber penciptaan nilai baru yang tidak ditemukan dalam Amit dan Zott (2001). Amit dan Zott (2001) berpendapat bahwa sumber penciptaan nilai dalam e-bisnis adalah efisiensi, complementarities, lock-in, dan kebaruan. Penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara mendalam sebagai alat dalam metodologi kualitatif. Dua wawancara dilakukan terhadap eksekutif dari dua perusahaan e-bisnis yang menyediakan layanan kepada perusahaan lain dalam rantai nilai. Setelah menganalisis data, ditemukan bahwa terdapat dua sumber penciptaan nilai baru dalam e-bisnis, yaitu nilai informasi dan ekosistem digital. Temuan baru dalam penelitian ini mungkin disebabkan oleh fokus Amit dan Zott (2001) pada pelanggan B-to-C dan tidak adanya ekosistem digital yang lengkap seperti yang terlihat pada platform digital saat ini

    Intermediaries’ functions, operations and types – a taxonomy

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    The initial aim of this report was to provide an approach to categorising web intermediaries that would both be relevant to current socio-economic debates and be amenable to automatic recognition by a software agent. We have approached this, first, through a taxonomy of taxonomies, asking what questions are supported through different approaches to classification. This includes: market-function typologies and business-model typologies that view the web primarily as a market place; search-task typologies that view the web primarily as a navigation space; and hybrid typologies that deal with the business of search tools. We propose a typology of ‘transit sites’ to combine navigational and market-based categories. The above approaches to the categorisation of web intermediaries help define a range of socio-economic questions, but may not easily be made recognisable to a software agent. Nonetheless a limited number of features (such as size and complexity of sites, numbers of links in and out) may enable the computer-assisted investigation of trends in the development of web intermediaries, such as a tendency to convergence in ‘portalisation’

    O Jornalismo na encruzilhada do ‘algorithmic turn’

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    Neste inĂ­cio da era digital estĂŁo a emergir novos e complexos problemas para o sistema de media, e muito em particular para o jornalismo. As plataformas on-line - os novos intermediĂĄrios digitais - estĂŁo a introduzir sistemas automatizados para distribuição de conteĂșdo e informação atravĂ©s de tecnologias que controlam o acesso Ă s notĂ­cias on-line, atravĂ©s de motores de busca, agregadores de notĂ­cias e redes sociais. Estes sĂŁo novos sistemas algorĂ­tmicos de gestĂŁo de informação que se tornam tambĂ©m autĂȘnticos “gatekeepers” de notĂ­cias. Este “algorithmic turn” Ă© assim um grande desafio para o futuro do jornalismo cujos problemas e consequĂȘncias abordamos mais detalhadamente neste artigo

    Rights on news : expanding copyright on the internet

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    Defence date: 18 February 2020Examining Board: Prof. Giovanni Sartor, EUI (Supervisor); Prof. Pier Luigi Parcu, EUI; Prof. Lionel Bently, University of Cambridge; Prof. Christophe Geiger, University of StrasbourgThe internet and digital technologies have irreversibly changed the way we find and consume news. Legacy news organisations, publishers of newspapers, have moved to the internet. In the online news environment, however, they are no longer the exclusive suppliers of news. New digital intermediaries have emerged, search engines and news aggregators in particular. They select and display links and fragments of press publishers’ content as a part of their services, without seeking the news organisations’ prior consent. To shield themselves from exploitation by digital intermediaries, press publishers have begun to seek legal protection, and called for the introduction of a new right under the umbrella of copyright and related rights. Following these calls, the press publishers’ right was introduced into the EU copyright framework by the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market in 2019
