30 research outputs found

    Value creation and capture in business ecosystems from the business model’s perspective

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    Abstract. This thesis explores the concepts of business model, value creation and capture, business ecosystems and their relations to each other. While as the value network consists of linear relationships between actors, business ecosystems encompass relationships that are more diverse and tend to be more value capture-oriented. Business models are competing and collaborating simultaneously in ecosystems, this encourages value co-creation and co-capture. This co-evolution of business models enables and fosters ecosystem ecology. There are numerous actors interacting across the IoT ecosystem forming the complex interdependence and interconnection between and among different stakeholders, hence IoT is chosen as a context to study how ecosystem shapes value creation and value capture from the business model’s perspective. Four propositions are made based on the theoretical review and empirical evidence. 1) In comparison with the traditional value chain, value co-creation and co-capture are more dynamic in ecosystems. 2) In comparison with the traditional value chain, the value can be co-created and co-captured through platform business model in ecosystems. 3) In comparison with the traditional value chain, the value is co-created and co-captured through open innovation in ecosystems. 4) Value creation and capture can be maximized by creating own business ecosystem, yet it requires more resources and therefore lead to higher risks. The research methodology chosen for this thesis is a qualitative approach. Both the tradition of exploratory expert interviews focusing on exploring certain central dimensions and highlighting the expert status of the interviewee, and thematic interviews steered to stress on the flexible structure and open discussion is utilized. New themes are formed after transparent data analysis and reflecting on the theoretical and empirical findings. 1) Combining TVC and ecosystem value chain instead of choosing either or. 2) Platforms allow value co-creation and co-capture, yet a lack of track record of performance indicate higher risks for new platform business. 3) It is critical to managing the degree of openness in the open source business model but it is possible to face the challenge with some tools. 4) Creating one’s own ecosystem does not necessarily lead to maximum value creation or capture, but it certainly involves high risks and requires heavy investments. To answer the research question in short: value capture and value creation are more dynamic in ecosystems. It is not applicable for firms to maximize the creation and capture of value because increased value creation generally goes hand in hand with lower value capture. Value creation and capture are not monotone transformations of one another. Ecosystemic business models such as platform businesses and open innovation businesses enable value co-creation and co-capture. Among others, it is better for startups to find relevant ecosystems and become key players in them for optimizing value creation and capture. As business models other industry players are using affect value creation and capture, one needs to foresee the reaction of other firms when choosing, innovating, or reforming a business model

    Business Case and Technology Analysis for 5G Low Latency Applications

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    A large number of new consumer and industrial applications are likely to change the classic operator's business models and provide a wide range of new markets to enter. This article analyses the most relevant 5G use cases that require ultra-low latency, from both technical and business perspectives. Low latency services pose challenging requirements to the network, and to fulfill them operators need to invest in costly changes in their network. In this sense, it is not clear whether such investments are going to be amortized with these new business models. In light of this, specific applications and requirements are described and the potential market benefits for operators are analysed. Conclusions show that operators have clear opportunities to add value and position themselves strongly with the increasing number of services to be provided by 5G.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Standards as a driving force that influences emerging technological trajectories in the converging world of the Internet and things: An investigation of the M2M/IoT patent network

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    While standards are said to create windows of opportunity in facilitation of technological convergence, it is not clear how they affect technological trajectories and strategic choices of firms in the face of convergence and in the process of catch-up. There is little research on the relationship between standards and technological trajectories, particularly in the age of convergence. This paper investigates how standards shape the emerging M2M/IoT technological trajectory and influence convergence in terms of technological importance and diversity. We, firstly, found that standards are a driving force of technological convergence. The second finding is that 3GPP standards assume a crucial role in setting the boundary conditions of the M2M/IoT technological systems. Third, we identified strategic groups and strategic patents that centered around the M2M/IoT trajectory. Forth, standards serve as an important factor in the process of creating a new path for catch-up firms (e.g. Huawei). These findings make contributions to innovation and standards studies by empirically examining the relationship between technological trajectories and standards. Furthermore, they clearly cast light on ongoing cooperation and competition along the M2M/IoT trajectory, and offer practical implications for catch-up strategies

    The Dynamic of Platform Positioning Strategies in a Nascent Ecosystem and The Role of Managerial Cognition

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    Established firms increasingly engage in the development of a new digital platform to capture new growth opportunities presented by digital technologies. Prior research on platform strategy has generally examined the process of platform creation in the context of established ecosystems. However, less is known about platform strategy development in nascent ecosystems. Nascent ecosystems are interdependent networks of firms, in the early stage of formation, characterized by a lack of blueprints that define the value propositions and the associated structure of governance and interaction. This characteristic presents strategic challenges for managers since they must determine the platform positioning (i.e. the platform’s technical design and platform scope) under extreme ambiguity and uncertainty. This thesis aims to understand the dynamics of platform positioning strategies of an established firm in a nascent ecosystem by answering two interrelated questions: How does an established firm develop platform positioning strategies for a nascent ecosystem? and Why the positioning strategies shift over time? These questions are addressed by investigating the journey of TELECO, a global telecommunication producer, in developing a new digital platform in the nascent Internet of Things ecosystems over a period of 9 years. I introduce an alternative pathway of platform positioning that consists of three distinct platform positioning strategies: (1) Analogous positioning, (2) Expansionary Positioning, and (3) Downward positioning. The first strategy entails positioning the platform analogous to the firm’s position in its legacy, non-platform ecosystem. This strategy is shaped by an Evolutionary strategic frame which entails managers’ belief on the continuity between the legacy and the nascent ecosystem. The second positioning strategy involves expanding the platform’s position to maximizes potential value creation and capture. I find that this strategy is shaped by a Proactive strategic frame which entails managers’ belief on the transformative nature of the nascent ecosystem and vision to shape the ecosystem’s evolution. The last positioning strategy entails calibrating the platform’s position to the point that minimizes contestations and better corresponds with the firm’s capabilities limitations. This strategy is shaped by an Adaptive strategic frame which entails managers’ belief on the need to adapt to the changing ecosystem dynamic and adjust their prior assumptions. Overall, this thesis offers rich theoretical insights into the research of platform strategy in nascent ecosystems by explicating the interplay of platform strategies, managerial cognition, and ecosystem dynamics

    D1.1 Refined scenarios and requirements, consolidated use cases, and qualitative techno-economic feasibility assessment

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    This document describes scenarios, consolidated use cases and associated requirements for wireless access networks in the 2020-2030 timeframe. These are based on METIS project and also taking into account work done in other 5G projects and forums such as ITU-R and NGMN. The document introduces spectrum authorization modes and describes spectrum usages scenarios, spectrum bands and spectrum demand for 5G services. Finally, this document provides qualitative techno-economic feasibility assessment by analyzing main players involved in service delivery, from the radio access network point of view, and describing their mutual positions and relationships.Monserrat Del RĂ­o, JF.; MartĂ­n-SacristĂĄn GandĂ­a, D. (2016). D1.1 Refined scenarios and requirements, consolidated use cases, and qualitative techno-economic feasibility assessment. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.32091.7760

    Blockchain Technology and the Circular Economy: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This paper aims to offer an overview of what the features are in the existing state of research in the field of blockchains in the circular economy. A total of 79 articles published up to 31 May 2022 have been extracted from Scopus and Web of Science. The research design has enabled us to identify what characterises the present state of research on the use of blockchains in the circular economy. It has also allowed us to obtain a new categorisation scheme of the research that has identified five themes and the contributions in each theme, and has allowed us to highlight several research gaps. The review findings indicate that the literature revolved around five research themes, namely, the relationship between blockchains and Industry 4.0, the potentials of blockchains for circular economy practices, the role of blockchains in energy management, the role of blockchains in waste management and the impact of blockchains on sustainability. This review suggests several opportunities for future research and provides some helpful implications for researchers and practitioners. To the authors’ best knowledge, this study represents one of the first attempts to investigate the interplay between blockchain technology and the circular economy

    5g and Iot digital era: the transformation of mobile network operators into end-to-end solution providers

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    The forthcoming 5G and IoT large-scale implementation reveals new business opportunities in completely new sectors that mobile network operators should seize. This survey paper wants to identify the necessary transformations such operators must undergo to build a sustainable competitive advantage in the future industry. A qualitative research composed of semi-structured interviews incumbents’stronger intent of diversification and creates the base for strategic recommendations.A sample of recent actions carried out by mobile network operators to improve their position in the 5G and IoT environments is shown at the end of the work